Qianfei is too arrogant

Chapter 52 Tiangou eclipse

The night wind blows gently, light and shadow flow, and the delicate white moon emits a faint light, intoxicating people's hearts.

But Bartel's eyes flashed, "Girl, are you serious about this?" Will, sooner or later you will be mine!

The eldest prince was shocked and said in horror, "Chief Ba, are you kidding?"

The second prince even sprinkled all his anger on Qingzhu, and his tone was extremely harsh. "B bitch, you are the kind of villain who forgets to be a Pakistani chief. Don't seduce men everywhere by relying on your own beauty!"

The third prince's arm was so painful that he was so angry that he wanted to strangle him to death. "The demon girl, do you really regard yourself as a reincarnation goddess? Chief Ba will kill the three of us brothers for you. It's just a dream. You're just a let go. It's ridiculous to think that I'm a good-good guy!"

These three people usually rely on their own prince's identity and have always called Battle's name. When it comes to the matter, they should quickly see the wind and steer. I'm afraid that they will be unfavorable to themselves. Speaking of which, the three of them are now in the hinterland of southern Xinjiang, and the soldiers around them have long been ordered to sneak back. After all, it is not honorable to do this kind of betray the country. If it is known by King Zheng Heng, I'm afraid that their lives will be public, so the fewer people know about it, the better, and the more mysterious they will act.

"Goddaughter?" Battle's long eyebrows frowned gently, "Are you a reincarnated goddess?"

"Don't listen to her big words, talk nonsense, and stick gold on your face. If she is a goddess, I will be the Jade Emperor." Several princes spoke coldly and maliciously, which was extremely unpleasant.

Hearing Bartle's interest in the goddess, Qingzhu smiled and said, "Yes, I am the reincarnation of the Biluo Goddess. I will kill these three treacherous tycophants for me, and I will help you complete your great career."

"Hahaha!" In the night, everyone suddenly laughed and laughed wildly, "The goddess must have magical skills. If you are a goddess, then change it for us!"

The sky gradually darkened, and suddenly there was a strong wind and dark clouds, as if a heavy rain was about to pour down. The sudden change in the weather did not attract the attention of others, because they just wanted to deal with the men and women in the tree early, and then they could return to the camp. However, Qingzhu looked at the moon in the sky and was a little dazed. She noticed that the moon was disappearing little by little, but its brightness was very small, not easy to be detected by the naked eye, and not to the point of panic.

Is it a lunar eclipse? The brain runs rapidly, recalling a paragraph in the textbook of the previous life: in ancient times, people did not understand the scientific truth of the lunar eclipse, feared it, and called this natural imagination the dog eclipse. It is said that in the early 16th century, Columbus sailed to Jamaica in South America and clashed with the local indigenous people. Columbus and his sailors were trapped in a corner with food and water. The situation was very critical. Columbus, who knew something about astronomy, knew that there would be a total lunar eclipse that night, so he shouted to the indigenous people, "If you don't bring food, I won't give you moonlight!" In the evening, Columbus's words came true, and there was no moonlight. Seeing this, the indigenous people were frightened and quickly fought with Columbus.

Thinking of this, she was in a hurry and said majestically, "How can you be so ordinary people to see my true ability? Let you blind dogs see how powerful I am today. Open your eyes and see. If you dare to touch half of our hair, you will never see the moonlight.

She sat cross-legged on the tree trunk, restrained her clothes, and said words in her mouth. Taishang Laojun was as anxious as the law. In short, she read all the spells she could think of. Fortunately, she could recover part of her physical strength by taking time.

In an hour, the sky gradually darkened, and the luster of the moon's surface also decreased, and the naked eye could see that the edge of the moon darkened. Then the surface of the moon is sometimes red and copper and sometimes dark red, and the edge of the moon is getting lighter and lighter. I don't know when it has lost an edge, and it is getting stronger and stronger.

A group of people in southern Xinjiang didn't care about it at first, but they were gradually stunned. They looked at the bright moon getting smaller and smaller and were frightened. The three princes were even soft, kept tling, and almost knelt down. If she was really a goddess, could she easily let go of herself?

Zheng Wen opened his mouth and looked at Haoyue, who slowly became smaller. He couldn't say a word. He turned his head and looked at her affectionately. He couldn't wait to integrate her into his eyes and could no longer take it out. Unexpectedly, the woman he had always loved was far away. The person who struggled to rescue him was the Biluo Godde. At this time, he was even a little happy. , I was poisoned and abandoned by others. Otherwise, how could there be such a marriage? God treats me well!

Battle's thick eyebrows are slowly locked. Is the legend true?

By this time, the night sky is all dark, and you can't reach out. It's already cold at night. Coupled with the cold evening breeze, the whole camphor forest is a strange atmosphere.

"Ah, it's not good, it's Tiangou's eclipse!" A knowledgeable soldier in Miaojiang shouted loudly.

"Godde, spare my life!" Another Miao soldier in the crowd had already knelt down and knocked on the ground with his head like a wooden fish. "The goddess spared us Miao people. These three Zheng people have harmed you and have nothing to do with our Miaojiang!"

"Exact, exactly!" A person next to him also knelt down and said, "Lord God, there are a lot of us. Let go of us miserable Miao people!"

For a moment, crying and begging for mercy, one after another, earth-shaking.

Qingzhu still closed his eyes and smiled freely. "I have always had clear grudges. Those who are kind to me will definitely repay, and those who have harmed me will definitely return ten times."

She looked straight at the three princes of Zheng with her clear eyes, "Despicable villain, don't do anything to kill you!" Originally, he just wanted to scare them, but before he finished speaking, a Miao soldier next to him pulled out the long knife in his hand and ran to the three people crazily. The sharp blade in his hand waved, only heard three loud sounds, three heads rolled down to the ground like watermelons, and blood splashed everywhere, confusing people's eyes.

Qingzhu stared at a pair of watery eyes. She only saw the eldest prince's head rolling around on the ground, and finally hit a big tree. She blinked and opened her mouth to say something, but she still didn't say anything in the end.

Everything was completed in an instant. It came too fast. Before Zheng Wen and Qingzhu could stop it, all the dust settled.

Zheng Wen actually didn't want the lives of the three brothers. Although they were unrighteous, they were their own brother after all. After all, they should explain to their father when they went back. What's more, Empress Zheng has always been at peace with him and is still stable in the court. The three brothers died at the same time, and they only live alone. What will the world talk about? He wanted to punish the three brothers severely and exile them to the frontier. He never saw them again, but now he has become a matter of life and death.