broken clouds

Chapter 274 Haifu

The 'Qingyue Minggong' that travels alone in the world is lonely. The wife created it, which really surprised everyone, and what Poyun wanted to understand more was the bloodline of the green dragon, what was going on.

Looking up at the leisurely fish on the bottom of the sea, and then looking at the several rooms in front of them, the broken clouds suddenly felt like a dream.

Especially in the 'light fragrance', it is found that 'Tianqingyue Minggong' is lonely. After the establishment of the wife.

Lianjing and the four eggs still have inextricable strength. When they came out of the 'light fragrance', they looked curiously at the remaining three rooms.

Qinglong can't get in. The rest are the two rooms of 'Haifu' and 'Drowdy' that I haven't seen.

"Which one should I go first?" Lianjing muttered, "The names of these two rooms make people so curious." Looking at the broken clouds, he smiled and said, "Let's enter in order. Go. Let's go to 'Haifu' to have a look. With that, he took the lead and rushed into the 'Haifu' room with four eggs.

Poyun shook his head with a wry smile. Although he felt that the lonely predecessor would no longer have a mechanism, he was still worried about pity and walked into the 'Haifu' room with Yang Huashui.

Once you enter the door, there is still a dark jade screen. Lianjing and Sidan are looking at the screen with relish. Breaking the cloud, he came forward and found that there were several lines of words on the screen. The handwriting is generally the same as the 'foreign' room. It is written by one person, that is, by the lonely predecessor.

"Thousands of miles,"

"Chasing the enemy thousands of miles."

"The leaves fall back to the root,"

"It's still Haifu."

The clouds were stunned and muttered, "It turns out that the lonely predecessor came from the South China Sea. It seems that this is the room of the lonely predecessor.

Pianjing looked at the screen and yearned for it, "The lonely predecessor rode alone for thousands of miles, and later encountered loneliness. Madam, then the fallen leaves returned to the place where they came from. Just thinking about it makes my blood boil! I really want to see the scene at that time!"

Poyun blurted out and said, "Lonely senior, you can't see it anymore. Look at me more. Maybe I'm the second lonely senior. Don't worry, I will also take you to Xiaoao Jianghu.

Pian Jing rolled her eyes and stared at the broken clouds and said, "Bah! Shameless! You are still a lonely senior! The wind flashed your tongue!" Suddenly, her pretty face turned red, "Who wants to travel with you!" Saying that, he ignored the clouds and walked into the inner room with four eggs.

He smiled. Looking back, he saw Yang Huashui looking at himself. He smiled more happily without any embarrassment. He reached out and walked into the house with Yang Huashui.

I was surprised to break the clouds into the house.

This is the bedroom of a lonely senior.

How majestic and pleasant it is for lonely predecessors to cross the world. You should know that anyone in the world does not dream of becoming a hegemon and invincible in the world!

In this way, the invincible figure who can collapse the mountain and gently shake his hands will change color. Even the place to rest must be different.

However, who would have thought that there was nothing luxurious in the bedroom where the lonely senior went to bed. It was completely simple, which was simply a little simple.

There is a round table facing the door of the house, four jade round stools around, and teapots and tea bowls on the table.

Xia Dan picked up the teapot, took off the lid of the pot and put his nose over.

"It smells so good!"

As soon as Xia Dan's eyes lit up, he opened his mouth and turned the teapot to his mouth a few times.

Lianjing grabbed the teapot and put it on the table. She gave Xia Dan a shiver and said angrily, "Don't move the things of the lonely senior! Besides, it has been thousands of years, and no matter how good the tea is, it has become a poison! You want to die!"

Xia Dan was beaten out of temper, frowned and grinned, full of embarrassment.

Three eggs couldn't help laughing and shouting when they saw Xia Dan being beaten.

Xia Dan became angry and kicked the recent Qiu Dan randomly.

Sandan laughed and ran out of the room. Naturally, Xia Dan would not give up and then chased him out.

Lianjing was furious and was about to chase out, but she was stopped by the broken cloud. She heard the broken cloud and said, "Let them turn around by themselves. There is no danger here. With their nature, it's rare to be bored for so long.

Lianjing pouted her little mouth, snorted and slowed down, and muttered, "Actually, let these troublemakers follow, maybe there is something wrong." Suddenly, his expression changed and he said, "Isn't it easier for them to mess around by themselves?" No way! I have to see them!" With that, he was going to chase the four eggs again.

The broken cloud stopped Lianjing and sighed, "Four eggs didn't live a good life before I met you. In a big inch, they can still be their own. Besides, there is nothing outside. They have nothing to mess with.

Lianjing thought that Poyun was right, so she just let them play by themselves. Turn around along the jade table in the middle of the room.

The surrounding walls are empty, and only a landscape painting hangs outside the screen separated from the inside.

In the painting is a high mountain, and the top of the mountain is hidden in the clouds and fog.

There is a dense forest at the foot of the mountain, and the forest is full of vitality, and all kinds of birds and beasts walk in it. A man and woman walked out of the forest hand in hand with a smile on their faces. The woman's appearance in the painting and the loneliness of the mural in the 'light fragrance' room. The lady is exactly the same.

The lonely predecessor is also infatuated, and the only calligraphy and painting is loneliness. The scene of the madam meeting.

There is a long table under the wall opposite the calligraphy and painting, and the table is flat and smooth, with several pieces of paper on it. There are all kinds of pen barrels and inkstones next to it.

The broken cloud picked up a piece of paper and gently shook off the floating dust on it, and a big word 'scent' came into sight. The handwriting is straight, strong and powerful, and straight through the rice paper, as if you want to take off the paper.

"Good calligraphy!"

Breaking the clouds can't help but praise.

Lianjing and Yang Huashui nodded at the same time. Although they did not know much about the connotation of calligraphy, they could still see some clues from the strength of the pen.

After looking at the broken cloud, the five or six pieces of paper scattered on the table were written at most the two sentences 'incense' and 'loneliness'. It seems lonely. The lady's name is fragrant, and the lonely predecessors are interested in calligraphy. In other palaces, you can see the handwriting written by the lonely predecessors with their fingers, which shows that the lonely predecessors like to write something.

Breaking the cloud suddenly remembered what his father said when he was a child.

"The way to practice martial arts is to cultivate your heart."

Without a good state of mind, it is impossible to have advanced attainments in martial arts.

The mood needs to be created by yourself, quiet, peaceful, lively, killing... No matter what kind of mood, as long as you break through yourself, you will be greatly improved. However, it's better to be quiet than to move. Full of killing is to practice martial arts, and most of them are not dedicated.

Behind the screen is a soft bed the same size as the 'light fragrance' room.

It's just that a bed of mandarin ducks has been replaced with a sky-blue quilt, with no pattern on it, only light blue.

The corner of the quilt at the head of the bed was lifted, making the whole quilt look a little messy. The broken cloud walked over and saw that there were obvious traces of being turned under the quilt, but there was nothing except that the quilt was lifted.

"Look!" Yang Huashui suddenly stretched out his finger.

Breaking the clouds, Lianjing was shocked and followed the fingers of Yanghuashui. There is a shallow dent under the coffee table near the bed.

The coffee table is made of stone table-like jade, which is only two feet high. It must be used for the owner's clinical nap here, but there is nothing on the coffee table.

Breaking cloud stretched out his hand and pressed it gently on the coffee table. He was secretly surprised. The jade made into the coffee table was a little harder than expected. How did this big dent make it?

The dent is a little below the coffee table, which is less than three inches long, less than two inches wide and about an inch deep.

The people looked at each other in consterability. Judging from the handwriting of Qinglong Palace, the dent here will never be a flaw in the production. Such a big flaw can't appear in such a dazzling palace.

Or it should be said that such a big flaw, even a defect much smaller than it is impossible to appear.

Poyun frowned and touched it, feeling that there were thin scratches on the edge of the dent, as if it had been bumped by something.

However, what can make such a dent on such a hard jade? And why do lonely seniors let go of such a big dent?

Looking at the lonely predecessor's previous palace, there was almost no eye-catching flaw. Why did it leave such a large dent without repair? Even if you change the coffee table directly, it should be easy for lonely seniors.

The broken cloud looked up doubtfully at the quiet and yang water.

Lianjing frowned and pouted her little mouth and didn't know what she was thinking.

Yang Huashui frowned and shook his head and said in a low voice, "This must not be left by a manufacturing omission. It must have been left for some reason in the future, and it has not been repaired and replaced. But it's easy to break such a hard jade, but I really don't know what it is. It's really puzzling."

Breaking the cloud and nodding, the idea of yangizing water is basically the same as myself. Why does such a magnificent Qinglong Palace have such a flaw? Something must have happened to this dent.

The broken clouds and Yanghua water are puzzled, but they heard Lianjing and irritable and delicately shout, "Ah!!! I don't want to! I don't want to! There must be another reason! You can't guess here!"

The clouds smiled, and Lianjing was right. How can we know the reason just by looking at a dent? Let's look at other places first. Maybe it's really a flaw that the lonely predecessor didn't find.

"There is nothing special here."

Po Yun turned his head and looked around and said, "Shall we go to other rooms first?"


Before the sound of breaking the clouds fell, Lianjing couldn't wait to shout out. Although this is the residence of lonely predecessors, there is really nothing to attract pity. It's not that she found a dent and was a little curious. Lianjing had wanted to retreat to another room for a long time.

Yang Huashui didn't say anything, but just nodded faintly. In fact, he was also disappointed with 'Haifu' and was not as luxurious and mysterious as expected.

The cloud broke and smiled, "Then let's go to the last room. However, you have to see what the four eggs are doing first, and don't really cause any trouble.

Xuanying, who had never squeaked, suddenly said coldly, "As long as they have a memory, I don't dare to make a failure!"

The broken cloud smile turned into a bitter smile and muttered, "If they had a memory, they wouldn't have been so headache."