Qianfei is too arrogant

Chapter 27 One Country, Two System

Qin Zheng's intention is very obvious, that is, to draw a clear line with the queen.

Seeing that her parents and children did not appreciate her kindness, Zhu Ji seemed to stick to other people's cold buttocks with a hot face and could not get off the stage. She admitted that she was not a qualified mother. Today, people deliberately got close to each other just to put on a mother's appearance and block the mouths of the crowd. When Qin Zheng bumped into his adultery, as a mother, she had no face to see him again. Finally, she simply adopted him to Concubine Rong and abandoned him in Nanqi, trying to let him die. Who would have thought that this child had the tenacious vitality of weeds? Not only did he not die, but he came to Northern Qin unscathed, and unexpectedly won the love of King Qin You. I do feel guilty about him, but even if I am regretful, the past has become a foregone conclusion and I can't repent. In the future, major events need to be planned. Now I can't care so much. I can only take one step at a time!

When Concubine Xin saw the deliberate alienation between Zhu Ji and her son, and looked at the elegant but bright and enchanting bamboo, she raised a poisonous smile on the corners of her lips. "Princes Zheng is the daughter of Prime Minister Lv Cheng's family. Not to mention a classical and beautiful jasper beauty, she is really a natural match with the prince of Zheng! Yo, how can I look at the similarities between you two?

Such a naked instigation shows that Qin Zheng's father is suspected of having another person. Everyone in the world knows that Lv Xiang and Zhu Ji are old. As soon as the words were spoken, it caused everyone to laugh.

The queen's face was pale, her fists were clenched, and her fingers sounded one by one.

"That's natural, which is called husband and wife," Qingzhu stared at Concubine and suddenly said in a clear voice, "Concubine Xin is really a good eye. My concubine and the prince are a pair of beautiful couples. People say that marriage is doomed. It can be seen that the prince and I really have cultivated in our previous life."

"What is the appearance of husband and wife?" Qin Yiren was puzzled and asked doubtfully.

"In response to my father, the husband and wife are a couple who are similar in appearance. Can my prince and I look like the same?" Qingzhu saw that several people were unknown, and suddenly raised his eyebrows.

Qin Zheng looked at him standing side by side, his eyebrows were like a crescent moon, and the delicate woman with eyes like autumn apricot's uncontrollable cheeks were red.

Everyone in Chaoyang Palace looked up, not to mention that the young couple are really a pair of immortal couples who envy others!

"Ha ha," the king of Qin was teased and laughed loudly, "Princess Zheng is really not shy!"

In ancient times, women were ashamed and couldn't control themselves at a glance. How dare they dare to say that they and their husband were born together in public? This kind of shocking words really scared people!

"The princess is really smart and clever!" The haze in Xinfei's eyes began to float, showing a succeeding look, "Your Majesty, since you are so smart, why don't you let her talk about the countermeasures of Yi and Yingqiu!"

The king of Qin frowned and looked tentative, "Well, let's listen to your opinion as a ghost girl."

"Father can't," Qin Zheng hurriedly stopped her. "Qingzhu has always been heartless and is not used to learning. How can she make any advice?" Seeing that she came up for herself and was afraid of being bullied, her heart seemed to be constantly groping in the dark, and finally found a bright line with strong warmth, but he knew that the fleshless love of the heavenly family would fall into an eternal trap if he was not careful.

"Who said that I have no ink in my chest and no skills?" Qingzhu pouted his lips and complained, "I'm a talented girl who can't read piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. Don't ruin the reputation of my concubine!"

"It turns out that Miss Lv Er is a talented woman," Qin Yiyuan inserted a sentence at the right time, "May the Four Books and Five Classics be recited?"

When he took the throne, he had a chance, but now that the times have changed, he has also done his talent and gloriously laid off to become the strong backing of the Xinfei faction.

"It's so simple that I can still memorize it!" Qingzhu didn't care much and said, "Four books and five classics, recite like a stream, five books and four classics!"

"What?" Maybe she read so fast that others didn't understand.

"I said four books and five classics, reciting them backwards, five books and four scriptures! Do you understand this time?" He curled his lips angrily.

A moment later, there was a long burst of laughter in the hall.

The woman in front of her is really a natural clever ghost, and such a bloody scene can also make her come up with it!

"The political princess is really cute, articulate and interesting!" Concubine Xin restrained a fake smile, "Please make a plan quickly!" Little bitch with sharp teeth and sharp mouth, let's see how you deal with it today.

Qingzhu smiled and shook his head, and the soldiers came to cover the water. My sister had never been afraid of since she was a child. "Father, I really have this - one country, two systems!"

Everyone was confused by her new noun, and it was completely cloudy.

"The so-called one country, two systems is one country and two systems." Qingzhu walked leisurely in the hall. "Yixuan and Yingqiu are historical problems left by the ancestors of our Qin Dynasty. It is a strong desire of the whole Qin state to solve these problems and realize the reunification of the motherland."

She recited it like a history textbook and began the topic, "The premise and foundation of one country, two systems is one country - Northern Qin. The coexistence of the two systems is to implement the original system in our Qin country, and Yixuan and Yingqiu implement the currency and policy of Dayan. In this way, the transitional policy remains unchanged and slowly transitions to 50 years. After that, everything belongs to the original.

She spoke straight and was still looking forward to the applause of the people present, but what was well that was waiting for her was the sweat of the black line.

No one understood what strange things this woman was saying.

Qingzhu looked stiffly at everyone's different eyes and couldn't help but be excited from top to bottom. This is the most advanced concept of modern people, and it has been successfully implemented by China.

"One country, two systems? It's interesting!" King Qinyou frowned and thought for a moment, "Is this what you thought of?" I have to admit that this delicate and beautiful little woman's whimsy in her mind is something she has never heard of before by her emperor who has dominated the sea for many years. Although it is weird, it still makes sense. Is she really that woman's daughter? Although her face is like a mold carving, her personality and behavior are very different. Thinking of Chan'er, the past is like a song, and it is inevitable that she will not be a little sad.

"No, no, I don't have such a good brain. Grandpa Deng came up with it!" Qingzhu hurriedly and modestly reported truthfully.

"Where is he?"

"He, he is a foreign master hidden in the mountains and forests."

"So that's the case. If there is a chance, I want Qingzhu to help me introduce this master!"

Introduction, do you want to exaggerate so much? I don't want to die yet. It's okay to see you. When you die, I will scatter your ashes into the sea so that you can meet!

"Well, this strategy is also quite practical." Qin Yiren fell into meditation, and his heroic eyebrows condensed slightly. "I'll think about it later before making a decision."

The queen was also thundered by Qingzhu's words a few minutes ago, but she smiled lightly and her words were gentle, but her smile did not reach her eyes. "The princess is really smart and tight. It seems that I should enjoy a glass of wine!"

Qingzhu was stunned and thanked him, took over the warm wine glass and drank it all. While tasting Qiongzhi Yulu, she always felt that there were two hidden fog-like eyes staring at her. She turned her head and saw Lv Miaozhu's surprised and hateful eyes. Why did she forget that Yinger once said that Lv Qingzhu didn't know a big word and could not drink alcohol in the past. Today's behavior must be If you are suspicious of others, I'm afraid that disaster will come.

"The banquet starts now, singing and dancing, drumming and music!" A luxurious palace dinner kicked off with the singing of Xiao Dezi.

This is a rare grand banquet in the palace in a year. Everyone is very happy to drink and change cups.

Qingzhu just looked down at the dishes in his eyes, and lost all the thoughts of eating happily when he first came, thinking about how to deal with his daily bamboo's thorough inquiry, and when he didn't feel that the food was full of food was boring.

"What's wrong with you?" Qin Zheng has been quietly observing her for a long time. This woman has always been eating Haisai and indecent, but now she seems to be absent-minded as if she has lost her soul.

Slightly curly eyelashes, upturned, upright round nose, delicate jaw, she is perfect enough to make any man's heart, and he doesn't realize that he has lost his mind.

"I'm fine." Qingzhu nodded, and his red lips pouted as if they were picking cherries. A slight smile made people feel uneasy. At this moment, he seemed to hear his heartbeat. Over the years, he thought that he would never feel this way again. His heart had died and turned to ashes, but today he did not know that the withered heart had lived again. Come on.

Qin Zheng admitted that he had also been moved three months ago and fell in love with the ugly girl who never left her in the snow valley, but at that time, he mixed too many things in his feelings. In addition to sincerity, he was more use, pity and guilt.

But the woman in front of him was different. From the first time he looked at her in the bridal chamber, he was in a trance, especially when he found that the girl had many differences that were very similar to the ugly girl. He was hopeless and couldn't extricate himself.

After the palace banquet, the two will stay in the palace, a lonely man and woman. Dry fire, is tonight destined to be a sleepless night?

Qin Zheng was wandering around when he heard someone shouting softly, "Next is the mask beauty dance!" Qin Yikai high-fiveed his hands, showing an expression of expectation and joy, as if he was looking forward to a grand and brilliant performance.

A cluster of beautiful women was divided into two camps. One dancer wore a beast face mask and a colorful satin, and the other dancer wore colorful costumes and a wooden painted mask, with a gorgeous women's mask and a red veil in the middle.

The two teams of beautiful women hung waist drums on their waists. A gorgeous dance was very colorful, and the sound of drums was shocking.