Qianfei is too arrogant

Chapter 2 Blood Entering the Body

Zheng Wen's martial arts is known as the first in the world, so although he was in a different place, he never paid attention to Qin Zheng and hit him directly over his head.

Qin Zheng dodged, and the two immediately handed in hand. The Yan brothers and Bartel took the opportunity to pull the rack but secretly attacked, which only made Qin Zheng complain. Fortunately, Feng Yang led several good imperial troops to join the fight, which made the scene relatively stable.

This side was inexcusable. Qingzhu restrained his laughter and quietly fled to the deep path while taking advantage of the chaotic scene. After riding for two steps, he saw thezai father running to the horse, pulling the reins in her hand, staring at her with a pair of unbelievable pure eyes, and said bluntly, "Bamboo, is what you just saying true?"

Qingzhu raised his eyebrows slightly. If he refused coldly now, how could he escape from entangling with himself? So, he threw his charming eyes, stretched out his white hand to his father and smiled gracefully, "No, how can I lie to you? Let's go together!"

Holding the woman's cold fingers, one turned over the horse and sat behind her. The body was close to her body, and her arms around her delicate body, and the man's heart trembled, tightened the river and went away.

Qin Zheng's side fought with Zheng Wen and others, and one side focused on the thin woman. Seeing that she had left, he couldn't get out of it. He was really angry!

"The Empress ran away into the forest towards the path!" A soldier roared loudly, and at this time, the crowd reacted. Although it was regrettable, it was a good thing for Qingzhu to get out of the clutches of the devil. At the same time, he stopped his hand and looked straight to the dense woods.

"Why don't you chase me quickly!" Feng Yang ordered in a hurry, and several soldiers immediately walked to chase them.

It was not until it was dark and night that an old soldier hurried back and knelt down and hugged his fists. "It's dark at night, and the paths are complicated. I don't know where to start."

"Then send someone to hold the torch and check every road." The wind gave the order.

"Wind leader, by all," the old man retorted, "It's the end of summer and autumn, and there are many leaves in the woodland, stained with sparks. In case any clumsy slave accidentally burns the forest and causes a fire, it's a pity that the little ones are cheap, but the mother is the body of a daughter, and we can't afford to offend if we hurt a hair."

"What should I do?" Feng Yang was very depressed and knew that Qingzhu was of great significance to Qin Zheng. In case of improper handling and hurt thousands of concubines, the emperor's anger would certainly affect others.

"If you return to the leader, your subordinates have found out that this mountain forest is a dead end, and they must be trapped in it and unable to escape. If you send more people tomorrow morning and look for every path, you will definitely find the Empress. This veteran has served in the barracks for many years and is a careful and safe person. At present, he will survey the terrain and return to his fate.

"Are you sure that this dense forest has no exit and they have nowhere to escape?" The opening of Qin Zhengyin's measurement.

"The little wish is guaranteed by this head." The old man reported truthfully.

"Well, you tell them all to withdraw!" Qin Zheng's face was confident, unpredictable and mysterious, and strange, "I have my own way to let them come out automatically."

"Qin Zheng, send someone to turn over the whole mountain!" Zheng Wen couldn't calm down, "She is a delicate woman. How can she spend the night in such a deep mountain forest? Aren't you afraid that she will be hurt by wild beasts?" In fact, what he is most worried about is his father. Who knows if this man will take advantage of people's danger?

Qin Zheng also thought of this, but he deliberately said, "Zheng Wen, you don't have to worry about my woman. Zhu'er is just angry that I'm closer to the woman next to her. After a while, she will calm down and naturally come out to me."

"Ha ha," Zheng Wen was angry. "The king of Qin is really shameless and thick-skinned to say what Qingzhu can come out automatically? Isn't there something wrong with your brain!"

"If Zhuer automatically rides out to find me tonight, what does King Zheng want to do?"

"If Qingzhu takes the initiative to find you, then I, Zheng Wen and several brothers, voluntarily give up and hide my feelings in my heart from now on, and will never hinder her!"

"Okay, let's make a deal!" Qin Di laughed wildly, and it seemed that it was the right choice for him to prepare in advance.

In the jungle, the white horse rides together, one red and one black, and the two figures of men and women are as unrestrained as immortals.

What the old soldier said is true. This is a curved mountain road with no exit. There are tall poplar trees on both sides. They walked for more than two miles, and there are fork in both sides.

Qingzhu was pregnant, bumping all the way, and his bones were about to fall off. He was exhausted and gasped, and his body unconsciously leaned against the man's arms.

"Bamboo, what's wrong with you?" Feeling weightless in her arms, the father immediately slowed down and asked warmly, "But is your body uncomfortable?"

The woman hummed as an answer. Thezai father turned around and did not find Qin Bing, so he no longer moved forward. He quickly dismount, found a clean stump, tied the white lotus, and took her light body down. The two sat down.

"You, what's wrong with you?" He asked again, hugging her charming body while attaching her wrist to analyze the pulse.

"It's okay. It's okay. The fetus is stable. This child is really a big life. You are just too tired to travel long distances with your body. Let go of Hao's wrist, hug the cold and weak woman, "Anyway, it's hard to go in the dark. Let's rest here for one night. It's not too late to leave at dawn tomorrow morning."

"Will Qin Zheng's people come after him?"

"Don't worry, it shouldn't be. This forest is deep and dangerous, full of dead branches and grass, which is not suitable for light a fire. At this moment, in the middle of the moon, I can still faintly hear shouts. Now it has long disappeared. I think Qin Jun failed to search for it and has returned to his life."

The heart hanging to her throat was finally a little stable. After tossing around all day, she was really tired. Hearing what he said, she took a long breath and closed her eyes and rested for a while. Perhaps because the pregnant woman slept a lot, she snuggled up to the man's side, felt the temperature from his body, and fell asleep unconsciously.

The moon was full in the sky, and the white moon fell on the ground, shining on the ground through the gaps of the branches and leaves of the forest, reflecting the woman's smooth forehead, smooth cheekbones, sharp jaws, and beautiful things. This is the woman he loves all his life. Even if he exchanges his life, he will protect her in this life. At this moment, his wish was fulfilled, and he intuitively felt that he was in the fog, and everything was not real, like a dream.

Qingzhu slept thoughtfully, frowning in his sleep, clenching his cherry lips, and gently sniffing, as if he were experiencing a nightmare.

The slaughter father was distressed and made up his mind to protect Qingzhu forever. He was seduced by her charming sleepiness and kissed the seductive red lips.

The father is a person who cultivates immortals. He is not proficient in the feelings of men and women. His tight thin lips are clumsy and astringent. After kissing this lesson, he secretly learned it after meeting Qin Zheng and peeping at his concubines. The first time he put it into practice, he is inevitable that he is in a hurry and just wants to suck women in. In the mouth, always carry it on the body. Keep sucking hard. Yun turned around and couldn't breathe. He almost took aback. This was his first kiss.

Qingzhu didn't sleep well. He opened his sleepy eyes hazyly, and his eyes turned out to be an infinitely enlarged handsome face. First, he was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted and then raised his jade hand gently.

After a loud slap, the woman's apricot eyes opened, the man was stunned, and the air immediately solidified.

His handsome face was blue and white, embarrassed, and the crimson five-finger fan marks on half of his cheeks were very eye-catching even in the dim moonlight.

"Yes, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." Without finishing his words, he buried his head in shame.

According to Qingzhu's usual personality, she will certainly not spare him if she is eaten tofu, but at present, she is weak and needs the help of others to get out of danger. If she falls out with him, if he loses his rational overlord, or abandons herself with shame and anger, it is very bad.

Breaking away from his gentle imprisonment, Qingzhu stood not far from the opposite side, brushed the broken hair in his ear, and showed an enchanting smile, "Don't worry. I'm not feeling well now. I will recover as usual in a few days. I will definitely accompany you."

Listening to her sweet words, the father squinted his phoenix eyes and stared at her for a long time, "Bamboo, I can't hold it and offend you. Why bother to say such words to lie to me? You are not that kind of frivolous woman at all. You only have the man in your heart who has been hurt you and used you."

His heart suddenly sank into the boundless sea, and Qingzhu was speechless for a moment. All the past passed in front of his eyes like a dream. He never cared, guarded and loved her less than others. Even he knew much about her far more than any man who loved her, but she never paid attention to him, just like a habit beside him. Even if the attached objects are dazzling, they will lose their eye-catching brilliance for a long time.

Her hatred for him mainly stemmed from the matter of the medicine man. She believed that he and Qin Zheng poisoned her. In addition, the father-in-law has not done anything harmful to himself.

"Why did you make me a pharmacist?" Even if you want to get yourself, you should not easily do such a dangerous stupid thing.

"I'm too anxious and confident." I want to have her too much, and I am too conceited about my medical skills. I often bind myself. "If God is willing to give me another chance, I would rather be poisoned by myself."

"Ha," Qingzhu turned his head and looked at the sky with a wry smile. "What's the use of saying these nonsense? As a result, Lv Qingzhu's life is not long. The world has never regretted medicine, and the damage you have caused is always irreparable."

"Yes, it's a big mistake, which is irreparable." The father's heart was like being stabbed hard, and the pain spread to the nerves and pain to the bone marrow.

Suddenly, he saw the scarlet wooden box left when the clear bamboo warehouse under his feet fled in panic, and a complex light flashed through the bottom of his eyes. He rolled up the sleeve, opened the lid of the box, looked at the fat red worm swimming around at the bottom of the box, gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, and directly pressed his arm in.

"Ah!" With a scream, Qingzhu suddenly turned his head and saw a ferocious insect squirming his thick body and quickly penetrated into his skin, disappearing in a blink of an eye.