Qianfei is too arrogant

Chapter 2 Prince Zheng

It was evening when the palace banquet began, and the moon was like a hook, hanging quietly in the sky.

A sad memory made Youzhu almost breathless, and his painful but cold eyes appeared on her body harmoniously. She didn't want to think about it anymore. Her ears were a good word from Qingzhu six months ago, "I'd rather marry a man than enter the door of officials and eunuchs." It turned out that I was wrong.

Once there is a gate in the heart, the pain begins to overflow endlessly. Thinking of the recent experience, Youzhu smiled at the bamboo and nodded lightly.

Qingzhu was very uncomfortable with a rare show of goodwill to his parents and sisters. He wanted to find out, but he heard another woman's doubtful voice, "Sister, are you sick and confused?"

Miaozhu put his finger on the forehead of Youzhu. After a long time, he said in a daze, "It must be that my sister is eager to miss her mother and has a mental illness, otherwise it is impossible to break the difference between two people in a few months?"

It seems that her sudden change is not only that Qingzhu is not used to it, but also a sister who crawls out of her belly is quite awkward.

"Sister, don't talk nonsense," Youzhu smiled helplessly, "Where did I get a syloriatic disease?"

"Let's not say any more. The left and right mother is very close to your body. How about going back to Lu's house to visit relatives after today's palace banquet?" Seeing that her sister was in a trance, Miaozhu thought of a way to make her as happy as possible.

"This..." Youzhu nana opened her mouth, and suddenly became sad and desperate. She whispered, "My sister doesn't know that when she came to the conference in Northern Qin this time, my father also came together. It is reasonable that my sister and the prince want to serve together to show filial piety."

"Father?" Miaozhu is also half-knowing, "What my sister said is the king of Yan? I heard that he has been in poor health and never goes out. There is still a snow valley between the State of Yan and Northern Qin, four seasons like winter, ice and snow. How can a patient with an ill body withstand this toss?

After hearing this, Youzhu also agreed and nodded, "We also persuaded many times, but my father just couldn't listen to it and insisted on going his own way. As you know, King Hui of Yan has always been stubborn and never listens to other people's opinions."

King of Yan Hui? When Qin Zheng heard someone mention the name, he suddenly trembled, his face was extremely ugly, his eyes suddenly stared, and his eyes were full of fear.

"Hum," Yan Dan saw Qin Zheng's sudden change in his eyes. His eyes were slightly dark, and his lips were mentioned hard. The contempt in his pupils was like a huge wave, and it was endless. The prince seems to be very afraid of his father's name, but how did I hear that he was an unrebellious friendship with his father when the prince imprisoned Nanqi?

Qin Zhengliang didn't make a sound for a long time. His face was originally pale and colorless, but now it suddenly faded and was replaced by a hot blush, as red as who covered it with a layer of translucent red paper.

When everyone heard a sudden sentence from the prince of the State of Yan, they couldn't figure it out and looked at each other.

"Dip prince and his father knew each other before?" Lv Youzhu did not figure out the situation and then said, "This competition is really attractive. Not only did his father want to come, but also his mother had to go together. Later, he was severely stopped by his father and forced him to stay in the palace. His mother did not step into the territory of the Northern Qin Dynasty."

When Qin Zheng heard the name of Queen Yan, he was shocked again. There was a breathless choking in his throat, but he still gritted his teeth and pulled his lips and smiled forcely. "I not only have an unrebellious friendship with the King of Yan, but also have several relationships with Queen Yan. Some of them have some relationships. Could it be that Prince Dan doesn't know. ?"

No one spoke for a moment, and the attic was suffocatingly dull.

"Hahahaha..." Two equally high-quality men burst into cheerful laughter at the same time, "It seems that we are really predestined!"

But is there any fate? Or is there evil? Outsiders don't know.

Miaozhu always felt that the atmosphere in front of him seemed wrong and was very strange, so he led the topic elsewhere. "In this way, except for the King of Zheng, the other three monarchs of the Phoenix Continent are present. It seems that people in the world still attach great importance to this competition between the four countries!"

"Oh? Didn't Zheng Guo send someone to participate in this competition? Feng Ningxiang, who had been sitting aside for a long time, finally inserted words. Isn't it looking down on the strength of our Northern Qin?

"Xiang'er doesn't want to talk nonsense," Qin Sen heard that his imperial concubine was so ignorant, not naive, and very angry, but he still explained, "The monarch of Zheng did not come, but sent Prince Zheng and Master Tianyi together, which is enough to show Zheng's confidence in the literary and martial arts conference."

"Son Zheng?" Youzhu said curiously, "But that General Zheng Guo, who is defeated by one hundred and invincible on the battlefield?"

"That's right, that's right!" Several eunuch guards next to him had already discussed it.

"I heard that he is extremely ugly. He is born to wear white clothes and always shows people with masks."

"Yes, I have also heard similar news. Some people said that his predecessor was highly toxic for three months and could not be cured, and his face was as swollen as a pig's head. Later, in order to save his life, he cut his face with a dagger and released the poisonous blood, leaving a life, but this face was terrible, and no one has ever seen it with his own eyes. "

"I also heard that he was a mother and wild. He was born and still doesn't know the identity of his biological father.

"There are also rumors that he seems to have changed into a person after recovering from his injury. He is cold-blooded, and his six relatives do not recognize him. It seems that he has lost part of his memory because of toxins invading the brain."

"Who is he?"

"Oh, you don't know this. He is the famous General Zheng Wen!"

The jade chopstick in his hand broke with a bang, and the sharp fracture was deeply pierced into the skin and flesh. The wound turned out and blood kept bleeding. At this moment, Qingzhu did not notice the pain in her hand at all. There was only one person in her heart, text? Zheng Wen? Is it one person? Their experiences are so similar and similar, how can there be such a coincidence in the world? I must see him with my own eyes, and it is necessary to ask him in person.

She was still thinking in a mess, and a long time ago, "Son Zheng heard it."

With a gust of wind blowing, a tall and burly man stepped in. The clothes are flying, the white clothes are better than the snow, the temperament is very noble and deep, and a jade mask hangs the cheeks, which shows its demeanor like a god.

His pace was brisk and square, and several strodes into the main hall and sat motionless in the table.

Qingzhu and Zheng Wen's seats are not far away. She always pretends to browse the overhead stairs, solid wood floors and exquisite carvings in the Star Pavilion. In fact, she secretly looks at him, and the true feelings between her eyebrows are inadvertently revealed. Seeing him again is completely another feeling. In the past, he was indeed beautiful. The male and female were too feminine, which always gave people the illusion that he was even more perfect than women. But after not seeing him for a few months, he seemed to be taller and stronger. Maybe the grinding on the battlefield made him more majestic than before, and his manly breath was strong.

Her every move was seen by Qin Zheng and Yan Dan, and their eyes were full of endless loss. Why is she as beautiful, cunning and wise as amorous as an elf, but she did not have them in her heart.

The two men have withdrawn from each other's hatred, and the important thing now is to deal with this mysterious man who doesn't know his source.

In the whole night banquet, Zheng Wen's eyes were deep and did not squint, but he could still see a woman's burning eyes from the afterglow. He didn't know where he was outstanding. How could he attract such a peerless beauty?

"General Zheng's name has been admired for a long time, and the little woman is deeply admired." Qingzhu never resisted and finally asked with concern, "I just heard others say that the general was poisoned. I don't know what kind of poison it is now. Is he recovered?"

Zheng Wen's hand holding the glass seemed to pause for a second, and then slowly took a sip. He himself was very indifferent and did not want to answer her question, but looking at the woman's delicate face like peony, he was suspicious, thought for a moment, and said lightly, "Thank you for your concern. I have never been They are all tenacious and immortals. What is poison? Now it has been restored as before.

Poisonous? Is it spring mages? It makes sense that he doesn't want to mention it in front of everyone, and whoever is hit by such a trick is not willing to be humane.

"It's good to recover!" Qingzhu finally put down a surging seven orifices, "People who have just recovered from serious illness should also pay great attention to their diet, drink less and eat more vegetables, and take good care of themselves. Although green plum fruit dew is good, it is wine after all. Buddha jumping over the wall is too greasy and should eat as little as possible.

Qin Zheng's eyes on his side became more and more suspicious, deep and extremely terrible, but Qingzhu didn't realize it.

"Do you dare to ask what this princess is called?" Zheng Wen had a meaningless smile at the corners of his mouth, and his posture was leisurely.

"The little woman is the side concubine of the political prince." Qingzhu immediately replied, lest he would not answer the words, and the current dialogue would stop there.

"Ha," Zheng Wen suddenly smiled sideways, and his eyes were even more shining. "Then the prince asked you to go back and discipline the women around you. It seems that it should not be the behavior of a good woman in front of a strange man in front of everyone. The prince doesn't care, but the general dares not agree."

"Puff!" Feng Ningxiang's eyes were full of brilliance, which was regarded as an opportunity to fully laugh at Qingzhu. How can he let it go now? "General Zheng doesn't know that our princess has always acted boldly. There are many people attending the banquet today. She has been restrained!"

Qingzhu's heart suddenly hurt fiercely, and her strong despair and deep shame drowned her soul. In fact, she had already expected that if he was not the text, it might be this result, but she never thought that this man would humiliate her in public. What she said just was just a temptation. She thought that if she missed this opportunity, there would be no more time, so she boldly suddenly opened her mouth to make such a shameful ugly drama. For this reason, her cheeks were red and she couldn't raise her head.