Qianfei is too arrogant

Chapter 10 Heart Talk

In the cold room, a group of servants were busy back and forth, sometimes brought in hot water, and sometimes new clothes. The whole room was full of endless flow of people. Only the pale woman lying on Jin** was motionless and breathed.

Zheng Wen put his hand on his chest. I don't know why he had a feeling of heartache. It was a very scary and frightening feeling. It seemed that he was losing something and losing it little by little. He really hopes that everything is just a fantasy, just a dream.

When the sky came, Qingzhu's injury had become more and more serious, and his breathing was already weak, but now he is even lighter. The woman struggling with death is like a butterfly with broken wings at this moment, which makes people look a kind of heartbreaking beauty.

He panicked and didn't know what to do. He was really afraid that she would leave him. She raised her body and continuously injected her internal strength into the woman's body. Gradually, the cold body had a trace of warmth, and the stiff body also relaxed. Just as the man thought she was about to wake up, the woman closed her eyes, frowned, spit out blood one after another, and there were even coagulated blood clots in the purple-black thick blood, which made people afraid of chilling.

"Qingzhu, how are you? Wake up, as long as you can survive, I promise you everything!" Zheng Wen's earth-shaking shouts could not wake up the woman who was deeply in a coma.

Why do people know that they have it when they are about to lose it and retain it when they are about to leave? But can everything go as you wish? Zheng Wen couldn't imagine that at that moment, the woman had made a decision to give up the man who made her sad. At this moment, her heart also died.

When Tianyi's old and vigorous fingers touched Qingzhu's cold wrist, she couldn't shake herself. Her pulse was slight and weak, and maybe the next second she would disappear.

"General Zheng don't have to worry. Miss Qingzhu's head injury is not serious, but she has lost too much blood and needs to take good care of herself." Tianyi comforted her in a memeasurable voice. Although she is blind, she can still feel his nervousness and fear from the man's disordered breathing. She is a woman related to her future career. How can she be so careless? "However, she was poisoned, coupled with excessive worry and mental distress, and her mental illness was far greater than her physical injury. It would be bad if it went on like this. Her body can't be angry, and her heart can only accelerate her illness.

Tianyi thought for a while and muttered, "Originally, Lao Na should not interfere in the future prince's affairs, but Qingzhu girl is not only the goddess who established the country and the country, but also a affectionate and righteous woman, and the general should cherish it." She covered the hidden weapon for him and rescued his lover thousands of miles away. Such heroic deeds have long been a good story of Zheng Guo. Unexpectedly, a pair of men and women were beaten by people, and finally it turned out to be the end of the peacock flying southeast.

Zheng Wen looked at the ** silent woman in a daze. Mumu nodded, but his heart didn't know where it was.

I didn't sleep all night and looked at her, and my heart was surging. Her former kindness to him suddenly appeared in front of me. Her beauty, her kindness, and her intelligence made him smile from the bottom of his heart. Even he didn't know how ridiculous it is now that he is suffering from gains and losses.

In the morning, he dragged his tired body and walked out of the door slowly. The bodyguard who had been waiting for a long time could not stand it for a long time. He strode forward and whispered something in his ear. Suddenly, Zheng Wen's thick eyebrows were deeply tightened, "Is this true? Where is he?"

The bodyguard did not dare to delay and bowed and stood solemnly. "I'm holding it in the torture room, just waiting for a word from the general."

The thick eyebrows of the heroic man slowly stretched, and it seems that today is the time to unravel the truth.

The interrogation room is located in the south of the Prime Minister's mansion, which is a relatively remote lower house, and it is also a place where everyone talks about punishment. The place dedicated to detaining the sinners is simply a cell, and it is a cell with all kinds of torture.

There seems to be a heavy sadness here, permeating around like air, so depressing that it can hardly say a word. Zheng Wen sat at a wooden table and drank the honey dew in the porcelain bowl leisurely. His expression was indifferent and cold. Although it was only one day, it was like another world, and it suddenly matured a lot, as if his soul had fallen out of its shell.

"Mrs. Chen is here!" The guards next to him reported loudly.

A trace of contempt flashed across the man's young and handsome face, with natural dignity and reservedness, calmly, "Then please come in!"

"Brother Wen, are you... looking for me?" Yin Muxue's voice was full of awe, panic and uneasiness. After only one night, her childhood sweetheart seemed to have changed into a person. The alienation and indifference in her eyes made people thump.

Zheng Wen's surprisingly light and light voice today gives people a quiet and calm impression. "I haven't talked to Xueer for a long time. I remember that we grew up together when we were teenagers. At that time, I was often bullied. Only you didn't dislike me as a wild child and played with me. I always looked forward to growing up at that time. If you are strong, you will not be trampled under your feet. Unexpectedly, with the change of years, there are fewer and fewer happy days, and childhood is the happiest time without carefree.

Yin Muxue was full of imagination, and her cheeks showed an unusual blush, like a layer of charming color. Maybe today is the opportunity for Brother Wen to accept me again.

He said to himself, as if looking back on the past and looking forward to the future. "I remember that you like blue most, so almost every dress is blue with water. My favorite snowflake is your name, so every hairpin is in the shape of snow petals. By the way, is the golden hairpin I gave you with snow petals when she was 15 years old still wearing it?

"Of course, Xue'er has always treasured what her brother gave me. Look, this is just on her head..." The smiling woman's face was full of complacent, but while her right hand covered her temples, her smile instantly froze, "Well, maybe she came out in a hurry and forgot to bring it out!"

Her panic naturally couldn't escape the man's eagle-like sharp eyes. Zheng Wen pulled out an intriguing sneer, "Really? Now think about it, I really want to see that Zhu Jian. After all, I chose the style myself, Cher, do you know? At that time, when I saw the jewelry craftsman exquisitely polished the handcture for you, my heart was so hot that I even felt that I was the happiest man in the world, because I could stay with my beloved woman all my life.