broken clouds

Chapter 297 Tragedy

With Xuehua, Fu Langzhong and the old man's martial arts, there is no way to break the clouds.

However, Poyun had just restrained Fu Langzhong and the old man Yu, but was killed by Xue Hua.

In addition to the anger of breaking the clouds, I didn't expect that Xuehua also committed suicide by taking poison.

"If we don't die, we will be sadder than death..."

Xue Hua's dying sentence made Poyun furious.

Who the hell has such a cruel means!

Xue Hua's body slowly became cold in the arms of the broken cloud, and the angry mind of the cloud gradually calmed down, gently put down Xuehua, and got up and walked out of the door.

The ice and snow outside the door are still shining brightly in the sunlight.

Break the clouds and take a deep breath and try to find some clues.

Xuehua was originally a maid of Lianming, but she disappeared a long time ago.

Lian Ming suspected early on that Xue Hua was an undercover agent sent by Ye Ying, but she couldn't find anyone, which was groundless.

Now it seems that Xuehua must have nothing to do with Night Shadow.

At present, only the night shadow family can't get along with the clouds in the world, or only the night shadow that dares to provoke the clouds.

However, it is puzzled why the three Xuehua appeared here rashly and what they wanted to do.

If the martial arts of the three of them can't threaten themselves at all, the leader of Yeying should not be unaware of this. Then why on earth did you come here to stop yourself?

If you say that you can't bear to attack young girls, it depends on when. Can you still not do it at the critical moment? In addition, the three people are so different from their own martial arts that they can't reach such a field at all.

Breaking the cloud sighed deeply. He had no intention to kill him, but the three of them finally died tragically, and invisibly added a little more hatred to the leader of the night shadow.

The stunned broken cloud suddenly frowned and said in a low voice, "Who?"

The figure flashed, and a young man suddenly appeared in front of the broken clouds.

The broken cloud couldn't help but be shocked. The man in front of him was unkempt, and his beard had not been repaired for a long time. His eyes were red and a little drunk, but his eyes were as cold as a beast.

And this sloppy drunken man turned out to be yanghua water!

"Brother Yang, is"

I can't believe my eyes. It hasn't been a month with Yanghua Water. How did Yanghua Water become like this?

Yanghuashui looked at the broken clouds, opened his mouth and said, "Come with me." After saying that, he turned around and walked to a house next to him.

The broken cloud was shocked to wonder how the yangized water became like this, and slowly followed.

Yang Huashui walked to the front of the room, raised his leg and kicked the door fiercely.

The things in the room are messy. There is a square table in the middle, the chair is upside down, the wardrobe is open, and there are some clothes that have not been taken away. Obviously, the owner of the house is in a hurry when he left. Looking at the dust on the square table, the owner of the house should have walked for more than five days.

Yang Huashui picked up the chair and sat heavily on the table, took out a big wine gourd from his arms, opened the plug and poured wine into his mouth.

Poyun was originally strange about what bulged Yanghuashui's chest was. It turned out to be a big wine pot. Seeing Yanghuashui drinking like this, he couldn't help frowning. He reached out and put the wine pot on the table and frowned, "Brother Yang, what's going on? How did you become like this?"

Is it because of the destruction of the Yangmen and the heavy blow to Yanghua Water?

Yang Huashui stared at the wine pot and muttered, "There is nothing... nothing..."

Po Yun sat down and frowned, "Brother Yang, what's wrong with you? What's gone?"

Yang Huashui raised his head and stared at the broken clouds. His eyes were full of blood. Slowly, the fog rose in his eyes. Two pale red blood and tears slowly slid down his face and muttered, "The blazing sun gate is gone... the line... is gone..." Suddenly, he cried bitterly.

The broken cloud frowned, 'The thread... is gone?' Looking at Yang Huashui crying and sadly, Po Yun suddenly understood what he thought and said in a low voice, "Brother Yang, what do you think is wrong with the thread girl?"

Yang Huashui raised his head, reached out to wipe the tears on his face, and said with sadness, "Line... jumped off the cliff and committed suicide!"


Breaking the cloud lost his voice, "How could this happen!"

In the impression of breaking the clouds, what Yanghuashui and the thread girl did was because of the feelings between the two.

How can the girl who saw Yanghua Water come back safely and expect the return of Yanghua Water to suicide?!

Tears in his eyes involuntarily flowed down again, muttering about the situation of meeting the line. After trembling, he seemed to be weak, lying on the table and kept pouring wine into his mouth.

Poyun looked at the man in front of him who had a complicated relationship with him.

Friend, it can't be counted.

The enemy is no longer.

Can Yanghuashui still do what he promised?

Breaking the cloud sighed and said in a low voice, "Brother Yang, what's the news?"

The last sentence of the thread girl jumping off the cliff should be the reason why the thread wants to die.

Yang Huashui put down the wine pot and said, "It's all my fault... It's all my fault! The thread said that he wanted me to go into hiding with him, but I had to find a wooden poster to revenge. Suddenly, his hands grabbed his hair violently and sobbed in pain, "The thread jumped off the cliff because of me!" That's why I jumped off the cliff! I hate it so much!"

Poyun frowned, reached out and slapped Yang Huashui fiercely in the face, and said angrily, "Can you find out the reason why the thread girl committed suicide like this!"

Yang Huashui was beaten so that half of his face was swollen, but his eyes gradually became full of brilliance and muttered, "Yes, I want to avenge the thread!" The eyes showed fierce light, and the tone became hateful, "The thread said that the child is not mine! Then... I must find this beast! I'm going to tear him up bit by bit!"

Breaking the cloud sighed, thinking that the girl didn't want to tell the truth about the child, but just wanted to find a place to live in seclusion with Yang Huashui. I don't want to think that Yanghuashui's resentment for the destruction of the Yangmen is too great, and I don't want to hide here.

The thread girl felt sorry for Yanghuashui, so she didn't have the courage to live, so she simply relieved her sorrows. Before telling the truth of the child, he just wanted Yang Huashui to know that it was not his flesh and blood that died. He didn't have to be sad about it.

But the girl forgot how Yang Huashui betrayed the Chiyang Gate because of her, and how deep her feelings were.

"In addition to dating Brother Yang, has the thread girl ever been intimate with others?" Breaking the clouds, he asked in a low voice.

Yang Huashui shook his head, "I am the only one in my heart, and there is only one thread in my heart. The thread can't be moved by others.

Breaking the cloud nodded. According to this, the thread girl must have been stained by the evil person, but with the relationship between the thread girl and Yanghuashui, there must be few people who can meet or dare to touch the thread girl.

The broken cloud didn't say anything, just looked at the yang water.

Yang Huashui also understood the meaning of breaking clouds, but a look of hatred flashed in his eyes and said hatefully, "I really can't think of anyone who dares to move the line!"

Breaking the cloud took a deep breath and said slowly, "It must be not an ordinary person who can attack the line girl, and this non-ordinary person... must be very prominent in martial arts and status."

A girl who dares to touch the thread is a person who dares to fight against the whole Yangmen. There are few such people in the world.

Yang Huashui's eyes widened, and his pupils kept shrinking, muttering, "You... mean...!"

Breaking the cloud nodded slowly and said in a low voice, "The leader of the night shadow has such ability." Looking at Yang Huashui without any intention of escaping, he continued, "Brother Yang should know that Poyun is not provoking discord. I don't need to provoke your relationship with Ye Ying at all."

Yang Huashui's face changed a few times. He took a deep breath and said in a low voice, "I know. I will definitely ask!"

Breaking the cloud sighed how to ask this kind of thing and changed the topic, "How can Brother Yang find me here?"

Yang Huashui withdrew his eyes looking into the distance and suddenly smiled at the broken cloud, "Actually, I'm here to kill you!"

When the cloud heard the words, he just smiled faintly and didn't say anything.

Yanghuashui stared at the broken clouds and said slowly, "Do you think I'm joking?"

The broken cloud said lightly, "I don't know if Brother Yang is joking, but at least Brother Yang doesn't mean to do it." Zhan Yan smiled and said, "Brother Yang is not murderous..." But she couldn't bear to say the following words, '... there is only a strong sadness.'

A smile finally appeared on Yang Huashui's face. He raised the wine jug and muttered, "If I had known Brother Poyun earlier, maybe we would have become good friends."

Break the clouds and smile silently.

There are too many if in the world, if you can go around, you don't have to go around.

"The leader sent me to assassinate Brother Po Yun," Yang Huashui poured another sip of wine and shouted, "In fact, what the leader really cares about is the secret left by loneliness. You want me to take the secret back."

Breaking the clouds and frowning, "The secret of lonely predecessors?"

"Not bad!"

Yang Huashui said in a low voice, "I think of the purpose of going to the Qinglong Palace with Brother Poyun. Brother Poyun knows that it is the secret of loneliness to go. The leader was furious when he saw that I didn't bring back the secret, so he wanted to get the secret of loneliness from Brother Poyun at any cost.

Breaking the clouds can't help wondering why the leader of the night shadow is so serious about the secrets of the lonely predecessors? Does the martial arts secret of the lonely predecessor have any restraint on the night shadow?

If there is no hatred between himself and Ye Ying, and there is no reason to stand against Ye Ying, Ye Ying doesn't need to win the martial arts of lonely predecessors at all.

"Why does Yeying want the secret of lonely predecessors so much?"

Poyun couldn't help asking, "Why did those people come just now?" Is it specially sent to die?"

Yang Huashui was stunned and asked, "What's that group of people? Have I been to someone else before me?

Poyun frowned and told the story of the last moment. Yang Huashui hummed gently and said, "I want to see how Brother Poyun will react to women. The remaining two people are just the wronged ghosts who followed. As for why the leader tried his best to get the secret left by loneliness..." He paused, shook his head slightly and said, "Then I don't know."

Poyun frowned and nodded and said, "Brother Yang, what are you going to do after that?"

Yang Huashui was sent to assassinate himself. If he failed to complete the task, he returned to Ye Ying, which was simply going to die.

Yang Huashui sneered, and hatred flashed in his eyes, "I want to go back to the night shadow! I want to ask about the thread!"

"You don't have to ask! You can't go back to the night shadow!"

A figure suddenly appeared at the door!