Qianfei is too arrogant

Chapter 23 Zheng Guo's trip

It should have been very comfortable to hold the warm and soft jade in his arms, but the mask he never took off broke apart. A trace of panic flashed in Zheng Wen's eyes and hurriedly turned his back. His wounds, his pain, his pain and helplessness never wanted to be peeped at by others, but today he is so openly and sincerely facing each other.

"Yes, I'm sorry!" Qingzhu wanted to support his body, but the man still held her tightly for fear that she would be injured again.

"It's okay," he didn't want to let her see this ugly face. He wanted to leave her the best impression, but it turned out to be against his wishes. "Miss Qingzhu, you can't go back. Yinger and Liu's bodyguard are safe now. If you go back, you will enter the tiger's mouth again. If you can't protect them, you will be involved."

Tianyi also nodded solemnly and said, "Miss Lu can't do anything. If the prince wants to arrest you back, he is bound to use them as bait. In this way, they have no worries about their lives for the time being. If you go back rashly, you have no intention of them."

"Then I, I'm going to find my father." She can't run around with two strange men she just met. Besides, she is now poisoned, and her identity as a goddess is obvious. Who knows what these people are thinking?

"Miss Lu thinks twice. Although Prime Minister Lv is the prime minister of the Northern Qin Dynasty, under the pressure of King Qin, you are bound to be sent back to the palace when you go back now. So won't the freedom you almost fight with your life become a bubble?"

Qingzhu stood powerlessly. Although he didn't know what they really thought, their words also had three points of truth. Is there no place for me to settle down when the world is so big? It's sad to think of this.

"Miss Lv, your worried old monk also knows it," Tianyi faced the two young people who supported each other. "Master Zheng is open and frank. He is by no means a despicable villain who takes advantage of people's danger and robs him. You are afraid that others will know your identity, so you can live in the prime minister's mansion for a few days and stay until you are old. It's not too late to find a cure for you.

"Miss Qingzhu, if you want to go with me, I will never force you." Zheng Wen turned around and looked at her with his grape-like eyes. "No matter when, only you want to leave, I will never stop you."

Qingzhu was attracted by those eyes, which were clean, pure and thorough, and he could see the deep concentration in his eyes. She has also looked at the man. Qin Zheng's unfathomable, the father's emotional fist, Yan Dan's full of regret, but he is the only one, without a trace of color. That pure feeling makes people deeply fascinated at a glance.

"Since Miss Lu does not object, you can wrong yourself first. Let's call you Qingzhu girl for the time being and visit the prime minister's mansion!" Tianyi heard that Qingzhu did not strongly object, and hurriedly borrowed the donkey down the slope for fear that she would regret it.

The carriage was silent, and after a long time, she finally nodded and answered. She has no ability to resist now. If she doesn't listen to them, in case she is strong, she can't do anything. So she can only take one step and find another opportunity to go home after a long time!

Zheng Wen's cold face immediately showed the harmony of the spring breeze in March. "As long as you agree. I will treat you well when it comes to Zheng Guo." His voice became smaller and smaller, and he could hardly hear it in the end.

"Well, we won't disturb Miss Lu. No, Miss Qingzhu has a rest." Tianyi hurriedly got up and pulled Zheng Wen out. "Go to bed early and arrive at the Prime Minister's mansion early tomorrow morning."

After the two left, Qingzhu's heart could not calm down. She saw infatuation from the bottom of Zheng Wen's eyes, but Master Tianyi always understood her attitude towards her. Maybe this is the so-called master! Thinking about it, my eyelids couldn't support it, and I was sleepy and gradually fell asleep.

The two figures outside the carriage waited outside the door for a long time and heard no movement inside before they came in.

"It seems that Mr. Zheng is still very worried about the position of crown prince in the future." Tianyi smiled and said, and his ungloomy expression could not see the change in his heart. "It turned out that the reincarnated goddess was trapped beside him."

"Master, you're wrong. There are other reasons why I want her to stay with me," Zheng Wen looked at the sleeping woman in front of him. She was really beautiful, so beautiful that she was almost evil. "This woman has a familiar taste, a special taste."

Tianyi's face was cold, and his lips were tightly squeezed into a straight line. "Sir Zheng, maybe you think of her as that woman. Yes, her personality is somewhat similar to that person, but Lao Na advises you not to be too obsessed with everything. If you are really emotional, you may burn yourself."

Zheng Wen's eyes seemed a little complicated, "I have my own proportion. The master doesn't need to say much."

Silence, or silence, soon the two disappeared.

Zheng Wen grew up in the house of Prime Minister Zheng Guo and Chen Kang. Although he was young, he was often scolded and white-eyed by Mrs. Chen and her only son Chen Tianlin. Lord Chen was fine at home. As soon as he went out, the two women changed their ways to insult them. They even once defiled Zheng Wen for stealing things and punished him. His mother Rou Qian went to plead for mercy and was also rewarded by Mrs. Chen. People's laughter and contempt planted the seeds of hatred in his young heart. After this incident, he worked hard and danced, realizing that only when he was strong could he protect himself and protect his mother. His teenage years were his nightmare. Later, Mrs. Chen's niece Yin Muxue came to play in the house. She did not dislike him from a humble background. She played with him and wrote poems and paintings, which was the most cherished thing in his childhood. Yin Muxue is the first lover in his dream and the supreme goddess in his heart.

If it hadn't been for that accident, he would not have suffered from the pain of poison. Maybe they had already married and had children. Thinking of this, Zheng Wen's heart hurt again, as if he had just grown a wound, was torn to create a face, sprinkled a handful of salt, and finally inserted a sharp knife.

I remember that at the banquet in Northern Qin that night, when I saw Qingzhu for the first time, Zheng Wen sincerely praised him. He grew up in the prime minister's mansion and saw many beautiful women, but no one could compare with her. Such a beautiful color, even the sun quietly hid behind the clouds and dared not compete with him. Her care for him at the wine table reminded him of her lover Yin Muxue. The woman used to ask for warmth to be, but when she was in trouble, she married someone else in a blink of an eye. Women are all like this. When you are beautiful, a swarm of bees are crowded back and forth. When you are unlucky, you are afraid of being involved. You can't wait to step on a few feet when you pass by, so that you don't know what's good or bad. Thinking of this, he was furious, ignoring that the hall was full of people, and viciously satirized and ridicule her. Unexpectedly, this woman still doesn't give up. She always looks at him from afar with a pair of beautiful eyes like a deer, and her eyes are full of lovesickness. A few days later, in the duel of the martial arts competition, she ignored her life and blocked a hidden weapon for herself. At that moment, his heart suddenly became clear, the sea was clear, and the sun was shining.

The next day, their carriage drove on the road of Zheng. Qingzhu saw the prosperous scene outside through the sedan window and knew that this was the imperial capital of Zheng. Rongcheng is a fairly large city. Compared with the State of Yan and the State of Qin, the economic development here is relatively slow, but the city is still full of vitality.

In a short time, the carriage came to the Prime Minister's mansion, and Chen Kang and his wife Mrs. Chen went out to welcome him at the same time. Chen Tianlin and Yin Muxue did not come to greet them. Who in the prime minister's mansion doesn't know the story of Zheng Wen and Miss Yin? He said that being sick is just a cover-up, so as not to make the old lover feel particularly embarrassed to meet and make the servants in the house laugh.

Although Zheng Wen is a nominal prince, the world knows that he has no blood relationship with King Zheng Huan, so he does not live in the palace, but still lives in Chen Tong's mansion. His mother, Rouxi, is known as Mrs. Rou, who also lives here. Originally, if Zheng Wen got married, the emperor would have rewarded him with another house, and they could move away together, but the good thing was approaching, but it has changed so much. At present, he does not have a female concubine, not even a maid, and there is no one.

Zheng Wen jumped down from the high-headed horse, walked a few steps to the front of the carriage, lifted the curtain outside, and stretched out his hand. A soft white hand then stretched out, surrounded by a big palm, and a beautiful woman gracefully walked down from the carriage.

All the people present were stunned and opened their eyes and stared at the two of them. Zheng Wen has always been clean and never had a close relationship with women. The only person who interacted with him was Miss Yin, and there was no excessively intimate behavior. Today, it was an unprecedented initiative to be able to connect with her hands. At present, they are all suspicious in their hearts. Bamboo's identity.

After a while, Mrs. Chen was the first to react and said, "Mr. Zheng, this girl is..."

Zheng Wen's face was pure eyes, naive expression and innocent smile, facing her, "This is Qingzhu girl. She is the guest I invited and will stay in the prime minister's mansion for a few days in the future."

Everyone looked at me, I looked at you, raised my eyebrows and said that no one believed the guests. I don't know which girl was bought in the kiln. No, this woman's elegant manners didn't seem to come from that kind of place, or which adult's lady eloped with Zheng Wen despite the opposition of her family?

Everyone was still suspicious. Mrs. Chen took the lead in saying, "Since you are invited to come in so soon, let's not neglect the prince's friends." Mrs. Chen is the famous mother of Zheng. She is quite strict with Chen Kang. Except for her wife, there is no female family member in the house. Only Rouxi lives in a remote house and has no reputation. Although Prime Minister Chen has never been to Mrs. Rou, Mrs. Chen still regards her as the sand in her eyes. Chen Kang was still restrained when she was there. If Prime Minister Chen is not here, she will sarcasticly satirize Zheng Wen's mother and son, and her words are vicious and leave no affection at all.