Qianfei is too arrogant

Chapter 50 He is dead!

The man's body suddenly stagnated, and his scorching eyes were Qingzhu's beautiful figure. For a long time, his powerful body shook a little and said depressingly, "I know where he is. Don't look for him. Now I'll tell you that he... is dead!"

"What?" Qingzhu's body suddenly shook, and his heart seemed to be deeply pierced by the ice edges, and blood flowed endlessly. "You talk nonsense, he can't die. He is the god of war. He is invincible and invincible. Who are you? You want to curse him like this!"

She strode forward and grabbed the man's collar and shouted hysterically. It was ridiculous that the top of her head was not as his shoulder. The original vicious action seemed to be coquettish to outsiders, and he also took the opportunity to hold her slender waist.

The depression on the corners of the man's eyes and eyebrows dissipated slightly, raising an upside-down smile of all sentient beings, "It turns out that he is so perfect in your heart. If he hears your words alive, it will be worth it even if he dies immediately."

"You lied, you are a liar, you..." She didn't know what she was talking about. She only knew that she didn't want Zheng Wen to die. He once told herself that he wanted her to wait for him to come back.

The shouting gradually faded away, and his whole body slowly collapsed, leaning against the man's chest and crying. Originally, it was only one step away from love, but when I turned around, I found that the happiness that should have been held in the palm of my hand was like smoke, and I could only drift around her, and I couldn't hold the palm of my hand no matter how hard I tried.

They were still immersed in grief, but they heard the sound of horses' hoofs in the distance and approached. The iron horsemen of Miaojiang people were about to come. After searching for nearly a day, they finally saw the smoke of cooking somewhere in the dense forest, so they caught up with them along the smoke.

"Miao people are coming, go!" The man said earnestly, "It's too late. Hurry up!"

The man seemed to exert his strength to breastfeed and clamped her with his right arm. Tightly, he ran to the red horse and put her firmly on the horse's back. "Let's go, you go!"

"Let's go together, or they will definitely not let you go!" Seeing that the man did not intend to get on the horse together, Qingzhu was busy stretching out his slender jade hand, "Come on, come up!"

The man's temperament is so soft and awe-inspiring. He grabbed her hand and almost took her off her horseback, and his thin lips clung to the cherry lips of Qingzhu. He tossed and turned for a long time and was reluctant to leave. He cruelly let go of the warmth of his mouth, "I won't leave. If I leave, they will definitely chase them. At that time, even you can't escape. I am grateful and satisfied that I can take a last look at you before I die. His big hand patted the ponytail with all its strength, which frightened the meek brown and red horse and ran away like crazy.

"Qingzhu, I...love...you..." His voice was elongated by the wind roaring in his ear until it was broken.

Qingzhu opened his misty eyes, and his eyes were far away from him. The charming kiss still lingered on her red lips. It was unbelievable who this man was and why his residual temperature was still wandering around, disturbing her new house. Does he give her the feeling of Zheng Wen?

The man suddenly collapsed on the ground and smiled complaedly. Qingzhu, as long as you could see my former appearance before my death, Zheng Wen died without regret.

Five days ago, when Zheng Wen embarked on a journey to fight against the traitors in Miaojiang, he was thinking about the border war on the one hand and his beloved woman on the other. After this battle, he could return to Zheng Guo to marry Qingzhu, which was what he had been looking forward to.

Although he loves her, he is also a little inferior. After all, his current appearance is neither a ghost nor a ghost. He really doesn't deserve the goddess in his dream. Thinking of the scar-removing cream that Qingzhu gave to himself, he applied it on time every day with the mentality of trying it. Unexpectedly, a miracle happened half a month later. In the past, all the scars on his face had faded. Even the original deepest and largest scars were only less conspicuous brown marks. His own skin was a little dark, so the original scars were almost invisible. So he won a complete victory and wanted to return to China as soon as possible to surprise her. Unexpectedly, he was caught by his brother's treachery and was captured and tortured by the Miao people. He wanted to take care of himself and suffer less, but he couldn't bear to think of the woman he liked. But unexpectedly, to his surprise, Qingzhu actually visited the enemy camp for himself and traveled thousands of miles to rescue himself.

Zheng Wen knew well about his current injury. If Qingzhu fled with him, it would only involve her. There was only one final result, that is, both of them were captured. It was lucky to see her before he died, so he was cruel and did not tell her the truth. As long as she could live, he would have no regrets!

The chaotic footsteps were mixed with angry shouting and scolding, and a group of Miao soldiers arrived quickly. The first few people rode on a tall horses, straight and majestic. When he saw the stunned man sitting on the ground not far away, he slowed down, as if a fierce beast could get close to the prey he cares about.

Battle first jumped off the war horse and slowly approached the lax-eyed man, "General Zheng, how come you came here after seeing him for such a while?"

Zheng Wen did not answer, and her eyes kept staring at the direction of Qingzhu's disappearance. She should have escaped from danger.

Then several people also disarmed together. Their satisfied faces were full of happy eyebrows, and the exit was a little fluttering. "What a wild bastard, you really have the ability to come here in the blink of an eye." As the eldest prince spoke, he walked closer, and the anxiety caused by looking for Zheng Wen, who had not seen him for a long time, turned the world upside down in an instant.

"Don't say, he is really capable. He came here by himself." The second prince is very worried. This younger brother is usually a fierce role that six relatives don't recognize. Now although he is a tiger falling to Pingyang, there is still a faint fierce spirit on his body.

"Brother, second brother, don't tell me that this bastard has returned to his original appearance and looks really good." The third prince had already walked to Zheng Wen, stopped his body, and looked down at Zheng Wen's flawless face. "He was born with a seductive face, exactly like his shameless mother!" Zheng Wen, like an angry puppet, has no reaction, as if he were wandering in the soul and like a dream.

Zheng Wen has been recognized as a beautiful man since he was a child. His perfect to flawless face makes all women have a bloody figure, broad shoulders, narrow thin waist, bronze skin, and six protruding muscles in the abdomen, which makes people unable to fall into it at a glance. This is also the main reason why other men envy, envy and hate.