The beauty of the city: embroidered hibiscus on the river pillow

Chapter 105 Zihua Palace

Zihua Palace

No joy, the hall is empty, leaving only the fragrance of wine and vegetables on the table. A woman in a goose yellow and pink wide-sleeved fairy dress is barefoot, waved with long sleeves, and her figure is graceful and dancing around.

The woman's expression was quiet, her posture was beautiful, and her dance steps were slow and light. She seemed to be practicing what kind of dance steps, but at the moment when the footsteps sounded, she couldn't help raising a smile on her lips, turned around and stood still.

"I thought it would take you to forgive me for a long time."

The face of a man who is so familiar that she can no longer be familiar with is a little haggard, but her smile is still the same. Yu Meiren looks at this face that she can even remember breathing, but is stung by the bright yellow.

"Do you think I will forgive you like this?"

Yu Meiren blurted out her words and saw that the skin of the other party's eyebrows was obviously tight, and her heart was slightly bitter, but she just smiled faintly: "If I say you are the emperor, I'm just a little concubine. I dance to please you, believe it?"

"You don't believe it, earthworm. I don't blame you. I can only say that you don't understand me, and I never understand you."

After Yu Meiren finished speaking, she went straight to the table, picked up the wine pot on the table and poured a glass of wine, then put her hands in front of Beiqiu Yin and said, "After drinking this cup, take it as if everything is just a passing cloud. After tonight, all the nightmares will wake up and everything will start again. At that time, we never Bonds are no longer bound by emotions.

The fingers holding the wine glass trembled slightly, and the cold ** dripped on the fingertips. The smile on the woman's face was still beautiful. Beiqiu Yin Ning's face that only smiled at him like this in his dream. His heart moved slightly and was about to reach out to take it, but when he listened to the woman's words, his heart was followed by a pain and his fingers stiff. The wine glass has slipped from the fingers of the two, and the broken sound stirred up the warmth of the life.

"What do you mean?"

Beiqiu Yin instinctively held the other party's wrist, but was burned by the other party's motionless smile: "I don't understand. Where do you want to go and what do you want to do?"

"I won't go anywhere."

struggling to break free from the other party's imprisonment, Yu Meiren shook her head: "How can you become a good emperor? Since ancient times, the emperor who is suspicious has not had a good end. They are all your wives, not your pawns. If you treat them well instead of watching them fight for profit, they and their family will be loyal to you.

"What do you want to do when you say this? Why do you want to say so much? You only wanted to..."

"People will change."

restrained the most primitive feelings in her heart, and her face was still not happy or angry. Beauty Yu stared at the other party's eyes and sighed and said, "Beiqiu Yin, you have changed the beauty of Yu. Everyone will be naive. In the past, Yu beauty was very stupid and naive. She could dream all over the world for a Beiqiu Yin, but that A dream will never wake up again. It's you who cruelly woke me up. Now Yu Meiren doesn't have the courage to follow your footsteps anymore. My only wish is that you can treat Yu Ji well. If not, let her go.

"You came here today to say this to me?"

Beiqiu Yin's heart became more and more painful. He thought that she would forgive him today. When he heard her message from Lan'er's mouth, the joy in his heart at that moment was difficult to express in words, but at this moment, when he and his once dynamic eyes full of love could no longer see the previous throbbing, his heart was open. It's desolate, and it seems that it can't be filled anymore.

"Why, why are you so stubborn? I said that it's not a dream. I woke up a long time ago. I took advantage of you. I wanted to treat you as her, but no matter how I think of you as her, I can't really think of you as her. All I like is only you. You just look the same, just like that. Already."

"Are you desperate?"

It's strange that those confessions should make her feel happy, but at this moment, she is just bitter, boundlessly bitter and painful, but she can't say it. She smiled bitterly: "No matter how much you think of me as her, it's not like an earthworm. You must be very desperate. I remember someone said that it's really similar. That woman is Your dream, you can dominate the world for dreams, and I'm just your reality, but you don't want to give up the world's dreams for reality. Although dreams will wake up, there will be endless dreams every night. It is too beautiful and unreal, so you will never get tired of it. But reality, you can abandon it and destroy it, even if you want to On the day when you will be tired of having, dreams can become reality, but reality will never become dreams.

Yu Meiren continued this wry smile. Even she couldn't be sure whether what she said was right. This life was like a dream for her. The reality of a dream had a lot of despair and how much pain. She only prayed that time could pass quickly. When she woke up, she would not fall into it again.

The face of the man in front of her is too real. She understands that this is not a dream. Perhaps Yu Yue in her previous life is a dream. Yu Yue's life is only regret, scheme and pain, while Yu Meiren's life is a despair wrapped in happiness, like a dream like a dragonfly, and finally became a mirage.

"You don't always ask for my forgiveness like a victim. After all, the person you fell in love with first is her. Using me is just a love affair for ten years, but the period of loving you is only ten years. In these ten years, I remember every word you said. It seems that you haven't really given me any promise. Think about it carefully. , there is not a word related to love. Beiqiu Yin, ten years later, I let you go.

"Ye also, let yourself go."

"No way, I won't let you do this."

Beiqiu Yin's expression at this time seems to have lost the gentle elegance of the past, and the blue veins on the side of his face are faintly prominent, which seems to be a little angry. It turns out that the emperor's road has really changed him.

"All you can't let go of is the Ronglan beauty you have never got, but have you ever thought that you really love her? Or because of her beauty, because she has never got it, she is so persistent. Beiqiu Yin, you ask yourself, is it because a woman really wants to get the world? Or do you just want to borrow the name of beauty to achieve your ambition? Can you think about my feelings when you kill your father with my hand?

After saying this passage, Yu Meiren was able to think of the other party's expression, surprise, surprise, disbelief, and even panic, staggered back two steps, and then stood still.

Isn't what she said too hurtful and ridiculous, but it did come out.

Yes, she has long peered through his ambition, but is willing to fulfill his hypocrisy. The first person she killed head-on in her life was his father. At the moment he grabbed her throat and questioned her, she was still acting with him. How ridiculous it is. This is the way she loves him, but even lies can become a lie. Actually.

She has no reservations about Beiqiu Yin. How could he not know her movements in the wine, but as long as he is happy, she doesn't care.

It seems that he still doesn't understand her, at least not as thoroughly as she sees him. She has been this smart person for too long, but he always regards her as a fool.

"You, you already know."

Beiqiu Yin's unexpected words seemed to be hit in the chest by something, and suddenly there was a feeling of darkness. He looked at her, smiling, and his face was a little stiff: "You know everything, don't you?"


Beauty Yu took a deep breath, as if something was pressing on her chest. Maybe she had to say something, "I know that in fact, you want your father to die, not only because of the world, you hate him. Although I don't know why, I still know that you won't let your brother go. Even if they will submit, you I won't really let them go."

"I hated you and complained about you, but everything is my self-righteousness, isn't it? I don't want to think much about what has happened. Since you are already an emperor, you should be an emperor at ease. It is not in vain for those who died unjustly because of you. Soon, your dream will wake up.

As soon as Yu Meiren finished speaking, Beiqiu Yin did not understand. Suddenly, there was a hurried footsteps outside the hall. Before Beiqiu Yin could speak, he was interrupted by the little eunuch who rashly broke in: "Huang... "Your Majesty."


Beiqiu Yin abrupt out a word and scared the little eunuch to kneel on the ground: "Your Majesty, let's go... It's watery."


When Beiqiu Yin spoke, her eyes always fell on Yu Meiren's face. Yu Meiren did not look at the other party, but just smiled and waited for what she had expected.

"Yes... It's the peach forest in the royal garden.

Beauty Yu could feel the burning heat that fell on her face in an instant. She did not move, and the other party did not move. The burning sensation stayed for a long time, but heard the little eunuch say again, "Also... One more thing, forbid... General Han asked to see him outside the Qianxi Palace.

Her heart bounced violently twice, and something seemed to happen vaguely, but the next moment she leaned down with a smile.

"Since the emperor has political matters to talk about, my concubine will leave first."

Yu Meiren said that she was about to leave the hall, but she was stopped by the other party.

"Wait a minute."

Her footsteps stopped. She turned around, but Beiqiu Yin's eyes had been removed and said to the little eunuch, "Go to General Xuanhan and come to Zihua Palace."


The little eunuch was still a little hesitant, and Yu Meiren was also shocked. Beiqiu Yin actually made two major taboos in one sentence. One is that the harem is not allowed to engage in politics, and the other is that men other than the emperor are not allowed to step into any imperial concubine's bedroom if they have nothing important. Today, he doesn't know what to go crazy he actually made General Han Come to the Chinese concubine's bedroom.

Although the little eunuch was nervous, he did not dare to stand still. He immediately bent down and answered, "Hit."