Qianfei is too arrogant

Chapter 19 Yan Xin

Yan Xin stared at the originally small "seam" eyes. Although this person was not good-looking, his brain was extremely fast and responsive. He only turned his eyes to the sick and crooked man on the Gaolong chair without saying a word.

King Hui meditated for a moment. After all, the second prince was his own son, and the palms and backs of his hands were full of meat. He also had a problem with Yan Dan's obvious private behavior. However, he understood that the new emperor was about to ascend the throne. Since he let go of political affairs, don't impose interference, otherwise he will use himself as a shield for anything big to happen in the court in the future! You can't make this first, let alone make an exception.

Yan Xin read a signal from his father's eyes. He was a smart man and broke it without a click. At that moment, his teeth cackled, making it clear that he was killing chickens and warning monkeys. He used him to open the operation.

On a dark red chair in the hall, a middle-aged beautiful woman still couldn't sit still and got up to salute the king of Yanhui slightly. "Your Majesty, I think that Xin'er is still young, and it's better to take on such an important task than..."

"The Empress Hong's words are reasonable," Yan Dan's voice became dangerous, and a word was squeezed out of her teeth. "Why don't you let the eldest brother take the place of the second brother!"

Concubine turned her body in a daze, and then shivered uncontrollessly. It turned out that she was Yan Hong's mother and the earliest wife of King Yanhui. If it hadn't been for the birth of Qi Jing, a noble mistress, now accompanied by the king, the queen who accepted the worship of the people should be herself. Because of this matter, she shed tears a lot in her back. , but she has always been cowardly, and she dares not say what she wants very much, so that she is very general in the mind of King Hui of Yan.

Yanxin's mother was a lamp girl in the Hongfei Palace in her early years. Once the emperor fought a triumphantly and had a big banquet. After getting drunk, she was mistaken for a concubine's favor. In the morning, when he opened his clear eyes and looked at the ugly woman next to him, he couldn't wait to strangle him alive. In anger, he raised the sword that cut iron like mud and wanted to cut the naked woman into 18 sections. In the end, if Concubine Hong hadn't appeared in time and knelt down and begged for mercy, the poor woman would have been chopped into mud.

Under the repeatedly begging of Princess Hong, King Hui, who put on her trousers, still spared her life. The result of the discussion was that the matter should not be humane to foreign countries. However, a sarcastic incident happened again a month later, and the low-class woman she despised was pregnant with dragons. The tiger didn't eat the child. Even if she looked down on his mother, but the child was her own bone and blood, so she was given the lowest status to wait for delivery. In October, when she was pregnant and gave birth, the woman was born* and died. When she died, she entrusted the child to Yanhong's mother to take care of.

Concubine Hong promised with tears that she would raise the second prince as her own flesh and blood. She is also a kind-hearted person. She has fulfilled her promise for many years and has taken good care of Yan Xin's clothing, food, housing and transportation. Until now, she still asks for warmth every day. This is also what the King of Yan likes her most. She is pure-hearted, clever and sensible. When the second child was young, he obeyed the mother's concubine, but he didn't know what happened a few years ago. It seemed that he didn't recognize her very much. He was obviously alienated and indifferent in his words and manners, and the relationship between the adoptive mother and adopted son gradually faded away.

Although Yan Xin is ugly and has been under the shelter of others since childhood, but he is very smart. He has a Hongfei protecting him in front of outsiders. In addition, the emperor has pity that he has no biological mother and has not suffered any grievances since he was a child.

At this time, Yan Dan handed over a difficult problem to Hongfei. You can choose the two sons. They are parents and adopted sons. Which is more important? Let her weigh it by herself!

The hot potato fell in his hands, and no one was worried. Hongfei said to himself: No, she was actually tricked by the hairy boy Yan Dan, but after all, she is an old man in the palace, and this kind of pediatric situation can't be embarrassed at all!

"Your Majesty, it's better to let Xin'er experience more. Since ancient times, he has been suffering from his muscles and bones, his body and skin, and the children of the Tian family are no exception," Hongfei's 180-degree turn was really uncomfortable. "However, my concubine thought that a few days would be his mother's death sacrifice, and it was not too late to go after the memorial service. After all, benevolence, righteousness, etiquette and wisdom are the first.

Hearing this, King Hui was a little sad, and he was about to die and his words were also kind. He was half a man who entered the earth for fear that he could not explain to people in the underworld.

Finally, in the empty hall, a man's obscure and hoarse voice spread out, "Dan'er, you will ascend the throne in ten days. Why don't you release your second brother after everything is completed!"

The emperor's order is Jinkou Yuyan. Even if you don't want to do it, you have to follow the order. After all, he is still in the supreme status of 95.

"The father speaks, and the minister will listen to it!" Yan Dan was very respectful and saluting, "Second brother, come early to join the fun in ten days!"

The cold eyes swept over the whole audience, the temperature plummeted, and the cold gradually spread.

Yan Dan was very proud of the panicked faces of his brothers, and then threw down a heavy bomb, "Father, I have a merciless invitation to announce the ownership of the Lord of the Six Palaces on the day of his accession to the throne."

Yan Huiwang's expression remained unchanged, looking at a pair of men and women standing opposite him with some fun, "Oh? Then I would like to hear who is the best person to hold the seal in Dan'er's mind.

The brothers held their breath and were suspicious, but they did not dare to say anything. Yan Dan in front of them is no longer a boy who is rarely bullied and abused. He can only clenched his fists and wave randomly. The grinding of the harem and the training of war have forced him to become a strong man. He is a hero full of echoes. He has to admire his decisiveness and wisdom, his means and tricks.

He has been a qualified king, pacified the outside and inside, calmed the four directions, commanded thousands of troops and horses, and flattened all the land under his control in the territory of the aggressor. Even when Qin Zheng mentioned him, he nodded admiringly and sighed at Dayan's rejuvenation.

Even if Qingzhu did not agree with some of Yan Dan's practices, just like his burning life-saving granary, which displaced thousands of trapped people and starved. Although this plan was extremely inhumane, it successfully forced Qin Zheng to give up resistance. It is really puzzling that such a seemingly elegant and gentle gentleman can make such a sinister move.

"Father, don't laugh at the minister," Yan Danjun's face appeared with a smile like a spring breeze. "The queen of the minister can only be Qingzhu."

The empty hall is silent, and the needles can be heard.

"Prince, this doesn't seem appropriate," Hongfei saw that the emperor's face was not good and persuaded him, "Your Highness has his own newlywed wife. Besides, Miss Lu was once the side concubine of the prince of the State of Qin."

How important a woman was in ancient times. After all, Qingzhu was a married woman and could keep Yan Dan like a booty, but at most, she was a concubine or concubine. The position of queen could never be coveted. This is the current idea of the King of Yan, but it is expressed by Hongfei.

"What Concubine Hong said is reasonable," Queen Yan, who has always despised Hongfei, affirmed her idea for the first time. "The position of queen is not everyone can take responsibility. The mother thinks that the girl of Zhenfei is good, and it's not as good as Dan'er..."

"If the mother thinks Xiaozhen is good, leave her by your side to serve!" Yan Dan ignored Qi Jing's advice and said in a hard tone, "The lover I need for a lifetime is not a slave who has done his best!"

One sentence abruptly blocked back the words behind the swallow.

The concubines beside him suppressed their smiles, and it was a shameful thing to be hit by their son in public. Let's see how the queen we talked about in the harem will face?

Sure enough, Qi Jing's jade face suddenly darkened, revealing a haze all over her body.

"Dan'er, my mother knows that this girl means a lot to you, but no matter how much you love her, she is a woman that Qin Zheng has played with. Don't you really care?" Queen Yan has been so angry that she is shouting.

"No matter when Zhumei is the most holy girl in my heart!" Yan Dan took her hand, smiled sideways, and conveyed confidence with the warmth of her palm.

Qingzhu is sure that he has heard this sentence. It must have been buried in the past years with his lost memory. It is undeniable that when she heard him say this sweet word, she was moved. Qin Zheng said that he would disperse the six palaces, but later he did not put it into practice for various reasons. At this moment, how true and false is the promise made by this man who has been disgusted by himself?

To be honest, Yan Dan's choice of herself did shock her. She thought he was unyielding and wanted to use him to humiliate Qin Zheng. The current situation is indeed unexpected.

King Yanhui closed his eyes and resisted the fire from his heart. The piercing chill rushed up, and he smiled sarcastically.

Concubine Hong was very eye-sighted and then said, "Originally, I, a woman, should not say much about Your Highness, but the mother of a country is a model admired by the world. Miss Lu is indeed excellent, but the matter of her wife is her stain. The prince thinks twice, don't let the world laugh, and the emperor loses face. It's better to appoint her as a noble concubine. There is also one person in the harem, and above ten thousand people, there is no grievance against her.

The main reason why Yan Dan is disrespectful to Qi Jing is the mother**. In the chaotic harem, he still respects Hongfei. At present, he arched his hand and said, "Thank you for your suggestion, but the rear positions in the world may not be chaste and martyrs. Besides, I don't plan to set up another concubine. It's enough to have a bamboo girl."

In the first half of the sentence, Yan's face turned green. She seemed to swallow an egg raw for a long time before a sentence came out, "So how do you plan to treat the princess and the princess? Is it possible to send them out together?

The little hand in his big hand trembled slightly. Yan Dan turned his eyes to the distance and withdrew his thoughts for a moment. He knew that Qingzhu was waiting for an answer and smiled gently. "Princes, I will find another hospital for her to provide it to the concubines in the same palace. If she has a suitable husband, I can also write down the documents of He Li. From then on, it has no relationship between men and women.