broken clouds

Chapter 93 Complete Failure

"Breaking Cloud" is on the strong list, and it is still the first place! Thank you for your support! Thank you very much!

No nonsense, update!

Poyun asked Lianming about Wang Ziyong's death in Taibai Town, but he still had no clue. Farewell to Lianming, Poyun was bored and walked all the way to a field of recklessness.

At this time, two masked men in black came silently to the broken cloud, not only revealing the secret of the broken cloud, but also killing the broken cloud to seize the dragon chart!

The other person's long sword and light swallowed and stabbed fiercely in the broken clouds.

The moon mark in the hand of the broken cloud is gently picked.

With a soft sound.

Breaking the clouds flew by with another person.

The other man's eyes looked surprised. Not far from him, the tip of his sword lay on the ground shining.

"It turns out that there is still a sharp blade." The leader said in a yin voice, "Just use it to honor me." He said that the sword in his hand hit the broken cloud fiercely.

Breaking the cloud and cutting off another person's long sword, in fact, I regret it. What if a moon mark is damaged? Seeing the leader's long sword, he dared not stop it again and dodged. The moon mark stabbed under the ribs of the leader.

As soon as the moon mark stretched out half, the other person's long sword swept fiercely.

With no choice but to break the clouds, he had to hide from the sword first, but he didn't wait to stand firm, and the sword of the leader arrived again.

Under the attack of two masked people, there was no way to break the clouds.

The broken cloud roared, and the nameless four suddenly took action.

The sword light turned into a cold light and swept away.

The leader sneered, and the long sword in his hand split from the air, and the same sword went straight to break through the clouds.


The sword awns intersect in the air, and the leaves around the earthquake roll and the sandstone fly.

The leader smiled gloom and did not move.

Breaking the cloud, he stepped back two steps and covered his chest with his left hand, with a look of shock and disbelief.

Although the power of the nameless four types is not as good as the seven types, no one has ever been able to resolve the power of the four types so easily.

Suddenly, the other person changed the light sword road, and the sword light caught the sound of wind and roared down overwhelmingly.

Two steps back through the clouds, roaring, the nameless five styles, and the nameless six styles one after another!


Another loud noise!

Flying away through the clouds in the sand.

The two masked men smiled, and the two long swords took the opportunity to attack.

The broken cloud spit out a mouthful of blood in the air, and his heart was shocked to the extreme. He has never met such a strong opponent since his debut. The nameless seven-style is in the hands of others, which is simply a trick played by children!

When it comes to the martial arts of breaking clouds, it can kill people at will. It is not too important to move, but the nameless seven styles have followed breaking clouds for more than ten years. You can imagine how powerful it is when breaking clouds are used.

The nameless seven-style that can make Poyun always be proud is useless in front of two mysterious masked people!

Break through the clouds and fall back to the ground.

Poyun only felt that the sky was spinning, his chest was extremely stuffy, and his mouth was opened and two mouthfuls of blood came out.

Poyun struggled, stood up, wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and gasped, "Aren't you... afraid that you can't find Long Chito after killing me?"

The leader smiled gloomly, "Why, can't you beat it and use Longqi tu to buy your life?" Handing over the dragon deed map will make you die happily, and if you don't hand it over to me, you will live worse than death!" There was a lot of cold in the words.

Poyun only feels cold all over, his martial arts are too different, and he is such a vicious person.

I didn't even think about it. The nameless seven-style has been released!

The sword roared and roared to the clouds!

paused in the air and fell straight towards the two masked men!

The two masked men finally appeared solemnly in their eyes, and the long sword in their hands tried their best to cut the sword!


The huge impact blasted the ground into a large pit several feet, and the surrounding trees were scattered horizontally.

The broken cloud was shaken far away, and his back was leaning against a big tree. His chest was stained with blood and red. His face was pale and he gasped, but his eyes stared at the flying dust in the field.

Before the dust fell, two figures rushed through the clouds like lightning.

When Poyun saw that the two were not damaged at all, he couldn't help but be terrified. As soon as he gritted his teeth, the blood magic skill worked again.

The leader smiled coldly, "Do you want to work hard with blood magic? I don't think you're hot enough!" But he didn't stop in his hand, and the long sword stabbed hard.

It was cold in the eyes of the broken clouds, and the nameless seven-style took action again!

The two masked people didn't expect to break the clouds so quickly and use it for the second time.

You should know that the more powerful the move, the greater the consumption of the body, and the fewer the number of continuous use.

The two did not dare to break through the clouds again and met the sword light with all their strength.

The roar is over.

Two masked men are covered in dirt.

The head man's masked hood flew nowhere, and most of the other man's sleeves were torn off, all of which looked embarrassed, but when he looked closely, it was just a scratch, nothing serious.

The broken cloud flew back by the shock of the sword light and hit a thick tree before stopping.

The cloud-breaking face was pale and scary, and his whole body twitched weakly.

Seeing the two masked people walking out of the hustle and bustle without hurt at all, although the headgear was shaken away, the most hateful thing was that the veil did not move, and the heart of the broken cloud was completely desperate.

'Not to mention two people, it's one of them. I'm not an opponent.' The heart of the broken cloud is extremely decadent.

Now even the life-saving moves are useless, and the eyes of the broken cloud are full of helplessness and decadence.

Two men in black came proudly, suddenly waved their hands, and a cloud of confused smoke flew to them.

There was a fragrance in their noses, and they were shocked and stepped back two steps. They felt that it was not poison. Instead, they smelled a cool and refreshing feeling in their noses.

Suddenly, I saw the figure turning over, and I saw the broken clouds running to the lake.

After the broken clouds sprinkled a handful of refreshment, he reluctantly took a breath of inner strength and ran straight to the lake without looking back.

The opponent is too strong. Instead of hitting the stone with a pebble, it's better to run first!

Breaking the clouds is suffering, and it is not certain whether you can run or not. I just hope that they can jump into the salt lake smoothly. Such a big lake, the two of them will not find it.

When the two masked people saw the clouds running away and pulling out their legs, they all had an idea in their hearts, "At this point, how can you escape!"

As soon as Poyun ran out for two or three feet, he was chased by the masked man. On the one hand, he was seriously injured and on the other hand, he was not injured at all. The martial arts skills were already much different, and the difference was even more obvious.

When the two bright swords stabbed the broken clouds again, the broken clouds only had the strength to roll on the ground.

The broken cloud couldn't care about being ugly. It rolled on the ground, dodged the blow of the two people, and shook their hands and flew away with another haze of smoke.

The two masked men did not dare to be careless and slowed down a little.

Suddenly, I found a spicy smell in my nose, which turned out to be a ball of pepper for cooking!

The two were furious and caught up with the broken cloud again and stabbed them fiercely.

I saw it by the lake, but this time I didn't even have the strength to roll on the spot. His body turned slightly to the side, a trace of laughter appeared on the corners of his mouth, and a puff of smoke flew over again.

Two long swords pierced the body of the broken cloud. A long sword pierced from the right side of the back and pierced from the front, while the other sword pierced the right leg of the broken cloud.

The broken cloud hummed and fell to the ground, and the two masked men were also surrounded by smoke.

The two masked men wanted to hide again but couldn't avoid it.

I suddenly felt that my eyelids were so heavy in the smoke that I wanted to sleep. The two quickly withdrew their blades to resist.

In an instant, the two of them lost their sleepiness, but when they opened their eyes, there were no trace of broken clouds around.

The leader frowned and looked down at the blood stains and turned into the lake.

The two rushed to the lake angrily and jumped in along the blood stains. They searched the lake for more than two hours without finding it.

At this time, the broken clouds have long lost consciousness and have been drifting in the cold lake for a long time.

No one noticed that after the two men in black returned, a dark shadow flashed in the woods and suddenly disappeared without a trace.

I don't know how long it took, and the broken clouds slowly opened their eyes.

The severe pain in his chest and legs immediately came, and the broken clouds clenched his teeth and coughed softly.

Gradually getting used to the pain, Po Yun found that he had only his upper body**, and his lower body was left with close-fitting shorts, lying on a piece of grass**, and the wounds on his chest and legs had been bandaged.

I didn't expect that I really escaped.

At that time, after Poyun threw a handful of fatigue away, he immediately rubbed against the lake and jumped in without hesitation. The two sword wounds on the body were much heavier than expected, especially the sword through the chest, which pierced the heart a little more crooked.

In addition, if you hadn't learned the water method, you would have drowned if you fell into the lake.

The broken clouds are very lucky. The masked man's martial arts skills are not one and a half higher than those of the broken clouds, and it is not the last exhaustion that has worked. Now the broken clouds have exploded into the wilderness.

The broken cloud sighed for a while, took a long breath, and looked around.

This is a simple thatched hut.

In addition to the bed with broken clouds, there are also two simple wooden stools in the room, which there is not even a table.

Breaking the cloud took a few deep breaths and sat up hard.

Unexpectedly, with a little motivation, the blood immediately penetrated the gauze on the wound.

The broken cloud was in pain. He couldn't help humming and fell down softly. Gradually, he seemed to see a figure coming in the door. The figure muttered a few words, but he couldn't hear anything.

It was noon when I woke up again.

The strong sunlight shone into the room from the window, and the air was filled with a fragrant smell of hay.

Breaking the cloud felt that my body was better than when I was awake last time, and the gauze on my chest had also been changed, but there was a strong sense of hunger. Breaking the cloud and spitting, touching the cooing stomach, the rise of hunger is really unbearable.

However, with the last lesson, this time the broken cloud is just trying to move gently.

The body was like being filled with lead. Poyun found that the only place where the whole body could move now was the fingers of two hands. You still can't move your body for a long time. If you insist on sitting up, I'm afraid the wound will burst like last time.

Where the hell is this? How did I get here? There is no smell of moisture in the air. Isn't this by the lake? So have I been saved? Who saved me? Who are those two masked men? The martial arts are so high that it should be at the same level as Chen Hao and Chen.

If you can't move through the clouds, you begin to think nonsense. But how did these two know where I came from? As they said, my origin is so obvious? How could they know where they met me? Have you been following me?

The sound of cooing in his stomach became louder, and Po Yun muttered with a wry smile, "I didn't expect... the sword didn't die, but I was going to starve to death..."

"If you starve to death, who will pay off the debt?" A cold voice came from outside the door, and the curtain opened and entered a person.