abandoned and turned over

Chapter 109 Beauty

Chapter Summary: The Empress Dowager was critically ill. I first went to Cining Palace, but I saw the Empress Dowager, who was thin and only had a handful of bones. I thought it was Jun Yu's hand, but he shook his head and suspected that it was Han Yue's noble concubine Shen Weijun, but I thought of another person...

Ah? Suddenly hearing him speak, I was stunned and immediately said, "I want to see what she is playing. I just didn't expect to see such a woman. What happened? Did you make it?"

I thought it was Jun Yu's hand, but he shook his head: "No, I don't know what's going on. She will become like that in a few days. In my opinion, it should be Shen Weijun's ghost."

"What?!" How can it be Princess Han Yue? This is unlikely! For a moment, my brain was short-circuited. Because the Empress Dowager sees all the good people of Han Yue's noble concubine, it is natural that Han Yue's noble concubine should be taken care of by the Empress Dowager's side now, which is a reward.

Another one is that Noble Concubine Han Yue grew up in the palace. Although the empress dowager has two princesses, Noble Concubine Han Yue has been extremely obedient and sensible since she was a child. Naturally, she likes her more than the two princesses, so the empress dowager has always favored her.

Jun Yu continued, "I'm also a little suspicious, but I don't think you have time to do it, and I didn't do it either. She is the only one who has this ability."

"How could this happen? So what game is she playing with us today? I have never looked down on Noble Concubine Han Yue, and now it seems that I still look down on her. The longer she takes, the more she can stand it, and I can't see through this person more and more.

Jun Yu said, "I probably want to blame you and me, arouse the Empress Dowager's hatred for you and me, and kill you as soon as possible. After all, she is the empress dowager. Even if I restrain her, she can still mobilize many people by Yi's decree, so in my opinion, she wants to borrow their hand.

How could this happen? Didn't she and I reach this level of immortality?

I was secretly shocked and said that this noble concubine Han Yue was too sinister. No, I quickly went through all the pictures of meeting the Empress Dowager in a few years, and I couldn't figure out what forced us to this level... After thinking about it for a while, it seemed that a person inadvertently flashed in my mind. I fell into her hands yesterday. I stopped and looked at Jun Yu and said, "There is another person who can get close to the empress dowager!"



I thought Jun Yao would believe it, but he shook his head when he heard that I mentioned Concubine Dan. It's impossible. She is such a kind girl. How could she do such a thing?

"Oh, don't you know that the more kind the appearance, the darker the heart is? Her methods are great. What you see are all illusions. I was very angry to hear him say that, but I couldn't help it, because Junyou couldn't see the truth, and because everything Danfei did was because of him.

Just like me at the beginning, I completely lost my mind and my heart was empty.

"What about Yu Qingshu!" Jun Yu suddenly changed his words and mentioned Xiaoyu.

"I'm telling you about Danfei now. What does this have to do with Xiaoyu? Don't change the topic." I rolled my eyes and felt helpless. Danfei's method was so high that Jun Yu didn't see that she was right at all.

"This is not a changing topic. You only see Yu Qingshu's appearance. In fact, you don't know how cold-blooded he is and murderous without blinking. One day you will know what kind of person he is, and you will know how stupid you are. Jun Yu stopped and looked at me fixedly.

I was very uncomfortable to see him. I raised my eyebrows and sneered, "Wh whether I'm stupid or not is my business. As for this matter... my relationship with Danfei is worse than that of the empress dowager. So, Your Majesty, do you choose to believe that Concubine Dan is a weak and bullying person, or would you rather watch me die?

Jun Yu didn't move around, and his expression was a little uncomfortable. What are these words?

I covered my mouth and laughed: "Does the emperor fall in love with Concubine Dan?" I stroked my forehead and blocked half of my face with my palm, so that he could not see the bitterness flashing in my eyes. In other words, this was not only afraid that he would see it, but also afraid that my own heart would shake because of it?

The more affectionate the love is, the deeper the hatred is. I love Junyu, and I have never stopped today, but hatred over love has occupied most of my reason. He doesn't have any weaknesses. I'm destroying his harem step by step, and what I get is his indifferentness.

The more he doesn't care, the more presumptuous I am. I use his feelings for me and slowly destroy everything he has.

The harem - the throne - the country - the world, these are not counted, but the most important thing is his heart.

Jun Yao shook his head and looked at me and said, "You know that my heart is always the only one. I just felt that since you sent Concubine Dan to the palace, she is now suspicious..." He was puzzled by this question.

I shook my head and smiled bitterly. If I knew that such a thing would happen in the future, even if they broke their heads, I would not have left Xiaoyu. I also regret why I was so soft-hearted and developed such a strong opponent for myself.

"Love is very powerful, just like a medicine. Eating it will make people lose their minds and lose their hearts. Aren't you and me both poisoned people? So how can you be puzzled?" While talking, the two of us had walked to the Golden Dragon Hall and saw Danfei standing at the door looking forward to it from afar.

The delicate figure is weak and can't be seen to be aggressive and harmful at all. It looks like a natural and harmless Lori, but in fact it is more vicious than anyone else.

Concubine Xi was accidentally miscarried by me, but she was even more ruthless and directly killed Concubine Xi. However, in fact, Junyu is the most ruthless person. Anyway, Concubine Xi has been with him for so long, but she died without seeing him any sadness.

I even often doubt whether Junyou will be sad if I really die in the future.

A breeze blew, and the light pink corners of Danfei's clothes floated up with the wind, like a Yaochi fairy falling into the mortal world. She turned around and smiled at us. In an instant, she only felt a hundred flowers lost color. Although she is not beautiful, she is extremely good at dressing up, which takes away most of the elegant demeanor of Han Yue.

Jun Yu looked back at me and said, "I remember that there are still some things that have not been dealt with. Queen, you are the head of the middle palace, and you should decide all about this harem." After saying that, he would not go to the imperial study.

I turned around and saw Jun Yufu go away. When Dan saw that Jun Yu could not walk this way, she didn't leave. She hurried over and saw Jun Yu's back, which was really puzzled, but after seeing me, she smiled and saluted.

Her smile was bright and cheerful, as if I was happy to see her, but I saw the ice skate shooting at me undisguisedly from her smile. I didn't dodge. On the contrary, I was very sympathetic. Jun Yu... is a ruthless person, and the person who falls in love with him is doomed to be injured.

Even if I am the person he is looking for, I am not sure that I can shake him at all. At least now, I can't see through him at all. I used to think that I should have understood him well after three years, but now I find that I have never seen through the heart of the person beside the pillow.

"Danfei, what can I do for you?" I put on the queen's air and looked at her condescendingly.

Danfei saluted and said, "My concubine came to see the Empress. Did you sleep well last night? Did you have a nightmare?" She smiled maliciously, and there was no need to hide it in front of me since it was broken that day.

"Thank you very much for your concern. If you don't do anything wrong, you are not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. I didn't take medicine to harm others. Naturally, I slept very well all night until dawn." I have a pure and harmless smile, and I think I must be very much like Danfei at this time.

We used to be such people, so this is not pretending, it's just a wish.

A trace of anger flashed in Danfei's eyes when she heard the words, and then turned her head to look. When she turned her head, it was already a happy smile. I heard that the Empress Dowager is critically ill..." After all, it was the Danfei. Even if there were only a few people in the Golden Dragon Hall at this time, she would do enough to act: "My concubine is very worried and dare not dare to look."

"The Empress Dowager's condition must be clearer than my palace." Although Junyu denied it, after what happened yesterday, I became more and more sure that the poisoned person was Danfei. This is a hunch and an instinctive judgment of the opponent's means.

Thinking of the word opponent, I couldn't help looking up at Concubine Dan carefully. Suddenly, I felt that there was no need for me to go to this level. Danfei is a smart person. If she cooperates with smart people, she will save a lot of things.

Thinking of this, I raised a sincere smile and looked at Concubine Dan and said, "If Concubine Dan is all right, come with me!" After saying that, she didn't wait for Danfei to answer and walked into the hall by herself.

I sent all the people away from the Jinlong Hall, and Danfei came in doubtfully. Seeing me retreating, she was even more suspicious, but she did not hesitate to retreat the people around her and came to me with a smile on her face.

"Please sit down." Although I have been surprised by the transparency of Concubine Dan, I can't help sighing that although I am bigger than Concubine Dan, I am not as good as hers.

sighed in my heart, I raised my hand and poured a cup of tea for myself, took a gentle sip, looked up and smiled and said, "Try it, I brought it back from Kunlun Mountain in the past. This is the tea that the fifth master has been drinking all year round. It is said to have a facial effect." I saw that she looked a little hesitant, so I lied casually.

Danfei drank a cup of tea suspiciously and looked at me motionless, as if thinking about the purpose of calling her in.

"How long have you been here? One month? Or two months?"

Danfei didn't expect me to ask this, but she just thought about it and said, "How good this time is. When you think of the past, how long will I come?"

When I heard her mention what happened before she went to Shu, I was immediately angry, because if it hadn't been for that time, how I would have brought her back. After taking a few deep breaths, she was secretly angry with her mood. She definitely wanted to disturb my heart and make me afraid of her when talking to her.

I took a sip of tea to hide it and secretly said that when I was crawling in the bustling city of the 21st century, she didn't know where it was!

"How about our cooperation?" I said with a smile.

Danfei was stunned when she heard the words, and her eyebrows were undisguisedly raised. I laughed secretly. Presumably, she would never think that what I was talking to her at this time was cooperation, the cooperation between the two of us.