Qianfei is too arrogant

Chapter 4 Forced

There must be an injury when the two tigers compete with each other. The result of the fierce fight between the two men is that both lose.

Qin Yiren used almost all his strength, and Lu Fuwei's breath was also weak. At the same time, the two gasped and breathed.

"Dad!" Qingzhu ran to her father desperately and cried. Her hands couldn't help shaking. Her cold fingertips touched the enchanting blood. The sticky blood made her heart confused. She didn't know what to do?

Qingzhu admitted that she did not have much family relationship with this middle-aged man who was only related by blood. He was the biological father who loved Qingzhu very much, but he had no place in his lost memory. From his sudden arrival to this alien world a year ago, Lvwei rescued her body from the sea of fire. After that, he had not been together for a long time, and he could still feel his true and pure feelings for his daughter.

Qin Yi walked to the pillar and looked down at Lu Fuwei, who was almost out of breath. He looked in a trance, but his face was full of joy. "Brother, allow my brother to call you like this for the last time. I know that I should not covet my brother's wife, but no one can control the place of love. That night I forcibly occupied your daughter. People have also regretted being sad for many times, but today you turned against each other and plotted to kill again and again. I will not let it go. Since my brother is so ruthless, don't blame me for being unintentional! Xiao Dezi asked the guards to enter the palace and kill Lvvela, who was plotting the rebellion, with a stick, leaving the whole body!"

Lv Fuwei breathed but couldn't speak. Xiao Dezi bowed down and came in. Seeing that the usually majestic prime minister had become what he is now, he inevitably sighed.

"Yesternight, I received a secret report that Lv Youcheng took his wife and sister thousands of miles away from the State of Yan to the Northern Qin Dynasty, and I knew that you were going to do it," Qin Yi was inevitably proud. "Lv Fuwei, I guarded day and night, and I was always worried, but you still turned against it! So I took a plan and transferred the former bodyguards away and sent a group of new people to wait for you to transfer them away. Unexpectedly, the shrewd Prime Minister Lv finally couldn't stand his anger. He was too eager for quick success and really took action!"

Until this time, all the people present understood that the emperor had been premeditated and had already arranged good people to wait for the prime minister to be hooked.

After taking a deep look at the people lying on the ground, King Qinyou shouted, " Pull down and die!"

"No, Your Majesty," Qingzhu pulled his trembling voice and couldn't help shaking his head. "Forgive me, father, my father has been injured so heavily. It hasn't been long since he lived. Please let him finish well."

"Dream!" Qin Yi's shouting was like thunder in the muffled sky, "If it is me who fails now, can your father forgive me?"

Qingzhu covered his numb ears and did not fall as scared as others. "Father, Qingzhu is the daughter of a sinner. There is nothing to say, but his father has planned to let go. It was the emperor's words that stimulated him that he would ignore it like a demon!"

"That's also my sincere words," King Qin Youwang's eyes were as hot as the sun. "Your mother is my favorite woman. At that time, I remember that I was not ambitious to borrow from the courtyard of Lvfu. The women of the eldest brother always looked at me with strange eyes, and even the servants in the house regarded me as a beggar. Only the cicada did not have a trace of power, only It is to treat me with a normal heart, treat me equally, and never look at people with colored eyes. This is her most attractive part - kindness and gentleness.

"Father," I don't know when Qin Zheng stood quietly aside, and his perfect lips hooked up almost invisibly. "You have also heard that if the previous generation has a grudge, how should we get along with the younger generation? Please fulfill the hard-won happiness of Zhuer and me!"

After he finished speaking, he bent his knees and knelt down with one palm, "Please beg your kindness!"

"Father, please be kind!" Qingzhu also spoke with one voice.

Looking at a pair of men and women under his feet, Qin Yi couldn't say anything in his heart, especially when he looked at the woman with tears, his heart as strong as a mysterious iron still softened. Who made her look like that woman? If you don't kill Lufu Weiquan, you should plead guilty to her!

"Come and show Lord Lu. Is he seriously injured?" King Qin finally couldn't forget his previous kindness, "When he recovers, he will recover from his hometown and don't go back to Northern Qin!"

After hearing this, Qingzhu kowtowed happily and thanked him, "Thank you for your kindness! Thank you for your kindness!"

With a slow step, she walked to Lu Fuwei and Qin Yiren, took out a white silk handkerchief from her arms and gently stretched out her hand. When everyone thought that he would bandage his head for Lv Cheng, his right hand drew a beautiful arc in the air, and finally covered his mouth and nose in disgust and said, "I advise the emperor not to If you want a woman's benevolence, it's better to cut the grass and eradicate it to eliminate future troubles!"

Qingzhu and Qin Zheng looked up almost reflexively and saw a giggling smile on their lips and glanced at them carelessly, "You're right. What I'm talking about is cutting down the grass and eliminating the roots, even you are the same. Don't want to go out alive."

There was a burst of chaos, and the rest of the people stared at him with inexperable eyes. Today, the most popular servant of the emperor is the concubine.

There was only one person in the hall, and the original flower lost its color and turned into a high spirits. Zhu Ji took care of Li Huayi's skirt and held the golden handpin on her head. Her face was pale. The red marks left when she was slapped by the emperor not long ago were still on her face. Even so, it can't be denied that she is still a beautiful woman.

She raised her head and walked to Zhu Ji with her head held high. She rubbed her charming face with her hand and said, "Does it still hurt? If you feel uncomfortable, how about we return it ten times and beat him in the mouth?

"You know that you love me, and it's not in vain that I'm infatuated with you." Zhu Ji smiled shyly.

Qin Yi was so popular that he vomited two bites and died in a bloody battle. This dog slave actually seduced the queen, and it is not difficult to see from their concerns that the two of them are in collusion.

"Queen Mother, you..." Qinfeng shouted harshly, "Wu, damn slave, take away your dirty hands and don't defile the queen's reputation."

Hearing this, her face was whiter than paper, just like the weed that was about to wither without a trace of anger. "Pinger, listen to me..."

"shut up," Qin Yu heard him say his name and his blood flowed all over his body. "What kind of identity are you? How dare you call me the king's name? The master is the master, and the slave is the slave. Do you know that this is a felony of beheading and killing?"

The atmosphere in the hall is indescribably strange. Qin Sen's eyes are playful. Qin Zheng's pupils are love and hateful, but Qinfeng's eyes are angry and annoyed. What is the current situation? Qingzhu stares at the glazed apricot eyes and can't understand it at all.