abandoned and turned over

Chapter 1 The cold plum fragrance of that year

In the twelfth month of that year, after my sixteenth birthday, I secretly ran out of the general's mansion with Xiaobai. And that year was also the sixteenth year when I traveled to ancient times, and I really lived clearly. I don't remember anything when I was a child, but I really remember the taste of the wet nurse naishui, which is a big problem.

Everyone can decide how beautiful Miss Fuwei of Yuanhou Mansion is and how graceful she is. In fact, I'm really not tall, and I don't even have my father's shoulders. Probably because I don't eat fat, and my figure is petite!

While my family drank a lot of wine because of my birthday, I thought that I could finally go out and have fun.

Xiaobai was the silver fox that the emperor hunted when I followed my father and a large group of people to Mulan Mountain when I was ten years old.

At that time, I was still young, and my father also won my heart;

The emperor hunted Xiaobai very happily and ordered to reward all the people who hunted with him. While everyone was not paying attention, I quietly ran to Xiaobai and talked to him, but he was very puzzled, just looked at him confusedly with a pair of big eyes.

Maybe my voice was really too loud, which attracted the attention of the emperor who was talking to the ministers. I saw a trace of anger flashing between his eyebrows, but the anger was fleeting, and then he laughed and said, "Since you don't like this silver fox so much, give it to her!"

I have never seen anyone change their face so quickly, especially before.

I'm really a little scared this time!

I ran to my father and hugged him tightly; because in my world, my father is omnipotent.

The father smiled awkwardly at the crowd, and then pushed me away and said, "Weiwei, why don't you go and thank the emperor for your kindness!"

I have been very smart since I was a child, but I am very timid and never come into contact with people. Even the servants in my family are far away from them. Later, I learned that this was the legendary confinement disease.

My boss reluctantly walked to the emperor and thanked him tremblingly. Then an eunuch came over and handed it to me with Xiaobai.

For many years, I have never forgotten the anger of the emperor at that time.

My father loves my mother alone, but my mother has always been light to my father. I also learned later that my father fell in love with my mother at first sight when I was young, but at that time my mother had a favorite person.

The father doesn't know, but with his behavior, even if he knows, he will try his best to make his mother fall in love with him. At that time, the father was not the marquis, but a very favored general around the emperor. The father tried his best to make a contribution in front of the emperor, and only asked the emperor to point my mother to him.

My mother's family is a literary minister, not in the eyes of the emperor, but a literary minister who stood in the most corner during the upper court and would not attract attention. My grandfather was a little flattered when he heard that the emperor was going to marry his daughter. However, he has always been a smart man, otherwise he would not have been safe in the court for 30 years.

The mother's original cause was all shattered because of a request from her father.

After my mother married my father, although she did not love him, she still fulfilled her duty as a wife. It's just that she never thought that her father would not accept a concubine for her whole life.

My mother married my father three years and gave birth to two brothers, and I was born three years later. My father is very kind to my mother. Every time I go out, I will bring back some new things for my mother's entertainment, just to get her to look back and smile. However, for so many years, his mother never smiled at him. But he has been like a day for decades.

My birth is what my father has been looking forward to.

He has always wanted a daughter like a mother who can't be as cold to him as his mother, as if his mother had changed her personality towards him. The reality is as smooth as my father imagined. After I was born, I was really like my mother, and even my appearance was the same as my mother.

The eyebrows are even more like a father, with a heroic spirit in the stunning color.

And as I expected from my father, my feelings with him are much better than those with my mother. Our three brothers and sisters have a much better relationship with our father than our mother.

My mother didn't care at all. In the future, what she would do every day would be to watch mandarin ducks play in the water and fish for food in the pavilion.

And my relationship with my two brothers is better. The eldest brother is a gentle and handsome son, while the second brother's temperament is exactly the opposite, as cold as winter. In winter, I like to stay by my eldest brother's side because it's warm, while in summer, I follow my second brother, saving too much ice cubes to cool down.

Now it's the cold winter. The eldest brother and the second brother are beside my father, and the three of them are cooking wine to talk about me!

My mother raised her always plain eyes and looked at me and said, "We are not young. It's time to find a suitable person to marry."

As soon as her mother's words fell, she was opposed by three men.

The father was the first one to object, and he said, "That won't work. Our family is all pointing to it and getting a little angry!" Before you leave, is this family still called home?" He said and looked at his mother carefully.

The second brother took the eldest brother's first step to take the glass and said, "Like my father, I don't agree to marry Weiwei early. She is too young and ignorant. The second brother is actually very bad. He always picks up my short son.

The eldest brother is chronic. He raised his usual soft smile and said, "We have been spoiled since childhood. If she marries someone else's family like this, she will suffer."

My mother was always speechless. After listening to the words of the three men, she was finally angry: "The three of you always spoil her so much; I think who dares to want her in the future with such a stubbornness." After saying that, she left the dining table with a cold face.

And my father and two brothers both looked at each other and smiled and continued to cook wine. What is it about? I don't know.

Five years ago, the new emperor ascended the throne, and the new emperor's behavior was fierce and popular. He could almost do whatever he wanted, and no one could do anything about it. My father was appreciated by the previous emperor, but it does not mean that he can be appreciated by the new king.

Although our family is still talking about Huacheng, my father is still a marquis, but everyone knows that the real power of my father has been secretlyjia kong by the new king.

The eldest brother and the second brother mean to let their father resign from their official positions, and then the family will return to the countryside. But my father has always insisted on not leaving.

Everything about him was given by the emperor. He can't leave when the court is calm on the surface, but in fact it is turbulent. He can't watch the emperor lead them to defeat the world in the hands of the new king.

In fact, as long as our mother speaks, my father will definitely listen. But at this time, her mother didn't say a word. She still sat in the pavilion every day and watched the mandarin ducks swimming fish, but the fish food in her hand was not sprinkled down little by little as before.

Maybe I'm too young, or I'm a girl, and I'm not ** for politics. So I don't feel that the current Liaohua City is different from the previous Liaohua City.

The street is as loud as before, and there are many vendors selling things. There are more people in grain and oil shops, and people line up far away. The daily supply of food in the shop is in short supply.

I looked over curiously with Xiao Bai in my arms. Someone pushed me away and said, "The little girl is lining up in the back."

I gave a 'oh' and looked back, and many people were staring at me. I timidly wanted to stare back, but I didn't have the courage. At this time, Xiao Bai raised his head and grinned to threaten those people.

Xiaobai is my protector, I have always known. I ran far away with Xiaobai in my arms and stood in the corner of the wall gasping and raised Xiaobai high: "You're great."

Xiaobai heard his two pink claws waving, and his face was full of flattering expressions.

A little girl came over curiously, pointed to Xiao Bai and asked, "What kind of animal is it???"

I looked around and was still on the street. At this time, there were a lot of people, so I couldn't let Xiaobai attract other people's attention. He said to the little girl seriously, "It's a very ordinary cat."

I clearly remember that my second brother told me: If you want your lies to be believed by others, you must first hypnotize yourself to believe them.

Although the second brother spoke very little, everything he said was very reasonable, and I firmly remembered it in my heart.

I don't know if it's my expression or my words, the little girl believed it. Xiao Bai sobbed at me aggrievedly.

Hearing Xiaobai's call, the little girl's eyes lit up and she pointed to Xiaobai with great interest and asked, "Then why doesn't it meow?"

I stroked my forehead with my hand and was infinitely depressed. I could only look at Xiaobai with a sorry look: "Because it's only a cat that can't speak."

The little girl poked Xiaobai with her hand and saw that it couldn't make any sound. Finally, she said, "Sure enough, she can't speak."

I nodded, said sorry, picked up Xiaobai and ran forward.

The little girl waved to me from afar: "Take that silent cat to play in the future!"

I ran far away and stopped because I found a man standing in front of me. To be precise, I was forced to stop.

As soon as the man spoke, I shivered. A faint fragrance of cold plums floated with the wind.

"You don't have eyes when you go out?" His voice is more penetrating than that of his second brother, and I have been frozen all over. Then I decisively said to myself that I must go out less in winter.

"I'm sorry." I lowered my head and didn't dare to look at the man. I quickly apologized. After all, it was my fault that I didn't look at the road and hit the person first.

"It's just a little girl, why do you need to see it?" While talking, a man came out behind the man.

I immediately dropped my eyes on the man's hem, because I didn't have the courage to look up at them. The man was wearing a jade gown and gold-wrapped jade boots.

This material and boots are extremely expensive, and I only found a few bodies in my father's wardrobe. My father said: These are all flashy things. The price is good, but they will be broken in a short time. So he never wears it.

Big brother and second brother said that these are clothes worn by upstarts, and they don't disdain them.

So, I subconsciously think that people in these clothes are upstarts.

Thinking of this, I have some confidence. In fact, what gives me confidence is that since the man in jade just spoke, the cold man in front of me has been silent. I thought I was saved, or I was temporarily out of danger.