The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 39 Sister Relative

Beauty Yu has been thinking about Xue Feizi all the way. Now that the other party still doesn't know her identity, she can take the opportunity to find out some details and think about it carefully. It's better not to let Beiqiu Yin know about this matter first. If he knows, she will definitely send someone to catch him, and the earthworm also likes to torture.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but make up her mind. Unconsciously, she had arrived at Youcheng Mansion. The little maid helped her get off the sedan chair. As soon as she stepped into the Youcheng Mansion, she saw Yu Ji, who had been waiting for. Yu Meiren couldn't help but look slightly. She tried her best to avoid it these days, but who would have met her, and she couldn't help smiling.


"I'm so old that I don't seem to have seen my sister cry."

Yu Ji's attitude was unexpected. She thought that the other party would cry like that day, and asked her to let Beiqiu He go. At this moment, in addition to being more pale and thin, the beautiful little face seemed to have only a shallow smile: "I often think that since when I didn't know at all. You, I actually want to know if my sister will have nightmares? Will you wake up in the middle of the night? Will..."


Yu Meiren couldn't help interrupting the other party's words. The sisters met were not as normal. After a few delays, she didn't know what to say.

"Beauty sister, can you tell Ji'er how the fifth prince is now?"

Yu Ji's words were implanted with a single gun and no longer circle those bends. With a slight chill in her eyes, she couldn't help sighing, softened her breath, reached out to pull the other party's hand, and said, "Didn't I say, hello, he's fine."

After Yu Meiren said this, the smile at the corners of her mouth suddenly appeared. She was about to feel relieved, but she felt that the little hand that had been held by her suddenly pulled back, and the warmth of her palm dissipated. Yu Ji's voice had lost its previous calmness, raised her little face and scattered her smile. It seemed that there was also been a little sarcasm: "You lied, beautiful sister Do you remember the night of the Empress Dowager's birthday banquet? You said that there were a basket of bad people in the world. Maybe one day, even you can't believe it. Originally, I thought it was just a joke, but Ji'er didn't expect that one day the sister who loved me the most would become the bad person in her mouth. From childhood to childhood, I knew that I was just a concubine and dared not argue with my sister. My sister has always been very kind to me. In Youcheng's mansion, Ji'er only had such a sincere person, so when I met Although he fell in love when he saw the fifth prince, he did not fight because he chose you. But now, I'm afraid this only sincerity does not exist.

"How can you say that about your sister?"

Yu Ji's words made Yu Meiren couldn't help but feel sad. For her, Beiqiu Yin was a lover who could be exchanged for the world, and Yu Ji, the sister who had been loved by her heart, was her blood-related relative, and what she said now made her heart seem to be broken by something, like Ling Chi.

"Am I wrong? Your hands are stained with blood. You poisoned the emperor, but you want to blame the fifth prince. Sister, I'm really afraid that if one day the Yu family blocks your world, will you poison us with your own hands!"

Yu Ji's words made Yu Meiren instinctively retreat two steps. The chill penetrated into her bones and penetrated her whole body. She didn't want to explain any more. Seeing the other party's movements, Yu Ji's heart skipped a beat. She couldn't bear it, but she couldn't help it. She just looked at the other party's expression suddenly cold.

Yu Meiren has laughed, which made her tremble with a sad smile.

"Don't you want to know about the fifth prince? If I say he is dead, do you believe it or not?

Yu Meiren's words broke the heartstring that Yu Ji had been holding. Her eyebrows were gently locked, which seemed to be a little unbelievable, but her voice trembled: "You lied to me. The fifth prince can't be fine. You want to revenge on me because of what I just said, don't you? Beautiful sister, isn't she?"

Yu Ji said that at this moment, she had burst into tears. The appearance of pear blossoms and rain made Yu Meiren can't help softening, but Yu Meiren is a modern person. She will not compromise like the ancients. If she is unhappy, she will say it to the other party, so that after a long time, everyone will leave a wound in her heart and condense each other for a long time. , just opened his mouth.

"Yes, I'm indeed taking revenge on you, Ji'er, compare my heart with my heart. What's the difference between your feelings now and what I just now? You can hurt your sister's heart for a Beiqiu He, so what can't I do for that earthworm? My hands are indeed stained with blood, that is, the 95 in the hall. But have you ever thought that if I don't do this, it will be nothing more than a palace change, and thousands of people will die. As an emperor, he should have beg for thousands of people. If he wants to take the lives of thousands of people to protect his throne, how can he be regarded as a good emperor, Ji'er, I'm your sister, I can In order to deceive the world, I won't lie to that earthworm and lie to you.

"So why don't you choose the fifth prince, but the ninth prince?"

Yu Ji's words made Yu Meiren couldn't help smiling: "Then why did you choose to stand with the fifth prince instead of the ninth prince? Relatively, I only have one heart. I chose him and he chose the world. Then if I help him get the world, he must be me."

"Do you know that I like the fifth prince?"

"I know, I saw it on the day of the Empress Dowager's birthday banquet. The eyes you look at him are too different from those of ordinary people.

Yu Meiren's words made Yu Ji's heart feel cold. Her fingers stirred the edge of her sleeves and gritted her teeth, but she did not show it.

"Ji'er, life is short, and if the two love last for a long time, how can they be in the morning and evening? What's more, the fifth prince doesn't like you at this moment. You may not be able to forget him in this life, but if it hadn't been for the thick time, I would not have made you too much pain in the future. I had already expected his ending, so I can't let you and him have any feelings at this time, but don't worry, I hurt him and saved him. In the cell, someone has already been changed. If you are predestined, I believe that even if he is just a cloth, even if the earth is big, you two will see each other one day.

After saying that, Yu Meiren turned around and was about to leave, but Yu Ji caught up with her. At this time, she was already happy: "Where is he now?"

Without stopping, Beauty Yu shook her head and did not look at each other: "The earth is big. I originally met him, but after all, I was just a passer-by."

After Yu Meiren's words, Yu Ji gently locked her eyebrows and stopped, but listened to the woman's voice and said slowly.

Bodhi has no tree, and the mirror is not Taiwan. There is nothing to cause dust.