Qianfei is too arrogant

Chapter 16 Abanded

Zheng Wenku sat on the head of the bed, where Qingzhu once slept peacefully. Although it was not long, the snow-white brocade quilt and jade-colored porcelain pillows were exuding her unique atmosphere. Her heart seemed to be emptied and the blood was about to freeze.

"Wen Er, are you back?" Rouxi just came back from outside and found that her son's strangeness was also uncomfortable.

"Mother, Qingzhu...hide-and-seek...she lost!" The stupid man is almost incoherent.

"I know," Rouxi nodded slightly. "I let her go."

"What?" Suddenly standing up from **, her eyes were full of blood, her body shook back and forth, and her big hand clenched into fists, "Mother, you know she is my favorite woman, why did you let her go?"

His eyes are bloodthirsty, like a sword coming out of its sheath, cold and fierce. If you stand in front of him at this moment, the person who speaks plainly is someone else, and may die under his palm of his hand the next second, but the person who lost the treasure is his own mother, holding his breath of sulking and anger.

"Wen'er, my mother has always wanted to ask you, is chastity so important to a woman? If you really love her, why do you care about those hypocritical things? Your mother is also a distorted woman. You know how much she has suffered. At that time, you have been hoping that someone can understand yourself, but until now, although she has lived a life of rich clothes and food, she still doesn't know what others talk about behind her back. Qingzhu is a special girl. If you can get her, you will be lucky in your life. Not long after she left, she went to the west gate. If you can let go of your heart, don't care about those things, you can save it by yourself!" After saying that, Rouxi took a look at her son and walked out of the door with a sigh.

Just left? City gate? It's broken. Could it be that the masked woman is Qingzhu? If she has a token, she should leave the city immediately, and it will be more difficult to recover from Zheng Guo.

Running like flying, jumping on the horse and disappearing in the night.

At the gate of the West City, a team of soldiers, although it was late at night, were still full of spirit.

When Zheng Wen arrived here, he didn't see Qingzhu's figure. He hurriedly asked, "Is anyone out of town here?"

"Return to the general, there was indeed a masked woman in black who claimed to see a doctor outside the city and took your token and went north."

"Self-proclaimed? Can she talk?"

"Of course, and the warbler's voice is very beautiful!"

Zheng Wen felt sad when he heard this. Although he was on the horse, he still raised his foot and kicked the man's chest fiercely and said, "Who let you let her go? Open the gate immediately and chase me together. If you can't find it, come back to do military law."

The grievance in the soldier's heart is really uncomfortable, showing a face that is worse than a bitter gourd. What's the matter? Do things according to the rules and carry a token to go out of the city. What's wrong with you? Maybe you can't even save your life. But it can be seen that the general's face is not good at this time. He must have sprinkled the evil fire on him and dared not neglect it. He hurriedly ordered, "Open the gate and chase me. I can't find the person the general is looking for, 50 military sticks!" Look, the current learning and selling makes Zheng Wen's ability vivid.

So, a team of soldiers opened the city gate and searched hard as if casting a net.

Besides, after Qingzhu came out of the North Gate, she has been wandering aimlessly. Recently, her body has become heavier and heavier. She knows that her poison has worsened. People are about to die, and the fallen leaves return to their roots. They always go back to see Yinger and their father and brother.

Gradually, it was a must-see forest leading to the Northern Qin. The weather was dark and I was thinking about it. I didn't care about my feet. The horses continued to move forward. In front of them was a cluster of dead grass. Suddenly, the foot sank, the horse lost its front hoof, and the steed fell down with the bamboo. Fortunately, she reflected very quickly and stepped on the horse's back and soared into the air. It turned out that there was a trap underneath, full of sharpened bamboo stems and sharp edges upwards. Once she fell down, she had to be tied into a sieve, but when she heard the horse's wailing, followed by a "poof" sound. She must have been pierced by the bamboo tip and died on the spot.

Qingzhu tossed several heels in the air and quickly fell down. At the moment when she landed on the ground, she found that one foot had fallen into a trap surrounded by a hemp rope. The rope shrank and suddenly went up, so she was strangled by her left foot and hung upside down in mid-air, and something in her arms fell to the ground along her skirt.

She is weak, coupled with excessive strength and severe ankle pain, it is difficult to bow up and untie the shackles of her feet. I was reaching hard to my feet, but I heard sparse footsteps. Because she was afraid that it was Zheng Wen who sent someone to find her, she didn't dare to shout for help, and she didn't even dare to breathe.

The light is not good, and you can't see the people from afar, but you can still hear a few voices that are getting closer and closer.

"Chief, look, that's a woman." A voice said.

"Well, Kerim, go and have a look." Another beautiful male voice ordered.

"Yes." After seeing the woman's face, Kerm ran back happily, "It's her, it's her!" Chief, there is no place to break the iron shoes. It doesn't take much effort. This time you have to get what you want.

As soon as the man heard Crem's words, his face was full of spring breeze, stepped on the leaves in the air, and went straight to the bamboo.

"Is that you?" Qingzhu figured out the identity of the visitor and held his breath, "You, what are you looking for me to do... Ah..."

Before he finished his words, he only felt that a fierce force came directly with a breeze. He raised his hand as a knife and aimed at the acupuncture point. The cut was clean and neatly. There was a pain in the jade neck and neck, and the next second he fainted.

When Zheng Wen led a group of soldiers to arrive, it was already quiet. But the dead horse that fell into the trap and the rope hanging on the tree still show the arrival of Qingzhu.

"General, look, there is a token on the ground!" A soldier handed over what he picked up to Zheng Wen and touched the cold iron plate. His heart was as cold as black iron. "Who made these traps? I want his whole family to be buried!" Could it be that someone has always wanted to rob Qingzhu, otherwise how could they be so deliberate and set such a trap?

"General, it may be a hunter nearby. They catch beasts for a living. This kind of bamboo knife is mainly to deal with large beasts. There is no blood on the ground. It seems that the girl was not injured, but was saved."

Hearing this, the tight heart calmed down a little, "Orion? Immediately search from door to door, and dig three feet of the ground and be sure to find the woman.

The soldiers lit the torches and were ready to investigate. They only heard the sound of horses' hoofs approaching in the distance. Before they arrived, they shouted loudly, "General Zheng, the big thing is not good. The emperor is gone. The country can't be without a king for a day. Lord Chen wants you to return to the palace as soon as possible."

Zheng Wen's mood has just improved and once again fell into the ice cave and stood sad. After a long time, he said coldly in a rustling voice, "You continue to search. Don't go back to the barracks if you don't find it." After saying that, he ran to the palace in Rongcheng.