Qianfei is too arrogant

Chapter 12 Goddess's True Tears

The second floor of the pharmacy is stagnant and the air is dull.

"My brother has asked me about this more than once. Haven't you accepted the reality yet?" Zai's father had a light expression, "Didn't the master tell you the same thing in those years?"

Qin Zheng's heart skipped, and his eyebrows were still cold, but his voice was shaking. "The master said... However, he also said that as long as there was a goddess who really cried, it was a fairy to cure all kinds of diseases."

"Is the goddess really crying?" The father's eyes condensed with doubts, "It was said in the medical book that those were the sincere tears shed by the goddess. Only when you find a sincere person can you shed true tears. But no one knows what the effect of the drug is? Do you want to use the tears of bamboo as a medicine?

"That's only if she is a real goddess." Qin Zheng smiled bitterly.

"What does this mean?" Zai's father seemed to remember something, and his eyes suddenly turned cold, "Do you still don't trust her now? The master's words may not be completely correct.

"Do you believe that?" Qin Zheng asked sadly, "I heard that you are going to make any birthday cake together tonight, and Zhu'er also said that it was something she ate during her hometown's life. Do you believe that?"

The father held the chin that almost fell down. "My brother all knows that you have been secretly monitoring bamboo. Since you have never trusted it, why bother to keep her in the royal palace?"

"That's my business, so I don't need my brother to be worried!" Qin Zheng said, "You haven't answered my question yet!"

"I believe," Zai's father swore, "no matter what bamboo says to me, I believe in it until death."

"I hope you don't regret what I said today." Qin Zheng clenched his silver teeth and said angrily.

"The same is true," Zai's father sneered and said sarcastically, "I hope you don't regret what you did today."

The floating ash that did not exist on the bullet's body, Qin Zheng turned around and stepped forward, "Farewell!"

"Brother, stay!" The father finally turned around and said, "Since you know that today is Zhuzi's birthday, why did you come back so late? What have you been busy with recently? Don't you know how lonely and empty she is?

"Don't worry about my brother," Qin Zheng turned his back on his father and did not look back. "The master sent you to help me treat the disease, not for you to teach me."

"I talk too much. Originally, I wanted to tell my brother Zhuzi's birthday wishes, but it seems that it's too much!" Zai's father's voice was ethereal and he smiled carelessly.

"What wish?" Qin Zheng squinted his eyes and thought that he didn't know her wish, but he actually wanted outsiders to dictate his hands and feet.

"It turns out that my younger brother is also interested, so I won't tell you. I won't tell her until I finish helping Zhuzi, so how can bamboo thank me! Maybe you can give a kiss." Lang Zhong, who was not afraid of death, said this.

Qin Zheng's dark face was instantly comparable to the bottom of the pot. With a shout, he almost beat his chest and feet like a babonet. "Father, my patience is limited!"

"Qin Zheng, I'm not deaf. I don't need to be so loud." Zai's father was shocked by his cold screams and hurriedly patted his chest to comfort his little heart. "She wants her father and brother to be healthy and safe, which is not difficult for you."

suppressed the anger from the bottom of his heart, and Qin Zheng showed the pride of the winner. "I knew that this matter must be beyond your reach, otherwise you would not have deliberately told me. Well, from tomorrow, my brother can go to Tian prison and Lv's mansion to treat my father-in-law and uncle. After the ascending the throne ceremony, I will inform the people and pardon the world, and then arrange the two of them to settle in the palace.

The update is slow and fast, three times in a row, "Three days, the sky is dry and dry, be careful of fire candles." It rained at night, and the breeze was gusty.

It was late at night when Qin Zheng walked out of the pharmacy, and his mood was gray like this drizzle. At present, he was in power, and the country was in hand, accompanied by his beloved woman. He should be satisfied, but he had one thing on his mind, that is, his son. A generation of kings, no matter how successful and famous they are, have created a great career. Once there is no successor, it is the greatest regret in life.

He suffered too much in the first half of his life, and it was not easy to suffer. How could Qin Zheng let the readily available happiness go far away again? He must not enter the coffin with helplessness. You must cure your illness, otherwise it will be desolate when you have no children. If you want to find the goddess, you must ask the woman. She has a deep mind. Recently, she has quietly lived in the royal palace. After so many days, she is still honest. After thinking about this, he no longer hesitates and went straight to the forbidden room of Lilac Garden.

The father stood by the small window on the second floor and looked at Qin Zheng and saw the scene in front of him.

The next morning, Qingzhu opened his apricot eyes chaotically, but was stunned by everything in front of him.

The wing room is full of flowers, colorful, fragrant, and complete categories, including camellia, rhododendron, smile, Fusang, Wenzhu, and Wannianqing, and the rest are all varieties that can't be called famous. She even doubted whether it was all in a dream or reality!

"Are you awake?" Hearing the movement in the room, Yinger walked into the room with a pot of hot water lotus and secretly looked at her with envy.

"What's going on?" She is usually not lazy in bed. How can she sleep until the sun and not get up? And she doesn't even know the people who come into the room. Looking at the flowers all over the room, many people must be busy coming and going.

The loss at the bottom of Ying'er's eyes flashed away and smiled, "Miss must be because of her recent heavy thoughts. Today's sleep is particularly deep. The prince came to see you when he passed by the bamboo garden in the morning, and also brought a cart of flowers. Seeing that you slept sweetly and didn't want others to disturb you, he put pots in the room in person for an hour! But the young lady was stunned and didn't wake up. Later, the prince sat at your bedside before leaving, looked at you for a long time, and..."

"What else?"

"I also secretly kissed your lips." Ying'er said this with a trace of jealousy from the bottom of her heart.

Qingzhu's face turned red and he was speechless. Looking at Yinger's look, he could see the little girl's sour expression.

"I remember you are one year younger than me, and you should be 16 years old this year!" Qingzhu said tentatively, "A girl of your age should have married long ago, and she is already a mother who is lucky. I delayed you. Does Yinger have a good heart?

Ying'er's cheeks were pink and she wanted to make a statement, but she was silent for a long time.

"I think Ah Fu is a good person, and he has always been in love with you. If Ying'er says he is willing..."

"Does Miss dislike that slaves and maidservants are clumsy and can't do anything?" Ying'er's hair was red, and two tears slipped from the corners of her eyes. "If the slave was in the way, the lady would have said something for no reason. Ying'er is not a slave who can't see the high and low eyebrows. If it hadn't been for the Lu family in trouble, I would have gone back to clean the ancestral hall for the eldest lady!"