broken clouds

Chapter 306 Friends

The true face of the night shadow earth was revealed, and there were not many surprises in breaking the clouds. It seemed that there was no suitable candidate except Jiang Fengli.

However, Jiang Fengli's martial arts skills were greatly unexpected, hundreds of times higher than the previous night shadow opponent.

Poyun put down his chopsticks, picked up a peanut and put it in his mouth and chewed it slowly, without looking at Jiang Fengli.

Jiang Fengli was stunned, gasped slightly, and looked at Po Yun doubtfully, "Why can't Brother Po Yun make a move? Can you admit defeat?"

Breaking the cloud lowered his eyebrows, chewing constantly, and muttering, "How can you admit defeat? I have also made a move."

Jiang Fengli was stunned.

Have you made a move? The chopsticks used as weapons are thrown on the table. How can they make a move?

Looking at Poyun eating peanuts leisurely, Jiang Fengli couldn't help rushing up and said in a low voice, "Brother Poyun can't entertain my little brother!"

"What are these words?"

Breaking Yun raised his eyes and said puzzled, "How did Brother Jiang say such a thing?"

"Does Brother Poyun think my brother's martial arts are too bad?"

Jiang Fengli said angrily, "I don't even want to make a move! Have you made a move to deceive the children?!"

The eyebrows of the broken cloud pried and said lightly, "I said I have made a move. Why doesn't Brother Jiang believe it?"

"Where is the recruitment!"

Jiang Fengli's face suddenly became a little ugly.

Breaking the cloud smiled and said, "Brother Jiang, don't you know?"

"In my heart?" Jiang Fengli's face became more ugly.

Breaking the cloud shook his head, "There is no move in my heart, and there is no move in my hand."

"How can you have made a move without a move!"

Jiang Fengli's face became a little ugly.

"If there is no way, there is no way, and if there is no way!"

Jiang Fengli's face changed and said solemnly, "Do you understand?"

Poyun looked solemn and shook his head with a slightly wry smile, "If you can understand, won't you understand? I just woke up a little bit."

Jiang Fengli's face was miserable and she was not angry. She lowered her head and sighed, "I lost..."

Poyun smiled and said, "It's hard to win or lose, but I understand a little earlier than Brother Jiang."

Jiang Fengli's face was very ugly, but he still shook his head, "The realm of martial arts is endless. Those who can understand early, but those who are blunt do not. Brother Poyun's understanding is indeed higher than that of my younger brother..." He gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, "I lost!"

A burst of relief appeared in the heart of breaking the clouds. In the face of such a strong opponent as Jiang Fengli, it is impossible to relax for a moment. Now when he sees Jiang Fengli willing to gamble and lose, a trace of joy in his heart is inevitable.

Jiang Fengli picked up the wine glass and toasted three cups in a row. He got up with a green face and strode out of the pub, leaving a sentence without looking back, "Follow me!"

Breaking the cloud smiled faintly, got up and passed by the counter to put down a piece of broken silver for the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper's sleepy eyes were loose, and he was a little stunned to see such a big broken silver. As soon as Po Yun walked out of the pub, the table they had used fell down and broke into pieces.

In the surprised eyes of the shopkeeper, he seemed to understand the reason why the clouds gave so much money.

Breaking clouds followed Jiang Fengli all the way out of the village.

Under a wall, Jiang Fengli's figure looked a little strange under the reflection of the remnant moon. He stood up and turned his head, his face was still ugly, and he said in a low voice, "I lost. I will tell you everything I can tell you."

The broken cloud's eyes glowed, and the heartbeat suddenly became faster, and the mystery that had been haunting was about to be solved!


Breaking cloud suddenly interrupted Jiang Fengli, his face was hesitant, and finally clenched his teeth and said, "There is one thing I need to ask first!" The tone became a little cold. "Although I'm afraid that I can't help attacking Brother Jiang when I know the result, I must ask before I can listen to you at ease."

Jiang Fengli frowned and looked at the broken cloud. He didn't understand what was going on with the broken cloud. It was more important than he had always wanted to know the inside story of the night shadow, and he had to do something wrong.

You should know that the two have never really meant to do something. Now that Jiang Fengli has admitted defeat and wants to reveal the inside story of the night shadow, it is really difficult to understand.

Jiang Fengli frowned and said, "Since I lost, I will tell you what I know. As for whether you will resist doing something to me..." A trace of pride appeared on the corners of your mouth, "I will accompany you. What do you want to ask?"

The broken cloud looked extremely solemn and said in a low voice, "Brother Jiang! I just want to ask you... Did you catch Qiu Qing in Aokui City?"

Qiu Qing...? Red Kwai City?

Jiang Fengli was stunned. Looking at the solemn appearance of the broken cloud without teasing, he saw the broken cloud and said in a low voice, "Brother Jiang won't pretend to be confused! After meeting you in Chikui City, Qiu Qing disappeared in the world! What the hell have you been to Qiu Qing!"

In the end, Poyun was unconsciously angry, and even the anger that had not appeared in the duel between the two just now filled Poyun's whole body.

Jiang Fengli realized silently and muttered, "Qiu Qing... Qiu Qing... She has never appeared...?" Suddenly, he looked at the broken cloud with a strange expression and said, "Can you even delay the inside story of the night shadow for a woman? If I say I kill her, will you fight with me? Don't you know that if you kill me, no one will reveal the news of your night shadow?"

Jiang Fengli asked Poyun a lot of things like a cannon, and Poyun's face changed, and finally said firmly, "Then I also know what's going on with her first!"


Jiang Fengli really wants to know why. Can a woman throw away what she wants to know most? Does Poyun like Qiu Qing, not Miss Chen Lianjing?

Po Yun knew what Jiang Fengli was thinking and said in a low voice, "Brother Jiang, don't misunderstand. Qiu Qing and I are just friends, not children.

There is no reason if it is not a child's love.

The doubts on Jiang Fengli's face did not weaken because of the words breaking the clouds, but became heavier.

"Qiu Qing ran away from home because of me."

Breaking Yun's face became gloomy and muttered, "Now that the Ru family has been dilapidated, Qiu Qing has no news. Without me, she would not be surprised..." There was a firm look in her eyes, "So I must know her situation first! Even if...even if she is no longer alive!"

"If I don't figure it out, how can I talk about myself!"

Breaking the clouds and decisive words told Jiang Fengli that this matter was very important for breaking the clouds.

Jiang Fengli looked at Poyun with a strange look in his eyes and frowned, "Is an outsider really worth it?"

Po Yun said solemnly, "She is not an outsider, she is my friend!" A friend like Brother Jiang!"


Two simple words, but exciting words! Let a young man with blood and blood put down everything to find her!

This is a friend! This is friendship!

The broken cloud in Jiang Fengli's eyes suddenly became tall, but he became extremely small. He sighed and muttered, "I just lost and didn't accept it. Now..." Suddenly, he looked up and changed his mouth loudly, "Okay! I'll tell you!"

The eyes of the broken clouds shine, and the heartbeat is faster than before.

"Not bad!"

Jiang Fengli shouted, "I caught her, but she escaped in a few days."

The cloud was stunned and said in a low voice, "Brother Jiang is lying to a three-year-old child! How can she be a weak woman to escape from the night shadow?"

A trace of cunning flashed in Jiang Fengli's eyes and said helplessly, "She has escaped. Why did I lie to you? She is just a woman. Is it useful to me? I didn't pursue her if she escaped.

"How can it be!"

Breaking the clouds said angrily, "With your martial arts, how can you let Qiu Qing escape! you make Qiu Qing...!"

Jiang Fengli said coldly, "What I'm talking about is the truth. Since Brother Poyun doesn't believe it, it's useless to say more!"

The broken cloud was choked by Jiang Fengli's cold words, and his head gradually woke up.

Jiang Fengli was the most respected friend before breaking the clouds, but now he has become an enemy, and this respect still exists. And with Jiang Fengli's character, it is impossible to cheat what he promised.

The internal affairs of the night shadow must be fully told. Compared with Qiu Qing, it is nothing at all. That is to say, what Jiang Fengli said is true, although this makes the clouds fall into the fog and can't feel the clue.

Breaking cloud frowned and said, "So... you admit that you framed me in Chikui City? Put me in the dungeon?"

Jiang Fengli shook her head and said, "That time the order Jinshi received to arrest you, and I answered it. Seeing that the woman was from your side and thought she was an important person, after investigation, she found that she was just a general acquaintance and didn't care. Later, she escaped and was not investigated.

"Why did you catch me that time?" Poyun frowned and said, "Why is Lianjing also there?"

"The leader wants to kill you. I don't know why he was caught and let go." Jiang Fengli said lightly, "As for Chen Lianjing... she just suffered the same as you."

Break the clouds silently. It is impossible for the Chen family to escape from the night shadow without any wind, and the night shadow can also think of taking measures against it.

Breaking through the clouds, he breathed and said in a low voice, "Since Brother Jiang said so, I believe it. It's a pity that I don't know the whereabouts of Qiu Qing.

Jiang Fengli said lightly, "If she can escape, it means that she has some ability and should be safe now."

Is everything safe? How can it be safe?

Since then, he has not appeared, and even his parents have not appeared. Can it be said that he is safe and sound?

Breaking the cloud sighed secretly. Since Jiang Fengli said so, there will be no new news if he continues to ask. However, Qiu Qing must have escaped at that time. As for the current situation, she will look for it later.

Breaking the cloud's heart is bored. He sits under the wall and puts his back against the wall, so that the cold soil can bring some coolness to himself. He looked up and said, "I've finished asking. Brother Jiang, please talk about it." After thinking about it, he added, "Brother Jiang... Let's start with who your last name is."

Jiang Fengli was silent for a moment and slowly sat in the shadow under the ruins of the moon. The moonlight shone on his half-exposed face, which looked strange and mysterious.

"Yes, 'Jiang Fengli' is not my real name."

Jiang Fengli's voice was a little strange in his low voice, "I never thought I would say these things!"