The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 55 Utilization

After the wind and snow, the sky was blue and depressed. Yu Meiren followed Nangong Fu and saw that the place where the other party had walked, there was no trace of deep footsteps. After being blown by the wind, there was nothing left.

I'm afraid that Nangong Fu's martial arts are really as rumored, and have reached the point of being fascinated. No wonder he dares to risk the Taihe Hall alone, just for a beauty.

Beauty Yu, perhaps, should be said to be a Qingxiao beauty. With only a Qingxiao sword, she sneaked into Nangong Fort alone. A lotus charm and a peerless face made this man try his best to catch her.

She and Nangong Fu are really similar. Thinking of this, she couldn't help smiling, and a shallow curvature appeared on her lips.

"If you can often smile at me like this, it won't waste my time."

Nangong Fu's words turned her back to Yu Meiren and made her smile stop. She raised her head. Nangong Fu did not turn around, but her back seemed to have eyes across the veil, and her expression seemed to fall all in his eyes.

"Nangong Fu, do you also want the world?"

Yu Meiren couldn't help frowning. When she asked this question, she was a little more nervous. In fact, she had been holding this sentence in the bottom of her heart. From earlier, Nangong Fu was a thorn in Beiqiu Yin's heart. She was the first demon in the world in martial arts. If she had no ambition, how could she join hands with the fifth prince and become the obstacle to the earthworm. The stumbling block of the earthworm emperor's road, I'm afraid that the devil is not willing to be subordinate at all. If this is true, I'm afraid there will still be a bloody storm in the world.

"In this world, there is nothing I want but can't get."

Nang Fu suddenly turned around, the hair flying freely in the cold wind, nothing more eye-catching than his smile at this moment, as if a fire slowly burned in her sight, dazzling: "Since ancient times, there have been countless people who want to sit on the throne of Jinluan, nothing more than fathers and brothers turning against each other, flesh and blood The wolf's ambition, a palace battle is enough to plunge the world into a war and harm the people. Why am I not curious about what magic this emperor's throne has to make the world become demons.

Yu Meiren listened and only felt that the cold had penetrated her collar and rushed down her back.

"Everyone in the world has become a demon, but I, the devil, don't want it."

Nangong Fu's words stunned Yu Meiren, but saw that the other party's eyes gradually deepened and almost sucked her soul in. The smile on her lips was a pause. In an instant, she took a step towards her and reached out to pin the hair blown by the wind behind her ear.

"Are you satisfied with this answer?"

Beauty Yu came to her senses, turned her head awkwardly, and said coldly, "What does your matter have to do with me?"

"Since it doesn't matter, why do you need to ask?"

Beauty Yu was slightly stunned when she heard the words, and her heart tightened. She simply changed her face and said, "Aren't you going out? Why don't you leave?"

"This is about to go. If you are bored, ask someone to accompany you to the street."

"Did you allow me to go out?"

Yu Meiren didn't expect the other party to say so. After staying in the castle for so many days, she almost forgot the appearance outside. She was happy and showed it on her face.

Nangong Fu just smiled faintly and didn't say much. He turned around and walked out of the courtyard.

After Nangong Fu left, Yu Meiren sighed for a long breath and was happy. She turned around and couldn't help frowning when she saw the woman in red.

"Why are you here?"

"Madam really thought that the palace owner would be so relieved that you would go out."

Moyin's smile was charming and her voice was charming. Her seductive eyes stared at her with a smile: "The palace master said that no matter where the lady goes, Moyin must protect the safety of her."

What a Nangong Fu, Yu Meiren scolded a few words in her heart. Her eyes suddenly glanced at the hanging ornaments on the waist of the magic sound and almost made a sound. Her eyes flowed, her face was as usual, and she was calculating: "The magic sound protection method is really an unforgettable beauty at first sight as Brother Yin said."

Moyin raised her eyebrows when she heard the words, her face was like hibiscus, and her charming eyes were like silk. She smiled and said, "Madam, how can Moyin know..."

"Yin Qiubei."

Before the magic sound fell, he raised his head in surprise and looked at Yu Mei's eyes: "How do you know that I know... I know him?"

The last few words were extremely light, and the beauty smiled faintly. Nangong Fu was cruel and cold in life, and his subordinates were also some tigers, wolves and foxes. As a woman, she was cruel and vicious, but her temperament was also real. She just couldn't help but see the sachet hanging in the medicine room, which turned out to be her last time. The lost things, the women in the world, can't escape a word of love, but they can be used by her.

Thinking like this, Yu Meiren has said, "He is my brother. He grew up with me and is close. Brother Yin has said a lot of good things to me about magic sound protection."

"Well, you are a boudoir and a princess. How can he have an intersection with you? Besides, even he may not know me, and how can you know me?"

There was a little cold in the doubt in the eyes of the magic sound. Yu Mei had expected that the other party would say so and did not avoid it.

"Brother Yin doesn't know you, but I recognized you at a glance. Hongshang makes noodles for clothes, and Lingbo Fairy restores fragrant souls. If Brother Yin's poem is not about you, is there such a woman in the world?"


Moyin said as if he was a little hesitant, and his face slowly hit a trace of powder, and his fingers inadvertently rubbed the sachet around his waist.

Seeing that her goal was achieved, Yu Meiren no longer waited and turned around. The place where the cold plums had grown was already empty and covered with snow, as if she had never had such vitality.

"It's a pity that you and him are doomed."


When Moyin heard Yu Meiren's words, she couldn't resist the anxiety in her heart. She quickly walked to Yu Meiren and reached out to grab the other party's wrist: "What's wrong with him? Is he..."

"He has nothing to do yet."

The wrist was held in pain, and Yu Meiren smiled reluctantly: "I still don't tell you that it's good. Brother Yin is generous and kind, especially for women, and the magic sound protection is even different. If the girl is in danger, Brother Yin is afraid he won't."

"Speak quickly, don't talk so much nonsense."

When Yu Meiren saw that the other party had completely expressed her anxiety on her face, she did not go around.

"Because the person who will cause harm to him is Nangong Fu. Hasn't he thought of the identity of Brother Yin? Think about it carefully about the three words Yin Qiubei, what do you read upside down?"

"Yin Qiubei, Bei... Qiu Yin, Beiqiu, isn't it..."

Moyin was shocked by his own idea and let go of the other party's hand. He looked at the other party back two steps in disbelief and turned around: "It's impossible. He can't be that person."

"Since you have guessed it, there is no need to doubt it."

Beauty Yu did not come forward. After a distance, her voice was lonely: "Beauty, like Brother Yin, does not expect the magic sound protection method to do anything for the world of Beiqiu, nor does she want the magic attack protection method to be involved in danger for this. After all, the way is different and we don't conspire with each other. I and the guardian are our own masters, but the beauty is a person of Beiqiu after all. , I just want to ask if Nangong Fu has any ambition to dominate the world.

When Yu Meiren spoke, she kept paying attention to every move of the magic sound protection. Until the moment when the voice fell, she saw that the other party's shoulders trembled very clearly. When she turned around, she frowned lightly. After a moment, she sighed slowly: "I have been with the palace master since I was seven years old, listening to what the palace master has done. I have learned a little. People in the world say that I am a cruel witch, saying that the owner of the Nangong Palace is ruthless and unrighteous. In fact, we can't bear the fierceness of the palace owner. The destruction of the ten sects is just a word of people in the world, but I have seen the scene with my own eyes, which is like a nightmare, which is heinous. Except for Xue Feizi, it is difficult for others to escape God's punishment. Therefore, if the palace owner really has the ambition to dominate the world, there will be another bloody wash on that day.

The words of the magic sound shocked Yu Meiren slightly and couldn't help walking to the other side: "You mean, even you don't know what Nangong Fu wants to do?"

"No one dares to speculate on the thoughts of the palace master. If you want to know, why don't you ask Xue Feizi? I'm just a chess piece in the hands of the palace master, and he is different. He has a gentleman's agreement with the palace owner. After hosting three things for the palace, he can leave."

Xue Feizi? What is the relationship between this person and Nangong Fu? He has such a privilege. It's too late to think about it. She went to catch Moyin's arm: "Moyin, are you willing to take me to Xue Feizi? I'm worried that if Nangong Fu really has such ambition, that... Brother Yin will be in danger."


Moyin hesitated to look at her and then sneered: "If the palace owner knows, he will blame me. I don't have to put myself in such a dangerous situation for you."

"I have my own way on Nangong Fu's side. Magic sound, although I can't allow you to wear the title of a noble concubine is still okay. Brother Yin is not an ungrateful person. What's more, he treats you differently from others. I'm afraid that the noble concubine has wronged you."

Yu Meiren's words are just a stopgap. It is expected that this magic voice will be affectionate to her, otherwise she would not carry the big-headed doll sachet she showed close to her. If it is true, the other party just looked at her for a moment and nodded: "I'll take you there, but you must be faster and don't annoy the palace owner."

Hearing the other party's answer, Yu Meiren couldn't help smiling and stretched out her hand to hold the other party's hand, as if to promise: "Don't worry, when Brother Yin is out of danger, I will find a way to get you out of Nangong Fort."

Moyin felt the back of his hand warm and looked up for a moment, with a pale smile on his face.

"I'm afraid it's impossible for me to leave Nangong Fort in my life."