abandoned and turned over

Chapter 127 to see the corpse

Chapter Summary: Junyou fell under the cliff with the carriage because he saved me, and I was stunned! Why didn't he jump down with me? What the hell happened? He knew that there was a cliff ahead, but he chose to push me down alone? What happened to him?

He is lying to me! He must be lying to me. There is no jade seal, but why didn't he jump down with me without jade seal?

No, there must be something wrong. I didn't find it... I stood up in a trance and lay on the edge of the cliff and shouted his name, but he didn't respond at all. I was picked up from the cliff by the shadow man. He picked me up without saying a word, and then left with me who was already free.

What's wrong? His face is light red, obviously healthy red after exercise. His heartbeat is calm and powerful, and he doesn't feel weak at all. His strength is also amazing. He can still smile lightly. There is nothing wrong with everything...

I always have a lot of puzzles after thinking about it, such as what he said to me. I suddenly opened my eyes! Those words - I took a cold breath, and those words were clearly an explanation... "It's okay, but it's useless to be angry." That was the explanation that he suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood after smashing the window of the carriage. The second brother has also encountered such a situation before. It was the anti-shock force of the true line, so I didn't feel anything wrong at all.

"Look, the heartbeat is smooth and slow, and it doesn't look like an injury." Now that I think about it, it's obviously a cover-up, to slow down... At that time, his heartbeat began to slow down, but he didn't care at all, or I was too stupid to hear what was wrong with his heartbeat.

Because he is the eldest grandson Junyu, he has never been hurt or sad. He has no weakness all over his body.

"I will push you down when I find a place. Remember to hug yourself and roll down to minimize the damaged area." He carefully repeated this sentence over and over again in order to imprint it on my heart, and then I subconsciously remembered what he did.

I'm an idiot, why didn't you ask him why he didn't go down with me? What was I thinking? Fu Wei, you idiot, what were you thinking at that time?

"It's obvious that someone will catch up with you in a moment. Let's see if the person is dressed in black and wearing a mask. If so, go with him. If not, hide and don't make a sound." He even thought about my way back, and I didn't realize why he let me hide myself and let me face the danger of ignorance?

Fu Wei, what on earth were you thinking at that time?

"Also, let him send you a light and comfortable flower stream, so that the royal family will not dare to attack you." Oh my God! Oh my God! What on earth did he say? What did I hear again?

Yu Qingshu is one of the most hated people in the world. He actually entrusted me to the person he hates and hates the most, and I haven't found anything wrong in his words... Think about it carefully, his voice was soft, like a murmur between lovers. Because the distance is too close, the voice can be suppressed very much. Low can still be heard clearly.

He also said, "Don't let Shen Weijun know about Mu Feng's life. If you like him as much as your son, although you hate me, the child is always innocent."

"I know you hate me, but I'm more glad that you remember me because of this. I like you... I really like you."

"King Yun is dead. Try not to contact the royal family when you go out in the future. It's better... It's better to go back..." Then he asked me to jump out of the car, as if there was still a lot to say, but time did not allow it and it was too late to say.

And he has never said those three words to me. Although it is like this, whether in his previous life or this life, he has never said that he likes it. He has never understood romance. At most, he only cares about a few words, or like his birthday. Well, that's romantic, but it's not what he came up with. He just Just use the emperor's power to move his mouth.

Junyu, I hate you! I hate you so much.

Tears flowed down. This cruel man never asked for my forgiveness, or even said anything to forgive him. What he has always done is to make me hate him and want to eat meat and drink blood, but... he didn't even give me this opportunity.

Changsun Junyu, although you do this, I still won't forgive you. I hate you...

"Madam..." There was a call in my ear, and I raised my confused eyes to see the people in front of me.

The shadow man has put me in a room**. The person who called me is dressed as a doctor. He held my hand. It turned out that I was inadvertently holding my clothes with regret. He whispered, "It's okay, it's just excessive shock. I will get better after I prescribe a few pieces of medicine.

I didn't hear the shadow man's answer, but he nodded. After sending the doctor away, I was the only one left in the room. I don't know where it is. It only looks like an ordinary private house from the furniture of the house, but there is smokeless silver frost charcoal in the charcoal basin.

The door was opened again, but the shadow man who saved me came into the bed with a bowl and silently handed me a bowl of steaming water. It seems that he is afraid that I will warm my body. He still didn't say a word. After I drank the water, he left again. When I came back, I was holding a bowl of medicine in my hand.

I shouted silently. He didn't say a word, and I didn't want to say a word. The repeated scene of Junyou saying those words to me in his mind is always detailed to every expression, every note he makes, every word he says, and the sound of a calm and soothing heartbeat. There is something wrong everywhere, and there is a meaning of farewell everywhere.

At that time, I still didn't feel how much I loved him. In fact, I don't know. Maybe I also want to escape, because my love for him has penetrated into my bones. Even if I don't say it, or a slight expression can't show it, but the love that has been embedded in my bones. No matter how I deny it, he is still the truth.

I love Changsun Junyu. Even if he hurts me like that, I still love him. I can even give my life for him. Maybe I hate him now, but how can I have such a strong hatred without love? I hate it so much that I don't even know his life and death at this time. I always feel that it's better to see his body.

So, in any case, I have to follow the shadow guard to find it. Whether I can find it or not, even if I only see a skeleton, at least it can prove that the person I hate is finally dead, and my hatred has come to an end.

If there is an afterlife, I don't want to meet him again and never fall in love with him again. So the curse of Dan will not take effect. We will never be involved. When I go back to my 21st century, he will continue his ancient life and will never be involved again.

Life is endless ridicule, and the fetters of the four of us will not be completely cut off because of anyone's death, nor will stop if anyone withdraws temporarily, but everything continues.

What kind of person is Changsun Junyou? Even if his life and death are uncertain at the bottom of the cliff at this time, everything he arranged in Vietnam before leaving is still progressing towards his calculation step by step. And I couldn't escape his calculation. He once missed it, so he won't allow himself to make a second mistake, including the shadow guard who can find me before those people.

Everything is flawless.

When I woke up, the shadow guard had already put the hot food on the table. It was not taboo at all because I was a woman. There was also a light jade-colored light women's clothing and a purple-gold fox coat cloak beside the bed. The lavender tassels were long vertical on the ground, flowing with a submissive arc.

The shadow guard is really like a shadow. No matter how quiet he is now, you don't seem to hear his breathing, walking silently like a ghost, and you can't see his face or the eyes behind the mask.

I moved my body, and I took a breath of cold air in pain. Because of the violent bumps for a long time, I suddenly rested and my whole body was like falling off, and even my bones were numb. I gritted my teeth and raised my arm. It felt like a blade cutting my meat one by one, and my tears were about to fall.

The shadow guard didn't seem to be able to stand it anymore. He went to the table and poured a glass of water, took out a small jade bottle and handed me a black pill everywhere. It was silent. Only the sound of pouring water and the sound of the teacup being picked up sounded. He didn't even hear the sound of his clothes shaking. Then he walked to me and was still silent. .

I looked up at him. Without any doubt, I took the pill and swallowed the water. The sound of about half a cup of tea slightly relieved the pain on my body. I stood up with a long sigh of relief, and found that the shadow guard had retreated somehow. I laughed, quickly changed my clothes and cleaned up. When I used the morning, the shadow guard came in again.

I looked up at him and asked, "Is there any news about Junyou?" I couldn't see the expression on his face, but he was silent for about ten seconds before shaking his head. However, he took out a piece of paper from his sleeve and opened it to see that it was a sketch on the edge of the cliff.

He stretched out his unusually white finger and pointed to the map, and finally opened his mouth and said, "Find it from here." His voice was low and hoarse, as if he never spoke, but occasionally forgot how to pronounce it. Looking at his fingers, his five fingers are slender and extremely white, and he can clearly see the blood vessels on the back of his hand, showing a faint cyan color, as if he rarely sees sunlight.

"Then take me there." I didn't hesitate at all. No matter what the result is, I will go down the cliff.

To see people and death, to see corpses.

The shadow guard only said one sentence, and I only said one sentence. Although he didn't say anything, I also knew that he didn't like me at all and let me follow him completely because I was the person Junyou likes. I laughed at myself, and everyone hated me so much! No one in the Changsun family has never liked me, I know.

I don't care, because I don't like them either. I don't like people who don't like me. The simplest and most unreasonable logic in the world.

The place where we are located is a county. I don't know where it is, but I definitely want to stay in Vietnam. Although Yingwei doesn't like me, he still takes care of me conscientiously, but I can feel his anxiety a little. If it hadn't been for my drag, he would have found Jun Yu?