abandoned and turned over

Chapter 162 Ultimate Decryption

Chapter Summary: In the war between Wu Jun and Zhao Jun, a whole 300,000 people thought that the sacrifices were definitely those grass-manders, but they did not expect that in order to inspire people, those main soldiers resolutely chose to sacrifice to increase their momentum... In the face of such soldiers, while they were not in awe, they could not be in vain. Sacrifice, she went on the way to the killing... After returning to Kunlun Mountain, how will she face General Fu?

My arrival was like a stone thrown into a calm lake, and footsteps came from all directions, but in a moment, all the people in Kunlun Mountain gathered in front of the gorgeous building. Looking at the familiar smiling faces, thinking about the brothers who fought on the battlefield half a month ago, suddenly came from it.

"Mother..." Xiao Mufeng grew much taller, but he was still a little thin. As soon as he saw my tears, he fell down, squeezed Xiaobai aside, and lay on my shoulder and cried.

Rong Xin also had tears in her eyes, although we had a short time together. The eldest brother and the second brother are not here. I don't know what he is busy with, but his father came late with the white jade porcelain bottle in his arms. The fifth master followed him and looked very tired.

After seeing me, my father just nodded faintly, but the fifth master came over and asked with a smile, "How's the journey?"

"It's still good!" Although he was answering the fifth master's words, his eyes had been looking at his father. His expression was light, his eyes were far away, and there was a trace of confidence between his eyebrows. I have never seen such a father. In the past, he was always worried about this and that. Even if the outside world called him the God of War, he took himself lightly. He often said: People, don't ask others to spread your gods, and you will think you are the same. Just keep your heart.

No matter how he is rumored outside, he has always been the man who carefully flattered his mother. No matter how much he is touted outside, he smiles at it. A person who has never looked too high on himself, now he is like a king standing at the top, showing the momentum of everyone present. Not enough.

"Father!" Mu Feng also seemed to feel something wrong in the atmosphere. His flat mouth jumped down from me, walked over and took his hand, and took Xiaobai from my arms. The fifth master waved his hand to let everyone retreat. His father put the white jade porcelain jar on the stone table and pointed to the chair opposite: "Sit down!"

I sat down according to my words, but my heart was raised. I know what this conversation means. Maybe after this conversation, our relationship between father and daughter is likely to end. I will be the bargaining chip in their hands to blackmail you.

Father's hand gently stroked the bottle, and a trace of tenderness appeared at the corners of his mouth. He said, "Weiwei, what I am most grateful for in my life is your mother, because she brought you to me. Although I have long known that all this is destined, I still like her very much. Really! Among all the people I meet again in my life, I'm afraid that this woman is the only one who can be indifferent after knowing all the truth. You inherited her and my bloodline, both of which are the best, but you can never get rid of her shadow.

"Do you love her?" Asked again, I didn't expect as much as before. Maybe I guessed too many things a long time ago, and I looked down on everything and didn't care so much. Maybe that woman's life is just waiting for such a sentence. He has said it all his life, but no one can know whether it is sincere or not.

"I..." He stopped. At this time, he didn't know whether he loved or used it for more than ten years. Maybe there are both, just like entangled vines. It is no longer possible to tell which one is sincere and which is fake.

"Love it!" He gave me an uncertain answer. I said to myself, mother, is such a man really worth your efforts?

I am with the man sitting opposite, my former father. From the beginning, everything he has done is laying out for today. The world's great unification, not only Xiuyuan, Junyu, but also Father Hou and Xiaoyu. Among them, the dragons want the same, but there is only one seat.

In his life, he met that woman and the fifth master, who were all within his plan. The fifth master can help him predict the future, and my mother can bring him three children. The most important thing is me, a person who will affect the pattern of the world.

Once a hundred battles were for her, but now there are two parts in the world, and the three men who can affect the world have her figure in their eyes.

At this point, my father also seems to feel that there is nothing to hide! A shocking secret was slowly revealed. Behind the truth, all family affection, love and friendship are an accessory under the interest chain. It is not important, but it is indispensable. He has been running for a lifetime, but finally lost his heart. In the end, he did not even find that even he got everything, but lost her. It's equivalent to losing everything.

A hundred years ago, the gods (demons) predicted that there would be a catastrophe within a hundred years, and the chance of escaping this disaster was almost zero. Up to now, the divine clan has never had any coveted thoughts about the world, so they didn't expect that other people would be jealous and bring them disaster.

But the wizard's words cannot be believed. The patriarch summoned all the elders to discuss how to avoid disaster, and even sacrificed the two clans to resolve it with blood. This disaster is still unavoidable. Everything is like an iron ingot nailed to the board, which is unbreakable.

In desperation, the elders had to look for it in the books collected in the clan. Even if they could not avoid disaster, they would at least keep this bloodline. In any case, they could not let the gods disappear in this world.

It took them about a year to find a method, another year to arrange, and then sent the purest bloodline of the clan out of the gods. This person is Yu Qingshu. He has the purest divine bloodline, which will bring him disaster and immeasurable benefits.

After sending him out, for the rest of the time, they gathered the wizards to calculate the future. After sacrificing four or five wizards, they could not figure out why the gods would suffer. They only calculated that the world would be ruled by the gods in the future. Even if they could not figure out who was the last murderer, there was a general The direction, which made them very frightened and a little confused.

Just when the elders were panicked, a clan member suddenly found them, the oldest of their clan. Although he did not hold any position, he was quite respected because he was the oldest. When the elderly people found them, they said to them, "I am a dying person. I have met the people of the same clan in the underworld, but there will be a disaster between the people and my people I said."

The elders looked at the elders with great change of face, but there was no sadness on his wrinkled face. They couldn't help asking in a low voice, "If you dare to ask the elders, there is a way to avoid disaster."

The elder shook his head and pointed to one of them and said, "You automatically give up your bloodline, such as getting married and having children among the Han people. Although this law can't solve the disaster, it can be equivalent to the future.

After that, after discussion, a ceremony was held to make the man give up the bloodline of the gods. Although he gave up, his life expectancy is still two or three hundred years. Not long after he was sent out, the god clan was destroyed, and he finally knew who the last murderer was. The man was sent out quietly. After leaving the gods, he was no different from ordinary people and integrated into the life of hundreds of races.

The truth has been revealed, and everyone has more or less guessed that the person sent by the gods is General Fu.

After he left the gods, he lived carefully because he did not have a reliable identity. Without the bloodline of the gods, he lost the ability to fly and did not have the ability to enlarge the demon pupil for the final outbreak.

He is like a willow catkins, floating in the world at a loss until the gods are destroyed and the four countries are also in war. In order not to attract attention, he hid in the army and met a man surnamed Fu. The man was incompatible with everyone else. He was so clean and beautiful that he was a strange flower with the bloody soldiers. He replaced him as a commander, a general... step by step to the peak of glory.

Then, he met the fifth master. The fifth master broke his identity and said that he would not change the established trajectory of the future in any case. Therefore, the fifth master followed him, and everything later was calculated by the fifth master. Although he wondered why the fifth master helped him, as long as it was beneficial to him, he would not refuse.

All this happened as if they were progressing little by little on their own trajectory, but no one found that as time slipped away quietly, everything became impenetrable, as if she had come back and quietly changed the future with memories that did not belong to this era, as her name. The words are the same.

At this time, Junyu was in the State of Yue. He had replaced the third prince and continued to take office as emperor, and the latter position was suspended because of her absence.

Huangfu Xiuyuan sat on the Jinluan Hall, and two sons of the Fu family stood at his head.

The few of them coincidentally have the same confidence in the last unification of the world.

Father Hou said, "My identity, even if I get rid of the god clan, I am still a member of the clan."

"Therefore, Xiaoyu is the last gainer of the throne." I thought that my father would be waiting for me in the future, but now that I think about it, we expect the same person to become emperor.

Father said, "I'm really sorry that my father has taken advantage of you for so long. You have a trace of the blood of the divine clan. Even if it is extremely light, you also have a lifespan that ordinary people can't reach. You should be together and be his queen. This is the last thing you can do for your father.

I waved my hand, and the big stone hanging in my heart fell quietly. The man opposite me, my father in this life, no matter how he used and sacrificed me, he is still working for me.