Steal the heart of the moon

Meet before the array

Xinchangfeng stood on the tower and looked at the vast grassland outside Muliang Town. The snow a few days ago was not big. The snow on the grassland has almost melted, but there is still a thin layer of snow on some withered weed weeds. At a glance, the withered fields are dotted with white. In this thousands of Sugel grassland, half of Thailand used to be in the Dayin land boundary. Now, it has all returned to Wanchang. Now, Wanchang is on the Sugel grassland, facing 100,000 soldiers in Dayin Muliang Town. Muliang Town has been the territory of Dayin since ancient times, and now it should be taken for granted that it has returned to Dayin from Wanchang. The barbarians in the eyes of this group of Da Yin vowed to take them back. What does it mean to bully people too much? Looking at the pressure of the army below, Wanchang's army was clear at a glance.

The combat effectiveness of Dayin's cavalry is not as good as that of Wanchang, especially on the wasteland in winter, which is extremely unfavorable to Dayin. But the combat effectiveness of infantry and cavalry is even more incomparable. If there is sufficient grain and sufficient military supplies, it is the best strategy for Da Yin to guard Muliang Town and consume Wanchang. But the problem is that Da Yin's military expenditure is insufficient, and his armaments are poor. In addition, after several days of hard defense, many bows, arrows, weapons, etc. have been destroyed, but the newly built ones have not been delivered for a long time. There is no way to blindly defend. You can only try to frustrate Wanchang's spirit and let the other party stop the fierce attack. Now Wanchang has sent people to call for a battle, but it's really an opportunity for Dayin.

I saw three divine jujube red war horses standing in front of the Wanchang army, and immediately sat three generals with long guns, all of whom were black armored robes. However, both of them were covered with silver wolf-headed masks, which looked majestic and mysterious. I think these two people wearing masks are the new generals of Wanchang.

Xin Changfeng really admires Su Qinghen's magic tricks today, and Wanchang really sent people to call for him. It seems that Wanchang also felt that the fierce attack was not good for him and began to use the method of fierce attack.

In the three generals, only the blue-eyed and brown-haired general Wanchang shouted and scolded, while the other two did not say a word. Although the pronunciation of the Wanchang general's Dayin Han dialect was not particularly accurate, it was very fluent, and his voice was as bright as a bell, so that the soldiers guarding the city could hear it clearly. The man opened the posture of scolding the shuffian and scolded the street, and scolded the Dayin generals who did not dare to fight as cowards and turtle bastards. Later, the more he scolded, the worse they became. He said that Dayin generals probably didn't have that, and they were all a bunch of bastards. Finally, Yan Huai, Su Qinghen, Xin Changfeng, Shen Congrong and other generals greeted them from top to bottom and comforted the 18 generations of their ancestors. The Wanchang army behind him cooperated with him and laughed from time to time.

Xinchangfeng looked coldly at the scolding below, but did not open his mouth to let people take off the battle card. He won't be angry about such a trick!

In a short time, Su Qinghen and Lin Zhong also came to the tower. When Xin Changfeng saw that Su Qinghen was coming with injury, he couldn't help frowning: "General Su, you..."

Su Qinghen waved his hand and interrupted him: "I just came up to have a look, and I won't go down against the enemy. Wanchang has not attacked the city at this time. Even if there is a traitor, he will not have the opportunity to plot against others in chaos. Don't worry.

As he spoke, he stood on the tower with Lin Zhong to watch the battle. At this moment, Lin Zhong is also dressed in a uniform and holding a long gun, and his whole body looks bright. Lin Zhong glanced down and asked, "Who is this scolding?"

Su Qinghen said, "It's Wanchang's general Tumuqiong, with both wisdom and courage, but there is no need to worry about it. The trouble is the two next to him.

Lin Zhong glanced at the two generals wearing wolf-headed masks, one tall and the other thin and strong. He said disdainly, "How powerful can it be to cover your head and face without even being seen?"

Su Qinghen said, "No one knows the details of these two people, but since it can make Wanchang people look so high, it's better to be careful."

Lin Zhong is a skilled and bold person and doesn't pay attention to it.

Su Qinghen saw him like this and was worried that he would underestimate the enemy and asked, "I heard that you are a master of hidden weapons. Is this long gun still used to it?"

"If you are not used to it, you won't choose a long gun as a weapon."

"Are you proficient in the enemy immediately?"

"I am good at equestrianism, but as for the immediate enemy, I went through some rounds with people when I chased the thief in the early years. It feels okay."

Is it okay? Does Su Qinghen feel that he looks too high on Lin Zhong? If I had known last night, I should have asked him clearly. However, he once picked a group of bandits in Heifeng Village alone. Before he retired, he killed eight monsters by himself. He was recognized as the first master of the six doors for so many years. He must be the top master! Thinking of this, Su Qinghen was a little relieved.

At this time, I suddenly heard the Tumu Dome below shouting and scolding Jingxi, the great Yin emperor today: "This is a bunch of waste raised by Emperor Jingxi Dog! Jingxi, come and have a look at your rice buckets. They don't even have the courage to fight.

Even the emperor was scolded, and now the big general on the tower had to fight. If you don't want to fight, although everyone understands what's going on, you have to bear the name of disloyalty, greed and fear of death. If the matter spreads, none of the people on the tower will have a good fruit to eat.

A young lieutenant behind Xin Changfeng said angrily, "This is not a battle. It's obviously a scolding the street. It's not as good as a bitch. I'll teach him a lesson first!"

Xin Changfeng didn't seem to like Lin Zhong. Hearing this, he said, "Captain He should be careful."

It's too late for Su Qinghen to stop it. After Captain He got the order, he said to the Tumuqiong below, "Listen, you Wanchang barbarians. In less than a quarter of an hour, I will let you die under my long knife of He Zhengdong!"

As soon as this word came out, he responded to the battle, and Su Qinghen had no time to stop him, in order to ask that the two masked people were not as powerful as Liu Qingsong said.

The gate of Muliang Town quickly opened. He Zhengdong, dressed in a black robe and ** a black horse galloped out of the city gate. His whole body was like a black whirlwind, rushing to the opposite Wanchang army.

Lin Zhong stood on the tower and looked at the situation and asked, "General Su, the 100,000 troops opposite us, let's go out with a lieutenant. Isn't this going to die?"

Su Qinghen said, "There are rules for calling the array. Since Captain He has gone out, someone on the other side has competed with Captain He."

"Of course I know the rules of these laborers, but there is a saying that soldiers never get tired of cheating. What if Wanchang takes the opportunity to rush to the gate?

"With so many strong bows on the tower, it's not so easy for them to rush over. When their cavalry reached the gate, the gate was closed early. At that time, those cavalry and war horses will only become live targets for Dayin archers.

Lin Zhong muttered to himself, what about one person's family against one? Or what if He Zhengdong hasn't come back when the city gate is closed? Although he is good at it, he has fought countless people in his life. This is really the first time to fight against the enemy before the battle!

In this box, Lin Zhong is muttering that He Zhengdong has already made friends with people. It was not the Tumu Dome that had been fighting, but the tall general wearing a wolf-headed mask.

He Zhengdong was young and vigorous. As soon as he had a fight, the long knife in his hand was like thunderous. He split the Wanchang general in front of his head. He was so powerful that he seemed to cut the wolf-headed mask man in half with one knife.

Although people can't see the appearance of the masked general, looking at his majestic posture sitting on the horse, they can feel that he is calm and calm in the face of danger, as if he is born to be an invincible person. The general saw He Zhengdong's knife and did not make a big reaction. He only handed the long gun forward towards the blade.

The people on the tower looked at this ordinary move with a smile on their faces, which had to be killed by He Zhengdong, who claimed to be powerful!

Only Lin Zhong saw the power. The moment he saw the mask general's hand, his eyes suddenly showed shock--I didn't expect that there was such a master in the Wanchang army! In a hurry, Lin Zhong couldn't take much care of it. He jumped up, raised his wrists to the tower, and five dark lights shot out.

Su Qinghen had heard that Lin Zhong was extraordinary by stretching out his hand, but he never expected that his skill was so skillful. When it is so far away, five copper coins can be beaten so far.

The long gun of the masked general pierced straight out with the blade and went straight into He Zhengdong's heart. He Zhengdong only felt that this seemed ordinary, but it shook his mouth. The strong force from the blade almost made him unable to control it, and he was about to lose the long knife. After discovering that the other party's long gun attacked his heart, he had no choice but to really lose his knife and lean back on the horse to avoid this fatal blow. Although the long gun pierced the air, its power did not diminish. He Zhengdong only felt a strong force permeating from the tip of the gun and covering his whole upper body. He had no way to avoid such a fierce force.

At the critical moment, five life-saving copper coins flew in, and the copper coins touched the tip of the gun, which suddenly sparked. The masked general obviously did not expect that there would be such a master in Yin's army. In shock, he still calmly shook the long gun, and the tip of the gun thumped and threw out the string of copper coins.

Even so, He Zhengdong was still agitated by that force and his heart and lungs were uncomfortable. His body immediately tilted down from the war, spit out a big mouthful of blood.

At this moment, Lin Zhong on the tower had already spread out his arms and swept down like a swallow.

Lin Zhong's move was so sudden that Su Qinghen's eyes widened. He dares to jump on such a high wall! But it turned out that Su Qinghen was too worried. Lin Zhong stood firmly on He Zhengdong's war horse, but the horse did not feel suddenly oppressed by heavy objects, and still stood obediently in the moment. Lin Zhong slipped under his feet and sat on the saddle!

When the general of Wanchang wearing a wolf-headed mask saw Lin Zhongqi falling from the sky, he couldn't help shaking his body and his eyes showed a strange look. He seemed to be too excited to see something incredible, looking like he was sad and happy.

Lin Zhong felt the change of the other party and couldn't help looking at this collar carefully, but heard the other party exclaim: "Big brother!"

Such a warm and peaceful voice... This is obviously... Lin Zhong was also extremely shocked and stared at the pair of eyes behind the mask: "Qu Youyang!"

Qu Yuyang is actually here, what about Ruoxue? Lin Zhong couldn't help turning his head and looking at the petite general beside Qu Yuyang. Sure enough, the eyes under the silver mask are as bright as cold stars, but they are extremely beautiful but extremely angry! Those beautiful eyes stared at Lin Zhong for a moment when they saw him clearly.

Lin Zhong was stunned by the feeling that he was suddenly hit in the back of his neck with one palm. He shouted with difficulty, "If...snow"