broken clouds

Chapter 259 Sophistry

Breaking clouds and Lianjing met the four eggs of spring and autumn one after another in the isolated island.

Although the four eggs are in a mess, they have not lost their lives.

Poyun was relieved and immediately went to find the missing old fisherman's father and his son's fish fry.

The two figures were looking from afar, but the broken cloud pulled Lianjing and said lightly, "No matter what happens, you are not allowed to do it!"

Lianjing frowned slightly and was puzzled. In his impression, Poyun had never asked himself to do anything in such a solemn tone.

What's going on now? I'm confused, but I still nodded gently.

The two got closer and closer, and Dad was lying on the ground.

Dad's eyes are round, his eyes are covered with blood, full of fear, and a blood stain on his forehead has turned dark purple. Judging from the blood stains next to him, the hole in his forehead must not be small. Dad grabbed his hands, as if he wanted to grab something. Unfortunately, there was nothing in my hand, but the sleeves of my arms were smashed, and there were four dark purple marks on my right arm. I didn't know anything.

Dad's abdomen is bulging, his body is stiff, and he has been angry for a long time.

The panting person next to him suddenly changed his face when he saw the broken clouds and pity. He reached out and touched his forehead and forced a smile, "The two guest officials have also fallen here?"

It's the fish fry.

The fish fry's face is pale, its chest can't help undulating, its hands tremble slightly, and there is a pool of water marks next to its body, which seems to have spit a lot of seawater.

Lianjing quickly walked to his father's side, reached out to visit the end of his nose, and his face was gloomy. He looked back and shook his head gently.

The cloud-breaking expression was blank. He squatted down and looked at his father for a moment. His eyes flashed with anger. He turned his head and looked at the fish fry faintly, and his words were emotionless.

"Your father and wife have been killed and passed away. Don't you feel any sadness?"

The fish fry's look changed, and his expression became a little unnatural. He hesitated, "Uh... the villain... suddenly suffered a disaster, and his mind was a little abnormal... If there is anything wrong, please forgive me..."

When Lianjing saw that Poyun's face was not good, she pouted and frowned, "What's wrong with Poyun! Two close relatives passed away one day, and you still talk like that!"

The clouds were ignored and quiet, and his eyes were cold. He said coldly, "Are you out of your mind? Is it abnormal enough to use your father as a life-saving straw!"

A strange look flashed in the eyes of the fish fry, but there was no previous panic. He smiled and said lightly, "How can I say this?"

The cloud's eyes suddenly became angry and said angrily, "Now, you still want to muddle through!"

Lianjing was confused, looking at the broken clouds and then at the fish fry. She didn't know what they were talking about at all.

The fish fry suddenly smiled, smiled mysteriously, and said lightly, "The villain doesn't know what the guest officer is talking about."

Breaking the clouds took a deep breath, forced the anger in his heart, and said coldly, "Don't pretend. If it is said that the discovery was only confirmed, but the suspicion has existed from the beginning.


The fish fry sat on the beach, crossed its hands on its knees, and smiled, "Did you doubt it at the beginning?"

"Not bad!"

Breaking the cloud said coldly, "In Shuitian City, I doubt you!"

"What the hell is going on?"

Lianjing couldn't help interrupting and looked at the broken clouds with a confused face.

Breaking the cloud looked at Lianjing, turned to look at the fish fry coldly, and said coldly, "The moment they came to us, I was a little suspicious. May I ask, the fishermen of the whole Shuitian City dare not go to this dead sea, but you dare to come to the door.

The fish fry sneered and said, "Isn't that a coincidence? Besides, they dare not go, which doesn't mean we dare not go. If you make a lot of money, everyone will do something dangerous.

Breaking the cloud nodded, "Not bad. Under the temptation of heavy gold, it is easy for people to make mistakes that they usually don't make, but I feel even more wrong after getting on the boat.

"Although I have good water quality, the moment I got on the boat, I still couldn't help but force my feet and want to stabilize my body because I haven't boarded the boat for a long time. But I found that the boat board was much thicker than I thought. There was no damage to my inadvertent footstep, not even a footprint.

The eyes of the broken clouds flashed, "Can an ordinary fishing boat make the ship so strong? Not to mention the need for a good carpenter, I'm afraid that ordinary people can't have such strong materials alone.

"So that's it."

The fish fry laughed and said, "My boat went to sea to save people. They thanked us for the good materials they gave us, and then made it. Of course, it is much stronger than other ships.

A trace of disdain appeared on the corners of Poyun's mouth, "If the boat is sent, then your wife, Ruomei, has just been given to you!"

Lianjing frowned. Although she vaguely felt something was wrong, she was still a little dissatisfied when she heard Po Yun say that a person who had died and got along well with her.

"Is there any place for my wife to feel sorry for the guests?"

Fishers live at sea all year round. With the wind and sun, the skin will become rough very early.

Breaking the cloud said coldly, "It's like Dad. And your wife's palms are small and fair. Not to mention the fishermen who often go to sea, I'm afraid that the lady of ordinary families is not so well maintained.


The fish fry raised her hand to look at her hands and smiled, "My daughter-in-law often uses precious shellfish such as pearls, ground them into powder to wipe the skin, and I also use them occasionally. Although pearls are extremely precious inland, they are not valuable in a town close to the sea like Shuitian City. After using it for a long time, the skin is also fair.

Lianjing has gradually heard something wrong.

Not to mention whether pearls are precious or whether they are ordinary and unpretentious in Shuitian City, ordinary workers will inevitably grow cocoon wrinkles on their hands. Even if they are applied with something like pearl powder, they will not become very delicate and white.

Pity and secretly vigilance.

The fish fry is so unreasonable!

The cloud broke with a contemptuous smile and muttered, "I'll see how much you can pretend." He sneered and said, "I encountered a storm on the second day of boarding the ship."

"Not bad." The fish fry smiled slightly. Although the tone was not high, anyone could see that the original respectful attitude had disappeared, and it contained a little ridicule, "Does the guest officer think the storm is also my ghost? I don't have that much ability." In the words, he gradually changed from a villain to a name regardless of the clouds.

"I don't have the means to make a storm."

Poyun's eyes flashed and said, "Since getting on the boat, my father doesn't like words. If you say that your father is stimulated and doesn't like to talk too much, forget it. But after the storm, the situation was critical, and my father had no concern about your son and daughter-in-law at all.

Poyun stared at the fish fry and said word by word, "Where did your father recognize you!"

The smile on the face of the fish fry did not change at all. He smiled and said, "What's so strange that my father was frightened and changed his attitude towards people and his family. If the guest officer recognizes his father, I can help introduce him.

"What did you say!"

Lianjing was furious and scolded, "You can't die! Dare to talk to Po Yun like this!"

The fish fry glanced at Lianjing, and the corners of his mouth floated with disdain and hummed gently.

Lianjing couldn't help but be furious when she saw the fish fry contemptuous, so she stayed forward.

Poyun gently stopped Lianjing with his backhand and said coldly, "In the storm, the waves and the water are strong, and my father has no intention of caring about you and your husband. It's just a simple order to do this and that. From the beginning, Dad's frightened eyes, I'm afraid Dad was just a poor fisherman and was forced to get on the boat. He is also the only fisherman on the boat.

The fish fry sneered and said nothing.

"The ship shakes, and Mei's forehead is injured. When Lianjing bandaged her, I suddenly found that there were two layers of different skin inside and outside the wound on Ruomei's forehead. Although it is almost the same and full of blood, it can't escape my eyes. The cloud broke and said coldly, "What a good one*!"

Lianjing felt a little in his heart. He recalled that when he bandaged Ruomei, the wound was a little different, but he was eager to pay much attention to it at that time.

Is it true that as Poyun said, Ruomei's face is a layer*!

"In the wind and waves, a huge beast suddenly appeared. At that time, you and I were behind the boat.

The broken cloud said coldly, "I can see the god of fish with my eyes, and you, a fisherman, can also find it." His eyes were shining, "Although the broken clouds are not talented, there are not many people in the world who can compare with the eyesight of the broken clouds! And you are the only one who can appear here!"

"The owner of the door of the Yangyang Gate! Yanghua water!"

Lianjing's heart was shocked, and her eyes widened and she couldn't believe her ears.

Fish fry... is Yanghua water?!

'Fish fry' looks up to the sky and laughs.

"I don't want to be able to line up with the top masters in the world! It's really an honor and frightened!" Reaching out and gently wiped his face, a handsome and pale face appeared in front of them, and what was in his hand was a thin mask!

"Yanghua Water!!"

Lianjing exclaimed, "Is it really you?"

Yang Huashui smiled and muttered, "I didn't expect that Zhang Shan's *, the skillful hand in exchange for a daughter, would also be found."

The broken cloud looked at Yang Huashui coldly, and his eyes were full of anger, "You don't hesitate to regard your father as a life-saving rope for your life! Are you still a human!"

Lianjing's delicate body trembled and said in a trembling voice, "Dad, was it killed by Yanghua Water?"

Yanghua snorted coldly, "What does not kill! It's his honor to die for me!"

Po Yunqiang held his anger, pointed to the four blood stasis on his father's arm and said, "When the ship is broken, Dad must have caught it or found a way to escape. And you bastard, who is not as good as a beast, grab your father and won't let go! In the end, my father drowned, but you were lucky enough to survive!" He roared, "These four blood stasis were caused by you holding your father's arm! Yes, no!"

Yang Huashui laughed and said in a negative voice, "Not bad! The old man was preparing a pair of sheepskin in a panic! How can I give up such a good opportunity if he doesn't fall into the water!" The color of pride flashed in his eyes, "Sure enough, there is no way out! Let me escape!"

"Go to hell!"

Pianjing couldn't stand it, scolded angrily, turned his palm and patted the Yanghua water!