broken clouds

Chapter 222 Reveal

The identity of the line girl was accidentally leaked, and the two families were on the verge of fighting.

Dark room.

The candlelight flashes and the figure is full of people.

The shadow looked at the masked man opposite without saying a word, but the shadow's cold eyes showed that he was in a very bad mood at this moment.

The masked man bowed his head and said nothing, like a child who has done something wrong is afraid of adult preaching.

"What do you plan to do?" The cold voice of the shadow broke the silence.

The masked man was stunned, "Do you count...?" Unexpectedly, the shadow would have this question. He glanced sideways at the corners of the shadow's mouth and squirming, "My subordinates... I haven't planned anything..."

The cold light in the eyes of the shadow is getting thicker and thicker, and the cold voice is simply not from the population. "Take off your mask!"

The masked man was stunned and didn't know what the shadow meant. He gently reached out and pulled off the black veil on his face.

A handsome face that was originally handsome, but now it has become white and his forehead is cold and sweaty. It is even more strange and mysterious under the twinkling candlelight.

If Muhai, Wang Xuexin and Poyun are here, they will definitely be shocked. It's not that this person's behavior is abnormal and strange appearance, but because this person's identity is very prominent.

Yanghua water.

Yanghuashui seems to be recovering from a serious illness. He dares not look directly at the eyes of the shadow, and even shakes gently because of fear.

"Jinshi, you should know the reason why I let you become Jinshi!" Black Shadow said coldly, "The Fieryang Gate is an endless treasure, whether it is the property in the door or the power and status in the world!"

"And now, it's because your woman is sidelined!" The shadow said harshly, "Don't you know that the blazing sun gate can't be missed at all!"

Jin made Yanghuashui tremble and couldn't help wiping the slippery sweat, and his face was pale without a trace of blood.

"You need to know! I can hold you to the position of the owner of the Qiyang Gate, and naturally I can also make you fall down heavily!" The invisible anger of the shadow filled the whole room. "Seeing that the war is coming, you are causing me so much trouble!" Saying that, the fierce light flashed in his eyes, like a hungry beast saw a rich feast, as if he wanted to swallow the Yanghua water to relieve his stomach.

Yang Huashui said in a trembling voice, "My subordinates... I know that my subordinates are not good at doing things... I will definitely find a way."

"What can I do!" The shadow said angrily, "As soon as the news spread, it will be out of control! I originally wanted that woman to be a killer and surprise Wang Xuexin at the end. His eyes were cold and he said angrily, "It's all because of your recklessness that completely disrupted my plan!"

The invisible mountain-like momentum of the shadow made the yang water breathless.

Yanghua water swallows and spits. In addition to wiping sweat, I really can't think of anything else to say.

The shadow's chest fluctuated for a long time, and he was still angry and said fiercely, "If it hadn't been for seeing that you have made a lot of contributions, and now it's time to employ people, how would I have let you live until now!"

Yanghua water swallowed and spit. Hearing what the shadow said, he knew that his life was finally saved. Suddenly, he felt that his back was cold, and unconsciously, the cold sweat had soaked through his clothes.

It's better than losing your life, so Yang Huashui still breathed, but he heard the dark shadow say in a low voice, "That woman's identity is useless! Go back and get rid of it!"

Yang Huashui was shocked and said anxiously, "Lead, she... is really in love with her. Please take a look at your years of hard work and let her die." He was anxious and didn't care about the shyness of **, but he was afraid that the leader would really kill his heart.

The cold light in the dark eyes, "How dare you disobey my order!"

Yanghuashui's heart was shocked. He knew that the shadow was cruel. No one dared to go against his will and killed him immediately. However, he was worried about the safety of his lover and said respectfully, "I don't mean to offend the leader, but my subordinates are really in love with the thread. Please be kind to the leader and let her go. The news of the subordinate organization has not been told to the line, and the subordinates guarantee that the line will never reveal any news. I beg your kindness to the leader!"

Black Shadow was a little surprised to hear Yang Huashui's words. He didn't expect that Yang Huashui would plead for a woman. He couldn't help laughing contemptuously and said, "I can even risk my own. Can't kill a woman?"

Yang Huashui's face changed, his fists clenched, his breath became thick, and he lowered his head without saying a word.

The light in the dark shadow eyes flashed for a long time, and he said in a low voice, "Okay! I will do what you want."

Yanghuashui was overjoyed and quickly bowed and thanked, "Thank you, leader! Thank you, leader!"

The shadow interrupted the yang water and said lightly, "You're welcome. How can I treat you badly if you have made so much credit for the organization?" A cold light flashed in his eyes, "However, if she shows a trace of organizational news..." said, "Don't blame me for not giving you a chance, and I will kill her in person!"

Yang Huashui was so scared that she kept nodding and saying, "No, but she won't."

A trace of satisfaction finally flashed in the dark shadow eyes, but it disappeared in a flash. She still said coldly, "That woman can't appear again before the end of the war. I think you should know this."

Yang Huashui nodded repeatedly and said in fear, "I know that I will settle her down when I go back. I won't let her show up, and I won't let Shuiyinmen find her."

The shadow nodded gently, and the light flashed in his eyes and muttered, "Who will this masked man be?"

Yanghua water squirmed at the corners of his mouth, and finally shut up without making a sound.

"Just say what you want to say." Shadow said coldly, "Since I promised you, will I still go back on my way?"

Yang Huashui nodded respectfully, "Yes, chief. According to his subordinates, this person said that he didn't know that the Yangmen was pure falsehood. Seeing the shadow listening attentively, he couldn't help but be confident and continued, "masking and changing your voice are all means to hide people's ears. That is to say, this person is likely to be a person who walks in the world, and he knows the Yangmen or the line.

The light flashed in the dark shadow eyes and nodded slightly.

"There are not many masters who can shock the line in the world." Yang Huashui thought, "In addition to Yeyumen Muhai and Shuiyinmen Wang Xuexin, the only masters of the young generation of Jianghu may be the breaking clouds that are in the limelight now. I'm afraid that the ranger Jiang Fengli can't walk the line with one move.

The black shadow eyes are shining and blazing.

Yang Huashui said in a low voice, "Of course, the old monsters hidden in the world also have this ability, and from the chaotic situation, the old monsters that have been hidden for a long time really show signs of themselves. For example, the Three Emperors.

"Three Emperors?" A trace of doubt flashed in the shadow's eyes.

Yang Huashui was a little surprised to see the black shadow's expression, but still nodded, "At the beginning, the leader must have known about He Bozi's going to Shuiyin Gate to borrow the dragon chart."

The shadow nodded.

"At that time, He Bozi mentioned a thing, saying that it was the dragon deed map that the three emperors asked him to borrow." Yang Huashui looked at the shadow and wanted to see if the shadow knew about it, but the shadow was still expressionless and calm. He sighed deeply in the city and continued, "It was also because of the prestige of the three emperors that the king Xuexin of Shuiyinmen lent He Bozilong's deed the deed map. At that time, the line told his subordinates that he thought it was just an excuse for He Bozi to borrow the picture. Now it seems that one of the three emperors may really come back to the world.

"Are the three emperors really alive? What's the purpose of their comeback?" The shadow asked in a low voice.

Yang Huashui shook his head and said regretfully, "My subordinates were only inferred from He Bozi's words. Later, they also secretly investigated, but they did not find a trace of spider silk. They thought that the matter was purely false, so they did not report it to the leader." His face became solemn, "but at this time, my subordinates have to consider it comprehensively, and there is no omission left."

The shadow took a deep breath and looked quite satisfied.

"But the three emperors or long-hidden masters are also quite difficult to investigate. It is really not suitable for a large number of people to investigate on the eve of the war." Yanghua water lowered his head and touched his jaw with the other hand. "I think that the masked person who shocked the line is still the most likely to be Yeyumen Muhai, Shuiyinmen Wang Xuexin and Breaking Cloud. But if it is Wang Xuexin, it should not simply let the line escape, then only Mu Hai and Po Yun are the most suspicious.

Yanghuashui is indeed the best of the young generation, and he will analyze the matter in a few words.

The shadow nodded silently and said in a low voice, "No matter who it is, the consequences are the same, and it is impossible to make up for it. There is no need to be distracted to investigate this matter, but to concentrate on dealing with Shuiyinmen.

Yang Huashui nodded and suddenly remembered a thing. He said respectfully, "I heard that Wang Xuexin of Shuiyinmen is secretly practicing a mental method called Yiqinggong. I don't know if it will have any impact on this war.

"One Qinggong?" The shadow frowned and said, "When is the news? Is the news true?

Yang Huashui nodded and said, "What the line said will not be false. This is the news that the line's whereabouts were exposed a few days ago. It is unknown how long Wang Xuexin has been practicing.

"Yiqinggong..." The shadow muttered, "Yiqinggong is still in the world?"

Yang Huashui couldn't help asking, "Is Yiqinggong... very powerful?"

The shadow was silent for a moment and said in a low voice, "A clear skill can be regarded as an unrivaled learning, and it disappeared into the world a long time ago. It is said that when this skill is practiced to the extreme, the body is as clear as water, and any interference from the outside world can not disturb a lake of clear water in the body.

"Isn't the internal force endless?" Yanghua Water lost its voice.

The shadow nodded slowly and said in a low voice, "It's not endless, but the internal force flows endlessly in the body, which is quite similar to the past. It's just that there are much more internal forces than other mental methods, and it's much stronger.

Yanghua water can't help but be terrified.

How terrible it is for masters to compete with each other, and the clear function provides endless internal forces without any distractions!

You are exhausted from competing for several moves, and the enemy is still alive!

Just thinking about it, Yanghua Water has been shocked and sweating.

"So...isn't it difficult for your subordinates to win?" Yang Huashui suddenly had a hard time, and he frowned and had no idea.

"It's not invincible." The shadow said coldly, "It's just a little tricky."

The eyes are as cold as a lonely star on a cold night!