abandoned and turned over

Chapter 70

When Li Mo heard the words, his eyes narrowed slightly, the corners of his lips were slightly raised, and he smiled and said, "Sure enough, it is worthy of the title of the first talented woman in the world. You drink this wine first. I have to complete the task entrusted by the emperor first."

When tears crossed my face, it was slightly itchy, and the coolness left by the breeze. I held a glass of wine and once again tirelessly confirmed: "Is this really what Junyu asked you to bring me?"

He said, "I played the piano in the Golden Dragon Hall every morning. When I came out of the hall, many people watched me. How dare I make such a joke with my life? What's more, the Empress, you and I can't ask for it, but now the Empress can be free, but she still has to be imprisoned in this cage of heaven and earth. It has been confirmed several times that it was herself who was finally injured. What's more, haven't you figured everything out for a long time today?

I stretched out my hands and held the jade cup in my hand, and a tear fell down my cheek. I saw that my reflection in the wine cup was broken in an instant, just like my heart. What I said to Junyu yesterday were all angry words. It was me who was angry that he hurt me. This body was bruised all over the body. Why do you hurt again and again?

It's cold after drinking, just like the dew in late autumn. No matter how the weather has residual temperature, it is still cold. There were bursts of tingling in my stomach. I hugged my stomach with my hands and exhausted my strength, but I couldn't stop the water-like blood flowing out between my legs. It was warm and hot. It was a passing life, and I had no ability to stop it.

Li Mo is still sitting not far away. I don't know when there was a lyre in his hand, and the sound of the piano curled across my heart like a spring. I heard him say, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Then there was a transparent ** scratch on his face, and there was a sadness I had never seen before.

If you can't get it, it will be destroyed. This is the purpose of his family and the purpose of Jun Yu. Since it can't be two, it will destroy one of them.

And I unfortunately became one of them.

Li Mo said, "Don't hate me, don't want me. I'm just afraid that I will subvert the world because of you and devote myself to glory like him. Therefore, only when you die can I be stable."

I was completely stunned! The end!! Only An Xu and Xiuyuan know this name. Leave the end, leave the end, so it is, so it is! The monarch of the State of Wu, who led the Three Kingdoms to put pressure on Yue at the same time, actually disguised as a pianist and lurked in the palace of the State of Yue, just to destroy my insignificant but important chess piece. It's really ridiculous!

I wiped the blood from the corners of my mouth, looked up to the sky and laughed, and my tears were dry. I said, "So do you mean this wine or Jun Yu?"

He was stunned, his eyes darkened, and he said coldly, "It's what he meant, otherwise how could I enter the Fengling Palace with a glass of wine?"

"Chuyuan, do you really like me?" There were bursts of vomiting in my chest, and the sweetness in my mouth made me more uncomfortable. I wanted to swallow the purple poisonous blood, but I couldn't help but spit out a big mouth, blurring the bronze mirror in front of me and the beautiful face in the blurred bronze mirror.

Qinyin stopped, and his eyes seemed to be a little confused. His eyes fell on my stomach and frowned, "Actually, you didn't have to die, but you had to die if you were pregnant with his child, and he just let you die, so I automatically asked you! It's also a fate between us."

With the flow of blood under my body and the severe attack, my consciousness has begun to gradually withdraw, but I feel very cold in the warm hall. Xiu Yuan came over and hugged me, and the sound of breathing sounded gently in my ear, as gentle as a conversation between love. He said, "Don't you really remember the teenager you met in the peach blossom forest when you were young? If only you hadn't left at that time, if only I had met you earlier... Finally, do you know how happy I am when I meet you again? But how uncomfortable did I feel when I knew that you were the most important step again? I once wanted to give up, and I just wanted to join hands with you..."

"But in the end, you still chose the world!" I interrupted him coldly, and I couldn't see his face anymore. I only felt a silver light shaking in my eyes in the haze. Xiuyuan, this is not an excuse. You and I are just a long journey of life, and we can only stay for a short time. This is not love, but just an ignorant affair. You are an emperor, and there is nothing you can never get, so when there is something that doesn't belong to you, you will be destroyed. What you can't ask for is actually created by you. All of this is not doomed, it is all made by you. You are all playing this world chess game, and we women are just a gorgeous pawn, which will eventually be abandoned..."

That's my last sentence, and it's also my last sentence in this life. When my consciousness finally left my body, I became a wandering ghost. I saw Jun Yu, who was standing in the Golden Dragon Hall, and Han Yue, who frowned in the pepper hall. I was like a broken kite, flying aimlessly in the sky and flying to the end of the other shore.

qing jun fu

When Noble Concubine Han Yue got the news, it was already noon. At that time, the Fengling Palace was already in a mess. From the hall, there were continuous crying of the maids and shouting in the evening. Han Yue stood at the door with cold eyes, exquisitely like a soulless doll. The dark gold gorgeous dress was worn on her, noble and heart-wounding.

She once thought that as long as the woman in Zhonggong died, she could get his heart, but when the woman spread the news of death, she had a sense of rabbit death. She felt a little ridiculous, because after fighting for two years, she was finally defeated by that person, and she could at least be relieved.

And what about her? She still wants to continue to be locked in this gorgeous cage like a bird. She can only look at the sky outside, which is square. She also takes it for granted that the sky is like this. Junyu is only her. Accompanying him day and night from childhood to adulthood, only for him to treat each other one day, but he can't get his heart, and the woman always walks on the edge of the retreat and finally falls down.

But she didn't feel any victory. At this time, she only felt very tired and tired, and no one wanted to leave here. Some people don't understand what they insisted on at the beginning? Looking at the maids coming in and out with a basin of blood, and all they were holding were her blood, I suddenly remembered that it was so difficult when I gave birth, as if one foot had stepped into the ghost gate.

She looked at the maids coming in and out sadly, and suddenly wanted to grab something, so she grabbed a maid and asked urgently, "How's the Empress?"

The maid of honor was suddenly shocked, but as soon as she saw her, she knelt down and replied, "Go back to the noble concubine, the empress is dead, and the prince in her womb seems to be able to survive."

Han Yue's noble concubine was stunned and then took a step back in disbelief. Although she had guessed death, it was really confirmed that it was still like a lightning strike. She pushed away the maid who was kneeling on the ground and lifted her skirt and ran into the Fengling Palace. How could she die? She can't die. How could she be left alone to mourn for Junyu?

She was stopped at the door by the maid of honor. When she heard the sound, her eyes turned red but stubbornly refused to drop a tear. She coldly asked her why she came here?

She cried and shook her head and said that she didn't believe that the queen would die. Mu Xin sneered and said that how could the poisoned wine given by the emperor personally from the piano master not die? That's one of the top ten tortures!

Poisonous? She was stunned and didn't expect that the emperor would be so determined to give her such a glass of poisoned wine. She cried even more fiercely, and there was no air that a noble concubine should have. At the beginning, she hated that she gave birth to a child at the same time. Why couldn't she keep her child and that woman could keep it? The month before she got married, she designed a lot of ways to kill the child, but when she saw the child, all her plans were empty. Unexpectedly, she couldn't bear to hurt the round ball in her infancy. She was such a delicate little man that she was reluctant to hurt a little.

And her smile is so innocent, although she will be on guard. I still remember that day, next to the lotus pond, I obviously wanted to take the opportunity to make her a comeback, but I stopped to death awkwardly, and finally let her go back. At first, I hated her for getting sympathy from Jun Yu with her hands every time, but later I found that the girl was also quite pitiful. Her fate could not be controlled by herself, as if she had chosen by herself.

Later, she was loved by the Empress Dowager and the virtuous concubine, which made her jealous, so she began to be jealous that she had a later plan. Looking back, she has been standing on the road of hurting her for so long, and in addition to passive defense, she seems to be simply falling in love with Junyu and giving stupidly.

Is this love? Just pay and don't ask for anything in return?

Now, the man she fell in love with actually hurt her for another woman and hurt her child. Although she did not have a chance to be a mother, she has also experienced the pain of giving birth to a child, which is really painful and happy. Don't you know who she missed when she was dying, but the man who still hurt her? Hatred or regret?

A basin of bright red blood was brought out from her, and a basin of clear water was brought in. The maids of honor were busy sweating profusely. She took Mu Xin's hand and asked: Is the child saved?

The evening looked at her coldly, and her eyes were heartbroken. She turned her head and her voice was muffled: "I don't know, it's been too long." She knew what it meant by too long. It was morning when she came, but now it was close to noon. Generally, the poison attack only takes a moment, but she doesn't know why the queen has lasted for so long.

There was a noise outside, and Jun Yu walked in with a big step with a gloomy face, and his eyes turned red, which was a rage she had never seen before.

As soon as he came in, he shouted angrily, "How's the queen? Why didn't anyone inform me?" After a pause, he said, "Where's the end! Come on, search the palace for me."

Mu Xin came to him with a sneer and asked, "The poisonous wine has been given. Does the emperor still need to ask the result? The man is dead, the emperor, don't go too much.

Jun Yu put his eyes on Muxin and his expression darkened. He said, "I didn't send Li Mo to give poisoned wine to Weiwei." Then he walked to the hall very eagerly. She noticed that Junyou's fingertips were trembling. If her pace was not too anxious, she could obviously see some instability. She suddenly understood something!