Qianfei is too arrogant

Chapter 23 Return to the Royal Palace

Qin Zheng's helpless face was a little gray, and he almost bit off his tongue. "Since Madam Chief said so, I will fulfill your wish." He took Afafaf into his arms angrily and looked at the woman in front of him provocatively.

There was no shock on the surface of the bamboo, and the pale eyes, and the lips overflowed with a touch of coldness, which fell on Qin Zheng's face. "The most beautiful thing is gentleness. The prince is at his own!"

Turn around, leave without any attachment.

The man's heart suddenly fell to the bottom of the sea and kept sinking.

"Lv Qingzhu, stop!" A roar shook the world.

"What do you want me to do? I'm not deaf." I didn't even think about it, but I said it out.

Silentness, in addition to silence or silence! What is she talking about? Did you admit it?

The treachery was successful, and Qin Zhengjun's unparalleled face had a playful smile, "Why don't you take care of yourself? I thought you were iron-toothed and copper teeth, and no one could pry open your mouth!"

He raised his finger to the tip of his nose and hooked his lips lightly, "Is the prince talking to Jiminham? I'm just saying by the way, how can I confess?

Qin Zheng's face became more and more gloomy, and he looked at Qingzhu coldly, "Are you going to die, are you?"

"Joke, it's not how to admit it!" He shouted impatiently, "Are you finished? Show the real evidence?"

The man's face was pale, and he paced to Qingzhu. Suddenly, he smiled happily, coldly and gloomyly, and asked in a low voice, "Zhuer, do you really want evidence?"

In the middle of the words, the man's big hand raided the woman's crisp chest. Before Qingzhu could react, he felt a cool, "hiss" sound of brocade breaking, and his soft white skin suddenly ** in the air, through the thin chest, you can see a pale pink phoenix-shaped tire on the towering mountain peak. Remember, the crisp chest is rippling, and it is more dazzling on the snow-like skin.

"Qin Zheng, are you crazy?" The woman's scream suddenly sounded, her pink fists clenched, gritted her teeth, and she couldn't wait to skin her alive and raw meat. It must not be easy to humiliate her in front of so many people.

The white little hands flew in the air, and a crisp sound sounded through the whole audience. Everyone opened their eyes and seemed to believe everything in front of them. Qin Zheng was a noble prince in Northern Qin. He was supported and loved by the people. His high status was one of the few in the whole Huofeng continent. How could he suffer such humiliation?

His face still maintained the posture of slapping, with five-finger red marks on his white and tender cheeks, but there was a rare sincere smile on his face. "This is the evidence. I have seen your phoenix birthmark on the night of our bridal chamber. At that time, I also..." kissed and licked the wonderful pattern above.

"Enough! Shut up!" Qingzhu was furious, and his pretty face was bloated and red. He screamed, "Anyway, I'm not, I'm not. How many times do I have to say it!"

I had to interrupt him and remember that the two had known each other for half a year. Although they had a lot of unhappiness, they also had warm and happy lingering and could not be soft-hearted. This man was not worth nostalgic. Speaking of Lianbu, she hurried out of the door. She wanted to escape from this place and didn't want to stay for a minute.

"Wait!" Qin Zheng said one word and said, "Zhu'er really doesn't want to go back with me. Don't you want to see your father-in-law, uncle, and Ying'er again?"

There was a trace of shaking at the unwavering pace, father, brother, Ying'er? Several names hovered in my mind at the same time, as if they were apart. How is your father and brother? Have you been implicated because of your escape? And will Yinger be severely tortured and treated inhumanely by Qin Zheng?

Seeing the hesitation in Qingzhu's eyes, Qin Zheng deliberately aggravated his tone, "Zhu'er, you don't know that during the time you left, Ying'er has been... Alas..." She sighed and stopped talking.

"What's wrong with Yinger? Are you sick or beaten? Are you not doing well? What do you think, Qin Zheng?" Qingzhu turned around and ran over, shook his arm, and looked up at the tall man in front of him.

But his eyes are like a sea, which are full of drunken tenderness and spoiling, almost pleading words, "Zhuer, can you go back with me? We will start all over again." Although Qin Zheng is not a strong man, he has never bowed his head to anyone. Even a few years ago, when he was fed by others, he did not even frown, let alone beg for help like today.

Qingzhu was a little panicked by his affectionate eyes. No, he couldn't fall into it. He listened to his concubine's slander and threw himself into the arena. Regardless of her, he regarded her life and death as irrelevant. Did he forget all these?

After a long time, the woman came to her senses, "Qin Zheng, I'll go back with you. Don't embarrass them. My father and brother are my closest relatives, and Ying'er is my childhood playmate. Don't let them suffer because of me."

He straightened his clothes, turned back to Battle, and looked sideways at Afaf, with a plain expression without any fluctuation. "Chief Ba, Qingzhu said goodbye to you. Anyway, thank you for saving my life. You and I are predestined. I'm not Guinham. Afaf is a good girl. She is not with that stinky man... I can testify under the bed and hope to cherish the people in front of me. From the moment Afafu screamed and threw himself into his arms, Qingzhu knew that he was her sweetheart. Because when women are at the most dangerous, the first thing they think of is their favorite man.

Bartle would not miss the woman in front of him, with a painful and disappointed expression, "No, you are Jim, the treasure of my life."

Qingzhu was puzzled, but then he suddenly realized that Jimim meant Uigh's baby, and he hoped that she would always be his baby. His look turned back cold, nodded and smiled, "I know what you mean, but the people around you are the most valuable. Take care!"

After saying that, he strode forward without looking back until he walked out of Miaozhai. All the Miao people stared at the stubborn figure with admiration and completely disappeared.

Qin Zhengle followed him. When he passed by Battle, he looked at the other party with a victor's posture. "Chief Ba, originally, it was a death crime for you to hide my beloved concubine without authorization. You saved Zhuer'er's life. However, don't hit her again in the future, or don't blame me for being ruthless."

He strode to catch up with the meteor. This woman is his lifelong pursuit, and he can't leave half an inch in his life.

On the return journey on the same day, on the Qingshi Road to the Northern Qin Dynasty, the two people in the carriage did not say a word.

Qin Zheng has been staring at the woman opposite. After not seeing her for a few months, she looked more and more haggard. Her whole body was thin, and her eyes were deep, highlighting her big and dark eyes, like two deep springs. Her face was pale, and even her lips were almost blood-colored. The face is thin and the chin is sharp. Sometimes I can't stop coughing, and when it's too severe, my mouth even overflows with blood.

It seems that Zai's father's medicine has had a great impact on her body, and her heart has always been very uncomfortable. After all, she has harmed Qingzhu and used her to test the medicine. If she can be safe and avoid this disaster, he will love her forever, love her and protect her forever.

"Yinger, what's going on?" This is the first thing she said to him in a few days. Compared with her father and brother, Qingzhu is more worried about Yinger, because her father and brother are both officials in the court. Qin Zheng will have some concerns even if he wants to find faults, but Yinger is different. She is in danger of injury anytime and anywhere in the royal palace.

"I thought you would ignore me all your life!" He didn't answer her question directly, but just changed the topic, "Zhu'er, how have you been doing these months? Is there anything in your body..."?

"Does today's sun rise from the west? The prince will also care about people, but Qin Zheng, you don't have to cry. I have been exiled and suffered all thanks to you. If the prince hadn't thrown me into the dog arena, I wouldn't have completely woken up and given up from now on.

Qin Zheng was like swallowing an egg in one bite and was choked by her. There is no need to explain who let herself be bad in the past. The explanation is to cover up. Now she is very disgusted with herself and can't listen to anything. Do you want to tell her immediately that you are the text, but I'm afraid it will make her more disgusted, and even erase the past good feelings, or think of a perfect plan that not only let Qingzhu see his sincerity but also save his previous feelings.

"Zhu'er, in the past, it was all I didn't do well. Even a guilty prisoner can reform, change his mind, and give me a chance to make up for my mistakes." He repents and swears like a believer to the Lord.

"Come on, Qin Zheng, put away your lies. Going back with you doesn't mean to forgive you. In fact, my life won't be too long. If you really feel ashamed of me in the past, don't set foot in the bamboo garden, don't disturb my life, and don't force me to do what I don't want to do, then I will treat Wang. I'm grateful." She doesn't want to drag her sick body to serve a man without any feelings.

How smart Qin Zheng is. Before Qingzhu finished his last sentence, he understood her intention. This woman didn't want to be close to her and didn't want to sleep. Damn, many girls in the royal palace are waiting for his favor through the autumn water. Isn't she looking forward to being a woman? Or is there another man in her heart, and what's going on with her and Zheng Wen? It seems that someone still needs to investigate carefully.

"Zhuer, if you don't want to have a skin relationship with me, I will never force you, but I can't ignore you. I want to live in the bamboo garden with you..."

"What? Lord, please forgive me! Where do I live in Zhuyuan? I really don't want to sleep under the same roof as the gray wolf in human skin. Maybe I will sneak up her bed in the middle of the night and eat myself clean. Qingzhu suddenly remembered that Bartel mentioned the woman in the bamboo garden. Could it be that he didn't want to make up with himself, but just wanted to approach other women in another way. But who the hell is that woman? The mystery can only be solved when you return to the royal palace.