Qianfei is too arrogant

Chapter 41 It doesn't work

Everyone was made a big deal by the emperor's last words. How could the emperor be so capricious today? This is not his usual style of doing things! Only Qingzhu has been smiling at him. King Zheng Heng is really a wise king that has never been seen in a hundred years. He is smart, generous, decisive and wise. Why are several emperors in the Huofeng mainland so virtuous? Who is the last big winner? Who will die and whose family will fall? Let's see the future!

"It's getting late today, and it's time for everyone to break up. Tomorrow morning, the four princes will go on an expedition to suppress the thieves. I won't send them off if I'm not feeling well. Fifteen days later, I will still be in the Qiankun Hall. I'm waiting for the good news of the emperors to return to the palace."

King Zheng Heng slowly stood up and left the main hall with the help of the palace people. Although it was only a few steps away, it was not easy to walk. In recent days, he had a blood cough problem and had been maintained by taking medicine. I'm afraid he couldn't survive this year. He made a decision immediately and saved himself from let go. , leaving a mess for future generations. When his steady pace passed by a beautiful figure, he unconsciously stood still, his affectionate eyes were saturated with the pain of lovesickness, and he looked at her for a moment, and he could never see enough.

Rouxi was stared at for a period of dizziness, fear and shyness. She stood there and wanted to leave but dared not leave, which was particularly embarrassing.

The king of a country finally looked at her without any expression on his face, "Lord Chen, is there an old mother in your house, known as Mother Li?"

"It's true to go back to the emperor. She is a clumsy nanny, and now she is in charge of some chores. I just don't know how your majesty knows a woman..." Chen Gan did not dare to hide it at all and answered truthfully.

"Don't ask me how I know her. I order you not to give her a drop of water and a grain of rice for three days from tomorrow, so that she can clear her intestines and stomach, and save her mouth full of feces. This is just to punish Xiaojie. If I hear her talk nonsense again, I will let her drink urine every day until the day she dies. When the emperor said this and resolutely left, only Rouxi's slender figure was left in place. I don't know how to thank him.

He had a question in his heart that kept repeating thousands of times, "Luoxi, do you still hate me?" If it hadn't been for the disorder after drinking, such a beautiful woman might have married a good family and lived a plain and comfortable life, and would never have suffered such ups and downs. In my mind is always the little girl with roses. When she panics, she looks as kind as a deer. Let her go. It has harmed the first half of her life. Do you still want to involve the rest of her life? Why did she delay her life at this age? In the end, she didn't feel sorry for her.

This is their second meeting and the last time in their life.

In the carriage back to the Prime Minister's mansion, Rouxi was torn apart by what happened in the night. She was about to explode and fell asleep long ago. At this time, it was almost midnight, and Qingzhu was also drowsy leaning against the sedan window.

Zheng Wen was extremely sober and even more excited. After thinking about it, I didn't expect that his own father was actually the supreme lord of a country. He was not a wild seed that no one wanted. His father was the best man in the world. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little complacent.

An idea suddenly flashed through his mind. Why did his father obviously want to take his mother into the palace, but he didn't give her any name in the end? Could it be that they dislike the origin of their mother and son? If they really hate them, why did they announce their identity when the three royal brothers embarrassed him? The father can completely pretend to be a stranger and hang high and don't care. But he chose another way to make his gloomy identity finally see the sun. He was puzzled and knew that his brain had always been out of light, so he gently pushed the sleeping woman beside him and said, "Qingzhu, wake up, do I have something to ask you?"

Qingzhu suddenly woke up from his sleep and was muddle-headed for a moment. He was completely awake. He had a severe headache and a little stuffy chest. It seemed that something was stuck in his throat and couldn't swallow it. He couldn't spit it.

"What did you call me, Zheng Wen?" Although she was very uncomfortable, she still answered gently with distant eyebrows, "It's so late. Why haven't you slept yet? You have to get up early tomorrow!"

Zheng Wen put his whole face in front of her and whispered, "Don't be so loud. Be careful that your mother will go on an expedition tomorrow. I'm afraid we won't be able to see each other for a while. I have something to ask you now."

Qingzhu lowered his eyes slightly, and two red clouds flew on his cheeks, which became more and more charming. The corners of his eyes inadvertently caught a glimpse of Zheng Wen's cheeks almost close to him, so he smiled and said, "Just say anything, I just listen."

"I ask you, don't laugh at me." He approached her and said only in a voice that the two could hear. Such an ambiguous tone, such a soft voice, and a gentle breath gently blew Qingzhu's ears, which made her blush and heart beat.

"What does the story mean?"

"Is that the only question, and then?"

"Then in the end, why didn't my father bring his mother into the harem and why didn't he recognize me?"

"Is there any other problem besides this problem?"

"Well, there is no more!"

"What, you woke me up at night just to ask these irrelevant things?" Qingzhu was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He thought that he would take advantage of the separation to confess his lingering love words to himself. Unexpectedly, he asked some brainless questions, "Can't you talk about such irrepared words in the day? Why do you have to wait until I fall asleep?" Oh, my God, this is too bad for the scenery. Such a good and warm atmosphere has been disturbed by this inexprehensive stinky boy!

"How is it irrelevant?" Zheng Wen was puzzled. If his mother was accepted by the concubine of King Zheng today, he would be the prince as a matter of course. Now although everyone is clear about it, he can sit on an equal footing with the three brothers.

Qingzhu naturally understood what he meant, but she didn't expect Zheng Wen to be so enthusiastic about herself in the middle of the night, not ** friendship, but treating herself as a gentleman and wanting to ask questions. So he said angrily, "How old is King Zheng Heng? What's the use of Nafei? 80% of his thing has been useless for a long time!"

"You..." Zheng Wen was so angry that his lips turned white. He didn't expect that the gentle and charming woman could say such a thing, not to mention that it was her biological father who was criticized by her. At that time, his face turned green. In a moment of anger, it was inevitable that there were many mistakes. "I thought I came to ask you, and my tail was up to the sky, and What kind of green onion do you really think you are? How dare you to slander your sick father so much?

Qingzhu also showed no weakness. "Tell you, don't think I don't know what the hell you're doing. It's not that you want to be a veritable prince and climb up to the unattainable dragon chair. I don't participate in it, but you can't bet on your mother's lifelong happiness. , how difficult it is for Mrs. Rou to bring you alone? You should also understand her and let her have a better home. Do you want to let her live a lonely single life for the rest of her life?

"Good home? Lu Qingzhu, what do you mean? Do you want your mother to remarry?

"Yes, as long as Mrs. Rou is willing, I would like to match her and promise her to the person I love."

"You, Lu Qingzhu, bully people too much!" Zheng Wen has suffered too much from feudal toxins since he was a child. He has never heard such shocking remarks. From the beginning to the end, the woman followed her father at home, married her husband, and her son in old age. She has to be led by others all her life. She has no freedom at all, but today the woman he wants to say that she wants to help her mother change it. Marrying is a great shame for him.

"How can his father marry his mother? Besides, when he is today, how can he tolerate a woman's unfaithful to him!"

"Infidelity? Mrs. Rou is neither a noble concubine nor an empress, but you don't know how much she has suffered by your father 20 years ago? Do you really want her to live for the rest of her life?

"Of course, I feel sorry for my mother. Listening to her, being filial to her for the rest of my life is the best filial piety for her." Zheng Wen knew that he could not talk about her at all, but he did not relax at all. "If one day his father passes away, it is natural for his mother to be a widow. It's my mother's honor to be widowed for her father. I think she will be willing and not complain! How dare you advocate that your mother is looking for someone else and wants our mother and son to be laughed at by the world?

"Is it natural? Willingly? No complaints? Mrs. Rou has no marriage to him. Why did he die to stay alone for her? You wooden fish head should be more flexible! I don't know what my mother is thinking at all, so I'm good at making ideas. I only think of my reputation and righteousness, but I don't consider other consequences. I'm simply a natural selfish person! King Zheng Heng is so virtuous and generous. How did he give birth to such a confused and stingy son? It's really blinded his life.

"You still have the face to mention my father. Can you think about your father's feelings in such a way? Aren't you afraid that he will climb up in the coffin after his death and trouble you at night?" Zheng Wenping has been bullied and insulted by Chen Tianlin since he was a child. Today, he somehow exported a chapter. A master like Qingzhu is not at the same level.

Qingzhu didn't give up. He stared at him and didn't regret at all. "King Zheng is definitely not as pedantic as you. Zheng Wen, is your head filled with paste? Don't you really see the real reason why the emperor didn't recognize her? I just hope she can live a good life and don't want her to suffer all her life.

"Nonsense, when did my father say such a thing," Zheng Wen's clear eyes were cold, and his contempt seemed to be innate. "Since she is the emperor's woman, she is born a royal man and dies as a royal ghost."