abandoned and turned over

Chapter 113 Crossing Time and Space

Chapter Summary: Even if Junyou told me how Xiaoyu was before, I never believed it. But when he confirmed it to me, it seemed that he pushed me into the abyss without emotion, making me unable to breathe by myself. His cruelty made me feel pain again...

"If that's the case, why do you still tell me?" I looked at him coldly, because now I really can't make any other expression. Should I smile at him? I can't laugh, and it's impossible for me to wave my hand to say that I can accept it frankly after suffering so much fraud!

Xiaoyu is a person I believe in. It doesn't mean that I am greedy for his beauty, nor that I can have a home after leaving Junyu, but because I believe in him, unconditionally believe in it, and can even betray Junyu, although I hate revenge.

"I'm sorry!"

"I don't want to listen, I'm sorry." Tears fell uncontrollably. I covered my head and shook my head crazily. I don't want to hear that I'm sorry. Can't you explain? Xiaoyu...

"Little Future..."

"Don't call me that." I looked up at him, but immediately turned my head. Looking at this, I felt extremely uncomfortable, which made me more sad than the destruction of Xiuyuan, because I was deceived and used by the most trusted people, and I didn't even know what to do next!

"I said before that he approached you for a different purpose." While talking, Junyu came in and looked at Xiaoyu coldly. He came to me and held my shoulder and said, "Do you still don't believe it? He told you himself.

I patted Jun Yu's hand and said coldly, "Even if he has other purposes for me, aren't you?" I looked at Xiaoyu again and only felt that the beautiful face was as hateful as a night fork at this time, and a sense of disgust rose in my heart, but I still asked, "In the past, what you said to your second brother in Kunlun Mountain was true or false?"

Xiaoyu frowned when he heard the words: "Do everything for the Yi people?"

I nodded, and a flame suddenly rose from the trust that had just been extinguished in my heart, beating slowly, as if I was happy for him remembering this sentence, and my face was unconcealed with wings. Xiaoyu, don't lie to me.

He thought for a long time before he shook his head slowly. For a moment, I seemed to have been drained, and my heart suddenly shrank. I couldn't breathe the air outside as if I had been covered by my mouth. I stepped back three steps before stopping against a pillar and looked up at him and said, "Is everything fake? Including what happened in Rongcheng, and... before going to Shu?"

He nodded, the red dots between his eyes were silent, and there was no expression on his face, but even so, he was still beautiful, pure and gorgeous. Xiaoyu, who does not wear red, is also a kind of light posture. In the past, the enchanting red firmly suppressed his Tsinghua University. At this time, except for red, his body naturally showed a momentum of staring the world.

"Go away!" I won't say that I don't want to see him again, because I want to fulfill my promise to take care of me in the past as if I return everything I have done to him. From then on, I don't owe each other.

I'm not a saint. It's impossible for him to face me with a smile after he deceives me. I hold a grudge.


"It's useless! Do you think what she decided can be changed? Jun Yu stood in front of me and couldn't see his look. He only felt that this sentence was full of bitterness.

Xiaoyu sighed secretly and ignored Jun Yu. She just looked at me and said, "I admit that all the encounters with you are calculated, but... Later, I don't know what's going on, but when I get along with you, my heart is also lost. Little Future, I have lived for more than a hundred years and witnessed the love between you. In the past, I may have had a different purpose, but now since I choose to confess to you, it is because I don't want to continue to lie to you. He paused and looked at Jun Yu and said, "I won't leave for the time being. Whether you forgive me or not, please don't hate me." At least don't hate the eldest grandson.

I leaned against the pillar and closed my eyes and said nothing. I greedily breathed the air around me. I only felt that there was a depressing silence around me, and even the air was still, as if I couldn't breathe even if I opened my mouth, as if I had slipped into the water. There was nothing around me to grab anything to save my life, but straw.

After Xiaoyu left, Junyu's footsteps gradually faded away, and he didn't even comfort me. A very rational person, I need to be absolutely quiet to know this.

The Fengling Palace is empty, there is no one, and all the decorations are still the same. There is no floating dust in the hall, and it can be seen that people often clean it. I went to the bed and sat down. Even if I was not in the palace, there was already a fire here, and the silver frost charcoal emitted warm heat, but no matter how warm it was, my heart was still cold.

I lifted the quilt lying on ** and covered it. My arm suddenly touched the box in my sleeve. It was a birthday gift from Junyu, which was the highlight.

I took out the wooden hairpin inside and put it in my hand to play with it. Because it was wooden, I couldn't feel any cool and slightly warm. With the passage of time, my heart gradually calmed down, but what happened after calming down?

I can't think of Xiaoyu's deception. Am I too demanding? Or is the world like this? Just like in the 21st century, everyone has a certain purpose for you, so you can't trust anyone? But I have always felt that the people here should be simple and kind!

The night swallowed the last light of the sky, and my brain was blank, holding the wooden hairpin given to me by Jun Yu in my hand. Perhaps, subconsciously, he was the only one who could calm my heart down, but I didn't want to face it.

The whole Fengling Palace is dark, and you can't reach out. There is only a faint red light around the silver frost charcoal. The temperature in the air slowly drops with the burning of the charcoal fire. It seems that it will be completely extinguished when it is updated, but I don't feel any cold.

Jun Yu and Xiu Yuan are members of the royal family. Everything they do has to be calculated. Whether they can be rewarded is like a shrewd businessman. Where's Xiaoyu? He may have been innocent before, but can he still be innocent after the demon race is destroyed? He is carrying the hatred of extermination!

Although he thinks so, he can't lie to me! Thinking about the fall of tears, I got up and hugged myself and gave myself a hug. Good boy, he can't help it if he doesn't cry.

Through my fingers, I saw the gray beads in the middle of the small leaf red sandalwood hairpin in my hand emitting a faint jade-colored light, similar to jasper sky blue, soft and not dazzling. The place where the light can shine is not big, only a few meters. I looked at it carefully and found that it was gray from a close distance. If it hadn't been for such a strange scene at night, the small leaf red sandalwood alone would never have been so valuable.

There were undry tears lying down on his face, and it was slightly itchy when it slipped across his face. I withdrew my eyes, raised my hand to wipe my tears, and looked at the dark palace in the distance with a wry smile.

I'm the only one in the huge palace, lonely. Actually, I've always been alone, haven't I? Whether in the previous life or before crossing, it has always been. Suddenly, I remembered the hot pot I ate today and suddenly woke up. I had never had this way to eat before, so I didn't even think about it. I was afraid that I would be a monster if I innovated, so I felt at ease.

But now it seems that people's acceptance is still very high, at least there is nothing strange about Junyou. I put the hairpin back in my sleeve and didn't notice the tears I had just wiped on it. Just as I was about to put it back, the gray beads suddenly shined.

I was shocked and almost subconsciously threw the wooden hairpin out. After throwing it out, I regretted it. Is this thing resistant to falling? What if it is not resistant to falling? That was given to me by Jun Yu. I lifted the quilt and climbed out of bed with a sigh.

The wooden hairpin was thrown far away by me and fell to the ground and rolled far away, but the light like a light bulb was still bright, illuminating most of the whole hall. I picked up the teacup next to me and smashed it hard, and then carefully leaned against the shiny wooden hairpin with a piece of porcelain. In fact, I also know that this is useless, but at least I can feel a little relieved.

Although the wooden hairpin was bright, it was not dazzling. When I slowly came over, the wooden hairpin finally stopped next to the pillar. I squatted on the ground and gently banged it with a piece of porcelain, and it moved physically. It didn't look aggressive at all. I carefully held it in my hand, but I saw the beads in the wooden hairpin flashing. Then I only felt a flower in front of me. The faint blue light spots slowly appeared in the air, and the light spots slowly gathered together like stars falling all over the sky. As time went by, the light spots became more and more. The more, the larger the area, and then a light curtain the size of a 19-inch computer screen slowly appears in front of you.

I stared at the blue light curtain in front of me and saw that a big word 'time' appeared after the light curtain was completely formed. Suddenly, I felt that breathing was extremely difficult. I quickly took a deep breath and found that I had forgotten to breathe in front of me.

What exactly is this, this?

Although I was very surprised, I didn't throw the wooden hairpin in my hand again, because this thing is not unusual for me to walk in the 21st century. This is the high technology of the scientific era. What just makes me curious and shaken is, how can there be such a thing here?

I took a long breath to calm down my heart. I raised my other hand and nodded to the big word 'time', as if I were touching the LCD computer screen. The light curtain at my fingertips gently swung, and then what appeared shocked me again, and I was so excited that I couldn't speak.

I saw the blue light curtain flash slightly, and then the water pattern swing, which is the option to travel through time and space: the general classification is the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, and finally the 20th century after the founding of the Republic of China, the 21st century, and more strangely, there is the 22nd century and so on until the end of the 30th century. There is also a short paragraph next to it as an explanation. This is a floating bead that can travel through time and space. A floating bead has ten functions, and this bead has the last time.

I clutched the wooden hairpin in my hand and squatted on the ground panting. For a long time, I couldn't find the shocked thoughts. I took a few deep breaths before calming down, but then I was excited and excited. I actually had a chance to travel back...