Qianfei is too arrogant

Chapter 34 Solution

"Chall I have my pain?" The text muttered with a wry smile, "Cache my pain?"

Then he fell into a deep thought. Since that night two years ago, the man instructed his men to tie his hands and feet and feed the insects into his mouth, and he knew that his life would not be long. He had tried his best to find a doctor for medicine, but the results were the same. There was no cure for this poison to solve, and there was only one to live. One way is to have sex with the virgin.

This is the real reason why he has recently linger in the wind and moon place. In fact, whenever he is lonely and poisonous, the thing he wants most is not a woman, but a dagger - to end his life, but there is hatred in the text. He wants to go back to Northern Qin and ask his biological mother face to face why he saw it. Abandoned, why she doesn't care about herself? He also wants to question his father. Even if that person may not be his biological father, he still wants to ask, does he really forget the former father and son's filial piety?

He wanted to revenge. Why was it wrong for the person who fed him poison to be punished so cruelly?

Therefore, he wants to live, even if he survives, he has to live reluctantly. He wants to return all the sufferings suffered today to that person and give it back to the other person in his way. He wants to watch that person have nothing and failure, and can't let the beast live freely...

"What's wrong with you?" Qingzhu fixedly looked at the lightning in his eyes, and his heart trembled. He had never seen such an expression. This man was once arrogant, once vicious, once indifferent, once helpless, and once pitiful, but his eyes at this moment made people feel like a bottomless ice cave. The bloodthirsty cold light, with hatred for people The final decision of five horses to divide the body and Ling Chi's death.

The sharpness in the eyes of the text flashed, replacing a teasing look, "Am I so beautiful? Let you be so absorbed!"

When he joked with her like this, he happened to forget that he had ruined his face.

Qingzhu was stunned by him, and then smiled and asked him to hold his shoulder and help him put on his long shirt. When he put on his trousers for him, the scene in front of him made her blush with anger.

He, his thing, has swelled through the thin trousers. Qingzhu can even see the size and outline of the foreign body, so he can almost see the texture above.

I dare to compare myself with Liu Xiahui, which is obviously a wild horse planted everywhere. It must have been that I just saw my sister and a natural beauty. With evil thoughts, I had a wrong idea, but this guy's reaction was too rapid!

"Text, what's wrong with yours?" Qingzhu asked coaxedly.

The text was stunned by her question for a moment and didn't know what it meant, but with her eyes, her face immediately turned into a cooked crab.

"I, I..." He hesitated and couldn't say why, "I want... I want a small solution..."

Before she finished speaking, Qingzhu's eyebrows suddenly stood up. She stood up, waved her right hand, and rushed straight to the front door. Although she didn't use much strength, she still smashed two lines of nosebleeds.

"Dirty! When is it? I'm still thinking about wanting a young lady. My mind is full of such dirty things. My body is so injured, and I'm not afraid of dying in ** and dying like this beastly!"

Although my sister is a natural ecstasy, which makes people speechless for three days at a glance, I can't always think about the things in the room at this time. Besides, I haven't agreed yet!

(Spinach: "I'm speechless for three days", I'm afraid you scared me! Besides, you think too much, "Miss" didn't mean sex workers in ancient times!)

The original text was weak and was punched by her. If it hadn't been for holding her shoulder, he would have looked up to the sky this time! A road of stars suddenly appeared in front of him, and he was in a hurry. He finally couldn't help opening the gate, and his feelings overflowed a little.

Qingzhu wanted to take the opportunity to count him a few more words, but there seemed to be a ticking sound under his feet. Looking down, the trousers of the text had been wet and wet. At this moment, the "water source" was still splashing.

She immediately understood, lowered her body and took off his trousers, helped him release the water and emergency, and turned her head by the way.

The text is speechless and asks heaven. He just wants to solve a little hand. Where on earth did he touch the ugly girl's eyebrows, and where is it?

There was a long-lasting noise in his ear, and Qingzhu finally understood that if he didn't help him solve the three urgent problems immediately, maybe the next moment, this arrogant and stubborn young man would die!

There is a very classic saying, "The living man let his urine die!"

The text has been suffothed for so long, and I feel that if I put up with it, it will explode. After a smooth discharge, his whole body felt refreshed, but for a moment, he trembled like Wu Laoer. Since he was three years old, he still peed his pants for the first time in more than ten years.

Seeing that the sound of water gradually stopped, Qingzhu turned his face around and then raised the wet trousers again.

In order to ease the awkward atmosphere, she dared not look directly into his eyes and directly ignored the man standing like a stone statue and said, "Why do you go to my house for dinner? Ah, no, you take a rest first and I'll find something to eat!" Qingzhu was ready to run away in a panic.

"Stand!" Text gritted his teeth and said fiercely, "Why don't you change my trousers quickly!"

Poor his extraordinary, unparalleled, romantic and elegant boy, can't he wear wet trousers for the night?

Qingzhu was helpless. Who made her the culprit? The text was already very generous without scolding himself. She was silent, picked up a pair of clean trousers from the package, bent down and bent her knees, and took off his trousers.

On the one hand, she angrily helped the text change into new trousers, and on the other hand, she couldn't wait to gouge out a few pieces of his meat with her eyes and said viciously, "What else can I order from this gentleman?" After saying that, he also put his hands on his shoulders as a defense, with a brave look of innocent little Lori fighting to molest the old man.

The text saw that her look was wrong, and he also noticed the strangeness of her body now. Her face was motionless, but her heart collapsed, because he knew that his poison would recur in a few days. The current situation is the precursor of the poison.

"Don't worry, I'm not close to women, and I'm not interested in ugly women like you!" The text said casually.

Ugly girl, don't think about beautiful things. This is the day when I was poisoned. It's not your turn to find a sow. Without a sow, a bitch, an ewe, a donkey... At that time, there won't be one. At worst, you can't be killed, and you can't be cheap!

He was looking at her calmly, but he saw the woman in front of him laughing and scolding you, and his face was inquiring.

Isn't it close to women? Thinking carefully from the time they met to now, although the text is famous, he has not been interested in his beautiful figure with beautiful muscles and waist and collar. What has he done? Has he misunderstood him? He really, really doesn't like women? What's the reason? Could it be that he has a BL tendency and is a veritable friend?

(Spinach: There is no BL plot in the author's label?)

Qingzhu stepped forward with a shy face and asked in a low voice, "Are you telling the truth?"

"Humph..." The text does not say anything.

"Then I have a small question, please ask," she said timidly. "Don't get me wrong. I won't look at people with colored glasses, let alone discriminate against you. I'm just a little curious. In your group, are you a little top or a little bottom, and when you love, it hurts. Does it hurt?"

As soon as she finished speaking without hesitation, she was so ashamed that she immediately hid her face and fled.

The text was left alone, but he was cold all over, looked up at the sky, and shouted, "God, give me a thunderbolt and kill me alive!"

The weather in autumn is already very cold in the morning and night. At night, it is getting colder and colder in the cave. As soon as the text wakes up, there is no one but himself in the quiet and cold cave. There is a bonfire beside him, but there is no slender and delicate figure. There was a wild jump in his heart for no reason. Why wasn't he there? Was it because he quarreled for a while during the day, held a grudge in his heart, and sneaked away without saying goodbye? Thinking of this, he clenched his fists and forced himself not to remember the painful past. The people in his memory left him one by one, and in the end, he was left alone, helpless and lived alone in the world.

"Ugly girl, where are you?" He didn't believe that the man had abandoned himself. She promised herself, "Wherever I go, I will take you!"

However, several calls only exchanged for silence in the cave. The ugly girl finally left, just like other people who abandoned her, she left ruthlessly and without regret...