abandoned and turned over

Chapter 147 provoked the years

Chapter Summary: I was kidnapped by Xiaoyu, but Xiaoyu's situation became more and more wrong halfway. I always felt that he was too different from before. Maybe he really likes me, but the method is wrong, as if an evil man suddenly appeared in his heart to dominate the body.

I thought about any possibility, but never thought of this possibility, because the result hurt too much and hurt everything.

"What?!" Xiaoyu stared at me with wide eyes when she heard the words. He straightened my body and shook my shoulders hard. Little Future, what are you talking about? Do you know what you are talking about?

"I know!" I smiled bitterly, and I knew everything, because I knew it, so it was painful. Those relaxing and happy days in the past have long been inadvertently away from me. It seems that I was unhappy when I began to lay out, because when I met Xiaoyu, those days may also be beautiful.

Since when, it seems to be the twelfth lunar month of the 16th birthday, everything has begun.

I met Xiuyuan, was sent away as a cargo, married Junyu, met Xiaoyu... Then I fell in love with Junyu uncontrollably. Because the original love was too unforgettable, when I first saw him, I couldn't let go of others, even the perfect Xiaoyu.

"How could this happen!" Xiaoyu seemed to be unable to withstand the blow. She looked at me stunned and muttered softly, as if she was afraid of disturbing someone.

"It doesn't matter, Xiaoyu, I've known it for a long time." Now think about it, because Mu Feng first told me that combined with what had happened, many mysteries are intertwined and there is a buffer period in my heart, so when I know the truth, I just feel sad and heartbroken. Are you still disappointed? No, because I never expected them, I won't be disappointed.

"Little Future." He tightened his hands and hugged me, as if he wanted to comfort me and couldn't talk about it.

I raised my hand and patted him on the shoulder, indicating that I was really fine. He still didn't believe it and frowned, "So what are you going to do?"

"Complete cooperation!" I spread my hands and was very innocent. What can I do now? Does a piece of meat on the chopping board have any resistance? It's not lying there obediently for others to cut.

"Do you really want to accept your fate like this?" Xiaoyu muttered and suddenly seemed to think of something. He said eagerly, "Then what's going on with you and Changsun Junyu? Did they do it too?"

"This... falling in love with Junyu is my own business. No one must have thought of it." When did you fall in love with him? The back in front of the floating building, his conversation with the fifth master in the Dan room, or the beginning of another meeting, as if he had fallen in love at any time.

"Don't you hate it? Wouldn't it be sad to be like Changsun Junyu?

"Hate? He is my father and the two brothers who love me the most. What can I hate? No matter what happens now, they have at least loved and protected me, so just think it's owed to them..."

He interrupted me: "Is it a reward just like facing me at this time?"

He was so smart and keen, but with a few words, he sensed the loophole between my words. I looked up at him and was not afraid of his coldness. I gently stroked his eyebrows: "No, different, I have an indescribable feeling for you."

His eyes lit up with my words, and the red dots between his eyes seemed to be stained with the brightest colors in the world. His eyes were facing each other, but the other's eyes did not contain feelings. Therefore, his eyes quickly faded. He said, "Sorry, I shouldn't have been after cheating you. I also want to ask for your forgiveness. In the future, I really like you. I have been alone for more than 100 years. I finally fell in love with a girl, but there has never been me in her eyes.

"Xiaoyu..." I opened my mouth to interrupt, and he waved his hand.

"Our long life makes people feel like a mountain that is gradually hollowed out. Over the long years, we can clearly feel this feeling of waiting for death, which is different from your short life. Looking at our family's unreachable life and appearance, and many powers, I have ever thought that when we woke up at night, we thought of being different from others, living in this world like monsters and being rejected by everyone. Because of fear and worry, no one dared to walk out of the valley, but it still leads to extinction. Tragedy...

Oh... But what are these for those of us who want to be ordinary people? Demons and demons, in fact, we originally had a very nice clan name: the spirit god clan. But because we are different from ordinary people, we are called demons. Sometimes I can't help thinking that maybe we are really demons! Therefore, we never combine with foreigners, because once we combine, the rest of that person's days are endlessly lonely. Little future, I'm actually very afraid, really afraid, but when I get along with you, I gradually feel that even a short happiness is good, but..."

"No, but. Xiaoyu, at the beginning, our encounter was wrong. No - your love was wrong. You knew that I only had him in my heart, just like you at this time. Maybe you can't accommodate anyone in your heart, so you should be able to understand how I feel now. This is not love, but just meeting the wrong person at the right time, so it is doomed to have no future.

"You are so cruel." He smiled bitterly, and the red dots between his eyes slowly beat, following the frequency of his heart. His mood was a little depressed, and his eyes were covered with a faint mist.

"Yes!" I looked up and smiled. I was cruel. I knew it for a long time.

"Actually, even now, you are still very kind-hearted. It's completely our fault that it will be like today. I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I joined their circle to deceive you without knowing it. Little Future, I won't give up on you, no matter when. However, I will resist missing you before the unification of the world, but I don't promise to do anything.

"What are you going to do?" I frowned slightly, and a bad feeling suddenly surged in my heart.

He shook his head, but his eyes were extremely firm. I don't know what I will do in the face of the next situation. But I know that I will never hurt you or deceive you again, and I will not hurt the people you care about. I will make them pay the price they deserve. As long as I am here, no one is allowed to hurt you.

"Xiaoyu..." My voice is almost choking. How can a woman like me get the perfect love of you so much? What do you want me to repay your love and pity for me?

He seemed to see what I thought, stretched out his hands to straighten my body, and looked at me seriously: "These are all the things I owe you, little future, don't be sorry, you should accept it calmly. People who have used you in this world should do anything for you, do you understand? Even if the general uses you and the second son uses you, they will return it to you in the future. These uses will not become due to your blood relationship. You are an independent individual and a person.

I blinked and buried my head in Xiaoyu's arms.

Time is quiet and everything is fine.

Xiaoyu and I settled in a small town in the State of Zhao. Xiaoyu used the secret method of the Killer Pavilion to contact the people of the Killer Pavilion to release the news. The plan was still according to my father's plan, but because Xiaoyu suddenly stepped in, it must be arranged.

When night came, we left the town and entered an unknown mountain village. Xiaoyu put on a human skin mask, and the two of us temporarily settled down.

Everyone in the village thought that we were a little couple who eloped, because the mask worn by Xiaoyu was really too ugly. Usually, Xiaoyu always drooped her eyelids and pretended to be a person with eye disease, and I was a rich lady who fell in love with him wholeheartedly and was willing to be with him in this small mountain village.

At first, the old people in the village hated me very much. Maybe they thought I was too unfilial. Later, when they got along, everyone thought I was good. Because Xiaoyu's 'eyes' are inconvenient, she often rarely goes out at home except for collecting firewood, and when I have nothing to do, I go to wash clothes with some women or do some odd jobs to earn some money.

In fact, what I can do is really not good, but at least everyone can see my efforts. Ten days passed in a blink of an eye, and everything was plain. I got along well with Xiaoyu, but we all know that there are not many days left. According to the schedule, the people of the State of Zhao should be almost there.

Today's Xiaoyu wears a jade gown with a faint luster in the sun. His face is still an ugly mask, but the mask can't hide his own glory, which is the best in the world. I'm wearing a long beige skirt with only an ordinary farmer's hair bun.

I raised my hand and gently brushed his hair blown by the mountain wind. He looked back at me and smiled softly: "Madam."

As if responding to him, his cheeks turned red in an instant, and I gave him a white look. A neighbor came out of the yard and saw us standing in the yard. He smiled and said, "You are really enviable." After saying that, he laughed and went away.

At this time, it was time to farm. Most of the villagers got up early to plough the land. There were only sporadic weak old people and young/toothed children in the whole village. In addition, the place where we lived was a little remote, so few people came. As soon as the neighbor who had just spoken left, Xiaoyu pulled off the mask on her face and exposed it. Unrivaled face.

Maybe under the opaque mask for a long time, his face is as transparent and white as paper. It seems that he can see through the long ink hair behind his head in the sunlight. The jade gown is enchanting when he is not dressed in red, or he may be in a flat mood. That evil spirit has not appeared in the past few days. Now He is like a fairy who sees through the world, light and elegant, peerless and magnificent, restraining all the lights in the world, charming and dazzling.

If a villager sees him now, he must think that he has seen the immortal. Because Xiaoyu's body is slowly rising without any support, he stands alone in the air, and his expression is as high as a god.

"Come out!"