abandoned and turned over

Chapter 65 Mu Feng is missing

Li Mo said lightly, "The Empress has no same talent in the guqin, but the piano skills of Han Yue are very admirable." After saying that, his eyes seemed to faintly pass over the noble concubine Han Yue.

Princess Han Yue was shocked by him and quickly lowered her head. The Empress Dowager asked, "Princess, what's going on?"

Han Yue knelt on the ground with a plop when she heard the words. I also quickly helped Fangcao's hand and knelt down and said to Li Mo, "It's not about the piano master. Go back." Li Moying turned around and left with Qin in his arms. The back doesn't worry about anyone and has no feelings for anyone, as if the matter here has nothing to do with him.

I lowered my head and peeked at his back. What did he see in this scene? Did you help me because you sympathized with me? Doesn't he know that this will bring disaster to him? Or has he heard me because he hates that he has no business with the world?

I didn't have time to think much about it. Han Yue's noble concubine said, "In order to find evidence, my concubine found the piano playing the piano every day, and I got some clues from the gossip every day."

Wither waiting for the Empress Dowager to speak, I said, "In this way, Han Yue's noble concubine is also looking for the piano master to play the piano and listen to music every day like this palace? What the minister can't figure out is, where did the mother know and where did she know about the harem of the minister**?

The Empress Dowager took a look at Han Yue's noble concubine and said, "The rules of the piano master are well known to everyone. Do you still ask theai family to repeat it for you?"

I laughed and said, "It's nothing. The emperor is busy with political affairs every day. Because my son can't take charge of the middle palace, he has nothing to do in his spare time. He listens to the music, draws a few paintings, and cultivates his temperament, that's all. As for why Liqinshi broke the rules for his ministers, it was entirely because he broke his mind and became a confidant.

The Empress Dowager sneered, "It's quite an elegant thing to say so."

I said, "There is no talk about elegant things, but they are all lonely people who comfort each other. Han Yue, don't you think so?"

Han Yue's noble concubine did not reflect for a moment and responded reflexively when she heard my question. When she reacted, I said, "That's what the noble concubine said! Does the queen mother have to even be punished with the noble concubine? What's more, I can't figure out why this painting has something to do with ** Palace.

Han Yue knelt on the ground and shook her head fiercely and said to the empress dowager, "Mother, don't listen to the queen's nonsense. The minister is just to find evidence of the queen's adultery..."

Before she finished her words, I interrupted harshly: "The mother said that ** palace can include the whole palace, but your adultery only slanders one person in my palace... You said that I committed adultery. Let's ask, do you have any evidence or material evidence that you have seen with your own eyes?"

I pressed step by step. Every time I said a word, Han Yue's face turned white. After that, her face was already pale. She forced herself to defend herself, "Then explain to your mother why Liqinist broke the rules for you? Everyone inside and outside the Fengling Palace can hear it clearly, and there is more than one song every day.

I smiled and turned to the people in the palace and said, "Why don't you play only one song every time?"

Fangcao couldn't do it, so she had to tell me that she would leave quickly. Presumably she was also worried.

When Xiaoyu came, I was sitting in the room waiting. He must have been standing there for a while. Seeing that I didn't mean to stop, he came over and smiled and said, "What's going on? Can you sit and lie down with such a big heart?"

Seeing him, I was happy and relieved. I ran to hold his hand and said, "Mu Feng was taken away by Han Yue's noble concubine. I don't know where he was sent. Now the whole palace is looking for that child..." Speaking of this, my eyes were sore and I suppressed tears and said, "He is only less than two years old. What if he was sent away? Where is it? How can we survive? What should I do?"

He held my hand and pulled me down on the chair and frowned and asked, "What's going on?" Let's talk about it in detail."

I nodded and hurriedly told the story that Noble Concubine Han Yue brought the empress dowager to trouble me early in the morning.

He said, "It seems that she took advantage of this side to drag the other side to do it. The child should not be far away. What did you think of when you were so anxious?

My face darkened, and my heart suddenly jumped. I turned my head and said, "The soldiers come to cover the water. I have regarded this child as my own. If he misunderstood, I have nothing to say." Despite this, tears still fell uncontrollably.

This method is poisonous! Sneak Mu Feng away from here while everyone's focus is on Fengling Palace. Believe me, I know that I take this child as my own son, but don't believe me? Know the truth! Junyou knew that he would definitely think that my child was going to be born, and for the sake of the future crown prince, he smuggled Mu Feng out of the palace and killed him. In this way, the whole six palaces really thought I was the world!

Even if the woman comes back, even if she will give birth to a child for him, no matter what, my child is the eldest son of the emperor. But where did she know that the child was not my own child? Or does she know that the child is her child?

No, she said it was your Mu Feng, so she should not know that Mu Feng was her biological child... I clenched my hand and said with hatred, "I'll go to Shen Weijun and tell her the truth."

"No, no one will believe it when you go there at this time. Do you want her to ask the emperor? He won't tell you, and he will struggle with whether you really have any intention. So the most urgent thing is to find the child, and I will go back and send someone to look for it. Don't worry. As long as you are shipped out of the palace today, you can't get out of Bafang City. I have a way to find it in the world, not to mention a small Bafang city. After asking a few more questions about the characteristics of Mu Feng, he hurried away.

I believe in Xiaoyu's ability, but I hate the viciousness of Han Yue's noble concubine even more. For a man who doesn't love her, he actually attacked an innocent child. But now the most important thing is the idea in Jun Yu's heart. What will he think of me? Do you think I'm an unscrupulous person for the purpose?

I didn't have time to think about it, because the palace gate was open and many people poured in.

Who are those people? Soldiers with full armor are all guards guarding the safety of the palace! They came in with swords with gloomy faces and surrounded the whole Fengling Palace.

Then they gave up a channel, and Junyou came in in a yellow robe. This was the first time I saw him in ten days, as if it had been a long time. He was followed by Fangcao and others, which seemed that they were all expressionless from afar.

I barely stood up and walked forward with my hand holding the chair. My steps were a little unstable, and I staggered as if I would fall to the ground at any time. I pulled the corners of my mouth to show a smile, but the corners of my mouth were very stiff, and my voice was calm and terrible!