Qianfei is too arrogant

Chapter 16 Visit the Night Market

The night is intoxicated and the weather is as cool as water. The two people who hugged each other gradually separated, looking at each other affectionately.

A burst of shouts came from Qin's abdomen. They were stunned for a moment, and then laughed loudly.

Qin Zheng has been watching Qingzhu's meal. He didn't have any water and rice. He hasn't noticed it yet. Now his stomach is protesting and screaming strongly.

"Are you hungry? Let's eat something by the way!" Qingzhu smiled and suggested, "I don't have any money with you!"

"I can afford to eat as much as you eat. You can move all the delicious food in the world to Khan Ge. Even if it is to repay your emergency kindness in Southern Qi," Qin Zheng's beautiful eyebrows bent into a perfect smile arc and reached out and pinched her beautiful nose. "But this is a night market mixed with ordinary people. You know that these things must be eaten or not. Well, why don't we find another decent restaurant?

"Why can't I eat it?" Qingzhu knew that Qin Zheng had always loved cleanliness and must have disliked the poor sanitation and indecent environment here. She deliberately ridiculed, "In the past, when we were in Snow Valley, you swallowed even the leftover peanuts from Mrs. Xue, let alone now..."

Half of what she said, she saw Qin Zhengjun's face as gloomy as the bottom of the pot, and his hair was almost erect, which really answered that sentence - angry.

"Lv Qingzhu, shut up!" Afraid of what she mentioned, she said it. She remembered that she had been treated by the old woman surnamed Xue. Qin Zheng was so angry that he stood up like a cat with blown up his tail.

"Yes, okay, immediately, immediately." He hurriedly covered Tan's mouth with his hand, and his big and bright apricot eyes flashed, and the exaggerated and funny expression made anyone half angry.

Looking at her extremely cute look, Qin Zheng's anger can only disappear. "It's best to be obedient."

Pulling the soft and delicate soft, the two of them drowned in the tide of people one after the other.

"Qin Zheng, look, there are meat buns for sale here. Do you want to try it!"


"Qin Zheng, look, there are tea eggs for sale here. Do you want to try it!"


"Qin Zheng, you see, there are sugar-coated haws here. Do you want to try it!"



After N fruitless comparison dialogues, a woman was finally angered.

"Oh, I said you're endless. I don't want this or that. It doesn't matter if you're hungry. I'm not full yet! Anyway, no matter what the next one is, I will eat it, and you will also eat it!"

"All right, all right, it's up to you." Qin Zheng can't do anything about this coquettish little woman, because he has no resistance to Qingzhu now.

"It's almost the same!" After receiving a satisfactory reply, Qingzhu's palm-like little face suddenly lit up and led the man's big hand and walked forward with a smile.

But when they walked to the nearby stall, they unconsciously stopped, because there was a conspicuous white sign hanging on the small food stall, with five big words written on it, "Fried stinky tofu!"

I didn't expect that this time and space also had food from the previous life. When she saw the gray-green floating square objects in the oil pan, her first reaction was that when she and Fang Ze ate at the roadside stall together, he refused to eat this. No matter whether she racked her brains, wanted to break her scalp and said that her mouth, she was Shaking his head, the frozen expression is like an iceberg that has remained unchanged for thousands of years. Will this man make an exception for her tonight?

"Boss, give me two strings!" Qingzhu was determined to have a try and said, "Qin Zheng, do you remember that the night I went back to the door, I described you as saying that you ate this?"

"No!" Qin Zheng's face showed panic, "What is this? Does it smell so bad?

The boss of the stall was a middle-aged man. He found that there was a pair of men and women in gorgeous clothes in front of him. He hurriedly smiled and nodded to Qin Zheng, "Son, this is stinky tofu. Although it doesn't smell good, it tastes like a fragrance. Take care of you to eat one string and think of two strings, eat two skewers and three skewers, and eat..."

"Oc, don't talk about it. I'm sure I won't eat..."

"Don't say that, prince. You must have never eaten it before. How about I'll give you a piece for free, and you can try it for free..."

"No, don't want to die. You can also know if you don't eat such a strange smell. Zhuer, go quickly. If you don't pay attention to it for a while, your whole body is full of this... This smell of thatched house."

"Well, I said that it doesn't matter if you don't buy it, and you can't say such words to disturb my business." The boss is already a little unhappy. To be honest, you can't blame the boss all. The business is not big or small, but it's a business. If customers don't buy it, they will make trouble again. Can they not be angry?

"Qin Zheng," Qingzhu pretended to be angry, "Didn't you agree just now? How can we change now? Anyway, we must eat it.

"No!" Qin Zheng's pupils have burned red and mechanically shook his head.

"If you don't eat, don't eat!" Qingzhu couldn't take him and begged, "I can eat by myself!"

"No!" Continue to shake your head.

"I can't eat it either! You, you care about anything!" Being bound, Qingzhu suddenly felt strongly dissatisfied, "Why? Why can't I eat it?

"No why?" The man's face was as red as charcoal.

"Can't tell the reason?" Qingzhu stared at his big watery eyes, "Boss, give me ten strings! Don't take care of me for no reason."

"Okay, miss, take it!" The boss worked hard and soon put on two strings and handed them over.

Qingzhu held it in his hand and deliberately squeezed his eyebrows very flauntly. What do you mean: Well, you can't do anything about me!

Seeing a small and dark tofu stick into the woman's red lips, the man couldn't stand it and knocked off the things in her hand crazily. He roared with red eyes, "Lv Qingzhu, you are not allowed to eat. I don't want to sleep with a smelly woman all over, let alone kiss her stinky mouth."

Time is still, and the air is still. The noisy downtown is still under a soft white moonlight. Some of the rest open their mouths, some swallow, and some blink their eyes. This elegant gentleman speaks too... too directly!

It took a long time for Qingzhu to react. He immediately blushed like a monkey's buttocks. No wonder he stopped him again and again. It turned out that he wanted to have a hand-to-hand fight with the two at night. Realizing this, she immediately lowered her head and dared not look up at him for fear that her face would reveal her heart.

"Why don't you go quickly!" Qin Zheng calmed his anger and held the woman who was so embarrassed that he was about to squeeze out the flow of people.

Qingzhu suddenly remembered something, put his bare hand into Qin Zheng's big skirt to find out some scattered silver, and put down the wooden table of the stall. "Boss, put it away."

But the boss would be wrong and thought that she wanted to sell it again, so he persuaded sincerely, "Miss, no, madam, you are right. There will be important things later. Don't delay the succession of the succession!"