broken clouds

Chapter 61 break up

Poyun's heart is full of emotion for life, and when he is full of long-lost pity, he has unconsciously arrived in the village.

Poyun looked at Luo Que's temporary mountain village at the door, thinking about the sea of people a few days ago, and then thinking that he was just making wedding clothes for people in the end. He didn't get any benefits, and began to sigh again.

"Brother Shi." A woman's voice came from behind.

When the cloud looked back, it turned out to be Miss Manman. She smiled and said, "What do you want to teach Miss Manman?"

Miss Manman lowered her voice, "Please invite Brother Shi to come to my sister's house for a while in the evening."

Poyun was stunned. Just as he was about to ask what he was doing, he saw Miss Manman turn around and leave.

Poyun smiled bitterly and just thought that there was no good for him to run away. What's the matter with this Manman girl? Po Yun shook his head and said in his heart, anyway, you can't hurt me. If you walk a day later, you will walk a day later.

"Brother Shi." Another sound came.

Breaking the clouds was stunned, who was it? At first glance, it was Jiang Fengli. Po Yun had a very good impression of Jiang Fengli and said with a smile, "It turned out to be Brother Jiang. Why didn't Brother Jiang go back to rest?

Jiang Fengli smiled and said, "I'm leaving now. I won't go back to rest. I'm here to say goodbye to Brother Shi.

Breaking the cloud was stunned and said, "Brother Jiang, why are you in such a hurry? What's the matter?"

Jiang Fengli smiled bitterly, "Don't hide it, Brother Shi. My little brother just received the letter from Flying Pigeon, and there are some urgent things to deal with.

Po Yun smiled and stopped asking, and sincerely said, "Brother Jiang, if Shi has a place to help, please inform Shi. Shi will do his best to help as far as he can.

Jiang Fengli's face was solemn, and he looked deeply at the clouds and said, "What can I ask for if I can get a friend like Brother Shi!" He took Po Yun's hand and said, "If I need Brother Shi to go here, I will definitely send a letter to Brother Shi. I won't be polite." With that, he smiled again and said, "No more words. I'll say goodbye. I'll drink and talk again in the future!" See you later!" After saying that, he hugged his fist and turned around and left.

"Okay" Po Yun looked at Jiang Fengli's figure going far away, and there was a little melancholy in his heart.


There are only a few heroes left in the mountain village, and the original lively scene has also disappeared, leaving only wolves all over the ground.

People always destroy faster than build.

A figure flashed outside the temporary hut of the Water Hidden Gate.

The figure knocked casually on the door of the hut. Before the voice fell, he heard the voice of a woman inside, "The door is open. Brother Shi, please come in."

Breaking clouds couldn't help smiling bitterly outside the door, which was too ambiguous. Coupled with the quiet night, it's really embarrassing to break the clouds in the women's room.

Hardened his scalp, broke through the clouds and pushed the door in.

The soft candlelight around the room makes the room very bright. Miss Manman and Yang Huashui were sitting at the tea table chatting. They saw the broken clouds come in and stood up and smiled to salute.

When Poyun saw such a scene, he scolded himself for thinking too much, but there was still a little disappointment in the bottom of his heart.

That's what people do. If he puts something in front of him, he won't look at it. And if he takes something away, he will miss it.

Poyun sat down with a smile and looked at Miss Manman politely, "Shi Yu came late at night. It's very presumptuous." Although it was related to the trip, Poyun still greeted him gently. It is said that a girl found herself late at night, but she really can't say this sentence.

Miss Manman smiled and said, "Brother Shi, you're welcome." He waved his hand to let the servants retreat and said, "It's nothing else to let Brother Shi come this time, but to fulfill my promise."

Breaking the clouds stunned. What promise?" Turning around, "Is what Miss Manman is talking about?"

Miss Manman smiled and said, "Exactly. This time, Manman can get blood, thanks to the great help of Brother Yang and Brother Shi.

Yang Huashui smiled and said, "Why does Miss Manman have to be so polite? You and I are in the same group. Yang is just doing what we can.

Miss Manman smiled and looked at the broken cloud and said, "What do you want, Brother Shi? Manman's ability must be accepted.

Breaking the cloud shook his head and said, "It's just a coincidence that Miss Manman doesn't have to be so polite. I have nothing to ask for."

Miss Manman said, "If you have any requirements, just say it. You're welcome."

Breaking the cloud frowned, "There is indeed no requirement. If Miss Manman says that again, she will drive Shi away. The words couldn't help but emerge.

Miss Manman didn't expect that Poyun would be so stubborn that her words couldn't help but stagnate.

Yanghua water said at the interface next to it, "Okay. I don't want to repay you. Brother Shi is really open-minded. Since Brother Shi is like this, Miss Manman should be more polite. How about it?"

Miss Manman laughed and said, "In that case, Manman is not polite. Manman promised Brother Shi that Manman would do something for Brother Shi. Brother Yang just made a testimony. He said solemnly, "Anything!"

A sudden in Poyun's heart, I didn't expect that Miss Manman would give herself such a generous reward. Everything that Miss Manman said is basically the same as what Shuiyinmen said. This reward is really tempting. It is not a problem to have Shuiyinmen to do*, and it is not a problem to seize any small sect as your own. It seems that blood is very important to Miss Manman.

Poyun's face was calm and he smiled, "Miss Manman is polite, but Shi is disrespectful."

Miss Manman changed the topic and asked, "What's wrong with Brother Shi's plan?"

Breaking the cloud said indifferently, "I'm used to wandering around the world, and I will continue to wander."

Yang Huashui suddenly interrupted, "If Brother Shi is fine, how about Brother Shi and me back to the Yangmen?" Yang Huashui and others had already seen that the broken cloud was not an ordinary person, and when they saw the broken cloud alone, they began to pull in.

Poyun smiled and said, "Thank you, Brother Yang. I'm just used to it. I really don't like to be subject to the rules."

Yang Huashui's face showed a slight disappointment, and he was unwilling to say, "If Brother Shi is interested, the Yang Gate will be opened for Brother Shi at any time."

Break the clouds and smile. Thank you, Brother Yang. The words turned slightly, "I don't know what you two plan to do?"

Miss Manman smiled and said, "After getting blood, it's time to return to the teacher's life. Manman will return to the teacher tomorrow. Where's Brother Yang?"

Yang Huashui smiled and said, "I've been running outside for too long, and it's time to go back and have a look. I will also go back to the teacher tomorrow."

Poyun smiled and said, "You two will leave tomorrow, and I won't send them off. I wish you all the best." He said with a smile and hugged his fist.

Yang Huashui and Miss Manman bowed back.

After a few chats, he dragged an excuse to turn around.

stayed in the village for another day, looking at the high peaks, breaking the clouds and muttering to himself, "Finally broke up. I don't know how long it will take for everyone to finish walking. Let's put off that matter first, or go out to inquire about Jinger first.

I haven't heard from Lianjing for a long time, and the yearning for Lianjing in my heart began to move.

No longer stay, break the clouds and set off.

For a single passer-by like Poyun, it is not very difficult to get on the road.

After a few days of rushing, the clouds finally arrived at a relatively large town.

Khuang Town.

Although the area of the square circle of Kwa Huang Town is not too small, the population is very small. I don't know why.

Of course, Poyun was too lazy to think about these things. First, he went to the inn* to sleep, got up and went to the Night Shadow Dark Village.

Turn left and right according to the night shadow, and came to a small house that was about to fall with the wind.

There is only one table in the room, and the innermost counter sits a man in black.

The broken cloud smiled bitterly, and the dark village of the night shadow should become a unified layout. The dark room, the dilapidated tables and chairs, the mysterious shopkeeper...

In my heart, I was thinking nonsense, but my face was solemn. My honor, which is better not to cause trouble and make people stop to watch, or to do less trouble with irrelevant things.

The man in black raised his head and looked at the broken cloud with two cold lights. The broken cloud did not see it. He looked at the reward list by himself.

The reward list is full of trivial things and some unknown people.

Po Yun looked at the man in black and took out Chen Hao's token from his arms.

As soon as the man in black saw the token's face change, he hurriedly got up to salute and said in a panic, "See you. I don't know that the adult came and neglected the adult. Please forgive me.

He nodded faintly and said in a low voice, "Do you know where the owner of Shuimen is now?"

The man in black replied respectfully, "I heard that the owner of Shuimen was working in Xuzhou a few days ago. I don't know if he is still in Xuzhou these days."

There was a trace of joy in the voice of the broken cloud, "Do you know what the owner of Shuimen is doing?"

The man in black said respectfully, "I don't know."

Breaking the cloud and nodding his head, he is just a small secret shopkeeper. It is impossible to know about the organization of the upper-level people.

Poyun touched the token in his hand and said lightly, "I closed the gate. I just left the customs today. Has anything important happened in the organization recently?

The man in black said, "No. It's just that a few days ago, my subordinates received an order to pay attention to a man named 'Breaking Cloud'.

Poyun frowned slightly and said, "Who sent the order?"

The man in black shook his head and said, "I only know that it was sent from the main gate. I don't know exactly who it is.

Breaking the cloud, put away the token and said lightly, "Go ahead with your work. You don't have to send it." With that, he paced out of the door.

The man in black bowed and sent the broken clouds out. Seeing that the broken cloud disappeared, he muttered, "When was there such an ugly adult in the organization..." Suddenly, he tightened his expression and pushed the door to see that the broken cloud had indeed gone far away. He turned around and wrote a small note on the table, touched it in the counter and caught a carrier pigeon.

The man in black stuffed the creed into the carrier pigeon's foot barrel and shook his hand. The carrier pigeon fluttered its wings and flew high. After a while, it flew without a trace, leaving only a man in black with cold eyes looking at the sky at the door.