broken clouds

Chapter 303 Solving Questions

Po Yun gradually understood what happened to the three emperors under the story of Emperor Kun, and was more surprised to find that Emperor Tian was the descendant of Situ, one of the lonely predecessors in the past.

When everything gradually became clear, Poyun suddenly asked Emperor Kun a bold question!

"People know if it's a 'ghost-handed doctor'!"

In the face of the broken cloud's question, Emperor Kun couldn't help but stagnate, shook his head with a wry smile, and his face became solemnly and slowly said, "I don't know if Situ Laoer is the ghost doctor. But the strange behavior of the ghost doctor is somewhat similar to Situ Laoer's obscene nature.

The broken cloud smiled at the corners of his mouth, and it was very useful to hear Emperor Kun curse Emperor Tian.

If you want the ghost-hand magic doctor to let himself go to Mobei to see that the predecessor of Jiu is the emperor of man, and most of the ghost-hand magic doctor is the split of the emperor of heaven. Thinking of the ghost doctor saving himself several times, but now he is ruthless and can't help sighing in his heart.

The cloud sighed, and the smile gradually faded away. Suddenly, he said solemnly, "Do you know that the Emperor of Heaven has something to do with the night shadow!" Does it have anything to do with the destruction of the whole door of Qingyue Gate in those years!"

Kundi smiled gently and waved his hand, "Don't be so nervous. As long as I know, I will tell you. Don't be a senior. Why don't you want to recognize my brother?"

When Poyun heard the words, he was angry that he wanted to take the identity of a stand-in and worship himself. Now that he shows his real body, how can he be ashamed to have a high relationship with you? But how to say such words is just a smile and doesn't say anything.

"I didn't mean to deceive you by using my identity to worship you."

Emperor Kun raised his eyebrows and said, "If I said it was Emperor Kun in those years, would you have been a brother with me?" Moreover, Emperor Kun is the release, and the release is the Emperor Kun. If you say hello to your predecessors, don't discipline your brother!"

With a smile, Emperor Kun's hee has not changed at all. No matter how old he is or his childlike innocence, he can do whatever he wants.

Poyun is not a rigid person. He smiled and said, "Since I don't dislike my little brother, how dare I not recognize my brother? What's more, I still rely on my brother to explain a lot of questions in detail.

Kundi laughed, "It's easy to say! Good to say! This is my little brother who is fearless!"

The laughter echoed in the cave for a long time before gradually disappearing. Emperor Kun's face became solemn and took a deep breath and said slowly, "This night shadow organization is very mysterious, and I don't know their details. When I'm old, I no longer like novelty, and I haven't explored the night shadow in depth. As for whether Situ Laoer has something to do with Ye Ying, I really don't know.

With that, there was a trace of sympathy on his face and sighed, "In the past, the Qingyue Gate flew ashes overnight. I don't know who did it. Although there is such a treasure as Longqi tu, Situ Laoer will not look at it. Moreover, Longqitu is originally a legend of lonely martial arts, but the ancestors corrected it and used its power to defeat even you now.

Po Yun was stunned and said in surprise, "Long Chitu is a martial arts handed down from a lonely predecessor?"

Emperor Kun nodded and said that Longqi tu should be the martial arts heart method in the lonely palace and Xuanwu palace, which was discovered by his predecessors before it spread to the world. Speaking of power, although I haven't seen it, it will never be more powerful than the moves used to break the clouds.

Breaking the cloud took a long breath and felt a little confused in my head. The emperor of heaven came to find himself because of the secret of his lonely predecessors, mostly from the night shadow, that is to say, the night shadow is mostly related to the emperor of heaven. But what Emperor Kun said is also very reasonable. With the martial arts of the Heavenly Emperor, he will not look at the martial arts of the Dragon Qitu at all, but the martial arts of the Dragonqi tu come from loneliness. If the Heavenly Emperor likes to collect lonely martial arts, he may have ideas about the Dragon Qitu.

As soon as Poyun said his doubts, Emperor Kun shook his hand repeatedly and said that it was impossible. He glanced at Poyun and said angrily, "What Situ Laoer wants is the best martial arts of loneliness. Do you think Situ Laoer is a beggar? He doesn't even look at it and wants to put everything in his arms.

Poyun scratched his head and said puzzled, "Even so, the martial arts of the lonely predecessor I'm learning now is far different from that of the Heavenly Emperor. Why did the Heavenly Emperor take it so hard?"

Kundi snorted, got up and bounced heavily on Poyun's forehead, rolled his eyes and said, "Do you think you have learned lonely martial arts!"

The broken cloud was hit and grinned. Hearing what Emperor Kun said, he couldn't help but wonder, "Is it... I learned..." I don't know how to answer Emperor Kun.

"The last move you launched with the five-star light array should be much more powerful than the one you used." Kundi wrinkled his nose and said, "You idiot, you should not have fully mastered it. No, the previous trick should not be used well.

Poyun nodded silently. He couldn't control his cutting, especially killing. Suddenly, he remembered something and suddenly looked up and said, "Brother, when did you come here? Have you been here for a long time?"

"Of course... er..."

As soon as Kundi rushed to exit, he felt something was wrong and quickly changed his words, "Although I have arrived a long time ago, how can I show myself when I see you and Situ Laoer fighting quite vigorously? Yanghuashui's death can be said to be self-inflict, and others are not to be blamed for his deep sins in the past. Besides, I was angry when I saw Situ Laoer. I really didn't want to see him as a last resort!"

Poyun smiled bitterly. He was beaten like a falling dog by the Emperor of Heaven, and the old man actually watched the bustle. The mind was gloomy. If Emperor Kun had appeared earlier, the Yanghua Water would not have died tragically.

For Yanghuashui, although death may be the best result, there is always a trace of emotion in the heart of Poyun, sighing that Yanghuashui should not end up like this.

Emperor Kun saw that Po Yun was a little melancholy. He patted Po Yun on the shoulder and advised him, "Well, that boy killed his father to take the throne. The annexation of the Hidden Gate of Water has killed countless evils. Sooner or later, death will happen. What's your plan? Brother, I can scare Situ Laoer away once, but I can't scare him away every time.

Of course, Poyun knew that this time it was the Emperor of Heaven who underestimated the enemy and suffered a slight injury before being shocked by Emperor Kun, who had little difference in martial arts. Next time, he would not be so lucky, but he couldn't do his own things...

After thinking about it, Po Yun looked up and smiled bitterly, "Brother, just go by yourself. Po Yun will go to the far north to find another martial arts skill of the lonely senior."

"Extreme North...?!"

Emperor Kun's eyes suddenly glowed, and even a blush appeared on his old face, becoming twisted, "Extreme North... See Bodhisattva... Er... Uh-huh..."

It's really surprising that these people can still maintain such a delicate relationship for so many years. They laughed, "I will tell the senior human emperor that the old brother misses her very much. Let her have time to play in the crystal bamboo forest.

"Who...who misses her...!"

Kundi tried his best to cover it up and stammered, "Ten thousand... can't... come to the bamboo forest, isn't that... I don't believe what I say!"

Breaking the clouds shook his head secretly. How many years of good time was wasted by this persistence in Emperor Kun's heart? On second thought, maybe Emperor Kun was enjoying the fun brought by this distant missing. He smiled and said, "Don't worry, breaking the clouds has its own measure. The broken cloud got up and went to the far north, so as not to catch up with the emperor of heaven.

Kundi nodded for a moment and said, "It's a complete coincidence that my brother can save you this time. The old brother was bored in the bamboo forest and sneaked out for a walk. Don't tell Bodhisattva that I don't believe what I said.

"Of course."

The broken cloud secretly laughed that Emperor Kun really cared too much about the human emperor.

"Brother's promise can't teach you martial arts. I hope you understand."

Breaking the cloud nodded.

Breaking clouds is never willing to force others to do things they don't like.

"Actually, you don't need anyone to teach your martial arts anymore." Emperor Kun's eyes were burning, and his affirmative tone and just now were simply two people. "Lonely old man's martial arts skills are unfathomable. You can't learn it. If you can learn to be distracted, I'm afraid..." His eyes flashed, "I'm afraid even the Emperor of Heaven is not your opponent!"

Breaking the clouds shocked my heart!

Kundi will not lie to himself. The martial arts skills of the lonely predecessor are so strong! I really ruined the painstaking efforts of my lonely predecessors and suddenly remembered something and said, "There is a pool in the middle of the oasis where the emperor lived, and there is a giant python in it, which is simply not like a human thing. Brother, are you really not going with Po Yun? Blinking at Kundi, are you really relieved that your beloved man is with such a ferocious beast?

Emperor Kun was surprised. He smiled and said proudly, "You boy don't have to lie to me to the far north. Bodhisattva has her precious big cat, not to say anything about giant beasts and small beasts. He muttered in a low voice, "That big cat is very clever..."

The broken cloud smiled, but forgot the Linghu. With that psychic guy, he really didn't have to be afraid of the big snake. He looked up at the sky outside the cave and turned his head and said, "It's not early. It's getting late. If you stay late and meet the Heavenly Emperor, you will be in trouble.

Emperor Kun said carelessly, "Don't worry. As long as you enter the desert, Situ Laoer will definitely not catch up again. He will not take the initiative to find Bodhisattva.

Poyun was a little relieved when he heard the words. He secretly wanted to reach the small village next to the desert in less than three days. As long as there is nothing to do in these three days, he can enter the desert at ease. He missed it so far and nodded, "Please help me with something."

"Just say anything." Emperor Kun rarely had a chance to beg him and immediately said proudly, "Brother, as long as you can help at all!"

Poyun pulled out two sheathless swords around his waist and frowned, "These two swords are extraordinary. It's enough for Poyun to carry one, and ask brother to help collect the other one." After thinking about putting the soul on the ground and holding the Panlong Sword in his hand. After all, the Panlong Sword is a relic of the lonely predecessor, and it's better to take good care of it.

The joking in Kundi's eyes quietly disappeared. Looking at the Panlong Sword in Poyun's hand, he solemnly said, "Brother has found your sword since just now. Under the light of this sword, there is a faint blood color, and the smell of blood is very strong.

Emperor Kun took a deep breath and said slowly, "It's bloodthirsty, but it's much worse than this sword!"

"This sword is a murderous sword!"