broken clouds

Chapter 197 Pepper

Poyun only put out a sentence in He Bozi's mouth. Of course, it may not be that Poyun inquired at all, but He Bozi deliberately said it.

After that, He Bozi seemed to suddenly remember the young man in front of him, the murderer who killed his son, and broke through the clouds like crazy.

Breaking the cloud immediately fell into the wind in the case of great loss of internal force. Fortunately, Breaking Cloud held the soul in his hand, and He Bozi still punched against each other. This is a long time, but there is a chance to think nonsense.

Suddenly, an imperceptible expression appeared on the corners of the mouth of the broken cloud!

If Lianjing or Guo Wu and others have suffered losses through the clouds, they will immediately run away when they see the expression at the corners of their mouth.

Because after such an expression appeared on Poyun's face, something bad was going to happen.

"Unnamed Four!"

Draw a blood color and split He Bozi!

No matter how arrogant He Bozi is, he dares not directly confront the sword light that breaks the clouds. He was deeply aware of the result of the egg hitting the stone, so he quickly dodged.

"Five Unnamed!"

The light red blood is like the hand of many lovers, chasing He Bozi's body tightly.

He Bozi's old hand can't help but be so affectionate. Although he felt a little ashamed to be forced back by the clouds, he was still very wise to avoid it.

"Unnamed Four!"

The swordmang split fiercely again!

He Bozi was furious and wanted to pull out his blade to deal with the broken cloud, but he had never used the blade, and he was almost sure that he could not use any troublesome moves to deal with the broken cloud, let alone the blade.

He Bozi gritted his teeth, resisted his anger, and flashed to the side, but he couldn't stand it anymore and swept his leg into the clouds!

"Five Unnamed!"

The vertical sword light has just receded, and the broken cloud didn't even look at the leg kicked by He Bozi. It was another nameless move.

Looking at the expression of the clouds, it is clear that if you don't want your legs, I will be willing to break it for you.

He Bozi became a little anxious, but his kicked leg could not intersect with the sword. As soon as he gritted his teeth, he pulled his legs and dodged again!

"Unnamed Four!"

The sharp sword light came again!

He Bozi looked at the oncoming sword and was so angry that his nose was about to be crooked. He secretly said that you are Cheng Yaojin! Three and a half axes! There are always these two tricks to come and go!

He Bozi was furious. After dodging, he suddenly punched out and secretly told that it was too late for you to sweep the sword!

When Po Yun saw He Bozi punching, he couldn't help showing a bad smile on his face. He withdrew his courage and stopped attacking, and he did not dodge the punch He Bozi. However, he seemed to hold something in his left hand and threw it at He Bozi's fist!

"With the magic weapon!"

The broken cloud shouted loudly, and a piece of gray powder covered He Bozi!

He Bozi was shocked and secretly said that he had been waiting for the opportunity to use the hidden weapon killer!

In panic, I held my breath and stepped back a few steps, but there was still a faint spicy and pungent smell in my nose!

He Bozi's heart was shocked.

You should know that the taste of poison is generally closely related to toxicity. The taste is bland and less toxic, while the strong taste is mostly more toxic. Be careful if there is a pungent and foul smell, which is mostly deadly poison!

Although not all poisons may taste like this, most of them are like this. And the smoke thrown out by the broken clouds is a spicy and pungent smell!

He Bozi hurriedly checked whether he was poisoned, but before he noticed anything strange, he heard Bo Yun shout angrily!

"Nameless six-style!"

The breathtaking cold light is drawn as a point, straight to He Bozi like a meteor in the night sky!

He Bozi's heart flashed quickly to the side.

"A magic weapon again!"

Breaking clouds sounded like a bad word sounded again.

A large area of gray powder that is much larger than before covered He Bozi again.

This time, He Bozi couldn't avoid it and was suddenly sprinkled by these gray, white and spicy powders.

He Bozi was shocked, the internal force kept flowing, and the clothes on his body were windless and automatically. He suddenly expanded and shook the powder down, and kept shaking his head to shake off the powder on his head.

For a while, these spicy powders were scattered all over the air.

He Bozi withdrew two steps and suddenly felt that the spicy taste was a little familiar. He frowned and thought for a moment. A sudden and doubtful expression flashed in his eyes. He hesitated and wiped a trace of powder in the air and put it in his mouth.

He Bozi's eyes lit up.

This... This is... Pepper...?!!

Yes, this is the pepper.

The pepper that dragged He Bozi and Xing Yin last time was also pepper that showed the fierce evil star in the magic.

Where is the poison in the broken cloud?

The level of breaking clouds to make poison is definitely less than half a bottle. Breaking clouds also knows their own level and never consider using poison.

But pepper is almost a must-have now.

Of course, it is not for seasoning, but Poyun has an inexplicable preference for pepper. No matter who is out of danger because of pepper three or twice, they will have a good impression of pepper.

Poyun found that He Bozi did not use a sword, but only fought against his own soul with his bare hands. Obviously, he did not pay attention to himself, and he took advantage of He Bozi's contempt and secretly threw the pepper powder all over the sky as poison.

As expected, He Bozi was furious after discovering that he had been cheated and immediately rushed into the fog of pepper powder, with only one idea in his heart.

Kill the broken clouds!

Just as He Bozi rushed into the pepper, he suddenly found a thick beam of light in the air!

The huge beam of light stands towering, as if supporting the sky and the earth, but at this moment, it seems that the beam is tired of the support in the air and slowly falls down!

"Nameless Seven!"

The roar of breaking clouds, the slowly falling beam of light, and the crazy waste wind around!

The world has lost its color!

He Bozi's eyes showed a surprised look, which is a cloud-breaking move!

Such a seriously injured cloud can still use such a strong move!

The beam could no longer tolerate He Bozi to think about it. His intuition told himself that this move was very dangerous. He Bozi gritted his teeth and pulled out the colorful ancient sword like lightning. He shouted loudly and greeted the destructive beam of heaven and earth!


A deafening sound shook the whole Zhenlong Mountain!

in an instant!

The huge momentum rushing around roared unscrupulously!



Originally, the surrounding forest was still glad that the place where the clouds and the fierce stars took action was not here. Who knows that the battle between the clouds and He Bozi is more fierce than before!

The big tree that the three people could not surround became a little sheep with no backhand in the strength. It was uprooted by the strong wind and flew around!

In the hustle and bustle that makes people unable to open their eyes, the clouds quickly dodged back, or involuntarily blown back by the strong wind.

Breaking clouds and fluttering lazily through the strong wind, let the chest of Qi and blood find a slightly more comfortable posture.

It's really far-fetched to use such a fierce move by the current body, and the broken hand even has a feeling that it can't grasp the soul.

But the heart of the broken cloud is still relatively gratified, at least his plan has succeeded!

He Bozi finally used the blade!

At the beginning, Poyun still had the idea of 'if you can't run fast', but I don't know when this 'you can't run fast' has become 'find a way to defeat He Bozi!'

But the body of the broken cloud has no extra strength to waste. He Bozi does not use the blade, which shows that He Bozi is not serious at all. If you can't force He Bozi to use his sword at all, it's better to think of the idea of 'run fast' as soon as possible.

Therefore, Poyun confused He Bozi with pepper until he finally angered He Bozi, in order to use the fierce blow of the nameless Type 7 to pry open He Bozi's thick shell that has been unwilling to use weapons when He Bozi was angry and weakest in defense!

Poyun knew that the nameless seven-style could not kill He Bozi, but at least He Bozi pulled out the blade, which means that He Bozi and Poyun stood in the same position and began to duel, instead of He Bozi standing high above Poyun.

On the other hand, it is very frustrating that the enemy cannot be allowed to use weapons against the enemy. On the other hand, it is very encouraging that He Bozi has to withdraw weapons for defense.

Now the clouds are broken, the internal strength is greatly damaged, and the physical strength is exhausted, and this biggest weapon is the support of spiritual tenacity!

On the other side of the hustle and bustle, He Bozi, who also retreated, was not as leisurely as breaking the clouds.

The huge swordmang pressed He Bozi's head dizzy and secretly said that he didn't pay attention and may be directly smashed to pieces by the swordmang.

It was not until he withdrew from his father-in-law and was able to control his body again that He Bozi remembered that he should be angry. Without paying attention for a moment, he was teased by the pepper powder that broke the clouds.

What humiliated He Bozi even more was that the huge blow of Poyun took the opportunity to make He Bozi pull out his blade.

He Bozi has never paid attention to broken clouds, and always believes that broken clouds are just ants that can only be pinched to death at any time. As a result, now the ant has been bitten, but how fierce the anger in He Bozi's heart is!

He Bozi turned around and ran to an open bush next to him, standing up. The anger in his eyes could simply burn the trees around him, shouted angrily in the direction of breaking the clouds, and said, "Little beast! I'm here! Come and fight!"

At such a point, He Bozi was not afraid of breaking the clouds and knew that he would not escape at all. If the broken cloud just now escapes, there may still be a trace of hope. Now with such a fierce move, I'm afraid it's not easy to stand, and there is only a dead end to escape!

The facts are indeed roughly the same as He Bozi speculated.

Breaking cloud does feel that his strength has been pulled out and his whole body is sore. He just wants to lie down and sleep, but if he sleeps at this moment, he will not wake up in his life.

Now, there is only one way to let the clouds rest at ease.

That is to defeat He Bozi!