Qianfei is too arrogant

Chapter 15 The Battle of Yan and Qin

"Five taels?" A man shouted, "A piece of broken jade can be worth so much silver. Isn't the shopkeeper Fang out of sight?"

"That's good, that's good!"

"No, when the tiger also takes a nap, the old shopkeeper must be flawed this time!"

"It's too expensive, I don't think it's worth it!"

The noise of chirp started at that time, and the whole third floor seemed to explode.

Qingzhu raised his toes and looked up. To be honest, the green jade pendant is pure in color and transparent in texture. It does look more expensive, but it is not worth 500 taels.

The shopkeeper giggled, "It's worth it, it's worth it. If I'm not mistaken, this piece of beautiful jade should come from the Northern Qin royal family, which is a personal thing worn by the court ladies..."

"North Qin?" At the corner of the lobby, at a guest table far from the center, a short and fat man suddenly shouted, which made everyone turn around and stared at him in a daze, which made him embarrassed.

There is a man and a woman sitting on this square table. At the age of 30, they should be a couple wearing clothes and hats. Although they are Lingluo, they are not good at matching clothes. They change their guns. At first glance, they are a local leopard who has just earned a few small money, so when they enter the door, the account room gave Xiao Er a wink. Xiaobao is understanding. Arrange them in the corner.

When I came just now, I was hungry and couldn't stand it. I just ate Haisai and didn't pay attention to what happened here. Now that the tea and rice were enough, I also pricked up my ears to listen to the excitement. When I heard people mention the Northern Qin Dynasty, the man screamed and screamed.

It turned out that this couple was not from the Southern Qi family, but the people of the Northern Qin Dynasty. The man's name was Hu San. He was a butcher who slaughtered livestock. Everyone called him "a knife"; the woman was called Hu Liu, nicknamed Erya. She usually helped her husband sell meat for a living and claimed to be the first "tiger" in the vegetable market. Just in time for this year's pork price increase, they have made a lot of money and traveled like others. I heard that the capital cinema in Nanqi is relatively developed and prosperous, and the two of them have lived here for a few days.

Just now, Hu San's voice scared everyone and made the diners whiten one after another. Hu Liu suddenly felt that his face was completely blank. He turned his husband a few times with his elbow and brought a few eye knives.

It's ridiculous that the two of them are obviously uneducated and rude people, but they have learned the elegance of literati.

The shopkeeper Fang was slightly disgusted and said with a smile, "Yes, it's the Northern Qin, and it's the ornament of the royal lady of the Northern Qin royal family!" The jade pendant is clearly engraved with the word 'incense', which can prove this.

There is indeed a hand-carved fragrant character on the edge of the round jade pendant, but the words are very shallow and difficult to find without looking carefully.

Qingzhu's head was struck by lightning. She clearly remembered that there was also an imperceptible word "incense" on the ancient jade she gave to Fang Ze, but her jade pendant was light red, but this piece was light green. Is this really just a coincidence?

"The old shopkeeper can't say this too absolutely. When it comes to the Northern Qin royal family, my father-in-law knows a little about it." Hu Liu's face was shining and said proudly.

"Erya, ah, no, madam, I should know a little about it!"

"That refers to a scholar with little knowledge and little knowledge. Your father-in-law, you are a talented man who is 80 buckets tall and learns rich. Naturally, you know much more than others. I didn't say that it's enough to be modest to know five or six."

The three-floor hall immediately burst into laughter.

When Hu Butcher saw the diners laughing at him, he didn't feel that he was laughing at all. He thought that he was happy with the two of them, and his face was even more happy. He said, "No, madam, this is reasonable. I'm a well-informed person. Our two moves are not white. It's called a clear look. Chu."

The diners were also interested and listened with two ears.

A pig killer rolled his eyelids, drank two sips of wine, paused his throat, and said slowly, "When it comes to the matter of Northern Qin, I, Hu San know it clearly and in detail. It's not too much to say that we know a little about it."

Everyone staggered and almost fainted by his amazing complacency.

"As far as I know, there seems to be no princess with the word 'incense' in the territory of Northern Qin, but there is a word 'incense' in the name of Feng Ningxiang, the daughter of Lord Feng, a minister of the Ministry of officials. Maybe this jade pendant turned out to be hers."

Feng Ningxiang is famous in the whole fire phoenix continent, not only because she has a very holy father, but also because she is the first beauty in the Northern Qin Dynasty.

"No, I heard that there is a princess in Northern Qin in our southern Qi, the one who grew up with the prince Qin Zheng, who died two years ago. There seems to be a word 'xiang' in her name! It is said that she is modest and very low-key, but she is not loved by her father, the King of Northern Qin.

"Her name is Qin Dingxiang, and she is named Princess Xiangxue. She is the eldest princess of Northern Qin."

Diners on the third floor of the restaurant talked about it one after another.

"Speaking of the Northern Qin's first to talk about our emperor Qin Yiren, he is a great figure. When he was a child, he was forced to be a proton in your Southern Qi. He went through all kinds of hardships and suffered a lot of hardships. After returning to the State of Qin, he was even more diligently to govern and carry out vigorous reforms to reform the country. Now our people in Northern Qin are much richer than before. People are also living a good life as before.

The Hu butcher usually didn't speak well, but today he boasted and made a speech, and all the listeners looked at him with new eyes. His man was in the limelight in front of people, and Hu Liu also got a shine. Unconsciously, his face was full of spring breeze and he became proud. In fact, it is not the soul of "Lao Li", "Lao Du" and "Lao Bai" at this moment. He is just fighting alone, he is just a person! Today, when I have nothing to do, I have heard about the books in the street tea house. After listening to them many times, I naturally recite them backwards.

To talk about protons, it was more than 20 years ago. At that time, the Northern Qin and Dayan had a bad relationship. At one time, they met each other. At that time, the strength of Northern Qin was weak, and Dayan's national strength was strong. In the fifth year of World War I, Northern Qin was defeated one after another, the border gates were in an emergency, and the soldiers were abandoned, and the people were unknown and hungry. On the battlefield, there are rivers of blood, corpses everywhere, and blood everywhere. There are piles of bones with innocent people and soldiers who died in the war. This fierce battle made the emperor of the Northern Qin feel haggard and anxious.

Nearly October of that year, the iron hooves of the army of the State of Yan approached the capital of Northern Qin, and 100,000 iron hooves surrounded the capital of the State of Qin. The situation was precarious. The country is about to be lost, and the officials and the people are all united to fight. A few months later, the besieged Qin army ate up all the food, but because the soldiers, led by the minister Chen Hua, fought against the enemy and persisted, Khan Ge has been unable to capture it for a long time.

At this time, the soldiers and soldiers of the State of Yan have also been exhausted and the rations have been interrupted. The war is deadlocked and saw-like. The two tigers must be injured. If Yan and Qin fight to the death again, the ambitious State of Zheng will definitely take advantage of the situation. The two sides have been facing each other for five years and can only be defeated. Injury.

Both countries are aware of this, so they are also more careful.

At this time, the emergence of Qi Xin, the new king of Southern Qi, solved all problems. At that time, Qi Xin, the king of Qi, had just ascended the throne. Although he was young, he was not a simple figure. He knew that if Yan and Qin were defeated, the other side would be greatly damaged. Zheng would certainly send troops to help the defeated party recover the lost land under the banner of "law of benevolence and righteousness". In fact, it was to compete for the territory for his country. At that time, the most profitable one was probably Zheng.

Not long after King Wei ascended the throne, his foundation is unstable. If he rush to divide the land and get involved in the war, success is not bad. If he fails, he is afraid that the domestic forces will turn against each other, and his emperor's throne will also be shaken by storm.

Once the form of the balance between the four countries is destroyed, if it is not their own side that profits, the situation will not be optimistic. Moreover, Qi and Qin are friendly neighbors, and the war has burned to the border. At that time, the winner is bound to take Qin as a springboard, and the invasion of Qi may become their next step.

King Qi is a sensible person. The times make heroes. In special times, certain heroes must be born. He is the person who tries his best to turn the tide.

The State of Qi and the State of Qin have always been friends, and they happen to be related to the State of Yan. The queen of the State of Yan, that is, the mother of Yan Dan, is the mother and sister of the King of Qi.

After several considerations, an unprecedented new "harmony old" is about to be born.

At the behest of the king of Qi, Li Zi, a lobbyist of the State of Qi, wandered between Yan and Qin with a three-inch tongue, persuaded them to cease peace, conclude a treaty, and never fight. Most of the cities occupied by the State of Yan were returned, on the condition that Northern Qin gave countless gold and silver jewelry, gold and silver and beauty jasper as compensation. However, after years of war, the treasury of Northern Qin has been basically hollowed out, poor inside and trapped outside, and there is no half of the money to give away.

So, the king of Yan proposed to take a prince of the State of Qin to take hostage in the State of Yan. However, the prince is the lifeblood of the country, and mastering a proud son of heaven will undoubtedly restrict the real-time dynamics of another country, which is also what the king of Qi is not happy to see.

After repeated discussions and final decision of the Three Kingdoms, Northern Qin sent a prince as a hostage, but the prince will live in the territory of the State of Qi, and as a price, Qin will lease the two cities of Yi and Yingqiu to the State of Yan for free for 20 years.

Yiqi and Yingqiu are both port cities, with countless ships operating each year, and the benefits are considerable.

Hearing everyone's comments, Qingzhu's thoughts were like a butterfly flying all over the sky, taking her back to her mother's arms, which was burned by the British and French joint forces, where they once ceded land for compensation to the great powers. After eight years of resistance and four years of civil war, they gradually moved towards the current "post-Tang Dynasty". It turns out that the law of the jungle is a hard truth no matter in any time and space. What is the crime of Northern Qin? He wants to cede the land as compensation, but the national strength is not as good as others. Thinking of this, she immediately became indignant. If one day she can visit the State of Qin and see the monarch of the State of Qin, she will definitely give him advice to help him make the country more prosperous.

When all the dust settled, King Qin Duan, the king of the Kingdom of Qin, was still confused and could not calm down for a long time. The old king of Qin is over 50 years old, and his wives and concubines are in groups. Only the men in the family are not prosperous. There are five princes around him, one of whom is still infancy, and the other is not as weak. There are only three adult little princes, namely the eldest prince Yiyuan, the fourth prince Yi and the seventh prince Yikai. The poor elderly father has not been able to decide which royal son to send as a proton to another country.