Qianfei is too arrogant

Chapter 19 Antidote

Qin Zheng suddenly bent down to pick up the long-lost beloved thing, and his hands trembled just like fallen leaves, as if the light green jade pendant weighed a thousand pounds. He only felt heavy in his heart, as if he were pressing a stone and almost couldn't breathe.

"Whose thing is this?" He grabbed the woman sitting on the ground like a pool of mud with one hand, regardless of the trace of blood oozing from the edge of Yu's neck, stuck her jaw and roared, "Say, say it!"

Yinger almost broke her neck by him, and she couldn't even breathe. She stared and choked, "Your Majesty... That's the lady's thing. She usually looks like a baby. She never lets others touch it easily, let alone wear it."

His big hand was powerless and slowly loosened. There was no power in his whole body. He leaned back helplessly. His eyes were congested and shouted in pain and despair, "How can it be with her? How could she be... No, this can't..." He continued to retreat regardless until he finally fell into the cold. On the ground.

"Chasing, chase me. No matter what, I will find her at all costs!" For a long time, he recovered. At present, he had no choice but to find her and ask what was going on?

"Yes!" Feng Yang arched his fist and said, "The bodyguards obeyed the order. Everyone looked for it separately. Don't come back if you don't find your mother."

The bodyguards left at the order, and the guests dispersed at the end of the banquet. Qin Zheng sat on the cool ground without any temperature, and his body was colder.

"Your Majesty, the ground is cold. Stand up and go back to the house to rest for a while!" Concubine Mei appeared generously and decently. After all, she is the head of the female concubine and is watertight in the world. "The prince, don't worry, the wind guard is a famous master in the world, and he will definitely find the bamboo sister. The prince is so lost and let his sister see it. I don't know how to feel sorry!"

"Yes, Your Majesty," Cangjing felt that something was wrong today, and his eyes were full of timidity, but he was still very caring. "What Sister Mei said is very true. Everyone is looking forward to reuniting with Qianfei's sister and renewing the deep relationship with her sister."

Qin Zheng's original dull face finally changed a little. Looking at the nervous woman in front of him, he said, "Cang Shiren, it's really thanks to you today. Without your advice, Qianfei would not have been so worried about me. She is still fresh in her memory." It's not so much a fresh memory as a bitter hatred. The last sentence before the woman left was: Qin Zheng, remember that I won't spare you even if I'm a ghost! May I ask which couple can say such a thing, and what kind of hatred can make her so unable to let go?

Cangjing was already scared to death. Now when he saw the prince say this plainly, his heart was confused. He didn't care much about it. He bravely explained, "Aangjing is wronged. I just want to play with Qianfei's sister, and in the end, the prince himself ordered her to participate in the fight. I am a small waiter, and I speak lightly. How can it affect the fate of the daughter in the prime minister's mansion?

Qin Zheng also had nothing to say. No matter whose proposal it was, it was with his own permission. The problem of his face, anger, anger and embarrassment surged into his mind. In the end, he made his heart sad, but there was no place to vent the evil fire, and his chest was stuffy.

"The prince is angry," Cangjing covered half of his red cheek and cried, "Night Charm is spring. There is no antidote at all, as long as men and women have sex. Combined, it can be detoxified. Yes, it is an antidote for men.

"You lie, but there is an antidote to all poison," another loud crack, and Qin Zheng waved to her other beautiful face. This time, it's fine. It's fair on both sides. "Take it out quickly, come on!" Like an angry lion, he roared wildly, pouring his internal fire, tearing the sleeves of the woman's clothes wildly with his hands, trying to find the antidote, but he searched for a long time and found nothing. At this time, the incense handkerchief in the woman's arms fell to the ground. Qin Zheng looked familiar and remembered that it was the one Cangjing used to wipe Qingzhu's cheeks. He quickly picked it up and said, "Is this the night charm fragrance?"

Cangjing's martial arts skills are not low. Qin Zheng's violence could have fought back, which was better than fighting back like this, but she still had an important task and was not suitable to expose her identity. Therefore, she endured the depression in her chest and nodded pitifully.

Qin Zheng felt that the taste was very familiar. Cangjing usually had this rouge fragrance on her body, and her room was always lit with the same smell of sandalwood. She would definitely let go of such a similar spring fragrance in it. No wonder every time she saw her, she couldn't control her body and desperately wanted to love her again and again. Sleep. It turns out that this Dongying woman can use spices, a kind of charming fragrance that can make men's hearts excited.

Thinking of this, he regained his former calm and turned around and said, "Liu Ming, go and move the dogs in the house."

Soon, Liu Ming turned back with an extra local dog in his hand. Qin Zheng asked the puppy to smell the handkerchief, and the dog suddenly became excited. It seemed that the effect of the medicine was very strong. He turned back and shouted at Liu Ming, "Put me in the firewood room. Don't send any food for three days and nights. It's good to starve to death. I'm going to see if the heart of Dongying bitch is black!"

After saying that, he hurriedly led the local dog and held the jade pendant in his hand. His heart was full of doubts and disappeared into the vast night.

At the other end of the same sky, everyone searched around with torches, but they didn't see the trace of the thousand concubines for a long time.

The wind was anxious, "Don't miss all places. If you can't find it, go into the mountain. Even if you dig three feet of the ground, you have to find the Qianfei!" His angry shouts were almost shocking, making a tree of birds flap their wings and fly up to the fingerless night sky.

In fact, Qingzhu did not go too far. She was injured, and the residual poison of the cartilage was not clear. It was only barely supported by the medicinal power of the Huili pill until now. When she came out of the royal palace, she almost had no strength. While she still had some strength and stepped into the sky with the help of true qi, she took a few steps in front of a dilapidated cave outside the royal palace. Stop it. There is no light in the cave, so I can only see the situation inside through the brilliance of the bright moon. The area is not large but there is a cave sky, and there is a huge rock.

Because this place is not far from the royal palace, she planned to continue to move forward, but her body has long been disobedient and her hands and feet have no strength. Finally, she has to lie softly on the cold stone to rest. The most dangerous place is often the safest place. As long as she recovers her original physical strength early tomorrow morning, she can escape. Qin Zheng's search returned to Lu's house. In this way, he comforted his frightened heart and soon fell asleep unconsciously.