broken clouds

Chapter 225 Worry

During the banquet, Po Yun learned that the separation of the Chen family from Yeying was actually to contain the actions of the Yeying Wang family, and he broke the Leichao door to help the Chen family, so the Yeying Wang family had no time to pay attention to the Chen family.

After listening to Li Jin's words, Poyun couldn't help saying, "The amount of wine that Poyun is far worse than that of Brother Li."

Li Jin grinned and was about to be complacent. He glanced at Lian Ming staring at him angrily and immediately dared not speak honestly.

Poyun smiled and shook his head, "Uncle, Poyun has something else that needs uncle's help."

Chen Haojian raised his eyebrows and said, "What's the matter, just say it. I can help."

Poyun nodded gratefully, "This night shadow Wang family is very important to break the clouds, and now it seems that my uncle doesn't know much about the Wang family. Po Yun wanted to ask his uncle to continue to inquire about the Wang family, and even a hall could make Po Yun targeted.

Chen Hao nodded and said in a low voice, "The Wang family is indeed deeply hidden. I haven't found a clue after investigating for so long." With a wry smile, "It's simply a powerful and useless feeling. Now the battle between the Yangmen and the Shuiyinmen is about to begin, and perhaps the Wang family will show clues. Don't worry, I will definitely schedule the investigation and let you know as soon as there is news.

Poyun nodded gently, and there was still some regret in his heart. After all, the main task of this visit was to inquire more about the Wang family. Unexpectedly, Chen Hao did not know about the Wang family.

In the struggle between the Yangmen and the Shuiyinmen, the night shadow will definitely miss, and then it will definitely find the fox's tail.

There is no good way to break the cloud than to relieve yourself.

"In the struggle between Chiyangmen and Shuiyinmen, the strength of the Chen family is not enough, but if Poyun needs help, just open your mouth." Chen Hao looked at the clouds solemnly and said slowly.

Breaking the clouds warmed his heart and didn't say anything, but nodded heavily.

"Okay! Let's wait until after drinking!" Chen Haohao smiled and said, "Come on! Do it!"

Lianjing and Lianming advised, "Drink less, Dad. It hurts the body."

"Today is the day to drink, and it's not enough to drink less." Chen Hao laughed and looked at Li Jin and said, "Isn't that right, Jin'er?"

Li Jin likes to drink, which is a bad temper with Chen Hao.

Li Jin grinned and was about to speak, but suddenly felt that the atmosphere was a little wrong. Lianjing and Lianming was staring at him fiercely. He quickly swallowed the words to his mouth and spit, "Master... drink... OK, it's wrong! No! It's not good to drink, drink less..."

"Hahahaha! Hahahaha!"

Li Jin's funny expression made everyone laugh.

There is a happy color in the room.

It's also a room, but the atmosphere is much different, which is simply the difference between heaven and earth.

There was light rain outside the house, and a breeze blew cool, but it couldn't blow away the dull atmosphere in the house.

Yanghuashui stood against the window, frowned, sighed, and looked at the continuous drizzle outside the window in distress.

The thread girl looked at Yanghuashui with pity, walked behind Yanghuashui and held him tightly in her arms, and whispered, "Didn't your leader say that after everything is done, he will fulfill you and me? What are you still worried about? Master's clear work?"

Yang Huashui gently turned around and hugged the girl, looking annoyed and sighed, "You think it's too simple." Turning his head and looking out of the window, he couldn't help sighing.

The thread girl frowned slightly and pouted, "What's going on? You said that it has become like this since you came back. Isn't that what your leader said?"

Yang Huashui's face showed impatience. Looking back at the thread girl's anxious and concerned face, her heart couldn't help but soften. She sighed and pulled the thread girl to sit at the table and said in a low voice, "This matter is not as simple as the leader said. First, because you showed up rashly and added a lot of potential variables to the leader. This made the leader very angry. Although the leader did what he said and had promised to let you go as long as you didn't leak the news, but..."

An inexplicable fear suddenly rose in Yanghuashui's eyes.

"But I always think it won't be that simple this time. The leader is cruel and cruel, and it is possible to do anything.

The thread girl gently stroked the back of the yangized sailor and said softly, "Since the leader promised you, you won't regret it, so you don't have to worry about it. This is the first one. What else is there to worry about?

The fear in Yanghuashui's eyes eased slightly and said in a low voice, "I feel that the leader is very focused on this matter. I'm afraid it will affect my position as the owner of the door of the blazing Yangmen."


The thread girl smiled shallowly, "How can you say that if you change the door owner, you will change the door owner? If he is not a highly valued person, there is no such person in the Yangmen now. Don't worry, you won't."

Yanghua Water nodded slowly and took a deep breath. "And there is Wang Xuexin's clear work."

The thread girl was stunned, and then she understood something and listened to the continuation of Yanghua Water.

"The leader's martial arts skills are unfathomable, and it is difficult to say that Yiqinggong is more difficult in the leader's mouth. It can be seen that Yiqinggong is very difficult to deal with. With my current ability, if Wang Xuexin can't clear his skills, he can still fight, but..." Yang Huashui couldn't help sighing again, "Wang Xuexin has a clear skill to protect herself. I'm afraid I'm not her opponent."

"Can't the Hankun sword style also work?"

The thread girl frowned and asked slightly.

Yanghua Waterway, "I only know three of the Hankun Sword Five, and the leader said that the remaining two have been lost. Although the power of Hankun's sword style is endless, it is incomplete and can't exert its original power. In addition, my understanding of sword style is limited. I'm afraid it's not the opponent of Wang Xuexin's clear skills.

"Because of the incomparable power of the Hankun sword, it consumes internal force, and Yiqinggong is a continuous skill of internal force. If you can't fight quickly, I'm afraid there is no possibility of winning." Yang Huashui sighed and said gly.

The thread girl frowned and said, "The master's clear skill is not at the highest level, so you don't have to worry about it. Besides, aren't there earth envoys and leaders? They will definitely not stand by."

Speaking of the earthenvoy, the fairy girl couldn't help but be curious, "Who is this earthenvoy? Don't you know?"

Yang Huashui shook his head and said in a low voice, "Except for the fire messenger's hot nature and identity has long been known to everyone, no one knows who the identity is, especially the earth envoy and the leader."

"Isn't it possible for any person to impersonate them?" The thread girl was puzzled.

Yang Huashui laughed and said, "Do you think it's possible in the night shadow? Night Shadow claims to be the most mysterious and meticulous organization in the world. How can there be such a low-level mistake? His face turned and he said in a low voice, "Don't say this anymore. The more things you know, the more dangerous it will be. Ignorance can sometimes save your life.

The thread girl wrinkled her nose slightly and pouted, "Is it rare? That is to say, I don't want to listen to it yet!"

Yanghua Shui was absent-minded and didn't hear what the thread girl said at all.

The thread girl's heart is very pitiful. Yang Huashui has never been so worried during the battle between the door owner of the yang Gate. Seeing her lover so haggard, the thread girl is very uncomfortable.

"Otherwise..." The thread girl blurted out, "Otherwise, let's escape." Looking at Yang Huashui affectionately, "Xiaoyang, let's go and live in seclusion in a place without disputes and troubles, only you and me."

Yang Huashui was stunned and said with a wry smile, "The war is coming, disturbing the army's heart. If the coach is someone else, he will pull you out and beheaded when he hears you say so. Besides, it's not as easy as you said. Even if you escape to the ends of the earth, you can't escape from the palm of the leader's hand.

The thread girl said anxiously, "Then aren't we trapped by him all the time?"

Yanghuashui patted the line girl softly and comforted her softly, "Don't worry too much. The leader's reward and punishment are clear. As long as there is no fault, it won't be fine." He said so, but he didn't even know himself.

Who knows what will happen?

The thread girl's face darkened and whispered, "The master raised me since I was a child. I really don't want to see this happen, but..." She bit her lips tightly and said shyly, "But I can be with Xiaoyang, that's what I should do." His eyes turned red and said, "I owe the master, and I'm really sad."

Yang Huashui couldn't bear to show his face and whispered, "Hold on for a few more days. When this matter is over, I will definitely say goodbye to the leader. At that time, we went to find a paradise isolated from the world, and no longer care about the world.

The thread broke his face and smiled, gently stroked his red eyes, and said in a coquettish voice, "You can't go back on what you said."

Yang Huashui's face turned whole, stretched out his right hand and raised it up, and solemnly said, "I swear to heaven, wait..."

As soon as the words came out, the thread girl covered Yanghua's mouth and said an anxedly, "Okay, okay, as long as I know. Don't swear that it's bad for your body. What if God faults you?"

Yang Huashui smiled, grabbed the soft corners of his mouth, and said gently, "The cable is there. I'm not afraid of anything!"

The girl blushed and said, "It's oily and smooth, and there's no serious!" Suddenly, he looked up at Yang Huashui, and his eyes were full of requests, "Xiaoyang, don't hurt the master's life, okay?"

Yang Huashui was stunned, and then understood what the thread girl meant, but how could the life-and-death struggle ensure that there were no death or injury? She silently let go of the thread girl's slender hands and didn't know how to answer her.

When the thread girl saw Yang Huashui in a dilemma, she couldn't bear it and sighed, "I also know that this is just a fool's dream. Since I began to sell the hidden door of water, I have not been qualified to be a master, and I don't deserve to care about her. However, Xiaoyang, it is not easy for the master to raise me painstakingly. If she loses to you, you can let her go once, which can also help me repay the master's upbring. OK?"

At the corner of Yang Huashui's mouth**, he couldn't help sighing at the begging girl, "I may not be better than Wang Xuexin, and I have to obey the leader's orders whether I die or alive." After a pause, he sighed, "But... I promise you that as long as possible, I will not embarras Wang Xuexin and will save her life."

"Thank you!"

The thread girl knew that this made Yang Huashui very difficult, and her grateful eyes turned red.

Yanghuashui smiled and looked at the rain falling like a line outside the window, and there was a continuous echo in his heart.

Can this promise of myself really be fulfilled...