abandoned and turned over

Chapter 129 He is not dead

Chapter Summary: I finally walked out of the gloomy ancient road, but I heard an extremely gentle male voice. His voice was extremely spoiled. At that moment, the illusion seemed that the person I was looking for was not far away, talking with a smile, but the object was not me...

I finally walked out of the towering ancient road and only felt that it was open in front of me. There was a gentle male voice. He said, "Give it to me quickly, stop it!" Look, someone came."

I looked at the voice and saw a beautiful teenager, about 17 or 18 years old, dressed in yellow white, standing next to a hut with his hands behind his back. There stood a girl in red, about twelve or three years old, with a playful smile on his face and holding an herb in his hand.

When the girl saw me looking over, she hid her mouth and exclaimed, and then ran to me. Like a little adult, she looked around me with her hands on her back and left and right. She looked at me straight hair, and then looked up and exclaimed, "What a beautiful sister!"

The teenager came over with a smile. He was not handsome, but very clean, just like a white cloud in the sky. The cleanliness made people feel a holy intention to wash his heart at a glance, and then his anxious heart slowly faded.

The first time I saw him, any complex emotions of anxiety and fear were silent with that glance, and then my heart stopped like water. The girl, contrary to him, has a bright smile and innocent eyes, just like the Danfei in those years, but she doesn't know if this little girl will become the second Danfei?

I pulled up a gentle smile and made a blessing. Excuse me, have you seen a man in recent days? He should be seriously injured. After thinking about it, I thought that he would definitely be seriously injured if he fell from such a high cliff. After saying that, I looked at the teenager with eager eyes.

The girl was slightly stunned when she heard the words. Seeing that the teenager only smiled and did not answer me, she ran to him and pulled his sleeve and said coquettishly, "Brother, do you think you have seen it!" Then he smiled at me and said, "Brother, I picked up a man from the ancient road yesterday, but I don't know if it's the one you said."

Hearing the girl's words, my mind was blank and my body trembled uncontrollably. The teenager raised his smiling eyes and looked at me, and my heart was magically quiet. He said, "Do you know him?"

I nodded with such a calm expression: "He is my husband."

The teenager just nodded with a smile when he heard the words, while the girl covered her mouth and exclaimed. So you are husband and wife! So that's the girl named Weiwei?" She ran to me again, took my hand and entered a hut closest to the teenager. As she walked, she threw the herbs in her hand to the teenager: "Brother, I won't make trouble with you anymore. Look at her seem to be very worried. Go and save the man!"

The girl took me into the cottage, which was very simple, with a square hall and a bedroom. I let the girl take my hand, but when I walked to the door of the bedroom and the square hall, I couldn't stop. The girl couldn't pull it anymore and looked back at me with doubt: "What's wrong?"

"I'm afraid!" I am honest and honest that I grit my teeth. I'm afraid to see a dead Junyu... because of her words: Save him quickly.

I'm afraid that all I see is a corpse. I'm afraid that my hatred will end. There is no one I can hate. I'm afraid that my heart will die with me, and there will be no goal to live from now on.

"Oops! It's okay. He's not dead yet." The girl shook her head and smiled, but then her face darkened: "But it's almost done. It's a miracle that he didn't die like this.

I didn't hear the following words clearly, because I had pushed the girl away and rushed in. There was only a bamboo bed in the room, which was so simple that I found the person I was looking for as soon as I entered.

Bamboo**, lying flat with a handsome man with his eyes closed and a pale face, has long eyelashes. At this time, he is trembling slightly, as if he will open his eyes at any time, and then reveals that it is easy for you to immerse yourself in the deep pool, and then you can't extricate himself. His breathing is light and light, and you can't feel it if you don't listen carefully.

He was wearing only a white coat like morning snow, with his hands crossed on his body, covered with a thin blue printed quilt, and his chest slowly rose and fell slowly. The girl covered her mouth and sighed and whispered, "Brother is not sure if he can wake up. After all, it fell from such a high place. You don't know that the sound of the carriage falling on the stone was resounding in the whole valley, which tormented my ears. After saying that, it seemed that the sound was still ringing in her ear, and her little face wrinkled together and her hands rubbed her ears.

I didn't hear the girl's words, and my eyes fell straight on Junyou, and I didn't dare to blink. I was afraid that he would bang in front of me with a blink of an eye, and then I could no longer find him.

"Jun Yao..." The sound trembled like a leaf in the wind, without any hesitation, leaving the tree that supported me, drifting aimlessly until it fell to the ground. That feeling was that there was no sense of security, just like at that time, my hands and feet were bound, and my eyes were blindfolded with that sense of helplessness, devouring me.

The girl's slightly cheerful voice sounded. She seemed to see my worry and held my hand and comforted him, "Don't worry, my brother has very good medical skills. He has learned ten times of his master's medical skills. Hey hey, in a few years, he will definitely compare him to find his master."

I raised my vague tears and looked at the girl, pulled the corners of my mouth and showed a smile, thanking her for her comfort. Then tears fell on the back of Jun Yu's white and almost transparent hand, and a splash gradually rose.

When the girl saw me crying and comforted me a few words, the young man in white came in. He held a bowl of green black herbal juice in his hand. Seeing that the girl was comforting me, he smiled gently and said, "You have done a business. You girl, if you delay a little longer, I'm afraid his leg can't be preserved.

The girl smiled carelessly when she heard the words: "Didn't you say that you can keep it before the sun sets?" Seeing that my eyes were dull, he lowered his head with a guilty heart: "Who made you angry with me?"

Legs? What leg? I turned my head and looked at the teenager with knife-like eyes. The teenager sat gently at the edge of Jun Yu's legs and lifted the quilt covering him, revealing Jun Yu's slender legs outside. Like his arms, he was almost transparent, and he could not tell which was the legs and which was the mattress.

The right calf part turned out to be a piece of flesh and blood, and there was a thin broken bone stretching out of the flesh to fragment the pale flesh skin. The blood seemed to have dried up, and only the pale blood slowly flowed down from the wound, into the sponge that cushioned the legs, and was quietly absorbed. The sponge was dyed bright red by his blood, as if it was still trembling gently with the slow heartbeat, and the absorbed too much blood slowly flowed into the mattress. I trembling my lips and opened my mouth to ask a word, but I couldn't say a word.

The teenager's hand was like magic, and then he gently cut the skin on Jun's legs with a smile at the corners of his mouth. His hands seemed to stimulate true qi, and then gently stroked the broken bone. I couldn't bear to turn my head away. I only heard a few crisp sounds, and then the teenager turned around and brought the medicine bowl. I looked at the teenager's hand. The broken bone had been picked up, and he was slowly taking the medicine.

After the dressing, the teenager cleaned his hands, looked at me with a smile and motioned me to go out and say. I took a look at Jun Yu with some worry, but I want to hear what the teenager said. How much injury did Jun Yu suffer?

The girl was looked guilty by the teenager, and I was in a bad mood, so she came out lightly following the two of me. In fact, even if we talk in the room, Jun Yu will not hear it, because he is now in a deep coma, and even in modern times, he lives in the intensive care unit.

The green trees in the valley are like this, the mountain breeze is warm, and the ice and cold weather above have no effect on here at all. The three of us walked to a thick tree and sat down. The teenager smiled and said, "Are you his wife? Hair?"

I nodded, and the teenager's eyes were a little playful, but the girl was also interested. Compared with the teenager, the girl took my hand directly and asked, "Then why do you hate him so much?"

I looked at the girl puzzledly. The girl spit out her tongue and smiled and said, "When my brother rescued him yesterday, he had not fallen into a coma. She kept saying: Don't hate me, please don't hate me. I'm so moved that my tears are about to fall down. Why don't you tell us?"

Seeing that I restrained my eyebrows and said nothing, the girl shook my hand and begged, "Well, my brother's cost of saving people is very high. Why don't you exchange this matter? You don't have to pay for medical expenses. We will keep your husband healthy.

The teenager looked at the girl anly and continued his words: "When he was rescued by us, one foot was still stuck by the wheel of the carriage. To be honest, even if I saw him for the first time, I couldn't help admiring him. His back was also blurred, as if the knife wound was combined with the sword wound, and the fall from above, there was only one breath left. If you find it later, I'm afraid that even the Daluo immortals will be powerless. He sighed gently with some emotion.

To be honest, I can't imagine that Jun Yu was seriously injured, especially what puzzled me was why his leg was stuck next to the wheel of the carriage. I analyzed what I thought rationally in my heart. When the teenager heard this, he raised his hand and broke off a few branches from the tree above his head, and then gave me a sketch.

It roughly means that Junyou is too hard because he is anxious. One foot crushed the just weak place, and as a result, he got stuck in. In addition, he was seriously injured. At that time, he was unable to split the base of the carriage, and he was about to reach the edge of the cliff, so he had to protect himself.

Later, I asked Junyou if this was the case. He looked at me in silence for a long time and said only five words: "As long as you have nothing to do."

But at that time, I hated Junyou for being too rational and selfish. He never thought about it from my perspective. He always stood behind me and quietly arranged everything and waited for each of us to fall into the trap he set