abandoned and turned over

Chapter 111 Accidental People

Chapter Summary: Jun Yu celebrated my birthday and actually ate hot pot. Other four countries also have envoys to congratulate, but I can't think of any reason to make other four countries come. I'm not the emperor? The people from Wu were very surprised and made me angry at the same time...

According to reason, this is the side hall of the Golden Dragon Hall. Although I don't know much about what's in it, from the pattern of each hall, it is basically the same, so when Jun Yu brought me in, I didn't think there was anything inside. What he could get was nothing more than some gold and silver utensils and other vulgar things.

After coming to the Golden Dragon Hall, I was shocked because I was always busy with things, so I didn't have time to take a closer look.

This side hall is about two or three hundred square meters. From my perspective, it surrounds people in the shape of a crescent, and we are now in the middle of the crescent. There is a small moon-shaped pool not far ahead of us.

The curling mist scattered from the crescent pool, and there was a sense of ethereal light standing here. As if they were in the Yaochi fairyland of the Western Queen Mother at this time, these beautiful ladies beside us were the dancing fairy maidservants.

The fog is neither big nor thick, like the best Shu brocade gauze. As the breeze blows in outside, the fog floats gently, not high, only to the knees. I blinked. At first, I thought it was fun, but then I didn't feel anything, because it was too ordinary. It was too easy to get these out as him, and there was nothing new.

However, for the sake that I was about to leave him, and for the sake of my son's collapse, I raised my head and said, "Your Majesty is really bothered. I'm sorry."

Junyou has been paying attention to my expression. Seeing me smile, there was a light in his deep pupils that I couldn't understand. Then he ignored me, but raised his hand and patted it gently, and heard the sound of water not far away.

I followed the sound and was stunned.

In the light mist, with the sound of the water and the progress of the water, I saw the green lotus leaves slowly rowing over, like a boat, and then looking up along the neck of the lotus leaves, it was actually a white lotus blooming at a visible speed, accompanied by the sound of curling slowly, as if When the peach event is in progress.

I looked up at Jun Yu and saw him slowly smiling at my face. That smile almost dazzled my eyes.

He will also be worried, will there be something to be afraid of?

Yes, his smile was relieved, and even... there was even some deliberate flattering meaning. Thinking back on our relationship during this period, it seemed that as Mother Wang said, it was like two hedgehogs hugging each other and hurting each other. However, when they hugged me together, he put away his sharp thorns, but Later, he seemed to accept my sharp thorns without any pain.

I should have been moved to tears in this situation, and then hugged him and said thank you, but why was my face frozen and I couldn't make any expression.

The heart is in chaos.

Seeing that my face suddenly changed greatly, he frowned slightly and hesitated to come forward and hold my hand and said, "Well, this is what Fu Xiao and A Zheng tried to do together. This is a hot spring pool, which was attracted from the bath room. The white lotus variety was originally planted in the ice pool, but I don't know how the man improved it. It can grow from the hot spring pool and control the opening hours. He did not say that each flower was worth tens of thousands of dollars and died after defeat.

"Yeun! It looks good." After all, he couldn't bear to be interested, and because the white lotus was really beautiful, and these fairy-like women danced with a faint smile on their faces, this situation made me feel unbearable.

Jun Yu was slightly stunned when he heard the words, and his eyes lit up. He swept away the previous decadent atmosphere. After the white lotus opened, he waved his hand to let the maidservant go down. He took my hand and walked to the crescent pool. Only then did I see a path on the crescent pool, walking slowly in the fog, and came to the crescent pool surrounded by warm fog, which was very comfortable.

There is a stone table on top, with some food, and it slowly comes from behind the gauze tent not far away. I looked up at him, and he was fiddling with the food in front of him. Since the last time Xiuyuan disguised himself as Li Mo and sneaked into the palace, there has been no sound of guqin in the palace. However, there has often been a sound recently, which is indeed more transparent than the sound of guqin.

The thing on the stone table is - I was surprised to look at the thing on it, and it turned out to be a hot pot.

How can there be this in the palace? I gave Jun Yu a strange look. He smiled with a familiar moonlight, just like before, with a slight smile on his face at any time. Feeling my eyes raised, he raised his head and bent his mouth and said, "Try the method sent by the envoy to the State of Shu a few days ago to come back to teach."

I'm afraid it's not that simple at this time! Although he said a word, I still paid attention to the messenger of the State of Shu in his mouth. Why did he send the messenger to the State of Shu if he had nothing to do? As if he could see through my thoughts, he said frankly, "I have been thinking about it for a long time and I don't know what gift to give you, so that people can be caught all over the world. A few days ago, this way of eating came from Shu. I took someone to try it and thought it was very good."

He picked up a piece of stewed mutton and put it in a small bowl in front of me, next to which was the previously prepared ingredients. When he handed me the chopsticks and saw that I was still in a daze, he gently stuffed it into my hand and said softly, "It's not too late to think about those things after dinner." After saying that, he picked up the chopsticks and ate it.

How long has it been since you ate it? How long did I travel and how long I didn't eat it? I would remember it before, but with the days of living in ancient times, I have almost forgotten it. But now there is such a modern thing in front of me, which makes me really doubt whether there is such a time traveler like me in Shu.

When Jun Yu saw that I didn't eat, he picked up a hand towel and wiped his mouth and said puzzled, "Why don't you eat? It tastes good."

I picked up my chopsticks and took two bites. After thinking about it, I couldn't help asking, "Junyou, can you do me a favor?"

Junyou looked up at me doubtfully, looked down at the hot pot on the table and said, "If there is anything, just say it directly. Is there anything else between you and me?"

I said, "Help me inquire about the person who invented the hot pot. I want to meet him."

Junyou frowned and nodded. After eating, he took out a small box and opened it. It turned out to be a wooden hairpin. I looked at him puzzledly, because the wooden hairpin looked too ordinary, and he could get the treasures of the world, but I didn't understand why he sent this wooden hairpin alone.

Junyou smiled mysteriously and took the wooden hairpin in his hand. Suddenly, a condensed fragrance came from him. Looking through the light from the window, this seemingly ordinary wooden hairpin showed a light purple, which made me suddenly! This is the most precious small leaf red sandalwood in the world. The tail of the wooden hairpin is carved into a hollow style. The most strange thing is that it is wrapped in a dark gray bead, which sounds ordinary, but in fact this bead is quite unusual, because the small leaf red sandalwood wrapped in the beads is integrated with the tail of the hairpin.

He said, "This is a tribute from Shu in the early years. I looked at it and kept it. This bead will emit light at night and can be used for lighting."

When he said this, my mind suddenly outlined a glowing body on my head full of the palace. I knew that the emperor spoiled the queen to send a small leaf red sandalwood hairpin worth a city. I don't know who thought it was dead and the corpse wandered around every night.

However, as Jun Yu said, this thing is very strange, so I put it away.

After dinner with me, Jun Yu left. I didn't know what was going on outside, so I went to Fengling Palace with Fu Yuxin and others. Shortly after we arrived, Junyu sent someone to look for me, which surprised me that the person who came was Fu.

Ah Fu saluted me and said, "The Empress's birthday is coming from all over the world to congratulate each other. The envoys of the State of Wu are already in the palace, and the emperor asked me to invite the Empress to go there."

In the Jinluan Hall, Jun Yu sat condescendingly in a bright yellow dragon robe, with a light expression and an emotionless moon smile hanging at the corners of his mouth. It seems that this smile has become his habit. As long as it is not angry that the smile on his face has always been like this, it has almost become an instinct.

There were several ministers standing on the hall, and some men in solemn service stood respectfully. After I came in, I stood in the hall and saluted Jun Yu from afar, and then turned my head to look at the envoy of the State of Wu.

After seeing the people clearly, I was stunned, and then quietly looked up at Jun Yu. Sure enough, although there was a disguised smile on his face, his eyes were deep and bottomless, as if the night sky was irrele.

Xiaoyu winked at me, and then solemnly stepped forward and knelt down on one knee and handed me the box in her hand: "This is the heart of our emperor. Please accept it."

Looking at Xiaoyu's serious appearance, I really wanted to give him a white eye and kick him out. At this time, when I saw him winking at me, I was even more angry. What the hell has disappeared for so long? Now he appears in this way. Do you want to pissed me to death?

Jun Yu saw that my face was pale, and even if he didn't like Xiaoyu, he couldn't help covering his mouth and coughing at this time. I looked at Jun Yu, who looked unclear, strangely, raised my hand to take the brocade box in Xiaoyu's hand and said lightly, "Thank you very much." He turned his head and looked at Jun Yu and said, "Is there anything else?"

Then I took the gifts from the other two countries one by one and handed them to the evening heart behind me. Xiaoyu took out a letter from her sleeve and said, "This is what the Marquis Dingyuan asked to give to the queen. The second lady has entered the genealogy. Please ask the queen to worry, and the second lady is also ready as soon as she puts on."

"This is natural." I took the letter from Xiaoyu's hand and was suspicious. What on earth was he selling?

Then he said a few polite words and helped Mu Xin's hand to leave. Before leaving, Xiaoyu gave me a wink, and I was even more puzzled. But at the same time, I'm also a little worried about whether Jun Yu will take this opportunity to attack Xiaoyu?

The more I thought about it, the more worried I became. I didn't feel like reading the letter at home, so I handed it to Mu Xin for her to put it away, took everyone back, and took Mu Xin to Fengling Palace.

At least this is the place where I have lived since I entered the palace. At this time, I feel like a tired bird returning to the nest, as if I habitually come back here as soon as something happens. I will send my heart down and quietly wait for Xiaoyu's arrival. I would like to ask what tricks he played with me and why he didn't come back to see me first.