broken clouds

Chapter 266 Bird King

Breaking clouds and others repaired overnight and headed for the center of the island.

Just when I found fresh water on the island through the clouds, I wanted to investigate the protruding peaks behind me, I suddenly felt a strong wind coming from the top of my head. Looking up, I couldn't help but change my face!

A dark shadow rushed from the air!

Pian Jing exclaimed and turned his palm to clap.


The broken cloud stopped Lianjing and whispered, "Look!"

The body appeared under the dark sunlight of the sky. It turned out to be the goshawk that stole the ribs!

The eagle circled back and forth in the air, with a clear sound, and flew straight up the peak.

"It's it!"

Lianjing exclaimed, "Does it want us to go with it?"

The broken cloud smiled and looked at the goshawk flying into the peak and said, "Let's go up and have a look."

Attracted by the cry of pity, the four eggs also found the thief who stole the ribs and shouted to go to the mountain to catch it.

The broken clouds looked up at the mountain peak, and then looked at the pity and four eggs that had run far away. I couldn't help smiling bitterly in my heart. It seemed that this trip was not free.

There is no road on the peak, and the rocks are full of vines.

Fortunately, it is not as steep as the sea, and everyone's martial arts skills are good. Although it is difficult, they can still move up.

Walking halfway up the mountain, a small empty field appeared. Near the mountain wall, there was a huge banyan tree with luxuriant branches and leaves and a large crown to cover the whole empty field.

The four eggs were so happy that they wanted to run to have a rest, but suddenly the figure flashed and broke the clouds in front of everyone.

Four eggs looked at the broken clouds doubtfully and said in a low voice, "Don't you think it's a little strange?"

"Strange? What's strange?"

Four eggs tilted their heads and thought left and right, but they couldn't think of anything strange.

Lianjing frowned slightly and only felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't tell what was wrong.

"Do you think it's quiet here?" The broken cloud said lightly, "There is no bird to rest in such a big tree. Isn't that strange?"

When the four eggs heard the clouds and looked back at the big banyan tree, there was no bird. The tree was quiet, and there was no sound, only the leaves blown by the breeze rustled. The whole big banyan tree seems to be separated from the world.

The four eggs were secretly surprised, and Chundan suddenly said, "I know! The birds should go to dinner!"

Lianjing stared at him and said angrily, "It's not surprising that thousands of birds have fallen from such a big tree. There is no one now. Have they all gone to dinner?"

Chundan opened his mouth and shouted, "It...they have good feelings!" Let's go together!" He said it proudly and laughed loudly, "It's lively when there are more people to eat!"

"What to eat! They must have had fun drinking water together!" Xia Dan shouted.

"Drinking water for fun?!" Spring egg was stunned.

"They can eat, why can't they drink water?" Xia Dan asked Chundan in a word and couldn't help but be proud.

"That's what you said." Qiu Dan quickly grabbed his voice and said, "They have finished eating and drinking. Maybe they will go to pull one together..."

"Shut up!" Po Yun shuddered one by one and said angrily, "The more you talk, the more nonsense you talk! Shut up! Look how clever Dongdan is!"

The broken cloud was shocked. I didn't expect that the four eggs would suddenly take action. It was too late to stop it, but I saw the Xuanying sing softly and spread its wings. Before the four eggs came closer, they flew into the sky.

The four eggs did not expect the Xuanying to act so quickly that they couldn't help but slow down.

The Xuanying sang a few times in the air and said coldly, "You four are so bold."

For a while, the surrounding buzzing sound suddenly rose, and countless birds flew up from around the peak.

Small sparrows, yellow warbler, parrots, rhododendrons, big eagles and vultures are countless, black, encircling the sky on everyone's heads, and the goshawk that steals ribs is also among them.

What's more strange is that regardless of size, each bird holds a piece of something in its mouth, big or small.

Everyone was stunned by such a terrible scene.

The clouds are broken and dark. So many birds gathered together, which is really unprecedented. Looking closely at the birds' mouths, they are all stones, branches and other things.

Suddenly, a very bad feeling rose in the heart of the broken cloud.

The eagle gave a soft voice again.

The cloud-like birds flew to the top of the four eggs and threw down the stones in their mouths.

The four eggs were shocked and quickly danced, trying to block the stone branches falling from the sky, but the stone branches were like a torrential rainstorm. How could they stop them!

The four eggs were smashed and screamed strangely. They ran around and looked for the concave holes of the trees to hide.

But the birds threw the four eggs wherever they ran, and they didn't look at other broken clouds, pity and yang water at all.

The broken clouds, the pity and the Yanghua water stared at the birds crazily raging the four eggs, and there was a feeling in their hearts that 'this is not a dream'.

Yang Huashui is even more secretly guilty. Fortunately, he didn't talk much and say bad things. Otherwise, the person with a long bag on his head may be himself.

The broken cloud's eyes stared wide, and his mouth was about to open to the ground. He secretly said that this... This is too ridiculous! How can a white-haired bird drive thousands of birds to use for itself?! Xuanying is really the king of birds?!

The four egg monsters groaned one after another. The birds that threw all the stone branches began to dive one by one and pecked at the four eggs fiercely. Some birds, who were as elegant as four eggs, began to poop and pee on the heads of the four eggs.

At first, the four eggs still had the intention of returning home. Now there is only the heart to run away, and they only hate that their parents have not given birth to more legs.

The broken cloud was shocked. It was really dangerous for the four eggs to go on like this. He looked up and said, "White-haired bird! Several of them also knew that they were wrong. Just open up the Internet."

The black eagle circled over the head of the broken cloud and sang a few times, and the birds suddenly fled.

The dark cloud-covered birds soon disappeared.

Xuanying landed on a stone opposite the broken cloud and said contemptuously, "Stone, do you see it? Your little brother is not as good as my little brother.

Breaking clouds shook his head with a wry smile. Can this be compared together?

Lianjing came to his senses and couldn't help but be furious. The four idiots dared to move Xuanying's idea and were so angry that they wanted to teach the four eggs a lesson.

At a glance, each of the four eggs had scattered hair, the scalp was pecked and bloomed, the head was full of blood mixed with bird droppings, and some stone branches were mixed in the hair. One by one, they lay on the ground and moaned softly.

Most of the pity suddenly subsided and he said angrily, "You four idiots are looking for death!" Dare to touch the idea of the little eagle! Next time I dare to have such an idea, not to mention Xiaoying, I won't spare you!"

The four eggs are bitter in their hearts. There is no need to say that there is no next time. How dare they provoke this strange bird who can speak again?

"Whitebird, did you let the eagle lead me here?" The broken cloud suddenly asked.

Xuanying regained his pleasant voice and said, "Not bad. I let the black wind attract you."

Lianjing couldn't help asking, "Then why don't you come to us by yourself?"

Xuanying turned his head and looked at the boundless sea, and his voice became ethereal and ethereal.

"Because I can't leave here!"