Steal the heart of the moon

hiding place

After Yin's army retreated a hundred miles, at the suggestion of Xin Changfeng, Shen Congrong and other generals, Yan Huai ordered to set up a camp, and the whole army set up a queue to prepare for the enemy again. However, Wanchang people were not in a hurry to chase them, but after guarding Muliang Town, they burned, killed and looted the villages near Muliang Town, and there was no movement. According to the analysis of a general of Yinjun, Wanchang should also be gradually weakening national strength and insufficient military resources, so he is not in a hurry to catch up. With their current military strength, they dare not ** and pursue Da Yin's heart. Once the front is too long, it is difficult for Yin's army to ensure military supply, and Da Yin's national strength is not weak enough to be slaughtered by Wanchang. King Ning has led his army to calm down the civil strife. If Wanchang is really bold enough to attack Da Yin's heart, the imperial court can send troops to fight back against Wanchang.

Xin Changfeng sent detectives to inquire about the news of the Wanchang army. According to the detective's report, after Wanchang occupied Muliang Town again, he began to search for the traces of Su Qinghen in the city. After Yan Huai and a master received the letter, they were all overjoyed. From this point of view, Su Qinghen is still alive and has not fallen into Wanchang's hands. It's just that everyone's reaction is almost the same, and no one's reaction is abnormal at all, so no one looks like Wanchang's fine work. Because of this, several generals in Wanchang still seem to work together, but in fact, they have already been separated from virtue. Everyone is doubting others, and everyone is being suspected by others.

At the same time, Wanchang people sealed Muliang Town and couldn't wait to dig three feet of the ground to find Su Qinghen, but Su Qinghen seemed to have evaporated from the world and disappeared.

No one knows that on the quiet and snow-covered mountain range of Fulian Mountain, Su Qinghen is lying alone in the cave where Lin Zhong had stayed, quietly waiting to die.

The firewood left by Qu Yuyang has already been burned. If no one comes to save him, he can only wait to die. Injury, no medicine, no food, fortunately, the cold, the wound is easy to scab, otherwise he will suffer from blood loss alone. It was very cold in the cave, but he could only lie down and could not stand up at all. It was even difficult to turn over his body.

If the Yin army is defeated, the queen will inevitably withdraw. Who else dares to stay to save him? Who else has the ability to stay and save him?

Xin Changfeng will certainly try his best to rescue him, but Xin Changfeng's martial arts skills are not good. Even if he guessed that he fled to Fulian Mountain, he would not come to this mountain at all. Other generals, even if someone comes to save them, their skills are only at the same level as Xin Changfeng. There is another person who can easily go up the mountain, but will that person come to save him? Lu Xun, who are you so hidden?

My mind is gradually starting to relax. If only... it would be great if there was a bowl of hot porridge. He doesn't need a comfortable bed, even a pile of rotten grass. He doesn't want to lie on this cold ground. That kind of coolness is cold to the bone, but it is unavoidable.

I don't know how long it took, a distant call came from outside the cave: "Su Qinghen! Su Qinghen! Where are you? Can you hear me? Su Qinghen——"

is Xiao Yue's voice. Did she find it here? Is her light skill so good? Why did she come to such a dangerous place?

Xiao Yue's voice was already a little hoarse, but she was still shouting loudly: "Su Qinghen! Su Qinghen!"

Su Qinghen's fingers moved with difficulty, trying to throw out the pebble beside him to remind Xiao Yue, but he had no strength, not even a small stone.

Xiao Yue's temples were already scattered at this time, and her lips were dry and white. When she ran on the mountain road, she tried her best not to make a sound, for fear of making a big noise and shock the fierce beasts resting in the mountain forest. With her humble efforts, half a beast can't cope with it. In this way, it is even more laborious. Fortunately, I passed through the mountains and forests safely and went to the ice-covered land on the high ground.

It was not until the vast snow-covered height that Xiao Yue breathed a sigh of relief. She walked step by step along the winding path, calling Su Qinghen's name as she walked, hoping to get an answer. She guessed that if he was still alive, then the safest place to hide would be Mount Bulian. She heard Su Qinghen and Lu Xun say before that when they looked for Lin Zhong, they were afraid of getting lost in the mountains and forests, so they tied a green cloth as a mark at the fork of the road they passed. She followed the mark and found it safely. After leaving the mountainside, she walked up the nearest path. God bless, I hope her guess is correct. Su Qinghen is indeed on Fulian Mountain. I just don't know which cave Zhong was placed by Qu Yuyang at the beginning. He chose the nearest path to go up the mountain, and he didn't know if it was right. If it doesn't work, the hope of finding such a big Fulian Mountain alone is probably very slim.

The path is very narrow, with no fences and no trees. Looking down, it makes people dizzy. Xiao Yue had to walk forward without squincing. When she saw the cave, she went in to take a look and resolutely did not look down the mountain.

Just as she was walking exhausted, she suddenly saw a few drops of dark blood at the entrance of a cave. Xiao Yue quickly turned into the cave. The light was very dark in the depths of the cave, but she could clearly see the long figure lying inside.

"Su Qinghen!" Xiao Yue shouted in surprise, carried the heavy burden behind her, and hurried over. I didn't take two steps, stumbled under my feet and almost fell down. She was already exhausted and was so embarrassed when she was gently tripped by a small stone.

Su Qinghen looked at the entrance of the cave. The light outside the cave was very bright compared with him. In his opinion, Xiao Yue was almost like a goddess from the bright world. He tried his best to open his mouth and shouted, "Xiao Yue." The voice is low and hoarse.

When Xiao Yue approached, he saw that she was already embarrassed.

Xiao Yue threw the heavy burden behind her and bent down to look at Su Qinghen: "How are you?"

Su Qinghen said, "I don't know either. I feel that my whole body is stiff and numb, and I can't move at all. I don't know if it's because of the serious injury or freezing. When he first asked for it, he was too tired to move. He couldn't hold on, so he lay down and fell asleep. When I wake up again, I still can't move.

Su Qinghen looked at Xiao Yue's dirty cat-like face and knew that it was not easy for her to go up the mountain and asked eagerly, "Why did you come up? Don't you know it's dangerous here? Are you injured? Are you tired? Don't do such a stupid thing in the future!" In case she had an accident on the mountain road... He didn't even dare to think about such serious consequences.

"Oh, I know. Don't worry, I'm so fine that my skin hasn't been scratched at all. It's annoying to nag like an old woman as soon as we met!" Xiao Yue replied impatiently. Looking at him again, there was only a blood stain between his heart and his left shoulder. Although his face was white and blue, his spirit was still good, much better than she thought. She complained, "I'm all injured and have to go to the battlefield desperately. I really don't know what you think. If you rush to the battlefield, will the Yin army definitely win the battle for you?

Seeing that she was so energetic, Su Qinghen was relieved and smiled weakly: "At least it can boost morale and let everyone not be in a hurry to retreat. As long as I persist for another day and a half, I don't believe that I can't stand Wanchang. Their situation is not much better than that of Dayin. Unfortunately... it still doesn't work."

"Who wants you to think so much about yourself? Do you think you are a fairy? Win if you want to win?" As Xiao Yue spoke, she opened the bag, took out a stingray crane from it to cover him, and began to rub and rub it between his joints to help him warm up.

Su Qinghen said, "It's useless. I think... the ground is very cold... My whole body is freezing to ice."

Xiao Yue also felt the cool air on the ground straight through the instep. She looked at Su Qinghen, who had lost half of her life, and then looked at the sable covering him, and couldn't help thinking about it. In the end, morality takes the lead. Hey, it's important to save people, no matter how much. She spread the sable crane next to Su Qinghen, and then dragged him to the crane beside her. Although the length of the crane is not enough to make Su Qinghen lie down all over his body, at least it is much better than just now.

Xiao Yue took the white fox cloak again, put the water bag wrapped in the cloak aside, and only covered the cloak on Su Qinghen's body. While helping him rub and rub his limbs to warm up, she asked, "Is it much better now?"

Su Qinghen suddenly felt that a warm current was gradually rising all over his body, and the feeling of stiffness and numbness was gradually replaced by all kinds of uncomfortable numbness, and his limbs and body were aware of it. He said, "It's much better."

Xiao Yue took a water bag again and fed Su Qinghen to drink water: "In this, I packed hot water, covered with a cloak and cranes, and put it in the bag. I carried it all the way, but it was still hot."

Although the hot water in the water bag is no longer hot, it is still warm. After drinking it, the body will be more comfortable.

Su Qinghen was tired and hungry and drank a lot in one breath. When there was about half of Mo left, he didn't drink anything and only let Xiao Yue drink. Xiao Yue said, "I brought four pots."

Su Qinghen said, "I have to leave a few pots. We don't know how long we will stay on the mountain. Besides, we have to drink water on the way down the mountain. I don't know if there is water in the mountain forest under the mountainside. Even if there is, we'd better not go in to find water. It's too dangerous.

Xiao Yue thought about it, so she sat on the corner of the unfolding burden and poured a gurg of water, which was a quenching thirst.

Su Qinghen said again, "It's cold on the ground, don't sit casually," he said, trying his best to lie on his side, revealing a piece of sable, "Come and sit here."

Xiao Yue was so tired that she couldn't stand at all. After sitting on the burden, she also felt very cold. After thinking for a moment, she got up, picked up the burden, walked to Su Qinghen, and sat down next to him. As soon as he sat down, he couldn't help but feel distressed and said, "My poor clothes."

Su Qinghen laughed and said, "When I leave this damn place, I'll give you another one."

"No, Zhong will not let me accept it. Besides, it's not for clothes. This cloak and the crane are all given to me by Zhong Wei! I originally wanted to put it on your body to keep out the cold, but I had to spread it on the ground. In case it is worn out..."

Su Qinghen's smile stiffened on his face, and then said with a wry smile, "Thank you very much for your patience."

Xiao Yue said, "Who told you to save me? It's just a dress." After saying that, he spread out the bag in his hand, which contained a red kit, a few strange clothes, several bags of food, and a pile of bottles and cans.

No wonder she is going up the mountain with such a big burden. There are so many things in it.

Xiao Yue pushed a pile of bottles and cans under Su Qinghen's eyelids: "I passed a pharmacy before going up the mountain, and all the people in it ran away, so I had to take some by myself. I don't know which one you can use.

Su Qinghen stretched out his hand to rummag in a pile of medicine bottles, and asked Xiao Yue to help him open a few medicine bottles and smell them from time to time. Finally, he pointed to the two most inconspicuous and roughest medicine bottles and said, "In these two bottles, one is an ointment and the other is powder. If you mix them and apply them to the wound, the effect will be the best."

Xiao Yue was a little surprised. She picked up two blue and white fine porcelain bottles and said to Su Qinghen, "Are you sure these two bottles are the best to mix? Just look at the medicine bottle and you will know that the medicine inside is very expensive. I'm afraid the two you just pointed out are the cheapest drugs.

Su Qinghen smiled and said, "It's me who got hurt. How can I lie to you? Listen to me, that's right."

Xiao Yue was suspicious: "After all, you are not a doctor. Are you really right?"

Su Qinghen thought for a moment and smiled unnaturally. In order to reassure her, she had to whisper, "There is no mistake. I have applied this ointment to you before.

Xiao Yue's expression suddenly changed. After a long time, he came back to his senses and said, "You treated me with bruises at that time, but now you have been stabbed by a sharp weapon."

Su Qinghen had a panoramic view of her face and listened to her words without answering. She just slowly stretched out a cold hand and slowly held her hand with a few traces of warmth: "Xiaoyue, do you still hate me? Sorry, Xiaoyue."