Qianfei is too arrogant

Chapter 37 Ice Scatter

That day, the sky was raining, and the heavy rain was just like the mood of Qingzhu at this moment, sad, cold and helpless. Standing in the rain without an umbrella, her figure became more and more lonely and desolate.

A blue pool was in full bloom yesterday, but today it is a pool of ice water. Now it is in the intense heat, but the surface of the pond is a thin layer of ice. The falling lotus is declining, and it is no longer prosperous in summer. There is a yellow wreckage left in the pool, and even the lively koi have turned up their bellies one after another, and the dry body floats in the fallen lotus.

When Xiao Nian arrived, she took a bamboo umbrella and stood up behind Qingzhu to shield her from the wind and rain.

"Miss Lu, what happened? The lotus pond, which was good yesterday, was all frozen this morning, the lotus withered, and even the fish in the pool died." Xiao Nian was very puzzled. When she came to clean up the stone table last night, she was still in the vibrant Bitang. How did it become such a scene overnight?

"Impossible, impossible!" There was a thunder in her mind, which was a sign of great disaster. Her eyes were blank and illusory. Despite the rainy and slippery road, she lifted her skirt and hurriedly ran straight to the Prince's Hall.

"Miss Lu, wait for me!" Xiao Nian also raised his foot and chased after him.

The magnificent prince's hall, the solemn and tall opposite door, and the heavy rain blurred her vision. In such a heavy rain, the wilderness was full of smoke and slapped the high door desperately, making a "bang" sound.

"Open the door, open the door quickly!" The rapid shout was accompanied by the heartbeat of fear.

In the past, the prince's hall was surrounded by guards and heavily guarded. But now the door is closed, and the door is so quiet that it is almost weird. The more you think about it, the more panic you will be. The inexplicable panic condenses the stiff body, and you silently warn yourself over and over again not to think nonsense. It must not be what you think!

The ferocious bronze beast door ring knocked on the scarlet gate, and the sound of Qingyue shocked the whole prince's mansion.

Not long, the solemn bronze door creaked open, and half a negative face was exposed in the half-closed door.

"Miss Lu, what's the matter?" Luo Er's eagle eyes stared sharply at Qingzhu, and his voice was cold and cold.

"Yandan, what's up with him? I want to see him!" She is very anxious and always has an ominous feeling.

How's it going? How is Miss Lu looking forward to Your Highness? Or do you know something? The aggressive tone is not allowed to be sidelined.

"I, I don't want to talk to you much!" His face was pale and stammered.

"The prince dealt with state affairs last night and stayed up all night. Now he has just fallen asleep and has ordered to see no one. Miss Lu, please come back!"

"No, I want to see him now!"

Xiao Nian, who just arrived, also helped to speak, "Miss Lu is just concerned about the safety of His Highness. Second Brother Luo should be flexible!"

"It's really persistent," Luo Er smiled coldly. "Do you dare to ask Miss Lu that she is so obsessed with all close men?"

"You...you, I don't talk nonsense with you. I want to go in, and it's useless for you to stop me." After saying that, the palm of his hand is full of true energy and wants to break in.

"Luo Er, let her in!" A mellow and old tone came from the door to break the deadlock at this moment.

"Lord Liu, Your Highness said..." Luo Er also wanted to argue.

"It was the prince who ordered me to announce her meeting." Liu Cheng was separated from the crack in the door, and his bloodthirsty eyes were only bitter hatred. This damn beauty disaster!

"Yes," although he was extremely reluctant, he bowed and lowered his head, opened the door and made a gesture of invitation, "Miss Lu, please."

From the main entrance to the prince's main hall, there are countless heavily guarded guards 50 meters away. They are all fully armed and on alert. The brain was stiff, stopping the heartbeat, and the ignorant water eyes looked around the guards holding swords, and the heavy depression became stronger and stronger.

As soon as she entered the room, there was a strong chill, hitting people's skin, and the strong stimulation made her tremble.

"Zhumei, are you all right!" The sound of eager care came from the couch, and the sound line withered like a withered branch shaking in the autumn wind. "Don't walk around on a rainy day with your body. Be careful of the child's cold. Early in the morning, what's the matter with me?"

His face is pale without a trace of blood, and his lips are almost transparent. At this moment, he is half leaning against the high-heaped brocade quilt at the head of the bed and looking at her eagerly, completely ignoring his body.

"You, what's wrong with you?" In just a few hours, when he woke up, he looked haggard like this, as if he were a few years old.

"It's okay. Who said anything to you?" Sharp phoenix eyes swept the man standing in the room.

Prime Minister Liu Xi, the imperial doctor Lord Huang and the bodyguard Luo Er all shook their heads expressionlessly.

"Is there anything to hide from me?" The meaning of the words, as smart as she can't understand, he just hasn't revealed a word to himself.

"No, it's just a little cold. How can I not tell Zhu Mei truthfully if I have something?" A warm smile appeared on her face. "Come here quickly. I haven't seen you all night. I miss you!"

Qingzhu trembled next to him and found that several charcoal stoves were lit in the room on such a hot summer day, but even so, his body was still as cold as ice without any temperature.

"Yandan, are you cold?" Qingzhu sat by the bed, held his hand in the palm of his hand, and breathed. She didn't understand what strange disease he had. In Sanfu weather, his body was covered with a thick layer of fur, and there was no warmth. I really don't know how he survived.

"It's not that cold, it's better." The bone marrow condensed. He smiled and looked at her face attentively. It seemed that only in this way could he distract his attention and relieve the pain of his body. If it hadn't been for her, such a broken body would have no meaning to support it.

"In such a hot day, there is not even any heat on her body. Dr. Huang, what kind of disease is this? How can the prince become so sick..." Without finishing his words, cold fingers covered her cherry lips.

Dr. Huang knelt down with a "plop" when he heard the words. He looked at Yan Dan and Qingzhu with fear, and his whole body trembled like a sieve.

"Don't make it difficult for Zhu Mei, and I'm not seriously ill!" He looked at her firmly and said words that could not be refused. His body was very clear. It seemed that it was only a day or later, but he could not let her know that the remaining time, he only hoped to see her face and her smile every day, which was enough in his life.

"But..." Qingzhu wanted to argue with him, but when he saw his firm eyes, he had to take it back.

"Nothing, Zhumei, remember, if one day, I can't accompany you anymore, don't ask anyone to leave me the last dignity, okay?" Holding her hand, he was not ordering her in a domineering tone, but begging her in the most helpless way.

"Don't talk nonsense, you'll be fine. I will definitely find a cure for you." Her clear eyes were stained with faint wounds. She slowly leaned over and hugged his body in an attempt to give him more warmth.

I don't know how long it took, there was a uniform shallow breathing sound in his arms, and Yan Dan, who had been tossed all night, finally fell asleep under the warm package of his beloved.

"Say it, what's going on?" Yan Dan's cold body was tightened, and Qingzhu squinted at the old doctor who still knelt motionless on the ground with a solemn face.

"This..." Dr. Huang hasn't replied yet, and someone talked to him earlier.

"Ha ha, Miss Lu should know this appearance of Your Highness." Prime Minister Liu Xi's eyebrows were half-gloomy and half-clear, full of contempt and vulgarity, "How on earth did you bitchy** conspire with Qin Zheng to murder the prince?"

He couldn't stop the chill all over his body. Qingzhu only felt the pain of his internal organs as if they were about to move. "What does Prime Minister Liu mean by this?" She met the middle-aged man in front of her. If she remember correctly, in the restaurant in Northern Qin, there was this man who ridiculed her and Qin Zheng at that time. Why was he always hostile to himself?

"Don't say secret words in front of Ming people," Liu Xi's gloomy and bloodthirsty eyes stared at the woman opposite, knocking on her heart word by word. "Doctor Huang, to be honest, I'm in charge of the prince today!"

"This... I'm afraid that your Highness will be blamed in the future..." Old Huang turned his eyes around and calculated how to pass at this time.

"Say it quickly," Luo Er stepped forward quickly and kicked the old doctor all at once. "You dare to disobey the Prime Minister's words. There is no need to kill you now!"

One foot after another, he greeted his key points fiercely, and a desperate howl suddenly sounded, "Luo's bodyguard is merciful, and I will tell you the truth!" This is what he did in his last life, but he was assigned to work in the prince's hall. In recent days, he has been severely beaten twice, and even his big teeth have been knocked out. A few days ago, His Highness forced him to put special ingredients into Lv Qingzhu's tonic. As a Langzhong should take it as his responsibility to cure diseases and save people, but now he has actually become a villain who poisons drugs. When is the head?

He gasped a few times, spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, and spoke intermittently, "Miss Lu, Your Highness is not sick at all. He is poisoned."

"Poisoned?" The result I don't want to hear is still ** naked, "Impossible, how come, what poison did Yan Dan get?" Even if Zhenyansan is ineffective, it can't be poisonous. She has experimented with carp in the lotus pond, and they show no sign of being poisoned.

"Yes, it's ice powder. This drug is colorless and tasteless, and most importantly, it has no solution." Dr. Huang finished his words in one breath, afraid that he would suffer again if he didn't say a word. "Most of this thing used to be used when interrogating prisoners. Once the prisoner was poisoned, he would fall into an ice cellar. Every day, his limbs would be cold and cold until all the meridians condensed and he would die. Most of the prisoners confessed because they could not resist the torture of the cold, in exchange for the heating but cold. In other words, Your Highness's body will continue to be so cold, and you can only use warmth to reduce the pain until the day of death.