The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 71 Nangong Fu's Bet

When the two left for a while, the charming woman restrained her smile and her eyes were cold.

Soon, someone came out from behind the screen. The man's eyebrows were warm, dressed in white like snow, but his eyes were particularly deep.


The woman immediately leaned over and half knelt on the ground.

The man did not open his mouth, but stood there quietly, watching the direction of the two left just now.


The woman tentatively opened her mouth and couldn't help frowning: "Are you worried about her? Master, you can..."

"Bizi, the colorful hibiscus conference will be held in advance."

When the man interrupted her, Yao Bizi only felt that her eyebrows were beating and she didn't dare to speak again.

The man condensed for a moment, reached out to untie the long flute around his waist, raised his hand slightly, and the sound of the flute slowly overflowed.

As soon as Yu Meiren came out of Yuelou, she heard the sound of the flute. The sound of the flute was melodious, like a clear spring stone, faintly revealing lovesickness, which was pleasant to hear and very familiar.

The surroundings were silent, as if there was only the sound of the flute, dripping through my heart, soothing the heartbeat of that life, and suddenly burst into tears.

Full of joy mixed with bitterness, Yu Meiren turned around and pushed away the Nangong Fu behind her. She seemed to be crazy, looking for the direction of the flute and chased away.

It must be him. The man she did not hesitate to change, the man who held her and picked peach blossoms when she was a child. She only hated that she was too young to kiss his finger teenager, and she couldn't help sighing that he was too old. When she was able to marry him, he had become The emperor who can't help it.

In the end, there were too many constraints between them. When he was a teenager, he had the emperor's dream. She chose to help him realize his dream. When he really became the master of that day, she had to sweep away the stumbling block on the road of the king for him. She thought she knew him enough. She thought she was the best match in the world. The person who went to him, but until now, she still can't be his wife, or the woman who can be with him.

Is it that she expects too much from this era, or is she too arrogant?

The cutting was continuous, and the reason was still messy. Her heart became more and more unable to calm down, and her footsteps became more and more messy. When she chased closer, the sound of the flute suddenly stopped. She ran too fast and tripped over by the stone steps and fell to the ground. She contained a mouthful of white snow. Her icy mouth was numb, and then she cried bitterly.

There was nothing left, as if nothing had happened. The flute was broken and her dream woke up.

Someone stretched out her hand and stretched out to her. She didn't want to look up or pay attention to it. She just wanted to hold a grievance and have a good pain. Maybe the pain was too lonely. She was used to loneliness and had always been her pursuit alone, but when the sound of the flute appeared and passed away, she finally couldn't carry it. She lived in the special pain and loneliness and grabbed the hand that had been staying in front of her, just like grabbing a life-saving rope.

Yu Meiren raised her head. In the blur, what she saw was the pupils that men were more beautiful than women. The eyes that should have been cold and mocked were replaced by a piece of compassion. When she saw her heart, her pupils suddenly tightened and hissed, "Don't look at me like this."

"Then what should I think of you?"

Nangong Fu's words could not hear any sarcasm, and the rare gentleness made her more and more painful.

Standing up along the force, Yu Mei wiped her tears with her sleeves and stared at the other party fiercely: "How can you, an emotionless demon, understand the pain of others?"

After saying that, Yu Meiren was about to stroke her sleeves and leave, but she was strangled by the other party.

"There are only your self-righteous feelings in your eyes, only your pride, and only the people you care about. So what about me, have you seen it carefully?"

Yu Meiren was stunned by the other party's words. She wanted to break away from the strength of her hand, but she was held by the other party. She actually reached out to straighten her body and faced her. Nangong Fu's eyes could not be regarded as affectionately. Her eyes were like a torch, aggressive, and she couldn't help but want to escape.

"Beauty Yu, from now on, in front of me, I want you to abandon your pride and all your feelings that have nothing to do with me. I want to make a new bet with you that I can win the colorful hibiscus. After the colorful hibiscus conference, the bet will be your heart."

"Why do you want me to abandon all my feelings? Why do you think I will make this bet with you?"

She kept struggling, but she still couldn't break the strength of the man's palm. The strength on her wrist suddenly tightened, and then pulled her forehead almost hit the other party's chin.

"Because of you, I have no choice."

Beauty Yu's heart was shocked. She raised her head and looked into the man's deep eyes. The strong color in her eyes hit countless sparks in her heart. For a long time, she could no longer calm down.

"Okay, I'll make this bet with you, unless the baby you put out can convince me."


Without hesitation, the man has released her hand and stretched out his hand to erase the remaining tears from the corners of her eyes.

At a certain moment when the warmth slipped through my cheeks, a crack in my heart seemed to be a little soft, but the next second, it recovered as before, as if nothing had happened.

Didn't you say you were hungry? Let's eat something first."

After saying that, Nangong Fu had taken the opportunity to pull her hand. Her fingertips were warm, and the other party had continuously transported her internal forces like her body. Yu Meiren was suddenly a little afraid. This warm strength made her try her best to push away, but she tried her best not to let go.

Yu Meiren hesitated, but Nangong Fu did not give her a chance to refuse and pulled her straight out.

Passively walking on the side of the man, another warm and jade-like handsome face flashed in his mind. He looked at her with a quiet smile, with a certain strength that made her nostalgic and reluctant, and raised her lips slightly.

"Beauty, when you return, I will put on a phoenix crown for you."

My heart was bitter. Looking back, the corridor was wrapped in silver. It seemed that someone had stayed there but left silently.

turned her head and sighed faintly, allowing the man beside her to hold her hand and walk out.

After the wind and snow, two lines of not deep footprints were left on the white snow. A man in white came out from the other side of the corridor, and the long flute in his hand was half hidden in his sleeves, staring in the direction of their departure.

Maybe it was the two people just now, one cried too sadly, and the other comforted too focused to find his existence.

For a long time, the man held on to a long flute again, and the sound of the flute was silent, which seemed to be endless lovesickness.