Qianfei is too arrogant

Chapter 13 Heart Death

Yin Muxue pointed back and forth to the four ugly men in front of her with a trembling finger, shaking her body like a weeping willow in the wind. "Do you dare? I am the emperor's favorite woman in the future, his concubine, and the queen..." At this moment, the woman with broken clothes no longer has the illusion of kindness and enthusiasm in the past, shouts out all the most real ambition and hypocrisy in her heart, and goes hysterically crazy.

"Oc, you are the queen here. Let our brothers and emperors take turns to serve you!"

"Help, help, brother, save Cher! Have you forgotten the promise we made under the willow tree? Don't you remember that you said you loved me wholeheartedly?

Zheng Wen's footsteps, which he wanted to take, lifted and put down, with mixed feelings, like opening a seasoning shop. A sour, sweet, bitter, salty and spicy brain rushed to his heart. His mind was full of the little girl who protected himself behind him and her sweet voice, "Shence, if you beat him again, I will Bring my uncle here."

The beautiful sword eyebrows frowned high and carefully ordered the guards beside him.

" Stop it! The four of you come out!" The bodyguard shouted coldly and strode out. Soon after, he turned around and had a white porcelain bowl in his hand.

When the wish was not fulfilled, he was naturally discouraged and unhappy. The four brothers appeared from behind the screen with their upper bodies and did not dare to complain. They could only swallow their breath into their stomachs.

The woman's crying finally stopped, only whispering and sobbing. Fortunately, Zheng Wen still spared her at the final moment. It seems that he still has his own place in his heart.

Bingbing carefully helped out Yin Muxue, who had almost pulled the long skirt into strips. Her snow-white skin was full of red marks left when she struggled with four men, and her face was as gray at this moment.

"The young lady must be thirsty. Drink some water to soothe your throat!" The bodyguard handed the white bowl that had been prepared for a long time to Yin Muxue.

"I, I don't want to drink water." There is a lingering palpitation in my heart. For the rest of my life, I am not in the mood to moisten my throat now, and my trembling little hands keep pushing out.

"This is a reward from the general and the general's order. The young lady should enjoy it by herself, so that her subordinates won't do it!" Despite the woman's refusal, she poured the bowl directly into her sandalwood mouth.

"Cough!" Originally reluctant, coupled with the excessive force of the bodyguard, she was so angry that her face was red and her neck was thick.

"What is this?" The sweet and greasy dew penetrated the throat and entered the intestines. After violent trembling, the slender fingers covered the white lips and actually vomited a piece of wood chips from the mouth, and it looked very familiar.

"Sier, don't you know?" Zheng Wen looked coldly at the panicked woman, "There is no need to make such a fuss, but your homemade honey dew and the crumbs of a wooden dragon cup."

Yin Muxue, who was still grateful to Dai De, didn't know that the panic was uncertain and there was a storm again, and his eyes were full of fear and surprise.

"Don't be afraid. It's just a small piece taken from my wooden dragon cup. After the cup has been placed for a long time, there should not be too many insects. I don't think you can suffer any serious crimes." He suddenly smiled and said, "It's ridiculous that you and my methods in the past are simply ridiculous. Xueer, let's survive slowly in the future, just like I used to live a year until I die.

The woman's beautiful face was frozen in an instant. Because her hair was creepy, her eyes stared straight at the man opposite, as if she didn't believe that these words came from his mouth.

Withbearance of the pain cut like a knife, he said in frustration and coldly, "Mrs. Chen and Chen Tianlin, you two have secretly harmed me many times before and should have been severely punished, but thinking of Lord Chen's Buddha for many years, I, Zheng Wen, no longer care about the past without blaming the past, and forget you to take care of yourself."

After Zheng Wen finished speaking, he raised his feet to leave, but he heard the sound of a woman kneeling on the ground. Bingbing pulled his trousers and begged, "General Zheng, give me the antidote to my lady. You can let others go of a large number. Why can't you spare the childhood sweethearts of the past?"

"The poison she used to do to me could no longer be investigated, but she repeatedly provoked the feelings between me and Qingzhu, and even injured her, so she must not be tolerated." The man's cold expression showed a trace of coldness and looked angrily at Bingbing. "Xue'er has today, you can't escape from the relationship. Seeing that you are pregnant with the flesh and blood of the Chen family, I wouldn't have punished you. If it hadn't been for the secret knot between you and Tianlin, she wouldn't have done everything she would have done to come back to me again. This is wrong again and again. Bingbing, you don't have to be pretentious.

After saying that, Bingbing's face suddenly darkened. She was a smart girl. She came from a humble background and thought that she could live a good life in the future, so she followed his mind after Master Chen deliberately seduced her. Originally, the young lady's companion girl had the prince's bed, which was not a big deal, but Yin Muxue was the kind of woman who only wanted her husband to marry her, which was spoiled by Zheng Wen. Because Chen Tianlin asked for her first, he responded to her request. Once she felt that she had no use value, she was not as obedient as before, which made Yin Muxue more angry. The angry woman was finally ignited by anger and finally entered the eternal abyss.

It was almost evening when Zheng Wen walked out of the torture room. His mood was indescribably low, and finally he had an entangled marriage. He could love another woman wholeheartedly and without hesitation, but why his heart still couldn't feel uncomfortable.

"General Zheng, Miss Qingzhu woke up." The bodyguard trotted over and came to report the good news with a smile.

After hearing the report of the people, the man's depressed mind suddenly became cheerful, and his eyes flashed a ray of light, and he ran away with joy.

In the inner room of the house, Qingzhu slept drowsy for 24 hours. He opened his apricot eyes for a long time to regain consciousness. He tried his best to support his weak body and slowly sat up. What happened in the past two days was replayed in his mind like a movie. Thinking of what happened that night, he was sad for a moment, and all his thoughts were gray.

Go, go now, this is her most real idea now!

"Qingzhu, you're awake!" A hoarse voice came from the door. Zheng Wenfei walked straight to the bed and pulled the woman into his arms. "For good, you woke up, otherwise I really don't want to live." His words were like tears, and there was a warm and crystal** flowing in his eyes.

"General Zheng, let me go first... I can't breathe." He was strangled to have difficulty breathing, but he was unable to push it away, so he could only persuade him kindly.

suddenly loosened her arms and looked at her with dark starry eyes, with boundless infatuation and doting, but her eyes were cold and there was no feeling.

Zheng Wen felt that she was obviously wrong today. She was a little flustered and said, "Qingzhu, you don't have to think much now. When you feel better, we will get married immediately."

The woman's white face did not fluctuate at all, and her bloodless cherry lips pulled out a sneer, "General Zheng, stop laughing, pay attention to let your future bride hear it, think more."

His face was stiff. He looked at her face and said carefully, "Qingzhu is angry. It's all my fault. I shouldn't listen to Xue'er's words. I won't do it again."

Qingzhu's smile is stronger, "Although our business is caused by Yin Muxue, it actually has little to do with her. In fact, you and I are at discord, and our ideas and ideas are different. In addition, there is no minimum trust between lovers. It is inevitable to break up because of understanding.

"I don't understand what you said." Without lying, these semi-ancient and half-present words may not be clear even by intelligent ancient men, let alone the brainless Zheng Wen.

"Zheng Wen, stop sticking to it! We are two kinds of people at all!"

"No, no, none! I just want you. Stop fighting with me."

"Zheng Wen, what should I say to make you understand? I'm not quarreling with you. In fact, I still want to thank Yin Muxue. If she hadn't helped me fall off the horse and hit the trunk of the tree, I wouldn't have woken up so quickly. I finally found that... I don't love you anymore!"

The man's body is as stiff as a dead wood, staring in horror and doesn't care, as if the woman who tells other people's affairs, his heart is like being punctured by a steel cone, full of wounds. But he didn't expect that a woman's heart had long been scarred.

"When I fell to the ground, hurt my head and stretched out my hand for help, but when you refused, I realized that my heart was dead!"

"No, no, it's not my fault. I didn't see through all Cher's tricks, which hurt you."

"You think it was Yin Muxue who hurt me. I think you are the one who hurt me the most. Although the pain in the skin will leave scars and the pain will eventually disappear, even if the wound in my heart is dusty for many years, as long as it is mentioned, it will hurt to the bone."

Zheng Wen did not expect that after only one day and one night, the woman who once had been sincere to him would speak the truth like a person who participated in meditation. He didn't understand why everything was so fast. Everything that happened with her yesterday swayed in his mind. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he would avenge himself and felt ashamed.

He regretted that he did not believe her words and broke her heart, but unfortunately, there was no medicine for regret in the world.

Suddenly, Zheng Wen howled like a child, and his ink eyes, which were originally sobbing, were like heavy rain, out of control. He wanted to play like a child. Even if he was spurned by her, even if she didn't look good, he didn't care, as long as he could leave her. At this time, he remembered why Qin Zheng would not let her go at all costs, all because of his reluctance and the emptiness in his heart after losing her. It turned out that people's possessiveness was so terrible that his beloved things were never allowed to be coveted by others.