Qianfei is too arrogant

Chapter 44 Forbidden Room

Feng Ningxiang's goal was not achieved, and he left with hatred.

In the independent lilac garden in Qingzhu, his mind was blank. What does Feng Ningxiang's last words mean? Isn't she Qin Zheng's favorite woman? If not, who would she be? A big net came, and my limbs tried hard to break free, but I couldn't escape.

He ran brainlessly, but hit a meat wall at the gate of the garden.

"Qianfei, are you all right?" Feng Yang found that Qingzhu was stunned and gray, and he hurriedly asked.

Qingzhu shook her head, and the two continued to walk forward in staggering. Suddenly, she suddenly turned around and grabbed Fengyang's arms and shook violently. The bottom of her eyes were confused and helpless. Her voice trembled and said, "Who is the prince's favorite woman? Fengyang, you must know, tell me, tell me quickly!"

Feng Yang was shaken so that he could hardly stand it, and suddenly stared at her like a big event, "Mother, how did you know about this? Did you just go to the forbidden room?

"Forbidden room? Ah...yes, why can't I go?" Qingzhu was extremely intelligent, and Feng Yang's words suddenly understood that there must be a mystery in the forbidden room.

"Oh," Feng Yang looked at no one left and right, and carefully pulled her aside. His eyes said anxiously, "Mother, the forbidden room in the lilac garden is the prince's private forbidden place. Only the dumb man has never been to clean up and not allow others to break in. If the prince knows this matter, it will definitely cause anger. Last time a new girl cleaned the room, she accidentally entered and moved things, so she cut her tongue and dug her eyes out of the palace. You didn't move anything without permission, did you? How is this good? Since you made a big mistake, please go back to the bamboo garden first and don't mention it to anyone!"

Only Feng Yang has ever entered the forbidden room in the whole government palace, which is because he is responsible for carving cards to decorate the room. However, he is a hundred unwilling from the bottom of his heart, because he has known a shocking secret about Qin Zheng since that day.

Now, another person knows the prince's private affairs. Can't imagine how he will deal with Qianfei? Thinking of this, Feng Yang hurriedly went to the dumb uncle and wanted to take a look in the forbidden room in the name of dust removal, so that the prince would not come back and find something abnormal.

As soon as the wind left, Qingzhu took a messy step and returned to the lilac garden.

jin shi! These two words suddenly entered Qingzhu's mind, and her heart suddenly tightened. She rotated the hem of her clothes, turned around and walked in quickly. The forbidden room is in a remote corner of the park. This is a somewhat lonely room. The scarlet doors and windows are tightly closed, majestic and solemn. As soon as I walked into the inner room, it was dark inside. Fortunately, candles were placed on the table, and flints were placed aside. When the candlestick was lit, it was obvious that there was a picture of beauty hanging on the wall in the middle of the house.

I was already psychologically prepared, but when I really saw the picture in the middle of the wall, Qingzhu was still sad.

Qin Zheng, how many women exist in your heart at the same time? If you still remember this woman so much and seem to put her in the most important position forever, what is Huan'er? What is Feng Ningxiang? What is Lv Qingzhu?

Qingzhu walked to the wall, took down the picture above, took it to the table in front of him, and took a closer look at the water-like beauty above under the candlelight. At first glance, when he saw the beauty in the painting, Qingzhu found that the woman seemed to be familiar, described as gentle as water, and her eyebrows were still a little tender. I wonder who this familiar woman is?

"Hmm! How many more things I don't know? Qingzhu was suspicious of his words, dragged his tired body, and his legs were soft and walked out of the door. "You have lied to her for so many years under the guise of Feng Ningxiang, and now you are coming to lie to me again?"

Qin Zheng suddenly stretched out his right arm and held her in his arms, as carefully as hugging a peerless treasure. "Zhu'er believes me. When I hold a big hatred, we will fly away. You and I will no longer be disturbed by the world."

Qingzhu said coldly with a gloomy smile, "You said that I know these words, and you can allow me anything except the position of wife!" The old story is mentioned again, such as a sharp blade stabbing the chest, so stuffy that he can't breathe, and can only watch his blood pass little by little.

As if the air suddenly dropped by 20 or 30 degrees, Qin Zheng couldn't help fighting a cold war, "Zhuer, you... do you still care about this? Is the position of wife so important?

"It doesn't matter what kind of position it is. What I care about is actually a heart. But I know that you have always valued the position of your wife, otherwise you would not have agreed on your favorite woman in this life. Qingzhu smiled indifferently and looked stupid. "Forget it, Qin Zheng, my life is not long anyway. Let me spend the rest of my life in deception!"

"Zhu'er, I didn't lie to you. I swear that I won't tell you another lie from now on, otherwise I will be lonely all my life." Qin Zheng vowed to anger the white-faced beauty in front of him.

"Okay, I'll believe you again," Qingzhu's thin red lips smiled bitterly. "Then tell me what kind of person the eldest princess is and how she died? Why did the eldest brother meet her at the southern peak of Qianshan, and the next day she would fall off the cliff at the northern peak and commit suicide? Qin Dingxiang should have become her sister-in-law, but who would have abandoned the fragrance of the world overnight!

"It turned out that Lv Jinyu said to you," Qin Zheng's eyes were faint and contemptuous. "Obviously, he made an appointment with his sister to meet in Beishan Mountain, but he broke the appointment for no reason, and finally killed her!" The damn man actually has the face to lie and lie!

"No, big brother is not that kind of person!" Qingzhu is eager to argue.

"Zhu'er, their affairs have nothing to do with you. From now on, the affairs of Lv Cheng and Lv Jinyu have nothing to do with you. No matter what kind of relationship you and I are, brother and sister, or relatives, I just want you to stay with me forever." At this time, tears already appeared in his eyes. "Lingxiang is a weak and kind woman. Whether men or women see her, they will raise their hearts of protection. When you ask me the cause of her death, I also have an unspeakable secret. I can only tell you that everything comes from your old lover, Yan Dan, which is also one of the reasons why I used to hate you."

Yan Dan? Since the beginning of the civil and martial arts competition, Qingzhu has long foreshadowed an unknown grudge between Qin Zheng and Yan Dan, but what's going on? Is there any reason for the death of Qin Dingxiang? Why is Qin Zheng unwilling to tell the truth? Everything is a secret that can't be told.