Steal the heart of the moon

Nightmare wakes up

Su Qinghen fled all the way. This situation seemed to be the night they left. The difference is that Xiao Yue was already dying at this time. It's only been more than half a month apart. If I had known this, I wouldn't have lied to her anyway.

Su Qinghen knew that the people of Yuan's mansion would soon catch up again, and his horse was not fast enough to catch up sooner or later. Most of the Yuanfu Guardians are Jianghu people. Most of them are even better at tracking than those in the government office. They must take Xiao Yue to avoid them as soon as possible. He said to himself, fortunately, he had expected this situation, so he had been prepared for it.

After a thought, the horse had run to the foot of Wutong Mountain. At this time, one road leads to the mountain, and the other road is extremely flat, leading to the state capital of other counties.

Su Qinghen took Xiao Yue off the horse and put Xiao Yue, who was already unconscious, under a big tree and let her sit down against the tree trunk. He himself lifted two buckets of stones from under the mountain road, each weighing more than 100 catties.

He tied the two buckets of stones to the saddle, took off the package on the saddle, and patted the horse's buttocks: "Go ahead."

The horse carried two buckets of stones and ran towards the flat path. The horseshoe mark stepped on was similar to that of two people.

Su Qinghen hurriedly covered the footprints left by this tos with leaves and flowers, then picked up Xiao Yue, picked up the light work of stepping on the traceless snow, and went to the thickly shaded Wutong Mountain.

Although Su Qinghen's light skill is not weak, it is not too strong. After struggling for a while, he can no longer perform such a smart light skill, but this paragraph alone is enough. After Yuan's nursing home came here, he found that there were no footprints in the place up the mountain, and the direction of the horse's hoof was far away. The depth of the horse's hoof marks was still the same as before, and those people were bound to chase the horse. When they caught up with the horse, found that they had been fooled, and then returned to chase them, he had already taken Xiao Yue into the deep mountains. He has often taken mountain roads since he was a child and spent the night in the mountains. Once he goes up, those people may not be able to catch up with him.

Su Qinghen's expectation was not bad. He took Xiao Yue up the mountain smoothly and walked for two hours without anyone chasing him. When passing a cave, Su Qinghen put down Xiao Yue, lay on the mountain road and listened carefully, confirming that no one was still chasing him at this time. It seems that those idiots didn't expect that he would take people into the mountain. It must be safe.

Su Qinghen then entered the cave with Xiao Yue in his arms. He is fine, but Xiao Yue really needs a good rest.

Su Qinghen took off all the so-called "firepowder bags" on his body, which were stuffed with nothing more than sand. He untied his coat and spread it on the ground, hugged Xiao Yue and sat on the thin coat. Xiao Yue leaned against a big stone, sat on Su Qinghen's coat, and fell asleep.

Su Qinghen burned a bonfire to dispel the cold and looked at the wounds on Xiao Yue's face with the firelight - those blue and purples were slapped out. He has also been bullied like this in the darts bureau, and he can't know this kind of injury. In particular, the pain and blow when being slapped face to face is really unbearable.

Su Qinghen took the ointment from the burden, took Xiao Yue into his arms, and gently smeared her with the wound medicine. The neck under her big red wedding dress was white and greasy, and snow-white skin could be seen in the rest of the torn parts of her clothes. Su Qinghen couldn't help but be a little distracted. He secretly scolded himself as an asshole, but his eyes couldn't help looking at it irregularly. Suddenly, a horizontal purple mark between Xiao Yue's waist caught his attention. Su Qinghen was shocked and lifted Xiao Yue's clothes and looked carefully. Only then did she find that the blue and purple marks on her back were intertwined, all the scars left by rattans. How many hands do you have to draw people like this? Su Qinghen couldn't help clenching his fists.

Xiao Yue suddenly moved and found a more comfortable position in his arms, but frowned slightly and said, "It hurts."

Su Qinghen hugged Xiao Yue tightly and apologized in her ear over and over again: "Xiaoyue, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Su Qinghen had no other thoughts. He only focused on dealing with the injury on Xiao Yue's body and was careful when applying medicine for her for fear of accidentally hurting her.

After dealing with Xiao Yue's injury, Su Qinghen took out a coat from the bag and wrapped it around Xiao Yue. After doing this, he still held Xiao Yue in his arms and leaned against the rough mountain wall to rest. Unconsciously, he also lowered his head and fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took. Su Qinghen's chin was hit by something, which made him breathe. As soon as he opened his eyes, he found that it was already bright.

It turned out that after Xiao Yue woke up, his head moved and put his chin on top.

At this time, Xiao Yue had already left his arms and huddled not far away, like a frightened lamb.

Xiao Yue looked at him, and her eyes gradually filled with thin water vapor. After a long time, she said, "Yuan Ziqi..." It seemed that it was wrong to be called, but she changed her words, "Su Qinghen..."

Su Qinghen didn't know how to answer her words for a moment.

Xiao Yue smiled sadly: "What on earth should I call you?"

Su Qinghen was ashamed of being asked by her and said for a long time, "I... I brought you out of the Yuan family. After that, they can't bully you anymore." But what should she do in the future? She is the daughter-in-law of the Yuan family, who has been married with six certificates, and her household registration is also in the Yuan family. Now she is neither divorced nor divorced. If she runs away, she will be a black household in the future. How should she live? The girl's great life was ruined by herself. Even if he wants to take good care of her all his life and give her the best life, is she willing to go with the people who have played with her?

Xiao Yue listened to his words, just nodded, lowered her eyelids and stopped talking. She doesn't know what the man is thinking at this moment. She just measures her physical strength and thinks about the other party's kung fu. She thinks it's better not to act rashly.

Su Qinghen asked her, "Are you hungry?"

Xiao Yue nodded. Su Qinghen quickly untied the burden, took out a bag of beef, two white-faced steamed buns, and handed her a water bag.

Xiao Yue stammered for a moment and finally took it over. First, she took a small bite. As soon as she ate two bites, she couldn't help swallowing it, regardless of the image.

Su Qinghen looked at her like this and couldn't help but feel sad. How long has she been making people hungry? He said, "You have been injured and don't look well. When you are full, have a good rest. I'll hunt some game to mend your body."

Xiao Yue nibbled the steamed bread in her hand and looked at him and nodded. Su Qinghen then picked up the coat spread on the ground and got up and left. As soon as he left, Xiao Yue ate more fiercely. She ate a bag of beef and two steamed buns in her hand, and still felt hungry, and her eyes couldn't help looking at Su Qinghen's burden.

Su Qinghen did not tie the bag when he left. At this moment, the bag is still wide open, with several pieces of broken silver, two long wooden box, several men's clothes, four or five steamed buns, and two bags of beef. Xiao Yue hesitated for a moment and took a bag of beef and two steamed buns to eat. This time, she only ate more than half of the beef and one steamed bun, but she couldn't eat it. The last drop of water in the water bag was also drunk by her.

Xiao Yue had enough to eat and drink, so she sat down and rested. She can't remember what happened last night. She remembers that when Yuan Zhipeng wanted to rape her, a masked man in black appeared, and then she fainted. In her sleep, she always feels uncomfortable and hurts all over her body, but as long as she moves, she can feel the clear chest behind her, which is warm and solid.

Thinking of this, she found that her body was no more painful and the pain on her face was gone. She reached out and touched her cheek and found a dry layer on it, and she didn't know what it was.

While she was thinking nonsense, Su Qinghen came back with a hare, a pheasant in her hand, and a bag of round things in her arms.

Su Qinghen spread his clothes on the ground, which contained a lot of wild fruits and wild mountain bacteria.

Su Qinghen threw the game aside, walked to her and handed her a wet silk scarf. He tore it off her wedding dress and used it as a towel to clean her face.

Xiao Yue looked up at him. At this moment, he retreated from the disguised elegance and nobleness, a little more heroic and sincere, but Xiao Yue didn't know whether to trust him, let alone take over what he had in his hand. If she hadn't been too hungry, she wouldn't have taken the food just now.

Su Qinghen didn't say much. She squatted in front of Xiao Yue and gently removed the dry and hard ointment on her face. Xiao Yue's face tightened, and her whole body seemed to become stiff, but she did not dodge. The ointment was wiped off little by little, revealing her original white and delicate skin. Su Qinghen seemed to deliberately ease the atmosphere and said with a smile, "I feel like I'm peeling egg shells."

Xiao Yue just let him play with it and didn't respond to him at all.

Su Qinghen said again, "How about it? How is my special ointment? I used to use this..." He wanted to say that he used to apply this medicine to his wounds, and it got better quickly, but he closed his mouth halfway through. When he was a child, he was beaten a lot. When he was lucky, he had medicine, and when he was unlucky, he had no medicine. Even if there were medicine, most of those drugs were not effective. He couldn't stand the pain, so he rubbed it himself and slowly got this exclusive secret ointment. Over the years, no one has beaten him anymore. His life has become more and more comfortable, but he still has this ointment in case of emergency. Well, let's not talk about those unhappy things. What are you going to do with her?

Xiao Yue's face was quickly wiped clean by him. Su Qinghen looked at her a few times and said with satisfaction, "Okay."

No matter how Su Qinghen laughed, Xiao Yue never said a word.

Su Qinghen didn't mind, but just asked her, "Are you full?" Xiao Yue was silent and lowered her eyelids and didn't even look at him.

Su Qinghen looked at the rest of the food in the bag and thought she was full, so he said softly, "What I hunted is your appetite? If it doesn't make up, I'll find something else. If it doesn't make up, can I eat it at noon and evening?"

Xiao Yue still didn't reply. Su Qinghen wanted to speak again, but suddenly became solemn and said, "Someone went up the mountain!"