Qianfei is too arrogant

Chapter 25 Fire

When Qingzhu heard such an obvious eviction order, it was inevitable that he would not come down even if he pretended to be calm. He tried his best to restrain the embarrassed look on his cheeks. "What the prince said was that Sister Cangjing came just right, and the concubine was about to leave immediately."

Aoi's gorgeous makeup can't hide the look of disaster. "Sister Qianfei won't stay for a while? My sister applied Dongying's unique good gouache today. If you like it, I will give you a bottle.

"Thank you for your kind heart. This fragrance makes me feel uncomfortable. I really can't bear it. Besides, Lv Qingzhu is a good Chinese and absolutely doesn't need Japanese things," Qingzhu shouted angrily, "The hatred of the country will be repaid one day! If Japan dares to invade our land again, I swear to heaven that the land of bullets will be razed to the ground.

He turned around and waved his head, and left proudly and freely. But Aoi was dumbfounded: Where is Japan?

"Hight!" The man's voice was extremely cold, and what he said was not cold or hot, which was incomprehensible. "The soup has the side effects of drowsiness. After drinking the medicine at night, Ying'er has been by her side, so that she won't kick the quilt and catch a cold, make her body more uncomfortable, and she has to bother me every day."

The rest understands that this seemingly reproach and really cares, only a woman is still angry. "This is not bothering the prince to worry about it. It's better to be sick. The concubine must obey the prince's order and let Lang Zhong look at his face, touch his pulse, and talk a few more words by the way, which is exactly what I want."

"You..." Qin Zheng was choked by her. Who let him say this first?

Originally, I wanted to scold her for a few words, but she was fine, as if nothing had happened. She put on an angry posture and raised her feet and went out.

Qin Zheng sat next to the wooden table in embarrassment. The tea bowl in his hand cracked in half, and the sharp fracture was deeply pierced into the palm of his hand. Reminiscing Qingzhu's last secret words, his mind came to mind.

Aoi found the mystery from the dialogue between the two, and a gloomy and cold smile gently emerged.

"What's the matter with me?" A moment later, Qin Zheng found his gaffe, regardless of the hand injury, and there was no angry choking sound.

"Your Majesty, be careful of your wound," Cangjing knew that he had sprinkled evil fire on himself. Although he was wronged, he did not dare to complain. "My concubine has a good report. My father is about to arrive at Khan Ge, and he also brought tens of thousands of disciples from Dongying Luoshengmen, hoping to benefit the great cause of the prince.

The expression of the mountain rain is fleeting and the sun is beautiful. Cangjing is really not an ordinary role. Even Qin Zheng knows what he thinks and makes a key choice at the critical moment.

"Your father-in-law is still reasonable," Qin Zheng raised his eyes and smiled, showing his peerless face. "What reward do you want to help me so much?"

Aoi turned around and became fat and rich. His buttocks sat on Qin Zheng's lap, "The reward I want is you, the prince!" Two buttocks. The petal keeps rubbing his ** part, trying to arouse the impulse of man's nature.

Qin Zheng swallowed the curse that was about to be blurted out, smiled, and raised his hand to lift her jaw. "You little goblin are born to seduce men. I will come to see you tonight!"

The woman smiled charmingly, "Thank you for your grace! The concubine went back to bathe and change clothes first, and welcomed the prince.

"Lian'er, stew a bowl of tonic for the waiter according to the ingredients of the slaughter father." When Qin Zheng said this, he looked at Cangjing with no expression, "You have to work hard at night, and you should make up for it more."

"Thank you for your caressing!" The woman jumped away as if she had won the treasures of the world.

It's night, the royal palace, and the execution room.

"Can you hear me clearly? Do what I said, don't be careless!" The thin and strong man stood against the light, and his words were like a snowy peak of ten thousand years of cold.

"Yes, Feng Yang obeys!" Feng Yang restrained his eyebrows and nod his head, "However, my subordinates dare to ask, if the prince makes such a decision, he is not afraid that the thousand concubines will know..."

"Stop talking nonsense!" Qin Zheng looked back fiercely, and his eyes were cold and frightening. "When is there so many words, my plan is absolutely foolproof."

"My subordinates take orders!"

At the same time, the angry woman in the bamboo garden was still walking restlessly in the house.

"I'm so angry, I'm so angry!" The sharp shout suddenly exploded, making the crow on the tree fly high.

"Miss, this is the 108th time. Have you finished it yet?" Ying'er complained a little, "Drink the medicine and rest early!"

"Yinger, what do you mean by Qin Zheng's words? Does he think I'm bored and don't want to see me? Qingzhu was as angry as a frog and his stomach bulged. "In the past, he begged me not to leave and said that he loved me all my life, but it changed in a blink of an eye. What's good about a capricious, cold and hot neurotic man?"

"Drink the medicine first!" Ying'er handed the white porcelain bowl full of soup to the woman wandering around the room. "Miss, the prince is an unparalleled peerless man. It's your blessing to be able to stand with him in this life. Don't say such words in the future. If others hear it, I don't know how to add oil and vinegar to slander you!"

"I know you are interested in him," Qingzhu did not shy away from it. "But this arrogant man betrothed you to Fengyang regardless of your wishes. Don't you blame him?"

"Miss, I'll tell you something. Don't be angry," Yinger smiled shyly. "The prince promised to let me stay with you all the time! Will you be angry with me and blame me for just thinking about climbing high branches?

Admittedly, Qingzhu did not deny that there was a trace of bitterness in her heart after hearing her words, but she still showed a charming and sincere smile, "Do you mean that the prince promised to accept you? Great! I also have a companion in the royal palace. I'm no longer alone and bullied by groups of women!"

"You really don't..." Yinger's big eyes are full of water.

"What are these words! We are sisters and have always been good. How can we blame you?" Qingzhu raised his hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of the little girl's eyes. "Besides, there are many women in the palace. If I am jealous and pan acid, I can't leave this time. Don't worry, if someone does something bad to you in the future, Lv Qingzhu will definitely not let her go!"

"Miss..." The tears of the maid flowed clearly, "With your words, even if you die today, this life is worth it!"

"Bah, ah!" Qingzhu deftly patted Yinger's thin lips with his long and slender fingers, "We still need to have children together and teach our husbands and children together. We are not allowed to say such depressing words in the future."

After taking the medicine bowl and drinking it all, his face was fixed with a happy smile, but his heart was cold. The pain on the body's hair and skin could be cured with medicine, but how to cure the wounds on his heart?

The little girl smiled and said nothing, gratefully bowed and retreated to the outside.

No one thought that the conversation between the two girls in the room would become the last words between life and death!

After taking the medicine, Qingzhu's body became heavier and heavier, and his head was also dizzy. Lying on the wood**, his thoughts were restless. Why did Qin Zheng always have countless women? In the past, it was okay to touch flowers and grass outside. The rabbit did not eat grass around the nest, but now he actually stretched its ** claws to his side and pretended to be a loyal model in front of her. Well, this boy is too inauthentic to pull her closest friend into the room without even saying hello.

Thinking about it, my mind slowly became cloudy, my breathing gradually stabilized, and soon entered the dream field.

While still sleeping, suddenly a piece of charred horizontal wood broke off. Qingzhu was awakened and opened his eyes in shock. He wanted to look up, but his eyelids seemed to be a thousand pounds. He could only open a gap with all his strength. In the room where the lights were originally illuminated in the hazy, a black smoke rampaged.

"The bamboo garden is on fire!" The tragic screams echoed in the inner courtyard of the royal palace. Where the voices were boiling, countless people rushed with buckets from all directions, and the thick smoke in the garden was so thick that they could not tell the direction at all.

After a burst of screaming, the fire took advantage of the wind to become more and more prosperous, reflecting the red light for half a day. The beam of the room fell from a high place and was poured with water. The smoke was heavy. The emerald bamboo supporting the bamboo garden collapsed, and the wooden bed looked like burning. During this time, the sleeping bamboo wanted to get up but was hidden in the vast firelight.

"Little, miss, cough..." Yinger had just woken up from her sleep. The thick smoke made her talk intermittently and tried her best to run into the wing room from the outside. Above her clothes, with a strong smell of fireworks, "How are you? Run, run!"

Qingzhu can't exert any strength all over his body, and his hands and feet are soft and can't move. He can only say in horror, "Fire, fire, I'm so afraid of fire!" Yinger, you go first! I really can't walk!"

"No, I can't leave you alone!" Yinger's small body has little strength and tries to drag her from ** to the ground. "I will save you. Even if we die, we will be together."

The ruins burning in the night were burned by the pervading fire. The ground was hot and the hot call was intolerable.

"Go quickly, or you will die!" Use the last bit of strength, and in the end, the breath is already free.

"No, maidservants are by no means greedy and afraid of death. They want to die together! Miss hasn't rerated my great kindness, and you can't die!" He stumbled and pulled Qingzhu's immobile body and moved to the door step by step.

"Yinger, listen to me, you go out first to find someone to save us, or you and I will die!" Even if it's a fraud, you can't take an innocent life if you die. "Quick, don't you listen to me?"

"Then... wait for me, I'll be right back!" Yinger put down the woman in her hand and ran out crazily, "It's on fire. Qianfei is still inside. Come and put out the fire!"

The face of the woman lying on the ground was full of despair, looking at the disappearing figure with a happy smile: Yinger, you must live well, even for me!

Not far away, the main door of the bamboo garden was blocked by several huge wooden boxes. Yinger couldn't move these heavy things at all and couldn't find a way out. Qingzhu looked at the gradually blurred shadow, and the moment when his eyes immediately closed, such a scene was reflected in his pupils.