Qianfei is too arrogant

Chapter 7 Horse Racing

Zheng Wen stiffened and his expression was entangled and uncomfortable. Although Yin Muxue said that he was very moved by guarding himself like jade, he did not think about marrying her, because he could not let go of anyone in his eyes now. At present, the two were just a little awkward.

Qingzhu couldn't stand the undisguised interaction between the two. He dusted his body and said coldly, "This is my room. If you two want to make out, it's better to go to the inner room. It's always bad for people to see the blue sky and day. After all, Sister Xue'er is still the identity of Mrs. Chen. My subordinates chew their tongues in private and slander you for colliding with you for a long time.

As soon as the two of them heard this, they were miserable. Yin Muxue was really shocked, and Zheng Wen was really wronged. In this sentence, it hit the key point. The man immediately shook off the woman's hand and said, "Sister Xueer, you'd better go back first. No matter what the difficulty is, my brother will do his best to help you. After all, we have been together for brothers and sisters for ten years."

Yin Muxue's face turned red and white. She remembered that she was under the willow tree a month ago, in front of Zheng Wen, Qingzhu and Bingbing, vowed to heaven that she would rather suffer the pain of being eroding her heart than draw a clear line with him. She didn't expect that she would eat her foreword for only a few days, and she was ashamed to go into the hole.

But the current situation is no longer allowed for her to think more. She has fallen out with her aunt Mrs. Chen. Yesterday, she shook off the ice and ice. Now the little girl is being detained by Zheng Wen, waiting for Chen Tianlin to return home to face her. The current situation is already difficult to ride a tiger, and she has to shoot arrows on the string. Fortunately, the Yin family is very powerful and has found a way to harm her cousin. Now as long as the bad news comes, she can remarry others as a widow.

"Poutong" knelt on the ground again, ignoring yesterday's old wounds on his forehead, "bang" and kowtowed, "Sister Qingzhu, Xue'er begging you, it's time for my sister to offend you. I shouldn't ask you to be a concubine. As long as I can serve my brother together, I don't care about anything and be a maid in the bedroom. All of them, as long as we don't separate again..."

The first thing Zheng Wen is afraid of is the tears of women. At this time, his heart was broken by her and he wanted to help him up from the ground. "Xueer, stop talking about it. Let's talk about this later. You go back and see the wound first!"

"No, if my sister doesn't agree today, Xue'er can only be determined by death." Yin Muxue is like dog skin plaster, getting more and more boring.

Zheng Wen is so anxious that as long as she can pull up the woman at her feet, no matter what the way, "What do you ask her to do? She is not the identity of the main room?" As soon as he said the words, he realized that many words would be lost, but there was no way to take it back if he had said it. His eyebrows squinted at Qingzhu, and his brain kept spinning. How to end it?

"Impossible," Yin Muxue's eyes widened, full of disbelief, "Before I heard that my brother came back, I begged my sister to be a little with you. Qingzhu said that as long as she was the wife for a day, my brother would definitely not tolerate me. In the end, I had knelt down and pleaded, but I didn't get permission. Until you came back, I was injured. ."

"What?" Zheng Wen pinched the wrist of the woman in front of him puzzledly, "Are you begging her? Did she be bigger and you were small before you were pushed down and injured by her?"

"Actually, my sister didn't mean it." She didn't say it or say no, but just said it was not intentional, which made Zheng Wen even more convinced.

"Get up first," the man's chest was a little hot and he suppressed his anger. "Don't ask her about this kind of thing in the future. She doesn't know whether she is big or small? Cher will go back to recuperate for a while. There will be your favorite horse race in the evening. Come early.

"Yes!" The woman who finally got up from the ground, after seeing the uncontrollable anger in Zheng Wen's eyes, the sarcasticity at the corners of her mouth slightly hooked up.

Qingzhu caught her smiling and sarcastic expression before she went out and forced herself to smile.

"Qingzhu, I have been with you for so long, and I have always thought you are a reasonable woman, but I'm really disappointed to see what you have done recently!" In the past, he thought she was a virtuous woman, but it didn't mean that he would always think like this.

The smile froze on my face, and when I saw the man's resentful eyes, I was heartened, "Since I entered the room, have you ever asked me what happened? It's just that you blindly believe in other people's words and shame me. You also let me down!"

Zheng Wen was touched by her words and deliberately pouted the corners of his mouth and asked, "Then you can explain it to me."

"Hmm! Just come to ask me now, but I don't want to say anything more, and you may not believe what I said. I resisted the impulse to scream and want to curse. "Just now, Yin Muxue told me that she would get you drunk when you were newly married and replace the virgin blood with the blood of a beast. If she can't keep your person, she will be desperate to have children. I was so angry for a moment that I just wanted to tell you immediately that she pulled my skirt, and then I fell down and got injured. I know that you may not believe these words. She is not as simple as you think. Who poisoned her and whether she is perfect for you. When Chen Tianlin comes back, you will know as soon as you ask. Some things you see with your own eyes are not necessarily the truth.

Zheng Wen stood stiffly there like a stone statue and thought for a long time, "You can rest first. There will be distinguished guests visiting in the evening. Don't forget to attend at that time. There will be a conclusion about which one is not in the future. I will definitely not wrong good people and appease treacherous hustery.

With heavy steps, he stepped out of the door, confused and had no clue. It was unclear who was true and who had been deceiving himself. In a blink of an eye, I arrived under the willow tree, which was marked by myself with a knife many years ago. The sky has been barren and covered with moss for a long time.

A punch was hit hard, completely breaking the heartache of the past. Yin Muxue, no matter what happened in the past, we can't go back to the past!

It's night, and the sky is beautiful. Although it is night, the starry night is bright. A wide track outside the Prime Minister's mansion is the racetrack. This was specially built by Prime Minister Chen. It is said that King Zheng Heng loved horse racing very much. When he was a prince, he often came here to compete with Chen Gang. He used to compete in the mountains and forests. The road was rugged and trees, and the long journey was very dangerous. Later, Lord Chen took his place and built a racetrack outside the house. All kinds of dignitaries talked and laughed, which was very lively.

When Qingzhu arrived at the racetrack, the race was about to begin. He wore a water-green green bamboo dress, covered with white and translucent silk soft smoke, and his figure was graceful and touching. Zheng Wen looked at his three horses on the edge of the field, looking a little depressed. Yin Muxue, who was beside him, was still dressed in blue and kept chattering, which troubled him.

Originally, it was not someone else who came to participate in the competition tonight, but today's Zheng Hengwang. However, because the emperor has been getting old recently and his legs and feet are not convenient, so he did not attend, so he ordered Empress Zheng to participate on behalf of the emperor. In fact, it is a competition, but it is just to make the emperor happy. Zheng Wen did not prepare the best horses. He doesn't care about winning or losing, but just wants to make the old man happy. But at this moment, Queen Zheng has always been at odds with Zheng Wen. At present, because of the death of her three sons in Miaojiang, she is simply hatred for him and Qingzhu, and she really wants to die on the spot.

Although Zheng Wen was also sorry for the death of his three brothers, when he thought of the inhuman treatment he received in Miaojiang, the only remaining apology disappeared. Now the only idea in his mind is to win the game and destroy the arrogance of the queen. The current situation is not optimistic. Empress Zheng's palace horse is obviously better than every horse, so he has always been depressed.

The arrival of Qingzhu is undoubtedly the highlight of the field. Many senior officials are looking at it and marveling that it is really heaven and man! Zheng Wen's eyes also turned and he forgot his worries for the time being.

Yin Muxue stared at the elegant woman like a lotus with hatred. After all, he still cared about her and could not be defeated easily.

"Sister Qingzhu is really beautiful, and she looks more charming in such a dress!" Saying insincere words, she can't shrink back when she thinks of the consequences of Zheng Wen's knowing the truth. She must find a way to pull out this thorn as soon as possible, otherwise things will be revealed sooner or later. At that time, Zheng Wen's style will not be able to spare herself.

Qingzhu nodded and smiled without saying a word.

"Wen'er," Chen Cheng doesn't know when he has arrived at the edge of the field. "What do you want to do in tonight's game..."

"I'm determined to win!" Zheng Wen interrupted Chen Gan's words, "In the past, I was kind and soft-handed. I endured it again and again, and almost made a big mistake. From now on, no matter who and what means to deal with me, I will definitely return an eye for an eye, and I will never show mercy."

Yin Muxue beside her couldn't help shivering and stopped immediately. Tonight, she kept chattering, and now she finally calmed down.

"Our third-class horse is obviously slightly inferior to the BMW in the court, and there is little chance of winning." Lord Chen has always regarded Zheng Wen as his own and always pulls him at critical moments.

"Tell the groom that as long as he can win the palace horse, he can choose gold and silver, and on the contrary, let's meet the superiors of the item." Zheng Wen's eyes are determined to win. Perhaps as people say, although his emotional intelligence is not high, once it comes to power, he will become a heroic man who is not inferior to Qin Zheng, hiding the universe in his chest and pointing his sword at the world.

The three grooms beside him were scared to be weak when they heard the words of the future king, and one of them couldn't help falling to the ground. "General, forgive us!"

The other two hurriedly picked him up, nodded together and said, "General Zheng, let's be flexible!" The war horse in this competition is not the most outstanding. How can it be compared with the BMW in the palace?

Zheng Wen suddenly turned around, like a tiger fighting back, and shocked everyone. "This is a military order. There is no room for negotiation. All I want is the result. No matter what cost it takes, it will be completed."

So, the front, back, left and right are silent.